VOL 7 tllkin.N. C, Thursday, Hay 10, 1918 No. 7 LONDON PAPERS MUCH ENTHUSED Iunion, May 12. The appear- ENTENTE ALLIES CONFIDENT. W . . . . - I t .1 O It wuaway, iway it. oo i-onui Ivm.lon aroused tho enthusiasm mans can launch that it has been " of the Sunday paera as have few decided not to use tho American 1311), Fraternal Order of F.aglcs, offensive they began events In many months. The army until it becomes a complete was found murdered In thoclub's which was halted bef, COLUMBIA MAN FOUND SLAIN IN WAITING TACTICS OF GENERAL TOCM CLUB ROOMS. CONTINUED STILL t i t t If I I 4 I. K .. U(n Du...... A . unroof Amnriran national arm v d.-nLU Oio i.ntenLn r.f its ability tJOIUmuia, .May li. J allies .IC-1 uicv,,,,,,-,,,, men ,. parade In thu streets of to withstand any drive the Ger- Loughl.u, Tor a hair score years oiaer we-,K .us p isseu wunoui a London aroused the enthusiasm mans can launch that it has been awwaru ior wiumuia term .o. "J ' " .Marc 1 1 -'I, fore Amiens ..... . t f I I .. .. - l..u ....1 I,, .i ,1aI .,!!,.,.- imih.h, ltfin.rnntintP.l and i.mverfnl fnnw ftffOl-dintf to room this morning. MIS licau I earijr in i pi I. mei i.iiuiu n u; ..rui-.. i. .mwannro r,f iho k ral.ln minimarv nf nmratlonsi on been severely battered and nito pause on Its right flank be- men an! predict for the.n a roc- the western front received here cut by Home sharp Instrument, fore the barrier of the Flanders m I I. II.. . 1 I'll 4 I I. ill j !.,.. .... in .vi.ll. nf l-ltf . i . i- . I . - . .i ii. i hviuii i v n ii :i i 1 orii ii r an enum acmcvement toniifui irom mo war nimmi.n-u n j ul...n ii,..tf roncli the fr.mt of the. Hritish cabinet. F'ray, a former negro porter of was opening ' .... j ............ . ... . I I II . I a . 1 1 .. .1 .. 1 I w: .... n..ini,. .1,..- ,.f "rim iu.mIi im nnw la aiid tlm I mo aerie, was arrested by me r-ver mncu me rosuy uit-ah m OIIM IT tlig ill I llllll MJ "I III. UfHWUII ll'n r... I ..... i . ..I . I 1 I. ...Il..t...uil.. fl,...n....H f !iiiHn I itn A iniri d flrmtf rt f ,o flr-t month. .f n war." nummirv. "that the Hermans. ruy inc. noun v:..v-. a, ...u. . , nay The Observer, "London ha determined to concentrate every Unlay, and held in connection with desperate assault on the front not known such a nottblo scene available unit on one enormous the case for investigation. ssuthwest of Ypres nearly two ft m t - . .... 1. . .. - . . i I . I ,t of enthusiasm as thatevoked yes- offensive, are draining their coun- -Mcimgni.n, according to ng- ago, mu .NK........K tenlay. The Ilnest sight I have try dry to force a d laion before iatration rerlillratoa found on his new assauu oy ino enemy euner 1 i.,., uim ifui-.iitn u liiiii t luwnt'iitii are Iclothes, was iJ'.J years of aire. He here or on some other front hna the ver.h. t of a yountf HolJIer so confident that, having been has. been living in Columbia a lx-cn l.xkd for from day today. ulw, In 4 -en nervi.-e on four ifivrn thn choice of a small im- number of years. Iteforo he be- I'ossibly the uermar.s nae oeen Ti...,non iin lo,,k- mndiHtn Ampi-imn -irmv for do- rime connected with the Katies waiting ror Home Allied counter im' im.lv mill nniM-ar tn be in the fenso or waitinir till thev are re in an official capacity he was a blow which they feltable to with .r ,....iiii,..i Tin. eomnin. infrr..d I. v n roinnlete iiwerful. barber. His former home could stand and, therefore, hoped I,.- Hint with liL'ht. elaHticLelf-suiiivirtinir American army. t be ascertained today, but it would bo dealt. U'p, creating a mighty favorable they have chosen tho latter. ' ujx.sed to lo in Connecticut. I f this was thn case, they must lim.ression of their inarching 'To the aledge hammer uses of In his clothes was found a letter havo been disappoinU-d by the qualities and physique." masses of men by the enemy the from Sumter street, Hartford, waiting attitude of (Jeneral 1-och, 'rindm.eis cheered vesU-rday allies are oDis.sinir the strategy Uonn., under tiau? or .March iu, v. men u is mi u. now ioms-. I r ..I ... .1 II :.l .1... I.S.rnn.l "Mll-n " I.V,,i.i I Iw. I , ,11 I I lO ln Dill V ti I r 0 VPftl Ills further as they nave not i neereii torioi meeting me mow ihi me i"'k- .