l^hoes! SI Shoes! COME TO JOLLY’S and get 3/our shoes and oxfords from the best selected Hne in town. We have the shoe that satisfies. A Full Line of Groceries al all limes. Prices riglit. Grive iis a chance to save you money. If yon are not already our customer yon eventually will be. WHY'NOT NOW? J. R. JOLLY, Manager, ELKIN, NORTH CAR. n EVERYBODY TRADES At S. W. Y. Supply Co’s. BECAUSE OUI-line ol .slioo.s are feet fitters, embracing all the ease tliat could be asked by the wearer. The leatliei' used is the best obtainable, and the quality speaks for itself, '^riie prices range fi'om 85c to S4.50 apair. Anj^sizeor style. Our line of dry goods and notions is always clean, and u])-to- date, to meet with the various needs of our customers. We cater extensively t-o the grocery ljusiness, and give our patrons the best, freshest, and purest groceries that can be had. We have a great string of customers who are tak- ingadvantage of what onr store has to offer tliem, and are proliting by it. We sell for cash or produce, and conse quently can and do sell our goods cheaper, because we have the cash to pay for what we get, which talks when a bill of goods is bought. If you are not making our store your trading headquai'ters then come in and let .s talk it over. We also carry a full line of fertilizer, feed and seed oats. S. W. Y. Supply Co., Elkin, N. C. NY ENTIRE STOCK Is Now Complete A Big Line For You to Select From Men’s Suits $7.S0 to $17; Boy’s Suitsi^SOc to $8 jOxfords $3 to $4.25 :..Straw Hats to $3 It will pay you to see me before buying. * C. C. Gentry NEW YORK CAFE Open 6 a. m., to 10 p. m. QUICK LUNCHES Regular Meals Sandwiches Country ])eo])]e are in vited to eat with us when they come to town. FRESH OYSTERS RECEIVED TUESDAY AND FRIDAY EAT AT NEW YORK GAFE Next door to Postoifice. Soft drinks and Cigars Prevent naWv V wmn.SM- I While Chf^ liOSS* Diairrhca Remedy Without these two guaranteed pro- tectives you cannot succeed with poultry. No other preparation is as grood the first three weeks as PraWs Babjr Chick Food— 26c, 60c and $1.00—the only safe ration. Insure® lusty growth. To prevent intestinal troubles the one sure specific is Pratts White Diarrhea Remedy—25c and BOc. After they pass the early critical period they mature quickly into profit paying members of your flock. Refuse substitutes; insist on Pratts. ,|Satiefaction Guaranteed or Money Back S Ge( Pratts 160 page Poultry Book Sold and Guaranteed by Elkin Drug Co. •S508 STOMACH TROUBLE FOR FIVE YEARS Majority of Friends Thought Mr. Hughes Wonid Die, But One Helped Him to Recovery. Pomeroyton, Ky.—In interesting ad vices from this place, Mr. A. J. Hughes writes as follows: “I was down with stomach trouble for five (5) years, and would have-sick headache so bad, at times, that 1 thought surely I would die. I tried different treatments, but they did not seem to do me any good. i got so bad, I could not eat or sleep, and all my friends, except one, thought 1 would die. He advised me to try Thedford’s Black-Draught, and quit taking other medicines. I decided to take his advice, although 1 did not have any confidence in it. I have now been taking Black-Draught for three months, and it has cured me— haven’t had those awful sick headaches since I began using it. 1 am so thankful for what Black- Draught has done for me.” Thedford’s Black-Draught has been found a very valuable medicine for de rangements of the stomach and liver. It is composed of pure, vegetable herbs, contains no dangerous ingredients, and acts gently, yet surely. It can be freely used by young and old, and should be kept in every family chest. Get a package today. Only a quarter. ELKIN HARDWARE CO. — Hardware — Paints — and Oils — ' Make Your Ovwi Painf! you WILLSAVE60CI..PERGAL. THIS IS HOW Buy 4 gals. L, & M. SEMI-MIXED REAL PAINT. at $2.10 per gal. - $8.40 And 3 gals. Linseed Oil to mix with it - - - 2.10 You then make 7 gals, of pure paint for - - $10.50 It’s only $1.50 per gal. Anybody can mix the OIL with the PAINT. Whereas, if you buy 7 gals, of ready-for-use paint in CANS, you pay $2.10 a gal. or $14.70. The L. & M. SEMI-MIXED REAL PAINT is PURE WHITE LEAD. ZINC and LINSEED OIL, thd best-known paint materials for J 00 years. Use a gal. out ol any L.