2 \ THE NEWS-JOURNAL Raeford, N.C. February 28,2001 Viewpoints If you ask me... Some clarification is necessary hcforc I w rite this article. M\ column .IS others appears on the opinion page, which simply means it is the writer’s opinion and not that of the newspa per. Having said this, the following is strictly my opinion and I stand behind It My family and I came to Hoke County in 1%7.1 had a good job in Montgomery County as the high school principal; therefore I was com fortable in w hat 1 was doing. Unfortu nately I am one of those individuals who is eonstantly looking for a chal lenge. Hoke High was a fine school with a good tradition, it offered a challenge. However, when the second year rolled around I was presented with a challenge far greater than I had bar gained for. The first year of my principalship, I had 663 students, the second year the enrollment increased to l,7.‘'() teenagers. Tlie support of a line faculty provided us with a great opportunity to unite these three schools into one student body. Hirough hard work, the cooperating of our students, the superintendent, a tine school board and the community we accomplished our purpose. While other student bodies in the state were choosing up sides and fighting, we w ere w orking for the good of our high school. It was a rewarding experi ence. Not to .say we didn’t have our problems: we did at times, but in general it was a time of learning. Not only did the high school blend to gether, our community did the same thing. Our citizens began to share the responsibi 1 ity of governi ng. Th is trend continued for years. Unfortunately, it wasn't to last; we once again began to div ide up and play the race card — we got groups together in order to tell them how to vote. This is not confined to one race, it is all three. We are all to blame for this situation which now exists. We reached a cl imax three years ago when from out of the sunset rode Jim Davis and Tony Hunt. In my personal opin ion these two have caused more strife in our county in two years than has been done in 30. Mr. Davis’ only claim to being a Hoke County citizen is that he was born here. The greatest part of his life was lived in another state. Mr. Hunt came here as a minis ter, therefore he has no claim to Hoke County other than in that capacity. Jim Davis came to my peach or chard when he first came back to the county. He stated that he was inter ested in law enforcement and felt he would be a good candidate for sheriff. My only advice to Mr. Davis was that he should get to know the people and let them get a chance to know him before he considered that job. It is evident that he went his own way. His candidacy for sheriff got across-the- ln)ard support from all people. They weie good citizens, well informed people, from all races. He put quite a group together. They did an admi rable job in getting him elected. He did have some things that were sus- peet in his campaign, but most folks chalked that up to polities. We all waited for the changes he promised. Cases that the former sher iff worked on for months, would be solved in 30 minutes, to hear him talk. He was going to get fine enforcement officers to help him do the job. Mr. Davis was going to work with the county officials. Let’s take a few lines and see how he has performed. Those case solving 30 minutes have kept us waiting for two years; as to law enforcement officers, he should have installed a revolving door, the brief periods served by many should have sounded a warning to those who honestly wanted to serve. From the A View from the Country Raz Autry Copivy >iiRn Sorbet day he took office he has constantly criticized the county manager, county commissioners, and anyone else who disagrees with him. Mr. Davis is an expert at playing the race card. When all else foils, he will shout discrimination when in re ality race has nothing to do with it. The name of the game is compe tency, integrity, and the decency to treat all human beings with respect, regardless of race, creed or color. He has reported supposed wrongdoings to the SBI, FBI, Justice Department, the Attorney General and to anyone who would listen. All of his charges have proven false. 