'mm THE tyORJrtNG IjpjRALD, APRIL v32, 1913. tee 1 Washington, April 11. Forecast for North Carolina: Local mini Saturday? l Sunday fair, moderate soutty winds. No game? In the National league Ion account of rain and Wet grounds Game- Will Be Played on New Ground R. H. E. Chicago .. ..1 7 2 Cleveland .. 6 2. Batteries: Chicago, Cicotte and Schalk; Cleveland, Gregg and Jand. PRIDE IS A 1 UARTER St. Louia , . ' Detroit . . . . BatterieB: R. H. E. , .. .,8 14 2. .. 6 13 3. St. Louis, Hamilton, I i . . niuli t witllJUri ' i tsaumgaTOuer ana Apew; ueirou, IheWoundi WEI Be in Good Kiawfctets Mall and Rondeau. "IP- ' ... C m r . vonaiuon t, I All pther American league games postponed on account of rain and wet grounds St. Louis Make it Two. St. Louis, April 11. The Browns trimmed the Tigers today 8 to G. The weather was cloudy and cold and this apparently was responsible for the lack Of control exhibited by the pitchers. The Browns were particu larly aggressive in the sixth inning scoring five runs and cinching the game. ' UNLESS THEY "ABE SOGGY ,1 ' Kama Last NighteWadly Needed on the Grounds andrfrtr Weather today Will Matte Them Alt Right for Game The. new park wifli.be christened this afternoon with the game be twen the Durham Bulls and the Wake Forest team this afternoon this being the first regular game to Cleveland Wo- the Opener. Cleveland. Anrll 11. Vean Gregg. be I playeV the new gratis since they ed flfteen chiCftgo White Sox 3 to 1 ere:;iurnea over 10 me uurnam team lnn the nnenln enmfi nf the vAr ) Why the grading contractors ' For. the past two weeks the players and the management, have been look ing and hoping for rain, a hard driv Ing rain, which wcfald pack the grounds and get them in better shape for this game today. 4 -The rains came last night and it is believed that the diamond will be in excellent shape this Afternoon. Scores of people have-r; visited . the park during the courge of the grading, and it has been the general opinion of all that it was going to make a very pretty ball field. The boys havebeen using it for practice for the past eek or jmore, but it has been pretty slow on account of the large amount of loose -dirt which did not tiarden under the cfTect8 of the sprinkler -and the big Steam roller. It was impossible to get the surface dlrf 1 wet through, nothing but a rain would Accomplish this All of the seats in the grand stands have' been in position .for a week and it will be one of the most comfort able' places in the state, from which to watch a ball game. I The grading " hag left the bleachers several feet higher than the diamond and these will be excellent for thg Tellow who wants to see the gam for a quarter. The price of admission, this after noon wil be only twenty-five cents This will be an interesting announce - meat to the fans ipf-,-he city, who nave. gQjp0a&i4 T lege,, of getting entUiisiitstic over the game. The Kellyites haW teen showing u jf mighty well in", the recent games and are now In betterlahape than ev er on account of having the grounds on which to practice for some real team work. - Wake Forest is believ ed to have about the strongest col- Inge team in the state, and the game this -afternoon will bpdoubtedly be a very Interesting onet- Manager Kel ly recently saw the Baptist boys play attending one of their Raleigh games in order to get a line of dope on their abiljty. He. says . thy. have a very strong aggregation of 'ball players ' Last ,.nfgbt he did .not know ju3t who would do the pitching for Dur- Xliam, but expected,; that the twirling would toe done by ' either Scott, ' the recruit' who, so nearly, took the game from PMIadelphla on-Caster Monday, Bugs Eldridge pr Button. The Dur ham fans ahve seen neither of these last two pitchers work but they are said to have the stuff Tvith them. Ul- today. Jim Cicotte's smoke went for naught against the combined efforts of the three stars named. .. Nothing but shutout pitching would have won for Chicago and Lajoie and Jackson were on hand to prevent this. Jack son scored two of the runs. Lajoie scored the other run. PRETTY LOVE SCENES. Happily Mixed With Many Laughable - Situations. -Bought and Paid For seems like something you own, and If someone tries to take it away there will be a fight, is one of the many extracts from the dramatic writers' criticisms of the sensational comedy drama which William A. Brady, Ltd., will present at the Academy of Music on Monday night. No play produced in recent years has received the unanimous endorse ment that has been bestowed on George Broadhurst's latest work, con-, si sting as it does of intense dramatic quality, pretty love scenes, happily intemingled with lustrous comely. The