&M.PAINT you buy, and II not the best paint made, return the paint and get ALL your money bacK. Are You a Woman? 'm Cardiii H» Woman’s Tonio FOB SALE AT ALL DRU8GISTS F4 OVER 65 YEARS” EXPER.ENCS Trade COPVRJGHTS Anyone sending’ a elcetoh nnd description mny fjulflkly ascertain onr opinion free whether u;; nivenllon I0 probably piUenUible. roinmunica- UonsBtrlct.iycontlilGntiaK HflNDDOOK on Patents sont free. t)ld08t iiconcy for eecurlnK patenta. I’ntonts tnben tnrouKh Miinn & Co. receive 8Pfci(U notice, wUUout chRrge, iuthe Scieniific Jlmericaii. A handstmioiy ilhistrnfed wj'oUly, culiilion (»f any 6<^ioniillc journiil. Iifircest cir .... I'crni.s. $3 a by i\W iiewsrtenlev:v vtijir; four »u>nU»8, $1. Sol & yof[( Branch Offlco. 625 F St., Washioii'ton, D. C. I trade marks andcopyi-iglita obtained or 110 ft'O. model, sketches or photos and do- 1 (icnption for FREE SEARCH and report j on j«tc-ntaMlity. IJank ivf‘?reni'e.s. I PATElVTS OUH-Sy rOnTUWES*ror I I you. Our booklets ti^llhow,’what to Invent | I and save you money. Writo today. D. SWIFT & CO. PATENT LAWYERS, ^03 Seventh St., Washington, 0. ROYAL MUMMIES IN MUSEUM COME UP INTO THE Northern Pacific Country This northern' tier of states offers a healthful and invigor ating climate; the best crop records and, in all respects, the ' best opportunities in the west. Another season of low fares is at hand. Low One Way Colonist Tickets On sale, dailyy March 15 to April 15 to many points in West ern Montana, Idaho, Washing ton and Oregon. If you are interested in this Land of ror- tune address any Northern Pa cific representative—state what locality you are interested in—- and literature will be promptly sent. , Two trains daily from Chicago, three daily from St. Paiil-Minneapolis and Duluth-Superior, and one daily from St. Louis, Kansas City, Omaha and Denver to and from, the North Pacific Coast and Puget Sound Country, and to and through the territory to which these fares apply. A. M. CLELAND G. P. A. Northern Pacific Railway St. Paul, Ninn. u Once Mighty Kings and Queens of Egypt Now IVIerely the Subjects of Scientific Examination. The mummies of some fifty kiaga and queens now lie side by side in the Cairo museum, a grim reminder of the unstable fabric of earthly glory, remarks the Dundee Adver tiser. Professor Elliot Smith is not wholly unmindful of that earthly glory, nor of the violated sentiments involved in thus displaying ani'flstt^^ aloguing these remnants of royal power. He reminds us that but for the museum authorities these mum mies would have been destroyed by robbers, and as a slight return for the protection thus afforded he claims the right of a respectful eci- entilic examination. Indeed, the ex amination has already been made. Many of the bodies have been care fully unwrapped and so we know for the first time that King Sagnounri, who reigned 3,000 B. C., was mur dered, his ‘^battered skull and wounded body” testifying eloquently to that fact. Doubtless the event made quite a stir in its day, but tar iff discussion, prize fights and the like have driven it from the modern memory. We know now that Mor nephtha, the Pharaoh of the exodus, erroneously supposed to have been drowned in the Bed sea, was a cor pulent man, nearly bald, with a fringe of white hair over the temples. SCHOOL FOR ADULTS. “People’s high schools,” as they are called, have been flourishing in for h .country -there We 70 such schqols, with 8,000 pupils, and one school at Askov, in South Jutland, has been in existence since 1863. One-tentn of the population of Denmark, it is esti mated, has passed through these' schools, which now are given small state subsidies, though there is no state interference with the institu tion. The schools are not technical or ‘^practical.” They seek only to develop minds on broadly cultural lines. There are no examinations for admission or for leaving; much of the instruction is given by lec tures, and the teacher is given wide latitude. Norway and Sweden, it may be added, have experimented success fully with similar