VOL. 15 CHERRYVILLE, N. C. THURSDAY, JANUARY 27, 1916 NO. Mr. Baily and The Church Again. In his last article Mr. Baily attempts to give an account of the founding of the early church but utterly failed to show where Christ established it in person. The fact still stands that Christ founded it through the disciples to whom He gave the Gospel and the Holy Spirit for that work. In the same way has the Lord continued the work of the church from that day to this. If this were not true then the church could never have been established anywhere except in Jerusalem where it began. Then he quotes 1 Cor. 12:18; to show how the church was organized. By referring to this passage and reading the context we at once see that Paul is not speaking of the church but of the human body which he uses as an illustra tion of the church. I rather think this passage proves more than Mr. Baily wants it to prove; for it shows that as the body is divided into various parts and organs and yet is one body, so also is the church. It shows that as one member of the body is unlike another member and yet is a part of the body, so the church can be outwardly differ ent and yet constitute the mystical body of;, Christ. Mr. Baily says “No denomination contains all the body of Christ, therefore no deiiomination is the church of God.” If you apply this same reasoning to the illustration which Paul used, it proves that because the hand is not the whole body therefore it is not the body at all. This is the opposite of what Paul de clares. He shows by the example of the human body that all Christians, wherever foimd or by whatever name called, are parts of the body of Christ; and that as the head rules and directs the variou.'^ members of the body, so he seems to sit with so much! wrong with it but as yet no! pride and selfconfidence. The! answer has been given. Now ■ encyclopedias give the history i let us see about his doctrine as of Mr. Baily’s denomination as a j compared with the early church. Baptist sect. Their first congre-1 He claims his church is perfect; According to records kept Farmers Buy Anfos Half the Cars Sold in 11. S. 1915 Went to Country. gation was organized in Pensyl-iand its members without sin. vania in 1829. They style them selves “The church of Qod”, denounce all creeds, hold to baptism of adults only by immer sion, and practice feet-washing, claiming to be the restoration of the apostolic church. Mr. Baily tries to make it appear that this “Church of God^’ to which he belongs has come down from apostolic times when its first congregation was established less than a hundred years ago. And because they have assumed this title they think it gives them a monopoly on the whole church business and the rest are out altogether. In Scripture the exrpession “church of God” is a general term which applies to Corinth with its divisions, to Ephesus, and to all bodies of believers as constituting the one church or body of Christ. To claim to be “the church of God” and the only church doesn't make it so any more than my claiming to be an apostle would make me one. There is too much faith among Christian people of the various protestant churches, and too many who give assurance in their last moments that they have entered the rest prepared for the people of God, for Mr. Baily to set up the claim that he and his church are the only ones who will be saved, and that, God sends aowh.the blessings of sal vation on nobody else. As a proof to his historii’al con nection with the a) ostoUc church he cites Rev. 13:1-10, and 17:1-6, where we have an account of the beast and the persecution which followed. If we read the whole book and follow the con- nec'tif n we find that' this beast is But Paul didn’t claim this for the churches of his day. He rebuk ed them for fornication. This was foolish to do if they were perfect. He told thom not to judge one another and not to put stumbling blocks in one anothers way. This too was foolish if they were not guilty. Peter tells the churches to whicn he wrote to lay aside their malice and guile, and hypocrisy and envyings. Peter was very fool ish to do this if they were per fect. Not only this but the Holy Spirit prompted them to write these words and seems to have made a mistakke in re buking perfect men for things they were not guilty of.' Also Christ tells the churchesto repent but they had nothing to repent of if they were perfect. How can anybody repent when thejto have done nothing that needs repentance? Doesn’t Mr. Baily see that Christ and the Holy Spirit knew what was needed for these churches, and can’t he see that his own claim to per fection can’t stand in the light of Scripture'? But let us look at his proof