play fs in four acts with the scenes laid in the upper part of New York city. The characters while few, call for clever as well as natural in terpretation. Much care ; has been displayed inthis particular element The production will be exactly as Xo pay half a (Jpjfhlfrr the prlvl-J0 Cltyv BIG SALE! Read Gladstein's Specials FOR SATURDAY AND MONDAY. NOBALTS-ilND PILLS 'CASCARETS If Constipated. Bilious, Headchy? Stomach S6ur, Get a 10 Cent Sox of Cascareta Take One Tonight. . You men-and women who can't get feeling right who have . headache, coated tongue, foul taste and .foul breath, dizziness, can't sleep, are bil ious, nervous and I upset, bothered with a sick, gassy, disordered stom ach, or lfave back-ache and feel worn out. i . Are you keeping your bowels clean with Cascarets, or merely forcing a passageway every fw days with salts, cathartic pills Or castor oil? This Is important. Cascarefs work while you sleep; cleanse and regulate the stomach, re move the sour, undigested and fer menting food and1 foul gases; take the success bile from the liver and carry out of the system all the constipated waste matter and poison in the intes tines and bowels. A Cascaret tonight will straighten you out by morning a 10-cent box from any drug store will keep your stomach sweet; liver and bowels-regular and head clear for months. Don't forget ths children. They love Cas carets because they taste good d good never gripe or sicken. BUSINESS GETTERS WHERE OTHERS FAILED JOTJR da transfer .accomplish, nothing too ing and packing don. Call 207. WE SELL NEW AND SECOND HAND furniture at reasonable prices. Also buy old furniture and exchange new for old. L. D. Rogers, Church street, Phone 339. ' LARGEST FURNITURE STORAGE in town and small fire risk. Your furniture packed nicely at Jour- dan's Transfer. Call -207. SQUA&S, PHONE 305. A MAJESTIC RAN&E FOR $120. Phone 187vl. , SALE FOR RENT 3 GOOD ROOMS, information phone 508. FOR CALL 529 FOR SELECT OYSTERS, roe. and buck , shad, speckle trout, B. It. Tingen city market. FOR : SALE EIGHT . -THOROUGH bred Llewellyn setter puppies. Can bef seten with sire and dom in Chris tian and Harward's show window, Apply to J. J. Lawson. WANTED TO RENT 3 ROOM COT- tage. Write Ira Cates, Herald of fice. Hew Goods Are Ar riving Daily at Our Store . We have a complete stock of ladies', men's and children's wear ing apparel. We carry a line pf goods that is of the best quality. We sell goods at prices that can't be beat,, considering quality. We have the exclusive agency for the famous Douglas Shoe. This Shoe has a reputation as being the world's best Shoe. We have hundreds of pleased customers and feel as though we Can give you values that will please. Give us a trial. FOR SALE YOUNG JER8EY COW. Apply to N. L. Perry at B. L. Dukes Trinity avenue farm or phone 279, TOMATO PLANTS, CABBAGE ..plants, potato and beet plants. Paul Wheeler. . ; . M. Haskell Corner Main and Mangum Streets MEATS Ladies' Raincoats, $3.."() kind, $1.98. $J0 kind for $4.98. Men's the same price. 15; Corduroys for 10c yaru. 25c Corduroy for 15c yard. 50 pieces Dress Linen, 20c kind, 10c . yard. ' 25 pieces 49c Linen, all colors, for 25c yard. rich wiU. In all probability, hold down the back stop position. Catch er Coveny ie InHhe city and has been helping the manager' work out the bunch of young pitchers, but he will ( In- all probability watch the game fromthe benches thl. afternoon and help in the coaching. The other po sitions o the team will probably be filled as follows: 'First,. Morpeth; Second, Red Owens; short. Little Kel ly; third. Hargrove; left field, Bres !b: center. Shortv . Anrior- rio-hi , - - " " Jpid, Jim Kelly. . X LAMOND AVENUE WON. Defeated Noath Durfeam Yesterday by the Score of 15 to 2. Lamond avenue' yesterday after noon aeieariea .ortn imrnara . in a seven inning game otkaseball by the overwhelming scdrje of IS to 2. Ac cording to the reports-brought to the office by the small chaps yesterday. Lamond avenue bad the better of the contest all the way through. The bat teries for Lamond avenue were Pow ell and Hughes. ajosLJor North Dur ham. Jeffries aadGilea The" feature of the" (tame were the bomsr'nnr toy 'Bob ,Wfiftfe; of Lamond avenue; Arnette's, k-ai run- to left field from shortstop JJn catching a ball; aad the good work of Debnam In stopping a fly after running from center to left field. 