institutions. tiEAN THING Mr. E. Blunt—Ah! out for a iStroll? Miss Paintedup—Yeg; I walk a ,mile every morning for my complex ion. Mr. Blunt—Why dott’t -you buy ;enough at one time to J ust you a week? Shriner’s Speeial to Atlanta Via Southern Railway The Southern Railway lias been se lected as otlieial to Atlanta by Oasis Temple to Shrine meeting-, May Special trsiiv will leave Charlotte at 11:00 p. m. Sunday, Ma 10th, ari'ivinfr Atlantafollowinu-inori inf,'-, and I’eturninK- will leave At'.an at 2:00 a. tn. F. T., '’i’liursday l-lth, arriving- Charlotte sani%^)orii iag:.. This Special train will Ijp composed of the latest I’ullman coiiipartuient drawing- room, steel electric lig-lited sleeping- cars, dining- car.and bagg-ag-e car. The entire train will he. parked at Shrine i’ark during- the Atlanta meet ing and every facility will be arrang ed for the comfort and convenience of those occupying-the cars while there. Tlie following- low round trip fares will apply from stations named Charlotte *8.2f) Gastonia Concord, 8.90 Statesville. Salisbury ___ 9.00 Hickory. WinstonS’leinlO.Tr) fligh i’oint Greensboro. _11.10 Hock TiilL. ^ Fares from all otiier points on same basis. Dates of sale May 7th to 12th inclusive, with final return limit Mav 20th, with privilege of extension of final limit until .June 20th by deposit ing ticket and payment of $1.00. I’asseng-ers from other points ma’y use reg-ular trains into Charlotte, eonneetingr with ttie Special train. In addition to the Oasis Special there will be extra Pullman cars oper ated on a number of regular trains to and from Atlanta to take care of spe cial car parties and genei-al travel Arrang-eraents for sj>ecial cars should be made in advance. All applications for reservations on Oasis Sjieeial starting- at Cliarlotte should i)e made to Mr. Tiios. Griffith Recorder, Charlotte, N. C., direct’ Applications for reservations in ali other cars and all arrang-eraents for -special jjarties, cars, etc., should be made through any Soutliern RaiUvav Ag-ent, or, II-H. Deliutts, Division Passeng-er Ag-ent i Charlotte, N. ’c. j NEW WAY TO MEASURE LAP® Tennesseean Ha» System of Welghlnoi Which May Yet Be Brogght to Perfection. A Tennesseean has discovered ft new way to measure large areas of land. He weighs it—rather, te weighs his map and computes the measurements from the scale lec- ords. Louis C. Mathey of Spot, Tenn., writes to Engineering News that he has for thirty-four years been obtaining land areas by the simple process of accurately plotting the* survey to scale on good paper, then cutting away the paper outside the boundary with a sharp knife and w^ghing the folded plot of the tract off, chemist’s or Jeweler’s scale ac- c^ately to one sixty-fourth grain. 3e sends a sample map of a tract of 16,651 acres, plotted on a scale of 80 rods to the inch on a sheet of 18x84-inch paper which weighed 43 8-33 grains. Engineering News comments: “While the plan might serve as a rough check on computations, the limit of error in plotting and trim ming, as well as in weighing, would make the scheme only applicable where land is of very low value.” TO MAKE COAL MINING SAFE Simple Test for Fi'e Damp Said to Be the f. i hat Has So Far Put Forward. One of the simplest of the many suggested tests for firedamp in mines is that described by Henry Briggs to the Scottish Society of Arts. It is an attachment that may be applied to any oil or spirit safety lamp, and consists of a loop of copper wire sup ported on a brass rod passing through the oil vessel. To make a test the loop is moved into the flame. This becomes instantly non-luminous, but if firedamp is present in the sir the gas cap-is clearly seen. The test can be made in a moment at any time without turning dpwn or put ting out the light. It is claimed that the percentage of firedamp this method will detect is exceedingly small, and the results of trials on both laboratory and mine go to show that this is one of the most sensitive, accurate and ex peditious means of revealing the presence of inflammable gas in mine or other air. *■ - 9.