These toys were made by the Inmates at Scotland Correction Unit at Wagram for Girt Scour Troops f 201 and 9632 to give for Christmas presents for their project in helping a family in Hoke County for Christmas. Hollings worth Makes Pres. List Allen F. Hollingsworth made the Presidents List for the fall quarter. He is attending Fayetteville Technical Institute and is majoring in Electronic Engineering. Allen is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Hollingsworth of East Donaldson Avenue. Sanday School Utson Background Scripture: Luke 7:36-50. Devotioaal Reading: Luke 5:17-26. Earlier this week I made a long distance call to a friend with whom I had not talked in approximately two years. The last time 1 had spoken with him he had just gone through a very traumatic ex perience. After years of partner ship with another man - whom 1 also knew - my friend returned to the office one day to find his desk cleaned out and himself persona non grata. In a very underhanded way, his associate had taken over the business, excluded my friend, and refused to pay amounts of money owed to him. I had not found his story hard to believe, because his associate had also cheated me out of some money, although of a much lesser amount. The experience for my friend had been personally very painful and professionally quite damag ing. Thus, when 1 spoke to him earlier this week, it was with some hesitation that 1 asked him whether he had ever heard anything further from his former partner and friend. "Well," he replied even more hesitantly, "yes. ..he's work ing for our firm now. His company - our company, actually - went bankrupt and he was out of a job." "You mean," I asked in credulously, "that you hired him after all that he did to you?" My friend chuckled almost with em barrassment and said, "Well, you know - life's too short for me to hold a grudge against him." And then, shyly, he added, "I'm trying to be a good Christian." 1 was frankly amazed. By rights, my friend had good reason to hold a grudge for the rest of his life. The things his associate had done to him were unconscionable. But my friend had realized that what life is all about is not the grudge or bit terness that *e hold "by rights," but the grace of forgiveness and redemption taught and personified by our Lord Jesus Christ. Most of us have good justifica tion - at least, as the world sees it - for bitterness and anger towards some who have injured us in some way. Most of the people I counsel have understandable reasons for resentment towards some signifi cant person in their lives. Often, my job as counselor is to hdp them realize that, no matter how reasonable and understandable those bitter feelings may be, they can only continue to poison and cripple their own lives so long as they hold on to them. In Luke's story of Jesus in the house of Simon the Pharisee, it is obvious that Simon had good reasons for his reaction to the sin ful woman who came to annoint the feet of the Master. She was a proven sinner - of that there could be no doubt. It was entirely logical for good Ood-fearing people to avoid all contact with this "tort" of woman. Yet, the logic of Simon's thinking hid from him an even greater truth: he was no less in need of forgiveness than she. "By rights," Jesus should have re jected him, too. But Jesus operated, not "by rights," but by the forgiving, redeeming love ot God. Girl Scouts with part of their presents for their Christmas Project. They were able to deliver their gifts on Thursday morning to the family. Girl Scoot News Girl Scout Troop #201 and #321 completed their Christmas Project on Thursday. They had chosen to help a family here in Hoke County have a better and happier Christmas than they would have had due to their unfortunate cir cumstances. The girls were able to collect clothes, food and toys to help a family of Nine (9). This has been a continuing pro ject for the past month. The girls not only furnished or collected the needed articles, but spent their troop meetings in a large part in preparing and wrapping the presents. Thanks to the splendid cooperation of the School Person nel, the girls were able to take the gifts themselves to the family and wish them a "Merry Christ mat" in person. A project such as this is a great part of Oirl Scouting. The girU I have a learning experience: learn ing to help others, giving of their time to others, and ending with a feeling of a job well done. The troops wish to thank all who helped make the project a big suc cess. The Troop Leaders are: Betsy Collins, Linda Richards, Betty Nixon and Billie Post el. GIRL SCOUTS w/srmr/ CHRISTMAS ORNAMENTS ASSORTED ?Goriands ?Ornaments ?Light Sets ?Wrapping Paper PRICE ATARI VIDEO COMPUTE* SYSTEM Reg. ?159" 119" SAVE *40 NOW ALSO 20% OFF ALL VIDEO CARTRIDGES ALL BICYCLES 30% O OFF MODEL CARS Va OFF ALL RECORDS AND TAPES Excluding K-To/ 40% ? LONG LIFE LIGHT BULBS (4 to pkg) 60, 75. 100 Watt $]27 ALL CRAIG STEREO AM/FM CASSETTE BOOM BOX 20% ? ALL STUFFED ANIMALS 20% OFF ASSORTMENT LADIES' ROBES & GOWNS ALL BLANKETS 20% Character Blankets Included * ASSORTMENT L ! EARRINGS > X A Reg. *3" / /, V2 NOW X 4k PRICE HEATMATE KEROSENE HEATERS 10.000 BTU Reg. *159** SAVE *30 NOW 129'* WINTER STORE HOURS Mon.-Thur. ?-7 Frl. Sat. 9-9 Sun. 1-6