i Weeks To Come fy Mwic loaM AwcWoi ? lltllgl w<B be first Monday night ofmqraiMh at Hoke H^l School bud x?m at 7 pa. Parents aad friends of the musk association arc urged to mtt?A AIRPORT AUTHORITY -The Hoke/Raefbrd Airport Authority wiH hold its regular ?nrlag at the Raeford Chy Hall an the aeeantf Thursday of each month at 7:49 1?. AMERICAN LEGION Hmmkm Legion Poet 30 of Hoke County ""ft saeend Tuaaday of each month at the Edinborough at ( p.m. Thoae interested in join ing are invited. COUNTY COMMISSION -Members of the Hoke County Commission meet the first Miaday of each month at 9 a.m. and the KM Monday at 7:30 p.m. Pratt Building located at 227 N. Main St. in Raeford. The public is invited. CITY COUNCIL - The Raeford Qty Council meets the that Monday of each month at 7 p.m. in City Hail. The public is encouraged to attend. SCHOOL BOARD - The Hoke County Board of Educa tion meets the flnt Tuesday of each month at 7:30 p.m. at the board offices on Wooley Street. The public is encourag ed to attend. AL ANON ? Meetings are held every Wednesday at 8 p.m. at the Library Conference Room. JAYGEES - Raeford Jaycees meet the 2nd and 4th Monday of each month over Howell's Drug Company on Main Street. Anyooe interested is in vited to attend. Ian. 17 YAM COMMISSION - The 23rd Annual Meeting of the N.C. Yam Commission, Inc. will be held Jan. 17 at the Wayne County Agricultural Center in Goktsboro. Free Lunch, no registration fee. Mm March M m State will present the sky show "Coemic Dimensions." This planetarium program brings in to focus the size of the Universe by discussing the relative distance from Earth to the Moon and other planets, then the star, galaxies, and the in tense, rapidly receding quasars. "Cosmic Dimensions" will be presented on Sundays at 3 p.m. through March It. Admission b $2 for adults and SI for children and students with pro per identification. For more in formation call 486-1611 or 486-1630 between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m., Monday through Friday. .SBOW.^-tte FayWanflb, t : University Planetarium Jaa. 21, 28, Feb. 4 INTERVENTION WORK SHOP - As a public lervice, The Life Center of Fayetteville will present a new series of workshops for family members and others whose lives are af fected by the alcoholic/drug addict. This new series of workshops will be held at The Life Center of Fayettevilk, 3425 Melrose Road, Ft yet teviDe, NC 28304, on Jm. 21, Jsi. 28 ami Feb. 4 from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. each night. To register, or for further infor mation, contact The Life Center, 485-7188. J ma. 17, IS, 19 DANCERS AND MUD WRE8TLEKS ? Fort Brett's Soldier Entertainment Center has scheduled a variety of events for January and the public is invited! On Thursday January 17, a Disco Dance will be held from 8-11 p.m. Admis lion will be J 1 . On Friday, Jaa 18 THE PLAYMATES, female dance group, will per form from 8-10 p.m. Admis sion will be $2. And on Satur day, laa. 19, THE AMAZONS, a female mud wrertling troupe, will perform from 8-10 p.m. Admission will be S2. The Soldier Entertain ment Center is located on Butner Rd., btsiia Collins aad Oorham Streets, in the Oid Division Am. For more infor mation, call the canter at 39*4919. Jaa. 21, 28 TUTORS NEEDED - A i Tator Workshop has 1. 21. 28, fc)0 pja.-9;30 p.m. in Rm Limey Office am Ehvood .Uym dram AMADEUS which will 09m Mm. IS with a Cham for three weekends Am Bab. J. Written by hw Shaffer (EQUUS. KRAMER vs. KRAMER. E.T.), AMADEUS U the longest running drama in recent Broadway history. I ra ding the cast far this pro duction will be Mayoa Weeks of Fayetteville as the coapoeer Antonio Saheri and BUI Allen of Chapd Hill as his rival. Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart. Katie Johnston of Chapd Hill will appear as Consume. Mocart's wife. For reserva tions. please call the Little Theatre Box Office at 323-4233 between 4 and 9 p.m. after January 9. Ml (active-duty and retired), their family member* and dvfliaa employees who bold the Morale Support Activities Division Card. Admission will be S2 for all others. CM? d skating Rink U located on Reil ly Road next to Lee Physical Fitness Center. For more Infor mation on the same, call the rink at 396-3127. COLLEGE AID WORKSHOP - Parents and students who are seeking financial aid for college are encouraged to attend a workshop bang held in the Hoke High School Library on lan. 17 at 7 p.m. { V l CAROWINDS AUDITIONS - Representatives from Caro winds theme park in Charlotte will soon begin looking for singers, dancers, musicians, specialty acts and technicians for its IMS live shows program. A five-city talent search, scheduled for the week of Jan. 27-Feb. 3, will include auditions at Carowinds (Jan. 27), University of South Carolina in Columbia (Jan. 29), East Carolina University in Greenville, N.C. (Jan. 30), University of North Carolina in Greensboro (Feb. I), and North Carolina School of the Arts in Winston-Salem (Feb. 2); interviews for technicians at North Carolina School of the Arts (Feb. 2) and Carowinds (Feb. 3). F?k. 1, 2. 