;,W: . 7-, V v' : 7 - 7 -7 7 .:roun ITmv TOT MORNING HERALD, JULY 15, 1914 ' :'Trri lift flltfB SiSipV in 4 DAILY EXCEPT MONDAY. J. H. KINO, C T ROLLINS Editor Iwlinw Mgr. ' h H. King nd E. T. Rolling Owhci , ,and Publisher v,; SUBSCRIPTION PRICE: . On Year... ........1160 On Week. . . . ............. ..05 Entered at th Poitofflc at Durham, N. O, M second-class pun matter. DURHAM. N. C:, JUL.Y 1". 1914 ,JsTow talcing a game from Chaslotte 14 what counts. , The snore that is learned of that Martin county affair the worse it ap pears.;' '?'', It -the Bulls just naturally had to give a game away we are glad that it went to Ferris. The fans will always feel that yes terday's rain knocked the Bulls out of another victory. While macadam roacs are costly, we will perhaps keep on building them if we can find nothing cheaper. ..'The'utterances of the Western Car olina' Democrat at least lets us know JuBt what the bosses think about it. " WbiIe congress has been taking'or dem: from ' the president, it was only because it felt that it had it to do. WITH THE EDIT0E3 ''.. Something to Remember When republicans talk about "bust ness: depression" such as now exists in the mind of the calamity howler, let then recall the days of 07-08 when Colonel Roosevelt occupied the white house and the Aldrlch-Mann-Cannon crowd ruled on capitol hill. .Those were bright and cheering days. Sal Ishuryi Post . , How About Sugar? Republican newspapers say there has been no reduction in the cost of living. But how about sugar That is from a half to a cent a pound cheap er than it was a year ago and the sav lng on the sugar bill of the people of the United States has been, it is cal culated, fully forty million dollars News and Observer. Always on the Job The Southern railway knows how to put its best foot forward . At the hearing in Aeheville Saturday on the Justice intrastate freaght bill, it had as witnesses in its behalf representa tives of the various trainmen's organ izations who testified that to adopt the rates would be to lower their wages; that they had talked with 1,700 shippers of the state and that they did not favor the proposed rates. The Southern was represented by General Counsel Thorn, a pastmaster in the art and a talking machine equal to a pho nograph. Mr. Thorn is always on his job. Greensboro Record. i If 'the' next legislature is not al lowed to spend more than it takes in it cannot nope to onake much ot a record. Instead of the state- .helping (the counties, if conditions do not improve some of us will have to turn in and help. the state. The democrats have made good in many respects but a more economical administration of national affairs is not one of them. Like Cotton Curtailment In explanation of their proposed ac tion in curtailing the production of whiskey the distillers in Kentucky, Illinois, Ohio and Indiana are careful to place it on the ground that there has been no decrease in whiskey drinking, but that on the. Contrary, the consumption of liquor has increased from 20,000,000 to 35,000,000 gallons in the past four years. At the same time, the production of whiskey has increased from 20,00,000 to 46,000,000 gallons, or more than half. What ever the real cause of the talk of curtailment in the output, it is evi dent that the country has enough wniskey on hand to last for quite a while. But this talk of curtailment in therwhiskey output Is going to pan out pretty much like the talk of the farmers cutting down the cotton acre age. The annual census figures show how that it. Charlotte Observer. a house where thure if an Infectious sickness should be hotted before being returned to the milkman. The best thing to do in such circumstances is covered dfishe into which the milk covered ishes into which the milk man may pour 'the milk from his bottles. The duty of each indf.vidual to his neighbor In this connection is most important, according to the warning of the experts, and the 'board of health may very property be called to disinfect milk bottles after they have been in a house where there is sicknees, in any case," says the warning, bottles should be gliven reasonable care before being returned to their owner. The practice of pouring vine gar or kerosene or other liquids into them temporarily when not in use should by all means he discouraged. The containers should be washed in cold water first and finally in warm water before they are returned to the