LOW SODIUM RECIPES FOR THE BALANCED MEAL i 1 ? RED WINE VINEGAR DRESSING ? % cup red win* vinegar '/? cup watar V* teaspoon garlic powder V? teaspoon black pepper V* teaspoon dry mustard 2 tablespoons fresh lemon juice V* teaspoon sugar Vi cup vegetable oil Combine all Ingredients and place Into jar or bottla with tight lltting lid. Shake vigorously until well blended. Stora covered in refrigerator. This can be used over favorite tossed salad or as a marinade for vegetablea, maat or poultry. is required to be raadily available tor the advertised price in each AAP Store, except as specifically noted in thit ad PRICES EFFECTIVE THRU SAT.. AUG. 7 AT A&P IN RAEFORD. N.C. ITEMS OFFERED FOR SALE NOT AVAILABLE TO OTHER RETAIL DEALERS OR WHOLESALERS MARKET STYLE Sliced Bacon U.S.D.A. INSPECTED FRESH FRYER Box-0 Chicken A&P RECIPES n FOR THE ) NATURAL GOODNESS OF LOW SODIUM FOOD! (FOURTH IN A SERIES) o Beef Specials A&P QUALITY HEAVY WESTERN GRAIN FED BEEF ?WHOLE Boneless Bottom & Eye Round Cut Free Into Boneless Bottom Round Roast and Steaks. Eye Round Roast and Steaks and Ground Round lb. 18 Lb To 24 Lb Avg Wt MP QUALITY HEAVY WESTERN GRAIN FED BEEF Bottom Round Roast B?TM 24 EXTRA LEAN SPECIAL TRIM COUNTRY FARM Country Ham Butt Portion For Seasoning lb. Dairy Specials IN QUARTERS Ann Page Margarine 3 I00 ALL FLAVORS Yogurt ? z KRAFT AMERICAN Cheese Slices Biscuits T*w 2 'Lv. AAP ORANGE, GRAPE, LEMON. PUNCH Fruit Drinks e Weekly Specials HEAVY DUTY Trend Detergent| 990 A&P EXTRA ABSORBENT Ken-L Ration Stew 4 HEX Meat Specials A&P QUALITY Franks A&P QUALITY HEAVY WESTERN GRAIN FED BEEF A&P QUALITY HEAVY WESTERN GRAIN T-Bone Steak<-"K5r> ? 2" Cubed Steak U.S.D.A. INSPECTED FRESH COUNTRY TREAT TUrkey Wings of Necks AO* Pnrlt Saiisanc ? Mild l-lb. tijflMfll FED BEEF Great Dogs A&P QUALITY HEAVY WESTERN GRAIN FED BEEF Chuck Steak b Bakery Specials P&Q BRAND White Bread MSch 2 OQ0 CANADIAN BACON ? PEPPERONI ? COMBINATION, SAUSAGE?HAMBURGER 99? lb. pkg. A&P CONCENTRATED 12 oz. can SAL. STEAK ? TURKEY ? MEAT LOAF ? BEEF PATT1E Family Meals Orange Juice ? SAL. STEAK ? 1 Morton 959 79* 'ATTIE 2;. 149 iPD Weekly Specials^! Pepsi Cola 2 Liter Plastic $1 PLAIN OR SELF RISING DEL MONTE LITE FRUIT COCKTAIL, MIXED FRUIT SUV 2?OFT 2 FREE BY MAIL?SEE STORE FOP DETAILS Martha white Flour s?, 89* Lite Peaches?.''/, is- 69* Crest Toothpaste 'As- 139 SENECA Lemon Juice JFG DIXIE WHITE ADULT CHUNK UGHT ? IN WATER ? IN OIL 32 oz. btl. 99* StarKist Ikina 40- OPF LABEL-YOU PAY ONLY 8% oz. can 79* Signal Mouthwash "r 179 Mayonnaise & 79* Paper Plates s??h 100 pkg. 99* Popsodent Toothbrushes *Kh 59* SUPER SAVER COUPON PURE VEGETABLE Crisco Shortening m p SUPER SAVER COUPON SUPER SAVER COUPON A SUPERB BLEND RICH IN BRAZILIANS COFFEES REGULAR ? Eight O'Clock Bean Coffee Custom Ground 658 lib bag 189 I L,**rT WITH COUPON AND 7.00 OROER | | /irm UMIT ONE WITH COUPON AND 7.60 ORDER L mm !"???? ? m ?j La jJOOD^TIHRI^ AT UO AT A&MNJAEFORD, ?rCMt OFFERtD FOR SALE NOT AVAILABLE TO OTHER RETAIL DEALERS OR WHOLESALERS. I I !! I I JLCJ L WHITE. BLUE. YELLOW Cottonelle Tissue LIMIT ONE WITH COUPON AND 7.80 OROER GOOD THRU SAT., AUG. 7 A' *tP IN RAEFORD. N.C. | Ecton borough Shopping Center - Raaford, N.C. Devotional Reading! Acts 13:44 52. i Somehow it doesn't seem quite fair. In my opinion, Barnabas is^ bne of the most admirable persons? in the New Testament, yet few Christians even remember him. If Barnabas were to come back today, we might expect that he would experience not a little hurt that his contribution should