20c Linen, all colors, for 10c yard. East Durham Ginghams, 6c yard. 10c Bleaching for 7c yard. 15c Lonsdale Cambric for 12 yd. 12c kind for 9c yard. All White Cloth, 36 inches wide, for 5c yard. French Foulard, ail colors, blue. black or tan pencil stripes, 39o value Kvalue for 22c yard. 50 rolls Matting 25c value for 11c yard. Art Squares from $2.98 up to $18. Children's Slippers from 49c up. Ladies' Slipers, white canvas or patent leather, tan, gun metal, any size from 89c up. Men's and Boys' Slippers from $1 up. 500 Men's Suit on sale. $18 Suit for $9.50 and $2.50 Men's Straw Hat free with each suit $13 Suit for $7.50; Hat free with each suit. Boys' Suits from 5fc up. These prices are only for Satur day and Monday at. See our line of meats for Tuesday md Wednesday: N C. Hams. F. F. V. Hams. . Kingans Reliable Hams. Kingan's Picnic Hams. Kingan's Breakfast Strips. Kingan's Sliced Bacon. Special 'Fine lot of Norton oeed Sweet Potatoes. Yam T: M. STEPHENS Phone 26S Prompt Delivery Lafcewood Defeated. Ikewood Park met the Royal Am bassadors of Secold Baptist church yesterday afteraeon on the diamond and wm defeated by the Ambassa dors by the score of to 1. Feature for Royal Ambassdars .was two home runs by White. Batteries for Ikwood. - Picks rd aad WfceJr; Ambassadors. Billing sad Johnson. X H. N'ortoa retunod to the city yesterday afternooa from a business tiiM4 the- ter-i ptn of the state, M. Gladstein's Store THE HOME OF BARGAINS. DR. H. E. tATTER FIELD, Sure DerrUat. Office nm National Bask Brnfiding. EVERY DOLLAR Spent In Durham for Material or Work, Helps Durhm Just That Much, and Dol lars Mean Something REMEMBER 1. T. Christian Press "When You Want PRINTING of Any Rind . - 109 Market St. Phone 559. ANNOUNCEMENT. I am a candidate for alderman from the first ward subject to the action of the democratic primary to be held April 2Gth. J. S. HALL. NOTICE: I hereby announce myself a candi date for alderman from the second ward subject to the democratic primary. I . 11. '' D' HAMLIN. WeOffei; -FOR "SALE 2 modern Dwellings, Dlllard street; I 5 room and 1 7 .room. l modern iq . room dwelling . on Wotta at root- . : r ' -,jv. I. 1 9 room moderns pwelUng, Broad way, t 1 5 room modern TCottage, Cleve- lana street. , : j -s 1 9 room modvraY pwllhis, Vlck ers avenne. ' ; 1 6 room modern Dwelllg, Oak wood avenue. . 15 room modern Dwelling, Trinity avenue. 2 good renting Tenement Dwellings Lottie street. 1 14 room new modern Dwelling, Second street, rear Trinity college. 1 9 room modern Dwelling, Roz boro street. 12 acre farm 2 miles from city. Very desirable. . 5 vacant Lots near Lakewood Park. 1 5 room mpdarn Cottage, . Burch avenue. Very desirable Building Lota, Park A Venue, with city water and grano lithic sidewalks. Apply to IV. J. Griswoldj. C.Worth or the Grlswold Insurance and Real Estate. Company, One Dollar And .One-Fifty The Pair $1.00 and $1.50 You O Silk Stockings for Day and Evening Our Silk Hosiery Department is well worth visitinsj whether you are in need of a new supply or not' will find here hosiery that is not only fascinatingly beautiful but remarkable good values. & Like all McCallum products it has' the fine even weave that; characteriz9 the superior hosiery. Made of the richest silk and A made with the utmost care, these stockings are not equaled in beauty and satis-faction-giviDg qualities by any other silk hosiery made today, Matched " mend Xing silk goes with every pair. Cars Stop EironKeimers Curs Step AAA44AesAeaAAAsa4AAA44a4AA YEARBrS Saturday I jSpalding and "D. & M't7 ffijwtt fgjl After all. boys, it's the nn m behind th goods that 1 VCsrsJsS' counts. When you buy a S t'IT. Shees, C.'nve. Mitt, V ar Bat, Ball, Mask, or no matt er what it may be, you . iSa.fgfl ' want to know that you arc getting YOUR MON'KY'S . tmmi WORTH. This is why t'ia b oys call for SPALDING or vStanfjai r "D. & M " I 550ne Durham Book Stationery (Q, Special For Sunday Dinner Alock Ice Cream 3 Flavors. Delivered to any Part of the citv! for dinner. Phone 59 YEARBY'S Drug Store 123 East Main Street WHITMORE' BAKERY Freeh Bread, Cakes aad Pies made every day. Thanking our patrons for their liberal patronage daring the past year, we solicit a continuance of the same. With every effort to please we are ready to serve you. WHITMORE, The Baker Phone 188 ? Paxrtsh 8t"et DR. GEO. A. CARRt Surgeon Dentist. Office Over W. A. Slater A Co, Store Office. Pbone 181. DR. 8. DACE M'PHERSON. M. a Eye, Ear, Nose, Threat. Glassee Fitted. Office Hours I to 1 and IU1 Phone tat. GRAND Goat Suit Sale TODAY J. TEAGUE, M. D, B. W. FA t SETT, M. D. Eye, Ear, Noee vd Threat end Fit ting of Glsssef Hoars I t, a, to f i. . Plume (01 KwiSesee It7 DR. i. C. MOHNSON. DErT1T. nrj rjop? vu BuQdi&g, rtoot tit $25.00 Suits 20.00 Suits 18.00 Suits 15.00 Suits 12.50 Suits Sale$17;50 Sale 15.00 Sale 12.98 Sale 1L50 Sale 9.50 All the newest on the market and different colors. Alterations Free. Can you beat this. Come early. ENDALL K

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