farmer supplying the milk "These little details of cleanliness are matters which cannot be regulat ed by the federal or state govern ments. Rules and regulations that require pure milk to be delivered to the home may be rendered valueless by careless individuals in the home. The best efforts of the milkman or farmer to deliver first class milk will amount to nothing unless individual housewives will co-operate for the good of the community." If boards of health will see that the ' people are furnished only with pure and clcna milk and housewives will follow the above instructions in handling milk after it reaches the home Uiere is likely to be a big de crease in diseases. Those counties that have put off road building until now can at least benefit by the costly experience of some of the others. If . the senate is going to down th president. It might as well igo ahead with it, as no one expects him take anything back. .If Mr. Wilson wants a .progressive to, All the vacancy on the supreme ;purt bench, Judge Clark would ifill tie ibill and then some. ., When . the senate wants to make some ol Its secrets public property it must be plain to all that it hopes to gain, sometinmg by It. While Mr. Roosevelt la abusing the old -line, republican party he seems nol . to . remember . that this is1 the party that made him president . Those of us who do not believe in rubbing It Into the railroads some times have to admit that tjhere Is no other way of getting at them. ,Th)os)B comwpondenta In Mexico are, always telling what Is going to happen, but they have thus far shown themselves to be poor prophets. If the New Haven directors cannot be reached by the Sherman Ir.w would seem that the iommon law against stealing might get thriu. Certainly at Is as much the business of the federal government to provide good roads as good water ways. But some of, us do. not believe it should provide the latter. If : the railroads would give some sort of a reasonable excuse for charg lng us a higher freight rate than they do Virginia we might be able to stand it with better grace. White some other railroad system may be as rotten as was the New Haven the public will not find it oat a Jong as they can keep out of the hands of the courts. Toe penitentiaries of the various states are full of criminals who did less rascality and less real harm to the public than did the directors of the New Haven system. , .As the senate Is composed largely of politicians it is hard to teU whether it has anything against Jones and Warburg or is simply trying to make trouble for the president. The constitutionalist may finall t make Carranza president but unless there- i a rad'eal change in Mexican methods they will hive a bard time of it keeping aim in the job. . If a redaction in freight rates by the railroads operating in this state would necessarily . mean a reduction in the wages -of their employes it most be that they are now paying lower ages ia Virginia than la this state. Sugar, print paper and those, things on which the tariff was materially t( Juced can be purchased cheaper f aa formerly, and If the cost of liv ing fcs out beea reduced sufficiently c-r.rrtss might take. another whack t t's tariff. An Expensive Proposition It is not surprising that the thou sand dollar entrance fee demanded of candidates in the coming congres sional primary has stirred up some d'scussion. In defense of the fee it has been said that poll holders should be assured of receiving at least two dollars for their day's work, and that many of those offi ciating in the previous primary have noi yet received anything. We be lieve that poll holders should be fully recompensed for their time and trou uie, dui a tnousand dollars is too much for an entrance fee. Let us hope such situations will be made impossible by adequate legislation The expenses of a primary unless poor men are to be debarred from noiaing office should be borne by me state or Dy the party as a whole certainly fre candidates should not De swatted- for a thousand nlunks apiece. New 'Bern Sun. MILK SHOULD BE ATTENDED TO wasmngion, July 14. Beware of unclean milk! oucn a warning is beine snread oreaccast throughout tho nation hv tho department of agiKculture whose experts realize that during hot weather milk is particularly euccepti Die to contamination. The warninir Is directed to housewives who ere apt 10 grow lax or permit their servants to become