(i0 - 9.00 -10-60 - 7-(iO NO MONOPOLY OF LOYALTY. A South side man and his wife, who have no children but who keep a dog, were discussing the fidelity of dumb friends last night,' -Wiien she said: “Isn’t it remarkable how- a dog will love some worthless old fellow, even though he might be a mur derer? I can’t understand it—^it seems as though even a dog would imderstand what a brute some men are. Some dogs will stick to their masters through anything.” “So -will some women,” remarked her husband. And he cited a recent Kansas City case to prove it. But still she doesn’t understand it.—Kansas City Star. BURGLAR WITH KIND HEART Returns Stolen Money When He Learns for What Purpose It ( Has Been Saved. 'NoHH' . H. Haynes, ex-,Sheriff of the ty of Surry, do hereby' certify the following- desci-ibed real tc in said county and state, to-wit: ) one hundred and fifty acres of Id in Bryan Township, Surry ■ounty and listed on tax books in R. Smith name, was, on the 2 day of ne 1913, duly sold by me, in the naiiner provided by law, for the de- m^ienttaxes of R- .T- Smith for the 1910 amounting- to Three and 100 dollars, including- interest and alty thereon and costs allowed by , when and where S- M- Arnold chased said real estate at the ;e of ■‘B20.00, he being- the best and lest bidder for tlie .same. And I her certify that unless redemption Mayfield added to the fund in the l»x from day to day, but did not taow how much he had deposited. One night a burglar forced his way ijjto the stand and stole the wooden saymgs bank Mayfield discovered tte theft of his nest egg and told the st^pf of the theft to many persons who stopped to make purchases at the stand. He mourned the theft, he sa^, chiefly because his vacation was called off. , he received a letter, which inctosed $56 in currency and the fol- lowng note: “I burgled the stand, but X do not want to keep your vaca- tion money. Your Burglar Eriend.” ,l„™ow now that I had saved up > said Mayfield, and now I can take my vacation. I guess the bur glar heard my hard-luck story over the counter."_San Erancisco Chron icle, REDiFLANNEL PETTICOAT. A girl will put the money that in former'days would have been invest ed m a winter’s supply of red flan- nel i^ticoata into a string of beads and then stisnd out in the cold and argue about how much woman has advanced in theJast few years.—Ohio Statei Journal. Why don’t you too use Readv-to-Lay Rooft tHE uave raoa^J ■She OMy Tools aVOL.; convince others money, time Certain Wash lifti Am ^ late !6ived 1 CO Cit; Suerta Come in—Let Us Show You ise the Lbout a: lie diffi Steel Garden Hoei itates t This i 3ial WE y the I » be pi’ Not the large cumbersome heav\(«erta’ 11 , '?re th( kind of your boyhood days, but the liree Si >movrc The i 'ovevni er^ta! mbass ft W: iano n ^C6-S fi »ys las imediE When |jn M( )uth / !readj an, no which Remember- I>oor lioes liave driveii many boys pe, hoi from the larm. — g sitna fo inci Light, Thin, Polished Steel Kind SoJid Shiiiik or- Socket SHAUr lihADBS This i,^ the kind ol' hoes we are oiferiiig. They are made by the celebrated Amer ican Fork and Hoe Co., and can be bought at the same jirice of the inferior kind. Buy Your Boy the Best Surry Hardware Co. Elkin, N. C. JDSTTIINK you can get a good pair of shoes or dry goods at cost. Come and let us show you some real bargains. GROCERIES A nice fresh line all the time. “Lilac Flour” to please French Creole for a nice, delicious coffee. peac« marat rit of t Mexi I’resid [ugh kr be a PHONE 25 DELIVERED PROMPTLY T. G. HARRIS & CO. Elkin, N. C, warn ere, 22 Years Experience Work Guaranteed WATCHES, CLOCKS, ETC., PROPERLY REPAIRED BY HUTCHENS & HOUGH The Experts The best Watch in the world is the “Old Yadkin” made for us only by the Elgin Watch Company South of Court House, Yadkinville, N. C. dr. e. g. cuck DENTIST Office Over Elkin Drug TERMS; STRICTLY CASH FOR ALL WORK. ionra M. A. RoyalI,M.D. Specialist in Diseases o! the Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat OFFICE HOURS: From 9 to 12 A. M. 1 to 3 P.M. Sunday by Appointment Dr. L. C. COUCH DENTIST Office over Surry Drug Compooy TERMS: CASH Elkin, North Carolina Subscribe for The Tribune*

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