--j. ......... , - ,v im.nths." sivs IJovd'a smallest force rioaido of stand- of the letter, the writorwas evi- purpoac with little delay, a.s lime u'.u.li.. v..a - ' l.'m.n the mo inir n.i in h uhocl. w hile keen-1 uenlly a kinswoman of Mclugli-1 is one 01 me tilings no cannot ai nfiit when the first battalion de- intr the htroiiL'est reserve possi- Hn, and the chief of o!!ce or Hart- loru m nquanuer, w uu me .run ir-in...! tn the last minute fart- bl.v Thnhm on the wines are ford has been communicated wrlcan forces now rapidly swell U-..II when tl... crowd called out. MwrmitU'd tOL'ivo irround within with to get a line on the dead Ing to formidable numbers 'Cuniilivl, num.' tlm dav was limit whenever tho tnerav has man h rormcr life. Another let- , as i consiuereu certain, me - - . . .... ..... nneoriiearteniau friendliness. been made to nnv a irreater price wr was also round from a aavings uerinans nave empioyeu sutn it was the women who gave than the ground is worth, the bank in Lowell. Mass.. notifying time as they have relt impelled to thn Americans a sis-cial welcome, whole aim U-lnir to reduce the i'K-Loughlin that several sums or sjhmiu in ounumg up me macmn (Jod bless you, they cried all enemy to auch a atate of exliaus- iuney, dividends evidently from cry for a new attack on probably ulomr the route. Mothers lifted tion that our reserve, at the right Utock, had been dciwaited to his an even greater scale man oe i - "I 1 ... ii .t.i their children that they might moment, can restore the situa- credit. lore, it is quauy sure mat me have a. i.'ht of the soldiers from tion. The murdered man was ticep- Allied ariries under their unilied across the sea who were going to "In tho present operations, the tionally well liked among the command have not neglected to tightsideby side with dad ly. Hrilish army has withstood many logics of Columbia, who spoke employ the interval in maKing And the waiting i-iovda found times its own weL'ht of eneruv favorably of his exemplary life, every preparation po.st.ioie I I . . .1 . ii . i at a new name for the visitors. As masses. It has retired lowy. " was a consistent coinmuni meet mc uei man oiows. .i... rt.. I...I,.! ..,. t. ,.M, .mi L-.,.ii n. fitn- .,r!..o Mnn. cant of St. IVUt'h Catholic Kvcry day gives evidence of from WaU'rl.x.stition moiiih one while, Fo h holds the bulk of the church of this city and a prayer the alertness of the Allied forces. called out to a friend that they Krem h in reserve, sending units of that ruth was lound In numerous minor oH.-ruons i.ae were a real liusky lot ' The only Uij'ints liard pressed. This M'i" clothes. Wen undertaken to improve their word nl.Msel the fancy of the strategy has justified itself in osiliun on tho various fronts i I luninu iu nuunr iri. i ...... ...... .... . 1 crowd and sum everyone was that in thrin weeks it has seen ami meir armicry nro nas oven ralliiiL'fori-h sfr 'the husk the cnomr brought to a sUnd- .run l)er blimvs111 fur- directed to equally g.Kid purpose i ' H .u i . .11..1 ... r... II.. . . .. . . . m leu.' still without a single atrategic -r.u... .or meourr in breaking up tho urgamang ct "It was a great friendship objective Wing fulfilled and with1 ounV l a ,r' ael'icmocr .4. -u. furU 0f tie t.ncilJy. Airplane I I "l" a r.l 7I I. I ii l . i 1. 1. ul.i. h was struck usi between osses so immenso that his re- "x rauis wimoui numucr, in wim n " I .... . ....,,. !...! 