careless during the hot season. wnon milk Is delivered it should be put into the refrigerator with the least possible delay, says the warning Very brief exposure to summer heat makes it unfit for use. If it is 1m poeeible to have the milk bottles put immediately Into the refrigerator the housewife should provide on -the porch a box containing a lump of ice, in planning a house It is wise to arrange a refrigerator set in the wall with an opening on the outsid? These boxes can be fitted, with locks and keys furnished to the milkmen The Interior of the food compartment should be wiped every day withaclean cloth, and thoroughly scalded ct least once a week. Under no circumstances should tho drain pipe of an ice box be connected with a sewer. The cap and neck of a milk bottle should bo. washed and carefully wiped with a clean cloth before the cap is removed. The cap should not ba pushed dwn into the bottle. The can may be removed with a sharp nofnted instrument without the can beinz pusned down into the milk. The bot tle, after being once opened, shoula be kept covered and the mUd should be kept in tho original bottle until the milk is used. The original cap should not be re placed, but, instead an Snverted glass should be put over the top of the bottle. The bottle should always.be kept in the refrigerator whon not in use and any milk that has been pour ed from the bottle into another vessel should not be. poured back into the bottle. Onions and other foods having a strong odor, especially during hot weather, easily impart their smeH U, milk that is Jeft uncovered. This is an additional reason for always keep in milk in a covered receptacle. Milk bottles should never be taken into a sick room for. as they are usu ally returned to the milkman, they nay carry infectious disease into other homes. Every milk bottlJleft at BIG BARGAIN SALE AT M. GLADSTEIII'S STORE 50c ladies'-eorsets with 4 sup porters attached reduced to 25c. Chidren's dresses from 19c up. Ladies skirts from 9Sc up.. East Durham ginghams 10 yards for 49c. Children's slippers from 49c up. Ladies' canvas slippers from 89c up. 40 inch white lawn 12 l-2c kind reduced to 8 l-2c. Men's $15.00 Suits reducted to $9.50, $10.00. Men's suits at $7. 50. $8.50 men's suits reduced $4.9S. Men's slippers, all kinds $3.50 and $2.50 kind reduced to $L9S. Watch for ouli big ad for Fri day. v AT M.Gladstein's Store The Home of Bargains Greatest of All Ikrian Biessings t SALE ON DRESSES NOW ON AT ENOCH'S Children's dresses, in sizes 2 to 5 special at sale 22c r?5c children's dresses'. 44c $1 and $1.25. dresses 92c $1.50 house dresses . ... .98c, .9c The moat wonderful thine In the world la love expressed- In the helpless infant. And among- those aids and comforts for' expectant mothers is the well known "Mouier's Friend." . ----- This Is an exteftial annHcation.tto enable the abdominal muscles to become more pliant, to expand naturally without Off an( 40 in whltp IaWTI undue pain from the strain upon cords ?Y tlU4 WUl. WUHC IrtWil and ligaments. 20C ValUe, Special In almost every settled community are I 0f? . u 'i. l 101 women who have enjoyed tb'j blessing of OO IU. WMte percai, &y2 mis famous remedial and helpful embro- I 1 1 t n cation. Their daughters have errown'uD I VdlUtJ. BUCCiai OV to learn of. its splendid assistance. Applied as directed upon those muscles Involved it soothes the fine network of nerves with which all the muscles are supplied. Thus a great share of the pains so much dreaded may be avoided and the period of expectancy passed through In ease and comfort. Anything that adds so much comfort must be counted as a blessingr indeed. In a little book sent by mail much use ful information is given to inexperienced mothers. It tells how to use "Mother's Friend" and how to avoid caking breasts'. It has bean prepared in' our laboratory for over four years and is known favor- ably to most druggists everywhere. Get a bottle to-day and write for book to Krndfleld Regulator- Co.. r.O!) I.omar Bldp.. Atlanta, Ga. Be sure to ask for and see that you get "Mother's Friend." Do not accept a substitute. What is said herein of "Mother's Friend" is but a repetition of the thoughts expressed by thousands of happy mothers who have successfully used this splendid external application, I Fancy and white crepe, 15c value, special 9c 20c and 25c value .... . . . 