} In Regular Season Standings Hoke Girls No. 2, Boys Tie For Noi 3 ? Hoke High's varsity boys and girls ended their regular basketball seasons Friday with losses to the Lumberton squads. The Hoke boys were defeated 6b-b2. and the girls lost 49-48. The games were played at Luntberton. The results left the Hoke girls in second place in the Southeastern 4-A Conference standings with a 4-3 league mark and 14-6 over-all for the season. They finished behind Terrv San ford 11-1 and 21-2. The Hoke boys finished in a three- way tie tor third place in the conference standings. -5 and 10 10. with Lumberton and Scotland. which joined the trio by edging Terry Santord bJ-62-Friday. The loss put Terry Santord in a tie tor first with E.E. Smith. Scotland won the No. 3 and Hoke the No. 4 tournament seed ing decided by flipping a coin Saturday. Hoke and Scotland won the hosts' roles. Hoke entertained Lumberton. No. 5. and Scotland had Pinecrest. No. 6. for its guest Tuesday night. In Friday night's game. Lumber ton's Ed Richardson scored 18 points and jjot eight rebounds, leading the Pirates. Smith Edges Bucks; Hoke Girls Win I; HokiCounty High School's boys varsitySost but Hoke's girls won their gtmes February lb with F..E. Smith ?kthe Hoke court. Thdpisitors downed the Bucks after the Hoke girls won 57.J& Ttto loss put the Hoke boys' over- aH record at KM- and the conference mark at "M. the same as Smith's. Fleming scored 2" points tor Smith in the boys' game, the highest individual total of the contest. Greg Hollingsworth was high for Hoke with 18. In the girls' game. Sabrina Barnes of Hoke led the individual scorers with 2b. Maynor with 7 was the losers' best scorer. The summaries: BOYS Smith -- Fleming 2*". Mitchell 2"?. Brickley 4. Coston 4. Bullock 2. Hoke - Hollingsworth 18. Moore 8. F. McLean 11. Blue II. McRae 6. Smith 15 7 18 19 = 59 Hoke 10 18 12 16 = 56 GIRLS Smith -- Dilday 5. Williams 6. Malone 5. C. Williams 4. Maynor 7. Girouard 2. Brings 6. Smith Hoke 4 3 4 24 = 35 9 5 22 21 = 57 Liniment League Results February 15 ?? Kt Baptist 42. Presbyterian 3b. 1st Baptist: W.K. Morgan 22. D. Nye 12. T. Williams 2. S. Sampson 2. P. Johnson 2, and G. Langdon 2. Presbyterian: J. McPhaul 15. J.K. McNeill ft, C. Parsons 5. D. Wood 4. and J. Plummer ft. AME Zion 51. Raet'ord Metho dist 43. AME Zion: R. McLaughlin I". S. McAllister 1ft. G. McKov 8. O. Ham ft. and B. Wike 2. Raeford Methodist: J. Bryan 18. R. White 9. R. Calhoun 8. T. Houston 4. and C. Bond 4. Standings W L 1 . AME Zion 4 I 2. 1st Baptist A I 3. Raet'ord Methodist 2 3 4. Presbyterian 0 5 EDEN BOROUGH RESTAURANT EDENBOROUGH CENTER RAEFORD, N.C. OPEN UNTIL 9 P.M. THURSDAY & FRIDAY THCIRS. & FRI. NIGHTS WE SPECIALIZE USDA CHOICE RIB EYE STEAK Also on FRI. NIGHT - Fish & Shrimp SPECIAL FRIDAY LUNCH & DINNER Fresh Flounder Filet * and f Whole Baby Flounder 50 *3 SALAD BAR 12 Item Salad Bar 1.89 With Meal 89* Varsity Starts March 9 JVs To Open Hoke Baseball Season The Hoke High baseball season will open Tuesday with the Junior Varsity playing Scotland County on the Hoke diamond at 3:30 p.m. The varsity will open its slate March 9 with a game with Red Springs at Red Springs. The JVs will play Pinecrest at Hoke, and on March 9. Union Pines, at Hoke. The teams have been practicing since February 1 for the season's opening. The JV team is composed ol freshmen and sophomores and will play a 20-ganie schedule. Juniors and seniors make up the varsity squad and also have a 20-game schedule, in addition to three games April 14. 15 and lb in the Lumberton Easter Tournu ment. Admission to Hoke home games is tree of charge. The varsity schedule after March 9 not including the Lumberton tournament: March 12 -- St. Pauls at home: 1.1 Fairmont at home; lb ?? Red Springs at home: 19 ?? Pembroke at Pembroke; 23 ?? Reid Ross at home: 2 1> -- Pinecrest at Pinecrest: 2" -- Fairmont at Fairmont; 30 ?