1 will give him credit for one thing; he has made us the laughing slock of the stale. When 1 am asked by others in surrounding counties about our sheriff, I reply that we probably have the only sheriff in the state who wants to be Malt Dillon, but acts like Barney Fife. One citizen said to me, Mr. Davis has made it hard for another black man to get elected. I certainly hope not. Ifwecan’t look beyond color and judge people not by the color of their skin but by the sincerity of their pur pose, our chances for success as a human race is just about over. I was impressed with Tony Hunt when he came to Hoke County. His ideas for helping the county were refreshing. He seemed to have a solid head on his shoulders. However, it became apparent early in his cam paign, that instead of being a county promoter, he was a self promoter. His actions should have proven such. The way he approached the city proposal in working together to have a by-pass around the city is typical for his ap proach to the problems of the county. To boycott a meeting because you feel like you weren't properly in formed is what is called “butt on the shoulder of immaturity. ’ To add in sult to injury he had to add, “We don’t need anything from the city." Mr. Hunt needs to realize that we aren’t in two different worlds. The only way we are going to accomplish anything is for the city officials and the county officials to work together. To do otherwise is to show you don’t understand what makes a county suc cessful or you are totally consumed with ignorance. It is a credit to the county that Commissioners Bobby Wright and Charles Daniels went to the meeting. James Leach followed Mr. Hunt down the road to arrogance. 1 personally thought better of him. If an elected office holder can’t stand in his own shoes, he needs to be standing on the sidelines. I have known many fine commis sioners in my 34 years in Hoke County. Just to name a few, can any thinking citizens by the greatest stretch of their imagination see John Balfour, L. E. McLauchlin, Neal MePhatter, Wyatt Upchurch, James Albert Hunt, T. C. Jones,Cleo Bratcher, Ralph Barnhart, Riley Jordan, Jean Hodges, and Tom Howell making such a dumb deci sion. These individuals and others, which space will not permit me to name, only wanted the best for Hoke County. To want otherwise only proves one’s lack of common sense. Our progress in the county can only be realized with men and women of vision who lead and set examples not for what is good for them, but what is the best path for our citizens. It is apparent we need a lot of im provement in some of our elected offices, this can only be accompl ished at the voting booth. Letters Consider county’s needs first in commissioner choice Editor: Where do we go from here? We’vejust lost one of the best men Hoke County has ever had. L. E. McLiiughlin followed, and possibly even graced the Golden Rule. He was a man who never showed pride... but one that many of us were proud to call a friend. Mr. McLaughlin was truly a just, caring, and compassionate man who will be missed by those who loved him. We, who cared for him. realize that he cannot be replaced. He left a hole in our hearts and our county government. Dare we hold out the hope that our county commissioners will, in L. E.'s words, “do the right thing ’ in naming his replacement? Would the right thing be moving the third largest vote getter into Mr. McLaughlin’s unexpired term, or is this too controversial? I plead with our commissioners to get their self-serving needs behind He pictures money wrongly spent What is wrong with this picture? The County is short on funds, so the county commissioners go to South ern Pines to have budget meetings where they spent tax dollars doing something they could have done right here in Hoke County. Then Commis sioner Charles Daniels makes a state ment that the money they are spend ing on the outing in Southern Pines is money well spent. I would like him to explain to the people of Hoke County how tax money was well spent in another county. For the life 1 cannot see how that is possible. James P. Knott Dale Earnhardt won his final vietpry To the Editor: Written in memory of Dale Earnhardt, April 29, 1951 - Feb. 18, 2001. As an “Earnhardt” fan, 1 honestly feel for his family, friends and other Nascar fans. Like it has been said before, you either loved him or you hated him. But it is my own personal belief that more people loved him than hated him. I saw Dale as one of the “good ol ’ boys.” He loved country life, fishing, hunting, working on his farm. He shared his earnings with ones less fortunate than himself and wanted no praise for it. I feel that he loved his family with all his heart. Under all that rugged and tough exterior, I feel Earnhardt had a soft, warm heart. I believe he truly cared deeply about his family, friends and fans. His true love for life was racing, he drove hard, he drove fast, he drove to win! He knew the moves to make and the right time to make them. But during what was to be his 1 inal race at Daytona, he lost his life. He was in the right place but at the wrong time. We, along with so many others sat in dis belief when we heard of his death. What a sickening, empty feeling I had. I just knew he would be all right. 