i I a»e CAHOUM Vnlon Farmer Vol. VII.—No. 14. RALEIGH. N. C. APRIL 3, 1913. One Dollar a Year. EDITORIAL SHORT-STOPS BY J. Z. GREEN R ural credit plans may give farmers some re lief from the burdens of usury. What far mers need more* than anything else is not credit but cash—more of the consumer’s dollar. their prizes to those who produce most on the farm and never a one of them offer any prize for the best co-operative selling system? Farmers want prices, not prizes. The function of our educational system should be to find out the bent and temperament of each child and educate him for what he is fitted by na ture for, instead of dealing with students in the mass as though they were all cast in the same mold. No benefit has yet been derived from anti-trust laws except to pay court costs and lawyers’ and receivers’ fees, and these fees ultimately come out of the consumer, after the company organizes un der another name and raises the price of its pro ducts. An April fool is a farmer who works his land through the month when it is too wet. Bonds for good roads are all right if the funds are handled for road building on a business basis, instead of using it to reward politcal chair warm ers. The political job hunter can scent a good roads appropriation afar off. Watch your Farmers’ Union leaders. They may mean well but they are treading on dangerous ground if they permit partisan politicans to rec ognize their worth by bestowing political appoint ments upon them. The extra session of Congress will pull off an other tariff show. After they revise the tariff, prices to consumers will be practically the same as now, and you farmers will continue to pay that high credit “tariff” to your time merchant for what you buy and also continue to let an army of useless middlemen take a “tariff” of 65 cents of the consumer’s dollar when you sell. If you have been waiting for politicians to give you relief through a political tariff, you can now get ready for the biggest disappointment of your life. It’s coming all right—when Congress gets together and piles the “relief” dow’n on you. In this country the government iself has creat ed a gigantic money trust. A rural credit idea will not get far without the sanction of the mon ey trust. Give the farmer a fair price for his products and he will have the cash to do business v.dth. In pointing out the weak places in the record of the recent North Carolina Legislature, the Pro gressive Farmer “missed the whole shootin’ match,” so far as the interests of the farmer are concerned. It forgot to put it in bold-face letters, or in any other kind of letters, that the Legisla ture failed to make it compulsory for the Com missioner of Agriculture to use a fair proportion of the two hundred thousand dollar fund which farmers pay into that department in teaching sys tematic marketing along with systematic produc tion. Isn’t it nearly time for the Commissioners of Agriculture in the South to again start on the rounds to try to get farmers not to produce too much cotton? It looks like double taxes to teach the boys how to produce and then follow it up again, at the expense of the tax payers, with a campaign to put them on guard against producing too much! But then the farmers are good-natur ed, and they can stand it all right. They’ve been standing it with a great deal of patience. Get improved farming implements, of course. But don’t be in too big a hurry to make your se lection of an untried implement in your locality. Millions of dollars have been Invested in imple ments that were soon discarded to rust out. What became of the idea of establishing a bu reau of markets in connection with the Depart ment of Agriculture? That’s really a more im portant matter than the Torrens System of regis tering land titles. Unless we have a reformed system of marketing those who actually till the soil will, in the course of time, have no land titles to register. Those who are given the uncontested right to price the products of the land will ulti mately own the land upon which the products are grown. isn’t it strange that all the benefactors offer Working for the benefit of somebody else. That’s what the farmer does who bends all his en ergies to produce big crops, the prices of which decline in proportion to the increased yields. f|l o in ;i! ; ‘ I ■ I I I r. ; .[ I I ■ I i * ; .!ini : ;&'i V IM'f j I f ' .: nii :■! I I ! I I -I !l