k J CAROLINA Vnion Vol. VII.—No. 16 RALEIGH. N. C., APRIL 17, 1913. One Dollar a Year. lasei 1^ 1^^ eJ TAR HEEL SKETCHES. BY J. Z. GREEN. Editor Ashcraft, of the Monroe Enauirer, says: “Congress has a its hands in finding ways and '“ean^rreduce the high coat of liv- ing and at the same time make things we have to sell bring a When you come to think about it, that is a pretty big job to undertake, isn’t it? If reducing the high cost of living means 8-cent hen eggs, l^-cent bins 6-cent cotton. 12-cent hams etc for farmers, the sooner we the high cost of living alone the bet- Jer it will be for the country. m * * For the life of me I seen anything in the high cost of 1 ing for farmers to worry thit too many ^he take the profits of the farrn. consumers of the city can help rem edy the trouble if they will organize afconsumers and establish closer re lationship with the farmers, pay cash for their purchases, dispense with small deliveries or ’phone or ders etc. This economic proposition isn’t a legislative question. eity consumer, who is in his right ^ind will deliberately pay 65 per cent of the value of a product for the simple process of transferring i frnm nroducer to consumer, would he Liltify himself by contending that "government’’ should come to his re lief? is interested in better live stock. He ordered a 12 5-pound pig from Ten nessee and the express company charged him nine dollars ($9) for transporting that pig a distance of about three dundred miles, or a little over seven cents a pound. Last year I ordered a Guernsey calf shipped from Virginia and the express com pany held me up at this end of the line for sixteen dollars and ten cents! When I noticed a statement from an official of an express company the other day that the establishment of the parcels post had hit the express companies a hard lick, I was wonder ing how many folks had been hit hard licks by the express companies. * * * * * * T Inst an oat crop last year because rtidn’t put in my seed until the lat- J part of October and first of No- ^ mher I had always seeded my oat about that time of the year and IZ without exception l-ajveeted “ nH crops. But the winter of 1911- frtas so cold and there was so nh rain that it caused the oats to “fin the ground and I got no stand, [“relate this experience to call atten- lon to uncertainties which are not “ with in other occupations, i® ‘^“plemenT of uncertainty • due to weather conditions, over which farm- ifave no control, make it impos- siUe to succeed by any fixed rule and regardless of the knowledge of farm- f®! the man who depends upon the must, at times.-meet with partial losses and sometimes total losses on account of unforeseen adverse weath- Ir conditions, and there is no way to entirely avoid them. ♦ ♦ ♦ A young farmer who lives near me “It’s unlawful to lend money in North Carolina for more than six per cent, but it’s lawful to swap the money for merchandise and charge fifty per cent interest on the mer chandise payable in money,’’ said a farmer in a small town in the eastern part of the State. The thought was suggested by a groupi of wagons at the side door of a “time’’ mercantile establishment. It isn’t anything un usual for a time merchant to charge 50 per cent interest on his merchan dise, and it doesn’t affect his stand ing in the Church just a little bit. We may be making a little advance ment in some respects morally, but if there has been any reform in the “business morals” of the country it isn’t indicated in commercial trans actions. ♦ * * While we are talking about “rural credits” it might be well to conduct a little educational campaign design ed to teach farmers to use their own cash assets intelligently. It is a well- known fact that a large per cent of our farmers do not know what to do with surplus money when they hap pen to get a little ahead. So they de posit it in the banks at four per cent. The banks in turn lend it to the time merchants and the time merchants, being law-abiding citizens, refuse to lend it to less fortunate farmers in violation of the six per cent interest law, but invest it in groceries and then lend the groceries to the needy customer at the modest rate of from 30 to 50 per cent interest. Beautiful system, isn’t it?—for the time mer chant.] Under this “system” the few farmers who, by denying their fami lies of many comforts and conven iences' of life, manage to acquire a little cash surplus immediately turn it over to the time merchant to capi talize his private money-making busi ness. This kind of “rural credit” sys tem stands very much in need of re form. With our very indefinitely defined purpose, and with numerous failures and much misdirected effort in trying to build co-operation from the top downward, it isn’t anything but nat ural that in many localities there should be a falling off of members. In some rural vicinities peculiar en vironment and a lack of efficient lo cal leadership make it impossible to maintain a local organization, and as a matter of course some Local Unions are on the suspended list. But I have been agreeably surprised this year to note the splendid growth in member ship of some of the oldest Local Un ions in the State. I confidently be lieve that if the State official family will get together upon the purpose to use the funds available for the pro motion of local co-operative enter prises, organized upon a purely co operative basis. North Carolina will not only hold the lead in all the States, but will take the lead in con structive Co-operation. The mongrel goose is generally the result of a mating between a Canada gander and some dark colored do mestic goose, usually an African or Toulouse. Sometimes these goslings are termed “mules” because of the fact that they are sterile. It is oc casionally true that a mongrel goose when kept for two or more years will lay a few eggs, but there is no re cord that goslings have ever been hatched from eggs laid by a mon grel goose. It is difficult to fatten mongrels properly until the cool weather of fall when they fatten readily. They are never sold as green geese, being reserved for the Thanksgiving and Christmas trade. The poultryman who follows a practical system does not complain of the work. System is a great labor saver in all occupations, and espe cially so in raising poultry. The man who has no regular method causes himself extra and unnecessary work, and it always “seems to pile up on him” at an inopportune time. —1 ■ aaaSSSM