Page Sixteen THE CAROLINA UNION FARMER [Thursday, August 8, 191^- DO YOU KNOW THE VALUE OF A PIANO? Or do you only think you know ? Have you kept fully posted on the many improvements and changes in the modern pianos? If not let us show you the cele brated SHOIMIINJGER RIANOS More than two hundred have been placed in the leading homes of Raleigh and we have placed at least one thousand in homes in our territory. It pays to buy such a piano for it is a safe investment. SEND FOR CATALOG AND TERMS TO Darnell & Xliomas ra.l.e:igh, n. c. THE AMERICAN FARMER The whole world is more or less depended on the Successful American Farmer. To be successful you must have good credit and money. Our years of experience and financial help are always at the Farmers command. Through the aid of the Bank, many small farmers have grown to be large and successful. COME AND LETS TALK IT OVER THE COMMERCIAL NATIONAL BANK COTTON EXCHANGE PLACE RALEIGH. • - - NORTH CAROLINA. B. S. JERMAN, Pres. E. B. CROW, Cashier. The Commercial National Bank of Charlotte, N. C. Capital and Surplui $875,000.00 Grou Assets $3,000,000.00 We solicit Accounts of Manufacturers, Merchants, Farmers, Capitalists, Administrators, Executors, etc. Certificates of Deposit and Savings Accounts Bear 4 per cent. Interest Compounded Quarterly CALL AND SEE US A. G. BRENIZFR, President W. E. HOLT, 2nd,lVice President R. A. DUNN, 1st. Vice-President A. T. SUMMEY, Cashier The Union Nattonal Bank Ctiarlotte* N. C. CAPITAL $100,000 T W WADE - President F. B. McDowell, .... Vice-President H. M. VICTOR, Cashier We cordially invite business and offer every cour tesy and accommodation consistent with safe banking. We particularly invite the accounts of Farmers. Respectfully, H. M. VICTOR, Cashier eANK OF MAXTOPSI MAXTON, IM. C. Capital - - - - - - - Surplus and Undivided Rroiits $TS,000.00 $50,000.00 A SERVICEABLE BANK This Bank offers every convenience and facility for handling your account, wl^ther checkinff or savings, it is fully informed on all matters concerning money investaenU ^lues, and is always pleased to advise with customers regarding their banking or financial problems. j ♦ n All transactions are treated in strict confidence and customers are guaranteed at an times absolute privacy in the handling of their affairs. We solicit your account. T. 0. EVANS, Presldant A. J. McKINNON, Vice-President LACY WHIIAMS, Cashier Youp IricoiTtc From Xtic FaPiT* SUPPORTS YOU AND FA VIILY. Secure protection to yonr estate and your loved ones by at once securing a HI. Insurance Tlie Union Central Llle Insurace Co. We lead In est net cost. This makes ours the Best Poll cy lor you. Cary J. Hunter and Bro., Slate Agents, Union Ceni^ I_lfe Insurance Co., Ralelgti, N. c. ^ It [ THE CITIZENS NATIONAL BANK GASTONIA, N. C. Capital & Surplus, $ 92,249.26 Deposits, - - - 392,300.45 Resources, - - 603,927.71 iPaid on Time Certificates of Depo^ 5 $ Every Idle Dollar ^ of your money should be put to hard work. When your money is invested it works for you day and olg interest accumulates with astonishing rapidity. Also the knowledge that your money is safe from thieves o helps you sleep nights. Why not start a Savings Account here and let your money future money ? W^e pay 4 per cent on Certificates of Deposits and all Saving ^ Sovitt\em Loan and Savings CHARLOTTE, N. C. JNO. M. SCOTT, Pres. W. S. ALEXANDER, V. Pres. W. L. JENKINS.