3 TENNIS TOURNEY - Clover field Tennis and Swim Club, 1719 Middle Road. Fayet teville, North Carolina, will iponsor the IMS QomfkM New Ycar'a Clmrir. This adult tournament, in its third year, is sanctioned by the United States Tennis Association, the Southern Tennis Association, and the North Carolina Tennis Association. The tournament is set for Fefe. 1, 2, aad 3 with a rain date set for Feb. 8, 9 and 10. Events include Mens and womens Singles and Doubles and Mixed Doubles. Entry fee is S10 for singles, and S12 per . doubles team. Eatry * TVJday, January 25 at 6 p.m. We will not be able to accept telephone entries. Entry blanks are available at area tennis clubs or may be sent direct upon request. For more infor mation about the Third Annual CI over field New Year's Classic Tennis tournament call (919) 323-4446. March 14-14 INDIAN CONFERENCE ?Indians from across the state will gather it the Bordeaux Motor Inn in Fayetteville March 14-16, 198S. for the Tenth Annual North Carolina Indian Unity Conference. The conference sponsor, United Tribes of North Carolina (UTNC), is currently finalizing plans for the annual conference which will have as its theme, "Memories of Our Past, Vi sions of Our Future." The con ference pre-registration fee will be S30 per person. The registra tion fee at the conference will be $33. Separate tickets for the banquet only will be available for SIS. Persons wishing more information about the con ference should contact one of the member organizations of UTNC, which includes seven North Carolina Indian com munity organizations and the N.C. Commission of Indian Affairs. Tib vJaa. 19 BEETHOVEN - The Fayet teville Symphony Orchestra will present "An Evening With Beethoven" on Saturday even ing, Jaa. 19, at 8 p.m., in Reeves Auditorium on the Methodist College campus, Fayetteville. The performance will be conducted by Harlan Duenow, musical director of the Fayetteville Symphony Or chestra, and win be the third concert of the 19<4-ft3 season. Tickets will be available at the door at S3 for general admis sion and S3 for students, senior citizens, and military (E-l through E-3), and the public is invited to an end. For tickets or further iaforaatlon call 864-3907 or 323-0t92. KB HOCKEY - The Fort I Itapaa tat Hockey wm compau agaioM the 19. ami ike is invited. ItopMttw* at Fort Brag^s CMand 1 be SI tor " * ? " ? ' y ' ?????? POSTAL EXAM WORK SHOP - Learn how to earn top scores on the U.S. Postal Ser vice Clerk Carner and Mail Handler Exams. Sponsored by the Achievement Center, the workshop will be held at the Ramada Inn in Fayetteville on Wednesday, Jaa. 23 from 1-5 p.m. and 6-10 p.m. The cost of S3S includes attendance, text, practice examinations and home-study materials. For registration call toll free 1-800-222-4161. CRAFT SEMINAR - Hoke County craftsmen will have an opportunity to learn some marketing skills at a Craft Marketing Seminar to be held on Thursday, Jaa. 24, from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. in Elizabethtown. The seminar is open to craftsmen, shop owners, or anyone interested in marketing crafts. Dr. Robert Dahle, Extension Specialist in Business Management and Cooperatives with the North Carolina Agricultural Exten sion Service, will discuss how to price crafts. Other speakers will cover such topics as where to sell, recognizing quality, and bow to display, package, and label crafts. The crafts market is very competitive today and craftsmen must not only pro duce quality items but use the very best marketing techniques to realize a profit. The crafts marketing seminar, sponsored by the North Carolina Agricultural Extension Service will be held in the Bladen County Agricultural Center. Complete information and registration forms are available from the Hoke County Exten sion Office on South Magnolia Street. Deadline for registra tion is January 18. For more in formation, contact Alice Pettitt at 875-2162. ABUSE WORKSHOP - The Hoke County Girl Scouts will sponsor a child abuse workshop for all girls from 5th grade through 12th grade on Jaa. M. The workshop will be held at the National Guard Ar mory hftfaining at 10 a.m. Parents are urged to attend the workshop with their daughters. Non Scouts are welcomed to at tend also. There will be no charge for the workshop. For further information call 873-5237 after 6 p.m. come oat and enjoy the ahow. ^ifcaiarioa for b? SI. The Soldier mmt Center to located on **Mr Road, between Coital aadOnrh? Streets, to the Old Division Am. For aon infor mation. cal the ctater at 396-9919. DICKENS SEMINAR ? Hoke County Agricultural Extension Service wffl be offering a free Hnmamtin Seminar on the topic "Charles Dickens and America" which will begin on Jaa. 24. The eight -hoar KMiMf wil meet at