15c B. Enock mm i Trus-Con Waterpj-oofing Paste Consentraied TRUS-CON WaterproofingPaste, C6nsentrated, is significant in that it most efficiently combines in one product all the essentials of a perfect waterproof ing, -v-' , I -J ,J:lil4fl,a! JllAlfiSt (1) It is. simple to use; (2) JReadily mixed with the gauging water; (3) Most economical waterproofing compound; (4) Colloidal in composition; . (5) Has a record of postive results. PUBLIC HARDWARE CO. TODAY Hugh Miller Will Exchange Very desirable home in surburbs, right on car line for house in in city. Durham Loan & Trust Co. Alphonsus Cobb, . Mgr. Real Estate Dep. Stock Co, i in Sol Smith Russell's Immortal Success "PEACEFUL" VALLEY" great Pastoral Drama IN THREE ACTS Matinee Today Get Your Kodak and Suppli es For Your Vacation From the Main Street Pharmacy Phone 541 4UNDER THE SLOGAN SIGN This Building, Is Being Painted By Stedman & May i. DR. L. M. EDWARDS, Dentist. Office Over Ben. H. Thomas' Drug Store Phone , 657 This sign is now on the Trust Building. Look for it on all the big buildings where the best painting is being done. Stedman & May Phone 102$ For Representative Office on West Main Street Opposite Library . . - H jbrary i M n J. Ed. Perrram Attorney at Law Offices over the Durham Cig ar Store, oppositeTrust Building. When You Want Better Livery Service Call on WHITFIELD'S LIVERY : STABLES PHONE - 793 Plenty of Turn-outs for Hay Rides 0 Glasses are the genuine "invis ible" bi focals. The "near" and "far" are one solid glass. No "lines," no cement. Kryptoks are the "real thing" In bi focals. Get your spectacles and eye glasses from DR. 8. RAPPORT Office over Pridgen 4b Jones tore JOSEPH GRAHAM. M. D. .. Surgery, Diseases of Women . Office Practice and Consultation. Hours: 11a. m. to 1 p. m, 4 p. m. to t p. m. DR. H. 8.. STTERFIELD Surieon Dentist OveV.Oas Office -Phoe 407, 1 Ring niiiiiiiiifiililiiiiiilllllllllllllillllllllllllllll I DURHAM CAFE I 1 and ' i I RESTAURANT I s . s S The Durham Cafe at 114 E 3 S S Church Street gives more, bet- a 3 ter prepared and more sanitary : 3 food at lower rates than any E S Cafe in Durham. None can ex-. E S cell us for quick and polite ser- E E vice. Everything Is done for S the comfort of our customers s Give as a trial and be convlnc- ed. mm mm PHONE 1162 8TEVE CHANGAR1S, Mgr. uiiiiinHuiiiittiiiiiinninrauiuntinuiiiii SPECIAL REDUCTION SALE GOSSAEID FRONT-LAM CORSETS THIS IS YOUR FIRST OPPORTUNITY TO BUY THIS FAMOUS CORSET AT A CUT PRICE The object of this sale is to reduce the stock as low as possible be l ore stock taking, and to have very few on hand wher. the new Winter stock begins to arrive. REMEMBER THESE ARE NOT SHOP-WORN GOODS But all new up-to-date models, however some of the sizes are broken that is to- say there is not all sizes of every number in stock. A pleasing announcement to the admirers of this corset is the fact that during this sale, our special corset fitter v. ill give fittings and make any necessary alterations free of extra charge, just the" same as if the garments were sold at the regular prices, So this makes this sale unusually attractive to any woman wish ing to purchase in the near future. MAKE YOUR VISIT AS EARLY AS POSSIBLE So that you may be sure of getting the style and size necessary. (Jossard is the original front-lacing corset, and stands today the Pioneer in the field of front-lacing gar ments. We wish now to thank the good women of this city and surrounding territory of assisting very material ly in making our Gossard business the splendid success it has been in the past season. Read These Specially Reduced Prices and Make Your Selection n7-J m 7 DR. J. W. PETTY, Veterinarian Bttablea and farm for chronic and lame animals. Residence phone.... ... ..... ...76! Stable phone.... 330 Auto for Emergencies. ALL OTHER DEPARTMENTS IN THE STORE arc still offering goody at much below their regular sale price. There is ;i splendid variety in the children's fancy top socks that sell regularly at 25c on sale now at the small price of 10c pair. This is a summer clean up proposition. YARD WIDE HETERO CYLK at 19c This is our 25c goods, all new and perfect in every wav, and guaranteed v absolutely fast colors. $13.50 Cossards now .$3 $5 Gossards now $3.50 $0.50 Gossards now $4 $7.50 Gossards now $4.50 $8.50 Gossards now $5 - Some of these models are in fancy material figured to be more explicit. Some are light Summer mesh garmeuts, and the balance are in plain materials. ' - ,