1 told my husband, he’ll be fine, wait and see. We expected him to jump out of the car at any moment after the crash. We waited, but it never happened. Coming to work the next morning was so hard; 1 felt like I had lost a dear friend, which 1 had. He will truly be missed by so many people. Nascar will never be the same. For on Febru ary 18th of 2001, the legendary “Dale Earnhardt” known asTlie Terminator was gone, but will live on forever in our memories! Dale had so many fans and as for me and my husband. Tommy, we are still mourning. Even though we had never actually met him personally, we feel like we have lost Worth Repeating Hoke County District Attorney Kristy McMillan Newton on the sentencing in Superior Court of Aaron Goode for the murder of Tito Nations on June 19,1995 — “It is clear to me he is dangerous and he needed to be confined so that he could not hurt anyone else.” them and consider the needs of the county first. One more thought... the eastern part of our county needs representa tion. Raz Autry? Roscoe McCollum? The list goes on. Jeff Sumner Write Washington This information on national elected officials is printed as a cour- te.sy to our readers: U.S. Senate Sen. Jesse Helms 403 Dirk.sen Senate Office Building Washington, D.C. 20510-3301 (202)224-6342 e-mail: jesse_helms(£ihelms.senate.gov Sen. John Edwards 825 Hart Senate Office Building Washington, D.C. 20510-3305 (202)224-3154 e-mail: senator(o«dwards.senate.gov josh_stein(ffedwards.senate.gov Eighth District Rep. Robert “Robin” Hayes 130 Cannon House Office Building Washington, DC 20515 (202)225-3715 e-mail: www.house.gov^ayes (richard.hudson(S)mail.house.gov or robin.haye.s^ mail.house.gov) District Office 1-888-207-1311 B. Paulette Burgess,constituent liai son, 230 East Franklin St., Rockingham, NC 28379 (910) 997- 2070; FAX (910) 997-7987 Office hours are held at Spring Lake Town Hall, 300 Ruth Street, each Wednesday at 2-5 p.m. President George W. Bush The White House 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. NW Washington, D.C. 20500 (202)456-1414. part of our family. Year after year we watched him race, — he was our reason for watching. Every Sunday of the racing season we sat in our family room by the TV eating lunch, as we anticipated the start of the race. One of my favorite parts was when the announcer said, “Gentlemen, start your engines!” My husband and daughter, Ashley, would laugh at me as I watched when “Earnhardt” was in the lead. I was on the edge of my seat, I couldn’t be still! What excitement and fun it was, cheer ing Dale on. He was a wonderful, experienced driver who knew racing like the back of his hand. When he put that red, black and white suit on, he had “The Look.” To me, he stood for everything Nascar should be. He was to us the number one man of Nascar; he was truly a legend in his time. There will never be another to take his place. So when all you Earnhardt fans wear that big #3, “Wear it proud!” I also wanted to mention some thing I did not know about Earnhardt until my husband told me. Before he would race, he had to have a verse from the Bible taped inside his car. I found a verse that I thought was ap propriate in his memory. “My Presence will go with you, and I will give you rest,” Exodus 33:14. I do believe Earnhardt is at total peace now and ask that everyone’s prayers go out to those who loved him. There are a lot of hearts aching out there that need comforting. As a Christian, 1 know that Earnhardt has won his final victory. He is Home. And 1 know that he will be looking down from the heavens watching the race, saying, “Drive hard, drive fast, drive to win, guys. Make me proud!” Sincerely, Susan, Tommy and Ashley Baker The INews -Journal PRINTED WITH SGYINK Published every Wednesday by Dickson Press, Inc., Paul Dickson Pres. jnSBA'^ 119 W. El wood Avenue Raeford, North Carolina 28376 (910) 875-2121 Call for fax number Home Page: http://www.dicksonpress.com e-mail: Njoumal @ coastalnet.com Njoumal@ aol.com Robert Dickson Publisher Ken MacDonald General Manager Pat Allen Wilson Editor Victoriana Summers Reporter Henry L. Blue Production Supervisor Mantise Andrews Press Foreman Sam C. Morris Contributing Editor Teena Jones Advertising Representative Composing Room Staff Robin Thompkins, Sandra Wiggins Postmaster: Send address changes to: P.O. Box 550 Raeford. N.C. 28376 Periodical Class Postage at Raeford, N.C. (USPS 388-260) The News-Journal is sold at these locations; Averitte's Central Ave Barbee Pharmacy Hams Ave. Bo’s S. Main St. Butlers Grocery Arabia CVS Drugs 401 Bypass Carlhens Grocery. Centre Grove Church Rd. 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