the Lester Bui Ming on Sooth ftoganHa Street from 7-9 p.m. on Jan. 28. Feb. 23. March 23 and April 29. The seminar will be led by Dr. Elliot Ei*ei. Pro fessor of Fngthh at North CaroBna State University and Director of Humanities Exten sion Program. Dr. Fngri will give seminar participants a detailed - account of Dickens' life and writing career and then explore Dicken's visits to America which led to the writing of one of his greatest, yet now neglected novel. Mar tin CMuzzJewit. Seminar par ticipants will be reading and discussing the novel which Pro fessor Engel will distribute at the first meeting and collect when the seminar concludes. Anyone desiring to participate in the seminar should call the Agricultural Extension Service by January. 23 at 873-2162. Please help us spread the word on this seminar. MATH AND SCIENCE - The N.C. School of Science and Mathematics has opened its formal 1984-83 nomination process by mailing information books and application forms to high schools throughout the state. The school is looking for about 200 students to make up next fall's llth grade. Applica tions must be postmarked by Jan. 31. Applicants must take the Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT) no later than the Jan. 26 testing date. MICROWAVE WORKSHOP ? A microwave workshop will be held Monday, Feb. 4 at 7 p.m. at the Lester Building on South Magnolia Street. The workshop is sponsored by the Agricultural Extension Service and is free. The microwave workshop is for people who have a microwave, but do not use it to its full potential, peo ple who have questions on microwaves, people who just got a microwave or people who are interested in getting a microwave. Dr. Nadine Tope, Extension Foods Specialist from NCSU, will be conduct ing the workshop if twenty peo ple preregister. Interested per sons are aaked to preregister by calling 873-2162. la Jaa. JELLY SALES - Raeford Jaycees are once again prepar ing for their annual Jaycee id ly Sales to raise money for the North Carolina Jaycee Bum Center located in Chapel Hill. Lasting throughout the month of January, this year's cam paign will be the Uth year of the Jelly Sales. Jaycee chapters all across the state will be idl ing the jars of jdly for SI each. COMMUNITY CHORUS -Efforts are being made to organize a Hoke County Com munity Chorus. Once assembl ed the adult group would per form at community events, at churches and for civic clubs. Interested adults should call John Plummer at *75-2677. Jaa. lt-Feb. 3 COOKIE TIME - Otrl Scouts will be taking orders throughout our 20 counties beginning Jaa. 11 through Fab. 3. Cookie delivery will be Feb. 24- March 1. Girls will abo sdl cookies directly from Feb. 24 through March 24. Cookies will be baked by Little Brownie Bakers, Louisville, Kcatacky. There ai? seven varieties - aB arc preservative free aad kosher. Cookies in PfaMS of Caroftaa Council sdl for S2 per box. Proceeds an ntad la up* port troop activities aad txm nssky projects. Troops keep 23* froa each bos soM. OM jCOmi in note tomuy win DC kaoefctag oa yam doors star ting Jaaaaiy It 10 take yoar know that yoc are gfah gn?. If yaa an aat contacted by a OM fcM aad art* to order cookies, eal Shirley Fergueoo, 175-4473. 1 ????#***? vdkvm Fiddlin ' around North Carolina Symphony violinist Phyllis Sangren (right) demonstrates her instrument to Scuriock School students. Sangren Is a member of the Sym phony's String Quartet, who conducted discovery programs in the Hoke County schools last week. The group also performed a public concert at the library on January 8. The appearances were spon sored through donations made to the Hoke County Chapter of the N.C. Symphony. Sullivan 's HOURS: Mon.-Sat. 8:30-5:30 210 N.W. Broad Street Southern Pines, N.C. Footgear SUPER FRIDAY & SATURDAY This is the beginning of our Greatest Pre-lnventory Sale ever! Further mark downs have been taken on almost all sale merchandise so that we can clear out as much merchandise as possible before inventory. Special Group Ladies' DRESS & CASUAL SHOES 9*?-29*? SUEDE CUFF BOOTS Reg. to $35 *16*? ADORE & AMALFI SHOES 1/2 SAVE UP TO Entire Stock HANDBAGS 15-50% Off Entire Stock of ~ NIKE, PONY & ASAHI 15-35% Off Special Group WMf SAVE ENTIRE STOCK Men's Ladies & Children's 15-65% OFF Entire Stock AIGNER SHOES AIGNER COATS AIGNER SWEATERS RKDUCCD 20-33 ZZ? Special Large Group BORELLI SWEATERS values 0*0 to $45 T Special Group of DRESS 4 CASUAL HANDBAGS VALUES TO $45 15?o Special Group Ladies 6 Children's TASSEL & 4 ' *fl ? - i SHOP AND SAVE! Special Group MEN'S SHOES MANY STYLES, DRESS AND CASUAL ?& 19*? Entire Stock of BASS 15-45% Off Entire Stock Ladies* BOOTS Western, Dress and All-Weather Boots SAVE UP TO AND MORE THAN "*V /0 Special Group CHILDREN'S SNEAKERS BYKEDS AND NIKE 9*? Special Group MIA all new fall patterns VALUES IMo TO $43 Plug Many UnadvertUed Values!

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