<2/f WORLD'S FAIR KNOXVILLE, TENN. Aufe. 25th - 28th 2 Full Days At The Fair Visit Folk Art Center On Parkway and Tour felltmore Estate SEE NEW YORK IN 1 DAY SEPT. 11 Slflhtaeeing (Uptown and Downtown Tour* and Statue of Liberty): Shopping or a Play. Downtown Tour ? Chinatown. Bowery. Empire Stata Building. Tim* Square. Rockefeller Center. World'i Trade Center. United Na tion*. Hudson River and More. Bestride to Statue of Liberty. Uptown Tour: Lincoln Center. Cen tral Perk. Radio City. Columbia Univ., Cathedral of St. John the Olvine. Grant's Tomb. Hayden Ptenitarium. Riverside Church and Mer*. CONTACT: Marie Lancaster P.O. Box 377 Parkton, NC 28371 Ph. 919-858-3420