1 . ... ... ... the ln Jon crowd and the Am- serve is in danr cf orovinc in- k- irw " suirlorliy ol trie l.nu-nu: ..ri,.., l,v. who have come across :..lp.,ulL,.tn hi-. wiiirv Monday night between Mr. Un- air forces have been clearly I - " I ..Ml ... I M. II. ICi ll.l. - I. . ... !,,..iv.. OuMiia hand. That WSS "Tlu. Cerman rmnmander sen- 1 "K r" "',rr ' om" ",u shown. lUVC served the same end, the filing that insisted to the Ing how nearly he is delivering POuUlcrn HoproHcnUtive of the besides being notably productive ni...n tin. viiim said l',sk iim..!f fnii,.. r..irv- lm n lu wmu l air u.o 0r valuable inrormation WHIIU in FRANCE WELCOMES OUR ANCE Faris, May 11. "France is act ike Hleel in her just war. And Itli tin? tremendous assiHtance SAYS A REPORT Washington, May 1 1. It would not surprise our Stato Depart ment to learn that Kaiser Wil- of America, becoming hourly helm Is a raving maniac, confined summoned M i i more iKttent, we await tho re- in an usy lum! nlsh minister M)iident today. Suave, naturally mild of man ner, the French statement warm ed Into tierce enthusiasm as he newed assaults of tho (jurinana It has been known In Inside return to Hnlinfors for the with tho utmost confidence." circles for some time that tho purpose. It is atated. of discuss- This was the Htatemei.t of Ste- Herman ruler lias been suffering Ing tho suggested annexation of pnen I'ichon, French minister of from a'l symptoms of Incipient Uussian Karelia by Finland. foreign affairs, to your cones- insanity, and the strain under M. Von Fngel Is quoted by tho which h" lias been laboring dur- corrcxmdcnt us reporting the Ing tho war lias aggravated his situation In I'etrograd still pre- trouble. carious owing to the scarcity and i - This Insanity stuff is not dearness of food. The Lenlno talked of his country's efforts brought forward as a joke it Is government, however, Is gaining and lauded the aid of her latest a fact that alienists and other In stability and iower. he savs. i i ... . ly. medical men In this country are subdukg f.ho unruly elements 'The spirit of the Americans ju-tt beginning to get wind of. and makhii, an elTort to reorgan- ready on tho battle line," said deport have been received izo the army. Tiio number of un ite, has convinced the dermans lately that the Kaiser lias become employed Is very great and in- before them of their determina- obsessed with the notion that he dustry is completely at a stand- fl ft . fli -)' ( t f I I. on as lighter, r.very Aineri- nasa uivine mission to save nu- sun. Hie peasantry, who are an may fi-el proud of what they inanity." the principal supporters of the His religious mania has been Holshevik government, tho min- mucliacceatuatcd. istor added: are still looking to Years ago when tho writer was the government for a free dis- in Merlin tho Kaiser's condition tribution of land, most of which We French know that the was tho subject of common gos- United States entered this war sip, which, for diplomatic rea- r principles which cannot be sons, could not be written alsiut compromised, and we can assure in tho newspaers. you that, bo the struggle long or Things happened on tho occa- sliort, Franci-on the day of the sion of Roosevelt's visit to the Russia, confirms tho statements completed final victory, will be Kaiser which could bo explained of tho minister regarding tho la- found presenting a aolid front to I only as evidence of a mind ao er-1 bor situation, the corresiwndent the fin;. ratic as to bo bordering on insan- We are all amazed at the re ity. markable eed with which the Those who have had opiortunl- United States has exerted its ty to study the Kaiscr'a case re- is)wer. I havo been atoniaiieu garu it as nereuitary. ins mo- iavo done, and when the giant strength of your republic Is fully exerted, we knor that there will be no doubt as to tho result. at the magnitude of the bases nomaoia for all things military, ing itself against the HoUheviki, to bye for the time being to lon dim." Tho Weekly Dispatch prints a letter written home by an Amer lean soldier yesterday describ ing the day's priK.-eedings, of which tho following is an ex tract: Tho who ii march cave one a nort of at homo feeling. 