have been so largely overlooked and forgotten. Yet. although we might expect such a reaction -? a very human one, to be sure - I think I'm quite M safe in judging that Barnabas would not react in that manner. In fact, that's one of the things that makes him so admirable. He was secure enough in his faith to be magnanimous to others. For Barnabas, discipleship was not an ego trip. Our first glimpse of this man comes in Acts 4. where the writer is telling us of the early church's policy of sharing their material ^ goods to alleviate the needs of the whole group. Selling their valued possession, they distributed the proceeds from their sales to the more needs members of the group. Joseph Barnabas, originally of Cyprus and a Greek-speaking, Greek-cultured convert to Christ, is mentioned by the writer of Acts for hisexamplary generosity in sharing with the church in the proceeds of 4 the sale of his real estate. Our next view of Barnabas comes in Acts 9. Although the church in Jerusalem is frightened of having anything to do with Paul who was claiming to have been converted to Christ. Barnabas recognizes Paul's great potential and brings him together with the disciples in Jerusalem. Because Barnabas be lieved in him while all others distrusted him. Barnabas found for V the church the great apostle it needed. Ironically, up until the arrival of Paul. Barnabas was the most prominent Greek-speaking Christian in the Jerusalem church. Soon, however, this was a place that Paul would quickly take over. Instead of being bitter against Paul for taking over the place he had occupied. Barnabas developed ^ a close friendship with Paul and left ? his established life and trade to embark with him on the first missionary journey. Barnabas proved an invaluable traveling companion and co-worker with ?Pan I ? Nevertheless, in Acts 15 Paul and Barnabas come to a parting of the ways. In preparing for their next missionary journey. Barnabas wants to take with them his young m cousin. John Mark. But Paul strongly disagrees, remembering that John Mark had deserted them on a previous trip. So a dis agreement broke out between these two men: Paul, who wanted noth ing to do with John Mark, and Barnabas, who still believed in his cousin. Unable to agree over this matter. Paul and Barnabas went their separate ways: Barnabas and 4 John Mark to Cyprus and Paul to Asia Minor. And that's the last we hear about this self-effacing man. Yet. al though his name hardly lives on. his unselfish work does -- and that's what Christian discipleship is really all about! 48 Youth ( Going To 4-H Camp Forty-eight young people and five adults will leave Sunday about 1 p.m. from the T.B. Lester Building on South Magnolia Street, ? Raeford, for a week at Camp Millstone, a 4-H camp near Eller be. The adults are Alice Lancaster, Hoke County Agricultural Exten sion Service 4-H agent; and 4-H leaders Lester Simpson, Jim Cook, Alan MacDonald, and Juanita Holland. They will return home August ,3" * Youth Cooking Class Next Week If you are interested in learning more about cooking, then 4-H has the class for you. There will be a foods class open to 9-13 year olds August 10, II and^ 12, from 10 a.m. to noon at the^ Lester Building (4-H Extension office on South Magnolia Street). There is a registration fee of SI .50 to cover materials used in the class. If you would like to participate, you may register by calling 875 2162 between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. The class is limited to 12 people, to call today.