* Pembroke at home. April h -? Lumberton at home: and 9 ?- Terry San lord at Raeford: 20 ?? Scotland Count) at Laurin burg: 23 -? Reid Ross at Reid Ross; 2" -- Pinecrest at home: 30 -- St. Pauls at St. Pauls. MOORE & SONS. INC INVITES YOU TO SEE THE Wranqler /M\ _ ?/ jeans MACHINE Come take a close look at a race-ready replica of the car driven by NASCAR champion driver Dale Earnhardt. FOR ONE DAY ONLY THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 25 IN OUR PARKING LOT EDENBOROUGH CENTER RAEFORD, N.C. Free "Wrangler Jeans Machine " " Decals While They Last May 4 ?? E.E. Smith at Raeford; I I -- Terry Sant'ord at Terry Sunt'ord; and 14 -- Scotland County at home. The JV schedule after March 9: March 12 -- at Prospect; 18 ?* at Union Pines: 19 -- Prospect at home; 23 -- at Lee County; 26 ? Richmond County at home; 31 ? Lumberton at home. April 2 -- Pinecrcst at home; 5 ?? at St. Pauls; 8 -- Bowman at home; 20-- Scotland at home; 23 ?? Lee at home: 27 -- at Richmond; 30 -? at Lumberton. May 3 -- at Pinecrcst; 7 St. Pauls at home: 1 1 ?? at Bowman; and 14 -? at Scotland. Ladies' Volleyball League Hoke County Parks and Recrea tion Commission Ladies' Volleyball league opened action with the Potted Plants edging past the Young & Restless 9-15, 15-6, and 15-13. Debbie Halstead and Sharon Blue picked up 22 points for the Potted Plants. Caroline Headen and Shirley Rush sparked the spunky Young and Restless team. Also at 7:15. another three game battle matched Nixon's Misfits and Michael's 13-15. 15-7 and 15-7. Jeanette Townsend set the pace for Michael's while Nixon's Misfits were guided by Diane Stec. Competition continued as the Debatables downed the Hide Aways 15-5 and 15-7. Susan Hou ston accumulated 12 serving points for the Debatables. The Hide Aways were led by Barbara Lippard and Cynthia Johnson. The final match went to the Aggressors as they defeated the Young A Restless 15-4 and 15-0. Mary Adams served 1 7 points to set the Aggressors. Ralene McCall put forth an excellent effort for the Young & Restless. Standings W L The Aggressors 4 0 Debatables 2 1 Michael's 2 1 The Hide- Aw ays 2 I Potted Plants I 2 Nixon's Misfits I 3 Young & Restless 0 4 Schedule for March 1 7:15 Nixon's Misfits vs Debat ables. 7:15 Potted Plants vs Michael's 8:00 Potted Plants vs The Hide Aways 8:00 Michael's vs Young & Restless 8:45 The 'Aggressors vs The Hide- Aways Hunt Wins Columbia Race Paul Hunt. Hoke High cn?ss country and track runner, won lirst place over-all in the second annual Boys Club/ Optimist Roud Race held Saturday in Columbia. S.C. The event was sponsored by the Optimist Clubs of Columbia for the Ivnctil of the Boys' Clubs of Greater Columbia. Hunt also placed first in the lf>-19 age division with a time of 15:48 for the 5 km in (3.1 mile) race. There were 236 registered runners for the event. Hunt and other members of the IEA Road Runners will compete Jfyvw pnzc; i.cunte contest' :ycka with *> WRjtfefcbon i*i f?uty with 'Name The Team' Contest In Final Week The "Name the Team" contest being sponsored by the Hoke County SemiPro Baseball Association is in its last week of accepting entries suggesting a name for the team. Boxes and cans have been placed in several stores in town and out in the county to receive entries. Entries also may be mailed to P.O. Box 550. Raeford. They must be mailed or otherwise filed before Monday. The winner will be awarded a S25 U.S. Savings Bond and a season pass to all home games. The selection will be made by the members of the association's board. The entry form follows: The Hoke County Yo*r name ?' . -*? I,* , sl-i - . ' '? -aft-TV '