1 think been com jelled to accept tempor ary failure and rail a halt. His position is tactically exposed io two dangerous salients on water logged ground. His countrymen are dangerously dissatisfied at largest, and most ravorably numerable infantry raids have known Carnival organization ever becn almost uniformly fruitful in to visit Mount Airy, tn Informative sense iiienruwn uSvt snows in lUttormenU Ot tho Allied K) their entirety aro a gigantic Unions reisjrted Saturday in amusement organization. Ctn- cudo an advanco by tho French the Immense price paid for his ln 10 lh0 urry 1 ounty l alr for on the Flanders front. In the failure UiU-rminate their suffer- 'un-o 'i i-nH-riauung a neighborhood of l-rtf, where I ....i.n .i... i ,i .. i i i.i . . ...... inL U alli..aarnn.. thn virtm rujMl :i"urMi-" " "eu.HHis Ul0 approaches 10 Mont UOllge, that was tho biggest Hung about f .., , h!)li. attractions of a higher class. f)I)0 0f n,0 bulwarks of thu Allied it llyou ask me tiiutiiiey snouia . . " ,. ,, " , I I hill M . I ....!.. . 1 1 J ml uil.i w Hi i.iiiih im Dial n'i kiui"K "i m ou'i uii- we should fiH-l st home. Soil e of the fellows say it was ttw big .u. I., i -I.I ft t. .... I I . ..... . . ... . reached complete cihaustion. wv uus Krcauj io vne Monluidier naliant, V rench troops Thnsenfthe l-Vanr-n llritih am P'casure oi uie isiiors. iio ikewiso carved a siico out of still In beini:. while the American r,U)WHHWn u'n xr ,,"ub, u) German held territory near Or preparations develop. The tlmo ' " moving from place hilliers Sorel. seven miles east o draws closer when defeat is In-w nM' ami l(,vrrs murn Montd!dier eviublo. Therefore ho must re- roulul tt !l lu wnU and many As a complement to both these gesl moment they ever hojs' to have, Htainlulg there in front of tho palace. What it made me feel was that we were all in it to gether." The Sunday Pictorial nays: "The king could not help but notice the grit und determination of tho Americans reflected In their clean shaven faces and square jaw." Hrown A Dyer Shows are differ hue. have thereby been mad . . - & - it.A ,.t.A til . 1 Ot of the task master who1 ' " ' more secure robs them of thir lives and foisl "L,U " uu w 11 "l"r,fc l ar to the souin 01 lle&omme, His reserves have nearly cleanness and decency about tho ol, tho southerly hide of tho great I General Giardano Italian Under Chief new tho offensive. His prepara-w "ra uons. me .Minway olHrations, there wero numerous Itions prtK-eed feverishly but it w,!'!T,r ln3-V hair raising cli successful raiJs, notably one by maxes ami ouuon ousunu mtua- u Krench In tho region north of ; -ri. . I.' .. .. Izesuch an offensive Ho mu.it 1 "l 'l",,'u g'avaiieurievesnes, southeast or Amiens be satisfied with what ho can dd will ivrform In front of near the ix.int where (3en. Fe ii..i it-. ii-i... i .. . .. in weeks. Wo may, thonfore, l" r ' a' ' u,uli as ' tain a troops made a notable ad exiect a renewed, fjrious on at 1 V K - v. v f -r- 1 the many free acts. While the vanco as the result of a local slaught Wfore long. The enemy tlfUvn l,ioco "if'nu band will WACk Thursday, and another along Is so com milted to his strategical rmsu music, ah in an we are tho lino southeast or Montdidier, plans that we may await his main 9HUrotl b' 1,10 coining of this or- The Hritish carried out profita ganizauonmai me uiad W ay" bio raldintr operation? near tho which Is tho r.ewname fr the westerly end of tho Lys salient Carnival Ciroundswill be tho best in Flanders ever to visit .Mount Airy. Indications are multiplying that Germany's positions in the blow on tho Arrs Amiens front while necessity compel him to try to improve his position in the Lys sector. The allies may havo complete confidence in the result. For the enemy the issue is a becauso of tho supreme conft- east is causing her uneasiness desiwratc dence indicated by biich a decis Sim is reported to havo made ad endeavor to avoid defeat; for the 'un on account of the keen do- dilional demands on Russia whic allies the issue Is only Uiat of vie-1 'ro ' American military men to are said to have effected sensibly tory deferred. Tho coming bat tako the field ugainst tho enemy tho sentiment of tho Holshevik tie may be a repetition of Verdun B adistinctly American force. 