passage in Eph. 5:27 Christ is there spoken of as sanctifying and cleansing His j xs69, rainy; 1870, very cold: 18- Washington, there were 2,000,000 motor cars registered in the various states in July, 1915, in dicating a marked increase in the number of motor vehicles in use. There were 30,000 automo bile d e al e r s’ garages, repair shops and charging stations in the country. Last year nearly half the cars sold in the United States were purchased by farmers. In the four years from 1911 to 1914 the number of cars registered in Illinois, Iowa, Missouri, Wiscon sin, Minnesota, North and South Dakota, Kansas and Oklahoma increased from 130,000 to560,000. Of this number more than half are owned by grain farmers, who paid $250,000,000 for the ve hicles. Christmas Weather For Past 46 Years. Hickory Deui'Xirat. Col. G. M. Yoder of Jacob’s Fork township, has furnished The Democrat with a record of the condition of the weather on Christmas Day for the past 46 years; the record having been taken from his diary. The record: Christmas Day 1868 was clear: church “that he might present" it to Himself as a glorious church not having spot or wrinkle or any sucn tmng, oui uiai i, should be holy and without, blemish,” In 2 Cor. 11:2, Paul says, “I have espoused you to one husband that I may ^present' you as a chaste virgin to Christ.’ Because of such passages Mr, Baily claims the church is per fect now, but this is not what Paul said. He said the church would be presented to Christ blemish; and Christ as the spiritual Head of the church governs it throughout chapters 6, 7, and 8. But none of all its parts. Over against this these judgment scenes have yet Mr. Baily claims that his denom- occurred. Hence the folly of Mr. ination is the whole church and Baily in trying to take this pas none of the others even come in sage and refer it to the history as parts. of the past. This only shows Then my friend attempts to; how he will go anywhere in the give a historical account of his i Bible, take a passage that suits church from apostolic times | his purpose, break it out of the down to the present, and in do-1 connection where God placed it, ing so cuts the ground complete ly from under his own feet. In a former article he condemned Romanism and Protestantism. He says neither is the church nor even a part of it, but tells of the martyrs who did consti tute the true church in the dark ages. Yet these martyrs were members of the Catholic church for there was no other at that j time. These same martyrs con fessed their faith as expressed in the Apostles’ creed which Mr. Baily also condemns. In the Re formation of the sixteenth cen tury there was a breaking away from the errors of Rome but it was n 01 a rejection of the apostolic confession of faith. The Protestants were those who pro tested against the corruptions of ^the Romish church. The mar tyrs previous to this were pro testant at heart, but because the temporal power of Rome was too great they were crushed and so there was no outward division in the church. In the Reforma tion the division between Cath olic, and Protestant became out- ward and permanent. When Mr. -■•Baily rejects both he breaks con^ not to arise till after the sun and , moon are darkened and the stars i holy and without fall and a fearful scorching of j 'f 'we will turn to Rev. 19,7, the earth takes place with hail and see where and fire mingled with blood. See God has placed the time of the Lamb’s marriage, we thence learn that this pre sentation of the church as a chaste virgin to Christ will not take place till the church is raised and glorified , and thus made ready to meet her glorified Lord. To take a passage hke that and make it apply to the church now is a fearful wrest- ^ ,,,ling of Scripture from which and use it in an efiiort to prove i every child of God who knows his false and unfounded claims, and then shove it all off on Eagle readers as “the Bible way,” when it is a perversion of both Bible and history. So,much for his historical connection which falls to the ground. Now I freely grant that it is not necessary for a church to prove its connectich in order to establish its authority. This lies in the faith and doctrines which the apostles taught. That which connects the church of the pres ent with the church of the past is the one faith in the one Savior. This is the golden thread of hfe iand salvation which stretches down through the centuries from apostolic times to the present. No matter where located nor by what name outwardly called, wherever there is faith in the Lord Jesus as the Savior of sinners there is the church. And that church is going to confess its faith to the world. Hence in the early church