be held in San | provided Fid Cr^STSewing, k Speaking add ' Vv j 'v ' , *: hi WwMi ICIT' , (Representing the Junior Wirnm^&m First: Jan McPhatter; Second: Sally McLean and Third: John Ward. SS ^mr$L (Representing the Woman's CWia?n; Se Jaraeria McFhttter. " ?v ?; > Junior Cfab; Ffri m will represent /^^jjfrChib) ^ Clubf ai^Ftortf kSL^LoS^ (Junior Club). SSV Advaaced OiiUoa . Pint: Nanette Cross (Woman's .; Club); Second: Kim Pureell (Woman's Club) and First: Mtffc Blue (Junior Club). . .. ^ Art Winners . :' ; Semtk, Eighth naif Ninth Grade rv i . ^ " . V* ShS; ~ . , . ranee Adams .and Third: Tracy cook. ' - v:^ v Diana Johnson aW Th : John Ward; Second: John |i??hird: John Waidf:^|g jSfifeN't CM Winers ^JoJm Ward;Second: iohii Third: John Ward. Marie Wham PiftU Jeanette Bratcher represents Woman's Club and First: Sheila Leak represents & Junior Club. ?* '-V'lsii -;>? ;*V:- :-. ???' ^.pp. r?\?v o>Pi?iMti : \.0 5 Gregory Thompson ? " ? Ecpftseut* Womaa'sClub; and ; vxPam Thompson represents Junior >'Cwo, with first place. k, * -'?' k' ''v'^-fliii^:;!rW ^ Best in literature These Hok e High students captured the awards for literature. They are left to right: Boris Willis, Linda Glisson, John Ward and Jameria McPhatter. Sewing division winners Th* winners of the sewing division awards are from left: Raymond Walsh, Nanette Cross, Marie Blue, Angle Chavis and Angekne Lett. M?ibr John Ward (WO, Susan Osborne (center) and Issac Adt/ns finw?tf 4kr awards for art. Susan also won 1st place in crafts.