! Page Two THE CABOLINA UNION FARMER [Thursday, April 17, 1913. -THE- First National Bank GASTONIA, N. C. Capital, . . . $100,000.00 Surplus and Profits^ 75,000.00 We Pay 5 per cent, on Time Certificates of Deposit Your Business Solicited. WE PAY 4 Per Cent on Savings Accounts and Certificates of Deposit. Accounts Subject to Check Invited Merchants and Far mers National Bank CHARLOTTE, IN. C. United States, State, Coonty'and City Depositary Capital - - $200,000.00 Surplus - $200,000.00 European Farm Finance GEO. E. WILSON. President. W. C. WILKINSON. Cashier, The iFirst National Bank STATESVILLE. N. C. Capital $100,000.00 Surplus & Profits - 33,000.00 Resources 750,000.00 Farmers are specially invited to open an account with us. JOS. C. nvIN, Pres. E. S. PEGKAM, Cashier. THE CITIZENS NATIONAL BANK GASTONIA, N. C. Capital & Surplus - $ 92,249.26 Deposits 392,300.45 Resources 603,927.71 8 Per Cent Raid on Time Certificates of Deposit The Union National Bank CHARLOTTE. N. C. Capital - - - - $100,000 T. W. WADE F. B. McDOWELL President Vice-President H. M. VICTOR ^ Cashier We cordially invite business and offer every courtesy and accommodation con- sistent with safe bankincr* We particularly invite the accounts of farmers. H. M. VICTOR, Cashier Abstract of address delivered by Hon. George Woodruff of Joilet, Ill., president of the First National Bank of Joliet, to the First National Con ference on Marketing and Farm Credits, at Chicago, April 10. Agricultural credit in Europe is divided into two general subdivis ions; first, mortgage credit, and sec ond, personal credit. The institutions belonging to the first subdivision are of two classes, the first of which is best typified by The Credit Fonder de France, and the second by The Landschaften of Germany. The institutions belong ing to the second subdivision are of three classes, the first of which is best typified by any of the ordinary credit banks, the second by the Raif feisen and Schulze-Delitzsch banks, and the third by The Credit Agricole of France. There are, of course, in Europe numerous agricultural banks having characteristics somewhat different from those of the above mentioned institutions, but in the main the in stitutions included in the above out line constitute the real basis of agri cultural credit organizations in Eu rope and all other agricultural banks are very largely patterned after them. The Credit Foncier. The Credit Foncier de France, in addition to certain activities that are not strictly connected with agricul ture, loans money on farm mort gages for long periods of time on an amortization basis. The chief advant age to the farmer is in the fact that he is allowed to pay off his loan by making small semi-annual payments, will never have to renew the mort gage, which will continue to run un til the semi-annual payments have cleared the farm of debt, will never he compelled to pay any renewal commissions, will never have to go to the expense of bringing down his proof of title or having it examined every few years, as under our Amer ican system, and in addition will be largely relieved of any anxiety lest he fail to meet the mortgage when due and consequently lose the farm. The Credit Foncier holds these mort gages as collateral for its debenture bonds, which it sells to the public and from the proceeds of which it obtains the funds to advance to the farmers. The Credit Foncier, while under the supervision of the govern ment, is nevertheless a privately owned joint stock company and pays regular dividends on its capital stock. The rate of interest which is charged to the farmer is not as low as has sometimes been stated in America, where attention has been called to the fact that the Credit Fon cier issues bonds hearing 3 per cent interest. Every Idle Dollar of your money should be put to hard work. When your money is invested it works for you day and night-interest accumulates with astonishing rap idity. Also the knowledge that your money is safe from thieves or fire helps you sleep nights. Why not start a Savings Ac count here and let your money earn future money ? WE PAY 4 PER CENT ON CERTIHCATES OF DEPOSITS AND ALL SAVING FUNDS.' Sonthern Loan and Savings Bank chari^otte:. im. c. JNO. M. SCOTT, W. S. ALEXANDER, W. L JENKINS Pretidtat. Vice. President. Cashier. Credit Foncier 8 Per Cent Rate. The Credit Foncier 3 per cent rate is due to the fact that the bonds car ry with them a lottery feature by which each bondholder has a chance to win a prize consisting of a large sum of money, but the cost of these prizes increases the actual cost of the bonds to The Credit Fonder from 3 per cent up to about 4 per cent and the money is then loaned to the far mer at 4 3-10 per cent. Therefore, the farmer does not get 3 per cent money, as is oftentimes stated. Landschaften. The Landschaften banks of Ger many loan money to farmers on much the same basis as that employed by The Credit Foncier of France except that they do not make a practice of paying a farmer cash for his mort gage. They simply exchange their debenture bonds with the farmer for his mortgage and the farmer then sells the bonds himself. The Land schaften are under the supervision of the government and are strictly co operative organiaztions involving in many instances the unlimited liabil ity of the members, and, not being operated for a profits or paying divi dends. Tjandschaften 3 1-2 Per Cent Rate. Attention has been called in .America to the fact that the Land schaften sometimes issue bonds bear ing a rate of interest as low as 3 1-2 per cent, but in actual practice this' Landschaften 3 1-2 per cent rate costs the farmer considerably more owing to the fact that the Land schaften do not pay the farmer in* cash, but merely exchange their de bentures for his mortgage and he is then compelled to sell the 3 1-2 per cent debentures below par. The money consequently costs him more than 3 