1 whoso attempts to weld an army on a large scale and it both aides It was evident, however, that loto shape, tho Uormaus aro at should bo exhausted, the allies officials of the war department tempting to thwart. havo vast Powers of recusation were Puzzled by the Ottawa dis- In the Ukraine the situation is i i . . . . while Germany has drafted her l,aU:h 'luting tho Hritihh war even more disturbing to the Oer resources already. nummary. In tho absence of mans, according to current dis secretary naKer, woo is in Uhar- patches, which announce a rrnw Wasingtoii.Mav 12.-Ncwsof ,ott0 ilcctig Campdreene, no ln , ttnll .(JerinRll t.nliment bo thnllritim Htntomnnt that u uU. umu.uj, uuk hibi JI " moression wasiriven that no In. l"sw i" " ' fl Mr mi Aftf-A iw - i . . I InlAlAln I n HJamI f 1. 4!.! . ' " I Xj p..vv..w.!.nutu.,uul.ukuin(8 ami- f0ruiat,0n had reached the do- u res of tho Teutons. To meet X -.-' - -J ..y - ity to hold the Uermaris that the partment to Indicate an intention L..! . ..i n.: i " a t 1 ...1. li.l a -' uurmau noops auitu an aiug l-l nub tu UQ U3UU v,-"',,,rSg nv auiiuwuwu jiil j I untillt hernmn, a rnmni.i. on,i of brigading Americans with the are being Bent to tho disturbed onPril r.i.r.lin.i. under rhtef to . ' Hritish and French n-n.pni m. in n. i.iin .rmv -i..; sen aupporung iorce. was re- . . ...... . , . . .. " "-".i .... ' - 1 iji nun rat 11 imoip or - in at t im i Uas figunnj priimiueiitir tu Utti'tH' celved by army ofllcera hero to- r' t.i.i .. being drawn upon for cavalry I nigni wiiii iranu ueiignt, notonly j man assault. dispatches from Dtch sources ASSIST- KAISflR WILIUXll 13 COING CRAZY, TINLANI) MAY TAKL KARCI.IA I'ROM THE RUSSIAN PKOPLK liondon, May II. A dispaU-h to tho Times from Stockholm says the Finnish government has Von Fngel, Fin al IVtrograd, to In tho meantime has been left un cultivated. M. Hoichiller, a French econo- mist, who has arrived at Stock holm on his way to France from adds. Bolshevism, the French traveler declares, has destroyed industrialism and disintegrated labor throughout Russia. Labor he rejiorts is now gradually rang- aid by the Fnitcd States army touched with religious mania, . . ... for future activities, ana when has made him tremendously of- the men for whom these plant fectivo as an instrument of the were laid ure actually upon the military cult. battle front, the dav of triumph Tho Kaiser all his lifo has t or America, France, ilritain and thought only In terms of war. our allies will 1m) at hand. IHis great uncle, Frederick the It would be idle forme to pre- tlreat. Is his idea of what a man 1 . diet when that day will come, and ruler should be. And every but until it dues come, until the activity of his mir.d which Is the belter element among it In coming reactionary. GENERAL MAURICE TO HE RETIRED WITH PAY liondon, May II.- The army council, having considered tho explanations tendered hvdenei- al Frederick M. Maurice. Im de cided that ho shall he placed rights of the free nations are vin- normally a rather good ntudent forthwith ujwm retired pay ,i;..i.,t i.'r".n,. 1. .,! in Liml niri i.v-liu ..-n d.. io retirement 01 iicnerai liftfht on and llirht on and relit on. voted U) the purpose of building Maunco was ma.ie Known to 'Hut not alone aro wo grateful up Prussian warmaking xwer. night by a brier statement from .. A f..- Iv.-- Lwr 1. Vr r. .rn r(T Irtil HUT rt i i s , m n .ivi 41 ni- tA' nUIVI I VI f.i I iu 1 vvtv-.g iviwi si .nMi..i rf ( lows: "Tho army council, having con sidered the explanations ten dered by Major General Maurice of a breach of regulations com mitted Ivy him in writing and ranee. c are also gratciui to ino arts, mo resources oi me icr great material and financial country, the church, the people's . . ..... aid extended to our countries religious beliefs, of children and that havo Ix-en so sorely tried. their training In schools, has We havo been amazed at the been war,H)d to the one purose enormous numbers of vour peo- Ileforo war days it was the pie who have contributed U. the dally and hourly task of the Ger- us.ng 10 no pumisi.eu a letter v.rinus hlrtv loans. T h o I r man foreign oflice to keep a check I which BjiiKvueo me press on numbers make us sure that the on tho Kaiser and see that his lo "oventh instant, have decid- ,earlof vour nation is with us. little Insanities did not lead to ll,al 1,0 ,K' ,,,p"1 '""hwith 011 1 1 . 