ELKIN TRIBUNE Published Weekly By ELK PRINTING COMPANY ELKIN, N. C. Thursday, April 2, 1914 ICAL NEWS IN AND AROUND ELKIN r-SS ' Miss Mamie Gentr Capt. G. T. Roth made a busi- !ss trip to Winston-Tuesday. 11 Mr. C. V. Long made a Ijusi- ^ess^ripto Winston last Satur- ay. ■y, of Nortli ■00 ot r f iMlkesboro, was in Ell-tin Satur- Tke ay- - The depot at Elkin is hein" . eautitied by the painters this feek. Mr. J. W. Madison made a biis- less trip to ^’homllsvi^lc last Ufi: 'rid ay. Dr. J. F. Williams of Roeicl'ord I’as a business visitoi- in Elldn ’uesday. Mr. and Mrs. Z. D. Greenwood, if Ben bow, were in town sliop-^ Mng Monday. ■' Miss Joanna Williams passed hniugJi Elkin Monday en route o her home at Zephyr. Mr. Jasper Russell went to Vinston Sunday, where he will ■emain for a f^'»'days. Mr. Pau I Laftoon of Wash i,nly to W. S. Gough. 26 Miscellaneous. WE SELL THE BEST CORN planter on the market. Ask to see it. Surry Hardware Co. 16-lt-4-2 GARDEN AND GRASS SEEDS, seed sweet and Irish potatoes, at Fairmont Grocery. 12-3t-B-20 IF YO^ WANT A BlO^ ,LE, see us. Wonder and -i.orfolk models. Surry Hardware Co. 14-lt-4-2 oif rO GREATER BLISS CAN EXIST FOR THE MAR- ried man than to spend a cozy Sunday at home. To do this well you must have nice, comfortable jfurniture—the kind that “pulls” and makes you feel that it is j indeed home sweet home. Ladies, take this hint. Come in ItQfljJj' and look over our stock—builtjior your family comfoi't— the most elegant, in this section of the country. The prfces are made to suit.your pocket. Reich-Wa^h IFurnitiire Company YOU WILL “STRIKE” IT RIGHT IF YOU COME TO US FOR YOUR BASEBALL AND SPORTING GOODS, WE DO NOT “PITCH” STUFF TO OUR CUSTOMERS, BUT TREAT POLITELY THOSE WHO COME IN TO LOOK AT GOODS, WHETH ER THEY BUY OR NOT. WE DO NOT “STOP SHORT" OF THE BEST THERE IS IN HARD WARE. COME HAVE A BUSINESS “INNING” WITH US. ELKIN HARDWARE CO \ Hardware, Paints, Oils, etc. Elkin, N. C. Additional Want Ads. on Third Page Miss Margaret' Click, after spending some time in Winston- Salem the guest of Mrs. S. W. Friday. Mrs. Shepherd accom panied her home. Messrs. J. S. Roth and Dr. E. G. Click went to Winston Mon day to attend a district meeting of the "Knights of Pythias. They report a large crowd present and an enjoyable time. Presiding Elder R. M. Hoyle preached to a large crowd at the Methodist church last Sunday evening. His sermon was strong, forceful and greatly enjoyed by those who were present. Mrs. E. F. McNeer returned to Elkin laat Saturday after spend ing several days in Statesville with her sister, Mrs. S, B, Miller. She was accompanied home by Mrs. Miller’s little daughter, Miss Dorothy. Mr. W. D. Hudspeth, traveling salesman for the American To bacco Co., with headquarters at Macon, Ga., arrived in Elkin last p(killed in COLORADO BATTLE Saturday afternoon. Mr. Hud- spethmade the trip through theL^^t the women and chill country in his automobile. ^ Rev. D. A. Oakley, pastor of |sd Empire mine it was re- the Methodist church in Jones-0 tonight that twenty Mrs. J. H. Sprinkle is spend ing some time at Rusk with her daughter, Mrs. Carl Wallace. Mr, J, C. Dobbins of Marler passed through Elldn Monday on his way to Winston where he goes to attend a meeting of the farm demonstration agents for Western North Carolina, being held in that city this week, A these agents throughout the dif- erent counties, and every phase of the great agricultural uplift work will be touched upon at this meeting. The Elkin-Jonesville Building & Loan AssociatioiT held their annual iBeeting last Tuesday night. The stockholders are ve ry much pleased with the way in which the association is being conducted, and many are con templating taking stock at once. The Association since its organi zation here has made it possible for many to build homes that could have never built but for the association, _ sent ampico to Tuxpam to look refugees, iral Badger reported the of the French and the British ter at Vera Cruz. It is the Early and Persistent Advertiser That Enjoys a Good Business the Year Round Advertised—Are YOU Getting YOUR/Rightful Share? Is YOUR ^Business TRADE WHERE ■ v-jj-- ■- - -- r-.- ' - ■ > - - Buying is Pleasant and Economical cruiser cruis church in Jones-0 ville, received a telegram Tues day announcing the death of Mr. Carter, who died in Madison, Monday. Mr, Oakley goes to hold the funeral services. Mrs. Mary Welborn and little son, George, of Iredell county, are spending some time in Elkin with her sister, Mrs. J. F. Mar tin. Mrs. Welborn is a former I’esident of this place, and her many friends are glad to see her. We want to call the attention of all parties who have not paid their poll taxes for 1913 to the importance of prompt payment. You have only a short time in which to pay if you wish to qualify yourself to vote in the coming election. We hope that no one will be disfranchised by failing to pay his poll tax. The millinery openings at the Elkin Mercantile Co’s, and Sale- Crater Millinery Co’s, were large ly attended last Saturday. A great number of out-of-town peo ple were here. These enterpris ing people keep at all times an up-to-date line of millinery and ladies’ furnishings, and cordially invite you to call on them when in town. nance! ThJ wouldf. check! ilar to| Spani| wine an\ probable the estin net the t, 000 a, deinai posed tobacci It isj to in a althi their wives, children and ber of guards lied into the under a hail of bullets at Prof. Dana Walden,' magician and entertainer, will appear at The Lyric Saturday night, April 4th, at 8 o’clock. Mr. Walden is the entertainer so widely known thi'oughout the country, and so much appreciated by the hundreds of audiences that have greeted him in his travels in this work. Mr. Walden comes through the booking of the Alkahest Lyceum System, Atlanta, and is one of the best of his kind per forming on the stage to-day. A rare treat is in store for the listeners and lookers as they watch the progress of his many successful, but seemingly im possible attempts ia the magic world, A pass of the wand and your eyes deceive, you! Many stunts of bewilderment will be presented, and when these are demonstrated, you will be much the wiser. This is the last of the series of three attractions through this booking house. Don’t forget the time—and place. Prices: children 15c; adults 25c; reserves 3oc, on sale at Elkin Drug Co., Friday afternoon. ^ Where a well-filled store awaits your inspection, whether you buy or not. Showing you is a pleasure, for it is con vincing proof to you that our store is complete and of the Hest and most seasonable goods to be had. We'buy right- —at the season’s proper time of buying, and then sell you goods in season, of a selection which pleases you. Variety gives satisfaction in choice. Fair dealings make buying pleasant, and the small margin of profit we charge makes it economical to purchase from our well-selected stock. : : MILLINERY! MILLINERY! Ladies\ Misses and Children’s Coat Suits, Dresses, and Piece Goods. Come early and select your hat, coat suit and dress for Easter. Re member our store when you buy your coat suit—see our line—get our prices—then buy here and be satisfied. Elkin Mercantile Elkin, North Carolina