there arose the formal statement in the Apostles’ creed. Every statement of it is a scriptural truth with which the early church met the errors nection with the past and saws ^hich arose. Yet this Mr. Baily off the little limb of his own | condems. I have several times protestant denomination on which! asked him to point out what is better will turn away with horror. See 2 Pet. 3:16. Yet Mr. Baily does this and tries to claim for it are spectable consideration by calling it “the Bible Way”. There is a standpoint from which the church is holy and its mem bers holy, but the Scriptures nowhere apply those terms in the sense of absolute and sinless perfection. Of this we will have more to say later. Mr. Baily further denies that Paul confessed himself a sinner after he was saved. In 1 Tim. 1:15, he says, “Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners of whom I am chief.’ If Mr. Baily is correct Paul was still an unsaved man when he wrote this. Yet he vvrote it after God called him to be an apostle. He calls himself an apostle at the beginning of the chapter. He is writing this not only as a letter to Timothy but also as a part of the New Testament by inspiration of the Holy Spirit. So then here is an inspired apostle and yet not a saved man if any one is foolish enough to believe Mr. Bailey’s statement. This is impossible. Nor does this passage refer to (Continued on back page) 71,, cloudy; 1872, rained; 1873, clear and cold; 1874, clear; 1875, i clM.r:: ,1876., .1877 rm'ny- 1878, Sleet; 1879, rainy and cold; 1880, rain; 1881, cloudy; 1882, clear; 1883, clear; 1884, clear and cold; 1885, clear; 1886, clear; 18- 87, rain; 1888, clear and warm; 1889, rain; 1890, rain; 1891, clear; 1892, clear and warm; 18- 93, clear and warm; 1894, clear; 1895, clear; 1896, cloudy; 1897, cloudy; 1898, clear; 1899, clear and warm; 1900, clear and warm; 1901, clear; 1902, clear; 1903, cloudy; 1904, drizzly; 1905, clear; 1906, clear and cold; 1907, clear; 1908, thunder shower with hail; 1909, snow; 1910, cloudy; 1911, cloudy; 1912, clear; 1913, cold and rainy; 1914, rained all day, worst Christmas weather in 46 years and also the coldest and wettest December within my re collection; 1915, cloudy, and has been the coldest and driest Dec cember and also the deepest early snow in December in 46 years. The Biiuefnl Cigarette H.ibit. By O. Jones, Danville, Va. Dear, Mr. Editor, will you grant me space in your valuable paper to express myself as I see it in regard to the one particular cause that is undermining the physical health of t h e young men of our nation and, not only the young men but shame to say oiir dear litfie boys also, and that is the cigarette habit. There fs two reasons which prompted me in writing this article, one is my own per.sonal knowledge of the extensive -use of cigarettes and the other one is an article I saw in the Western North Caro lina Christian Advocate of re cent date written by Bro. Moose, one of our missionai'ies in Corea. I was surprised to learn that the cigarette business was so strong ly advertised and used in those heathen countries and what as tonishes me the most is that men will engage in such an illegiti mate and degarding business and then call themselves Christians and have their names on> the church register. I will not per sonate any one but I have in mind a man, I cannot call him a gentlemen, who is engaged in the cigarette business very ex tensively and is a member of the Methodist Church, to which I beloiife. I think Christian people ought to speak oat against the cigarette fiend until public senti ment becomef so strong that we can abolish the business and drive it out of the laqd. I appeal Another Victory for the Bas ket Ball Team. The Cherryville Highs defeat ed the Kings Mt. Highs, last Saturday afernoon, in a splendid game of basket ball, played on the Cherryville Court. The visit ing team was defeated by the de cision score of 39 to 8. The features of the game were the playing of Ormand, and David son for Kings Mt: also the all round playing of the Home Squad, Friday, Mauney, Boggs, Stroupe, and Warlick. The play ing of Friday was more especial ly a feature, he landing 11 field goals. Line up. Pos. No. go Ware C. 0 Neisler R. F. 0 Ormond L. F. 1 Hambrignt G. 0 Davidson R. G. 2 Davidson 2 fouls out of 3 Line up. C. H. S. Pos. No. goals. Friday R. F. 11 Mauney C. 2 Boggs R. F. 3 Stroupe L. F. 0 Warlick R. G. 2 Friday 3 i't-ls out of 4 Lester C. Sipe, Reporter. Onr Newspaper Public. In 1915 we had 326 newspapers in North Carolina with a com bined circnlatjon of 1,406.214. It is an average of three papers for every home in the state, has any sympath/for-huaa.ni'ty tojend your voice and