1 'V. rule on Amnrii-n and nn I diiitnmatic ronsenuen(HS. II P I ' 11 n 11 I'3.' our part we promise, however sc- was constantly under espionage vere the trial, that our spirit and tutelage. shall not fail. When ho did or said foolish things to foreign diplomats, aiol- i . . . .. . i. . ogles ami explanations ioiiowcu from tho foreign minister. RUSSIA FINALLY REALIZES GER MANY S INTENTIONS. Umdon, May 11. Russia has been suddenly faced with events Amsterdam. May 13.-Lieut. that may again chango the si!ili Oelirel .a star Havaiian airman, ... . . cal outlook, tho I'etrograd cor- i , j HH,n ,m t,rt WOstorn resismdentof Tho Daily hxpress fron, R0(,ordini, U) lho Cologno telegraphs. Germany, ho says, (;ajcUOi The retirement of General Maurice was fully ss-ied. It is believed that the army council has made it inqossibUi lor him to write anything more regard ing tho controversy which ho brought to a climax. His side of tho case, however, has locn cir culated in army and olilical cir cles, although the public may not learn It until after tho war. lias apparently found that econo mic dominion over Uussian ter ritory Is tufficient and Is necking military occupation. An extra session of tho Ilolsho- vikl council has been held in I'e- trogrpd to discuss lho situation created by the ultimatum recent ly delivered by tho Gorman am baa&ador. Count von Mlrbach, which embodied demands of a character apparently calculated to turn Russia virtually into a German colony. Premier Lc- nine's speech at this meeting was extremely pessimistic, tho cor respondent reports. According to tho newspaper Podnia, the question of transfer ring the capital toNijnl-Novgorod was broached, as was the subject of Immediate military measures for the defense of Moscow against possible aerial attacks. Uo was credited with ITi aerial victories. I New Federal Agent 1 In New York City j announco. Theso report Bava rian horsemen arriviug at Liege, HeMutn. on their way to the Ukraine. Troops of tho New National Army of tho United States pa raded through London, Satur day, three battalions of thorn, to the plaudita of large crowds and the compliments of King George, Premier Lloyd Goorgo and other notables. s & w i.in K.iiiM.r i;mun IU mrMMfi HI In" i i i j .if Clinrlft K. I Wuody lint bcrn ni polnted dlvlilon uprlntn'leiit of tint bureau of Investigation of tn di-pnrt- ment of Juntlcn lo New York rltjr to ucceeil l')t. Wllltmu M. Ofllfy, who Iini benfi trnnsfi'rred to sRhliiKton, Mr. t( ."ooly Is now iiportntpnilrnl of the Cleveland dUtrlrt and will a Ruuie hU duuen in ,w lurk on March 1. NATURALIZATION PAPERS CANCELL ED AFTER 38 YEARS. Newark, N. J., May Thir ty-flve years after Frederick W. Wursterbarth, German born, ob tained American citizenship pa pers they were cancelled today by the federal court here. Wur sterbarth, who according to wit nesses, had refused to buy Liber ty bonds or contributa to Hod CrobS or Knights of Columbus funds, was recently removed as postmaster at Lake View, where he lives, because of alleged pro- Cirrnaj sympathies. Maj, Carl Lcutz, of Vewark, attorney for Wursterbarth, announced to night that he would appeal tho case, as the decision may affect tho citizenship of hundreds of thousands of naturali?ed Ameri cans. "It scorns," United States Judge Height said today, "that tho conclusion is irresistihlo that, at the time ho took tho oath of renunciation, he did so with a mental reservation as to tho country of hid birth and retained toward that country an allegi ance which the laws of this coun try required him to renounce." Washington, May 11. The sen ate today passed a bill designing to prevent rent profiteering dur ing tho war ln tho District of Columbia.

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