1-2 per cent. Ordinary Joint Stock Banks. The ordinary form of credit bank is operated on much the same general plan as the ordinary commercial bank in America. It loans to farm ers for fairly short terms on the same general conditions as in our country. These banks are privately owned joint stock institutions and would doubtless be able to do much toward financing the farmer for his needs were it not for the fact that the Eu ropean banking methods have led to the present existence of but a com paratively small number of ordinary credit banks. These banks are usual ly large institutions extending over a considerable territory and are not small independent community banks as in the United States. The rate of interest charged by them follows to a considerable ex tent the ups and downs of the money market. Raiffeisen and Scliulze-Delitzsch Banks. The Raiffeisen and Schulze-De litzsch banks are small community Institutions organized on the co-op erative plan and not operated for profits. The Raiffeisen banks oper ate more particularly in the country and are purely co-operative, while the Schulze-Delitzsch banks operate more particularly in urban commun ities and are a somewhat modified form of the purely co-operative type. These banks oftentimes have behind I dA ME Stop Pests From STEALING CUIOK8 Here’s a remedy that will positively rid you of the hawks, crows, rats, owls and minks that steal your chicks. It prevents and stamps out sapes, roup, limber neck, leg weakness, sorehead, indigestion, and diarrhoea—frees hens from vermlu. MacNalr’s Cbicken Powder Life to Chickens—Death to Hawks Feed ft to your chickens with their food. Then if a pest eats a chicken fed on it they will surely die. Due to a difference in their anatomy, what is life to one is death to the other. Thousands testify to its value. Send 30c for a package. Your money refunded if it falls to do the work. THE MACNAIR CO* Box D Sulfoilf, Va. NEW EMBLEM BADGE ENAMELED IN BLUE, with the desigm in £rold plate, screw back style. The prettiest and neatest Farmers Union Badge we have yet seen. Price 25 cents each, or 12.40 per dozen, by mail. UNION SUPPLY CO.. Marshville. N. C* Nancy Hall. Providence and Yel low Yam Potato Draws Ready now, $1-50 per thousand- Farmers’ Plant Co., Enterprise, S. C. Sweet Potato Plants Leading Varieties. 15.000,000 Price 81-50 per thousand- Plants of first qual- ty- Count and safe arrival guaranteed- C. W. WAGGHTEL, Box 49 HOMELAND. GA. M-1 Eggs and Chickens 100 nice Single Comb White Leghorn Hens for sale : $1 each. Breeding pen eggs, 15 for $1. Indian Runner Ducks, fawn and white, lay snow white eggs, 13 eggs, $1. Both prize Hiniiers and world’s best layers. Sonny South Poultry Farm. Newton, n. c. Eggs From Prize Winning Pens Black Langshans, Rose Comb Black Minorca and Single (Jomb Brown Leghorns. 15 Eggs $1 50. I won first prizes at Shelby, Spartan burg, Henrietta, Lincolnton, Morganton and Charlotte. I also have Tamworth Hogs for sale. G. H. LOGAN, King’s Mountain. N. C. The Best is Always the Cheapest When it comes to S. C. White Orpingtons and White Indian Runner Ducks I have the best. Eggs from either, 12.50 per sitting. I prepa) ex press on two sittings. them the unlimited liability of all of I ThoS. W. Hnnlcr. NorWOOd, N. C. their members, and they accept de posits allowing interest thereon and | Of f Don’t delay Act at once. Get loan the money to their members for fairly short periods of time. Each one of their co-operatively owned lo cal banks usually belongs to a co-op eratively owned central association which exercises a control over the en tire organization, acting as a sort of clearing house and central bank. Co-operative Bank Rates. The rates of interest charged by these banks depend largely upon the rates of interest paid on savings de posits in each particular locality, for they must, of course, meet competi tion in order to get the business. While as a general thing they are not able to obtain funds at a cheaper rate than other institutions, nevertheless they are able to loan these funds at a somewhat better rate than other in stitutions, owing to the fact that their expenses are very light, their officers usually serving without sal ary, and due to the further important fact that they are co-operative or ganizations and are not operated for profits. Credit Agricole. The Credit Agricole of France con sists of a large number of co-opera tively owned local banks which are ^ busy. Send $10 quick and get new 36 lb. feather bed with 6 lb. Pair Pillows FREE. Everybody buys. Everybody enthu siastic. Agents start right in making money first day. Agents and customers say best bed and pillows ever offered. New feathers Best ticking. Freight prepaid on all. Satisfaction ^aranteed. Big profits. Easy pleasant work. Reference, Commercial National Bank. Write today. TURNER & CORNWELL, Dept 19. Charlotte, N. C. 5chofield Engines Less 5tcait\- LonserVear For sixty-seven years we have been manufac turing and perfecting Engines. None can sur pass the high-grade service the Schofield Engines render today. RnrinG baRTflf c«n«tn>ct«d with propr dwtri* Dotion of ro«tRl. which strain whers eomss. Buitt for bosTT duty, and particnlari/ adaptad for saw mills, oil mlUs. eotton giaoaiiss, or a&y placa •ncinos can bs usod. ^ All sixes. Center Crank type—12 berse power to 100 horse ^ powor—eido crank type—OO horse FRDA FACTORY Pow«r to iso horsepower. Also Tn vnil manofactoraboilers, tanks, tew- lu TUU „ mmokm rtneks, saw mills, end all kinds ef mechiD«ry*-fmU, supplies, pip# salranised rooAnc. GeteeUloe. Schofleld Iron Works Dept. H Macon, Ga. I AM Selling Cheap to Farmers Union Members. can save you money on watches, clocks, watch chains, lockets, bracelets, rings, emblem pins and every kind of jewelry. I will malL post paid, a Union Emblem Pin for 6 cents. Be sure and write for catalogue and save money. WILL C. WALKER, Butler, Tenn.