influence | ol papers with a comb:nedj,r- in every way you posibly can un- elation of only 38,839. That is , 1 •. _._i: J til our land great curse. is relieved of the Don’t Let Cows Eat Mustard. Lincoln County News. “Put in your paper that mus tard will kill cows.” said Mr. J. B. Dellinger of Iron Station, who was here last week. He said to a News man that he cut some mustard from • his garden and threw it in the pasture, and that one of his young cow's that was destined to furnish much cream for the new creamery, died from eating of the mustard. Other cows of his herd also sampled the mustard and they were very sick, but were saved by heroic efforts. The young cow’s stomach was cut into and it re sembled the back of a fellow’s neck blistered by mustard plast- Ncw York Passes London. New York has passed London in population and is now the largest city in the world, a dis patch from London says. The 1911 London census has just been made public and gives the coun ty of London, which is London proper, a population of 4,521,358 Counting in “Extra London,” which is London outside the county, the total population in 1911 w a s 7,251,358. In 1910 New York had 4,766.833, but counting in Greater New York %nd the Westchester and New Jersey suburbs. New York had a population of 7,383,871. $100 Reward, $100 The readers ot this paper will be pleased to leurn that there is at least bne dreaded disease that science has been able to cure in all its stages, and that is catarrh. Catarrh being greatly Influenced by constitutional con^ditions requires constitutional treatment. Hall’s Catarrh Cure is taken internally thru the Blood on the Mucous Surfaces of the System thereby de stroying the foundation of the disease, giving the patient strength by building UD the constitution and assisting na ture in doing its worlc. The proprie tors have so much faith in the curative DOwers of Hall's Catarrh Cure that they offer One Hundred Dollars any case that it fails to cure. Send for list "V/ZrVr CHBNEY^ CO.. Toledo, Ohio. Sold by all Druggist*, 75c. CHERRYVILLE PEOPLE GET INSTANT ACTION. Those who have used it in Cherryville are astonished at the INSTANT action of simple buck thorn bark, glycerine, etc., as mixed in Adler-i-ka. Because it acts on BOTH lower and upper bowel, ONE SPOONFUL Adul- er-i-ka relieves almost ANY CASE constipation, sour stomach or gas. It removes such surpris ing foul matter that a few doses often relieve or prevent appendi citis. A short treatment helps chronic stomach trouble. J. F, Weathers, druggist. Monuments—Jesse Caldwell Mr. Bowling Operated oii'-The many friends of Mr. Lewis Bowl ing will regret to learn that he was taken to Lincoln ton Hos pital last week where he under went an operation for appendi citis. The latest report was that he was doing nicely. Whenever You Need a General Tonic Take Qrove’s The Old Standard Grove’s Tasteless chill Tonic is equally valuable as a General Tonic because it contains the well known tonic properties of QUININE and IRON. It acts on the Liver, Drives out Malaria, Enriches the Blood and Builds up the \^ole System., 50 cents. to say only one paper in circula tion for every five families upon an average; only one for every three families counting whites alone. A tremendous increase in our newspaper public in 65 years. Commissioners Sale of Laud Under and by virtue of an order of the Superior Court of Gaston County, made in the special proceeding entitled “David P. Dellinger Adm’r vs Ovie Homesley and others” the same being upon the special proceeding docket of said county, the undersigned commissioner will, on Saturday, February 26th 1938, at 12 o’clock |noon on the premises near Cherryville N. C. olfer for sale to the high est bidder for cash, that certain tract of land lying and being in Cherryville Township, Gaston County, North Carolina, adjoin ing the lands of Amos Homesley and others, and more particular ly described as follows, to wit; Beginning at a stake on the south side of the Cherryville-Bessemer City macadam road, in Amos Homesley’s line, and runs thence S 52 W 54 poles to a maple; thence S 64 W 20 poles to stake; thence S 25 E 29 4-5 poles to a stake, dower corner; thence N 60 1-2 E 36 4-5 poles to a stake; thence N 31 E 52 poles to a stake on the south side of said road; thence N 60 1-2 W 12 4-5 poles to the be ginning; Containing 12 acres more or less. This January 21, 1916 David P. Dellinger, Commissioner. Hickory Democrat—Roy Cor- rell, a young white man, was arrested in Maiden last week on the charge of swearing falsely to a girl’s age in order to get mairiage license. The offense took place in Gastonia and he was taken to that place and jail ed to await a hearing.