3 "!6er$ * WredbeeCncw Tie Hoke Apri CXXX> &IXJD JZXXk This trwa>-pmar aM nude wnmmmmmrrmmmtsmgmt home. Am xrording to Dag Ward&r Hates, rite dog ? karirhv and! w goad kmd dug. Amutne wanting mane mfiormaaon an this, dbg: should contact Mr.. BktiSs att the .ffjaatiii Department. HfOME NEEDED: This main dog is about tmia vears old and: is mused; *uivtt German Shepherd. .^ccvrdirtg to Hales, the dog would rnuke w niae pet as wed as a good; watch <*r Editor's Nat te: Two dogs > the Samowd and the faish Setter, seen rv fhg lest Pwo weeks papers werv adapted tn> area residents. SmfordSpetb To Eagle Scoots Twenry nine Eagle Scouts w ?nc honored as a pwt of che W MfcdM nutrrmonalK complete are $?ood tfer your feline friends. ffca* meat should never he fed as ilt im$ contain potentially harmful jacasnes. If meat is fed. ? should the Mhoroughh cooked. UncidentalH t, it also is unwise to tfoed iioc >food to cats as it is defi CKm: tin an amino acid (taurine) nttaat cars need for health v eyes- An janinffi acid deficiency (thiamine) jfcu) can result if an all Fish diet is Hod., and this can lead to neurokMpc tpR8ititeny> IDear [Doctor: My cat has had an toner ear imfection. It resfuired six ^wsdfc* Tmeaument for the infection to Ho*tever. she is still thawiiijijg prffxtikem s with her ?4fiiii(hniiim Will she ever be right ^BIH" ?Aat9?Ker: It sounds as though jwur cat'H, inner ear infection has me*?jr theen controlled. A visit to wuir watermanan for X-Rays is in ifflndsr. X-.TJcys can shew the extent I ? : ? Not Good For Kilty Yam Ami Yomr Pet of mohovM and ike best ap proach to raaNirA food I swfkalK-. If aot maul it t$ aatikeK sitae *1 ani she wifl worsen. The mner ewi^bAMai^ralfiKttera eo her bnta md owe Dew Dtxtw: k it true that vw dK get ptBfe- to pvt HMr pel to stop Hck? Ajkswct There is* drag that can be p*tn onit> called hot? itat is an otganoptKKgAate. Pwab? kills, the flea after the Sea cakes its Mood meal lion towr wdtoted pet. Infottuatth. the flea does not die until after M has tnfbcted iCs damage. Your vetermjunsua has specific ratnmieadacnns to help you coo trot fleas. Both the adult fleas and the immature be re quired. Common caatrol measures include, supervised baths or dips with a medicated solutKn. treat ment of both >o?r pet's k?io| Faff; or idksmaw at iW < bag *tftnr swwyn. ?kiwii>. *? mA onwl h? dbe owsadt. (? s at Fart Kjmkv Ddrngf rite eraemmg. i ? reccwcst BtscruKtnMi uac Anil oeremNaaes,, meapoas.. aap rrmftag,. tactnefc. Miimx oowraesy, miliar? jmshw.. fins aad. jbJ At in bcs&or? ni OffadtoMR He b ? WC fcadkate of Hcie Couno High SdfekXji, RanfcrdL HOT WATER IS COSTLY, In many (fconaesv Elbe ?acrr beaaer r?b second on?* m? the bcrciag sysDem as- as ersar$x coosaaner. h P*> s oo keep Elbe warner bener operatmg effioeeet*, aad not id *as?e bot ?ato. Skvoty \ SPRING FABRICS < Vtaamm twin mr assortment of IB ? c* ? riMmcc stttj p&uis 000 ott bgftt md jraumtt ki assorted btmnda of 57% po^y jumun or m> coHuw first qwi Ai m 7 V> *?m imngttts r?iitoii?aatenw^ V-. . THURS-FRI-SAT Mon. - Sat. 3:30 9 Sun. 1 - ? SAVE 50' ON developing PRESTONEn BUY ONE/GET ONE FREE! CMHeun BY MAH. ON ONE JUG WHBI V?J BUY TWO BETWEa MARCH 1 & APRIL 4 p^g 2 jugs ?g 96 Cash Refund from Prestone M.48 YOUR RHAL COST $4.4S r"?TO?E II C?* Mm KM * taM ^ *OST TflUSTEO AUTI FREEZE M IMCfiC t I JJJ1 1 **v *U?* Jt- f A in* w<^ :4-?atO|j Ima* ;*??? *o ISSJ? ^ JStf ";'M: ucv ,??^Cf^v V i /tape K A ; W; ; S i