No. 112 Klkin.N. C, Thursday, June 20, 1018 VOL.7 1 4 THf e niu.ioN nr.n in aruy uy Aicusr rum. Washington, .1 ii 1 1 Ki Three million Aun'i leans w ill Ibe i ii i I r nun 1y n x L August I, lli' sen-ati- military cmnuiil t win (old t . m I .i v by I'ruviiMl M .i i shal Gcner I Clfl'.VtliT, Fx tension of llii' age limits in the army l rttf t Vk il". ! neci-ssary, (It'in' (!ni'Ail'r said, if H"' pn-tent rati of ill ufl mIU is con ti I Ik fl ! thai nil tin men in class one would I''' exhausted imhi Ti I tin n'l .land u i y I Uelieral I Yonder said tint i,a7.i. of Hm' I --.'"" j.lac .1 In rlass oin' all-' id, Ii Hi' I -all. d I I llii- ..lul l II" ' lunatcd tliat some .i." tmiial men fur Hi- lir-t class will III) SCI'Ulcd flOMI tin II 'll' who i-glstccil last .1 line .", all. I that another L'IKI.UKI i. id Im- added by the reclassification of men in the re examination of lit tpi'sti-m aire now Wing nia li. Requisitions I rum tin' draft t complete tin- :!,(m.ui total ly August 1, (h-neral ('ni.vili i' said, llJVM Well made. f these -,', UNI w ill be draft itintr.intH ami the other volunteers iiiul nation III guardsmen. "F.verybody thinks there will W heavy calls during 1 1 Hist six months of I'.M'.l," was a sig nllic-ant statement by eral Crowdcr. (leueral Crowder approved tin lienor. I principle tf tin lull intro duced ly Senator Frame, ex- I..I..II.1L." llu! registration Ugt'S from 1 to ll years, thereby pro vidmg additional men fur unit tary uii-l industt i tl m i vn t. Hi di.l not approve tin- ag Smuts fixed in tin I"". .IU-r outlining tin' plant of tin war dcpailiiicnt lor additional I -nils, (icneial I'nittiliT sai l ll il at tin i cscnl rate class one w i; he exhausted by tin' end uf tin present year and unless tin: Mt(H liuiitH ate extended and an other registration held, it will In necessary early next year to call men In elans two and probably noon thereafter in i-U three. Final figure of classification of the first registration totaling K.tW.1,417 were given. The reg Intrant were show n to have Wen divided an follows: U. 8. MACIIINi: CUNNCR.I AND Rll LK m:n m.piLSE hun attack Willi tin' American Army in France, June M -American ma t-lii in gunner iii.d rilli'iiii'U re pulsed a C.-riiian uttarlc on tin American sector in AUai' Mii iiiurning. The altarU bi'Kn l -t o'i-Iim U in tin n.f.Miing alli-r an exlrenie ly tioli'iit huiiibanlinent of the front lint'. Anii-iiran batteries and villau'i-s far in the rear. Tin Ih'l'iiians Uilvanred nwlftl.V lolhe ailarl(. hut vw '.' no t b.V a heavy lire. Tlniie who penetrated V i vr .iv iM i e fiuri'il MM-r.lily In rtilhlia.v. ainl eUi'wh.'ie llu' ..n. liiv w.i roinpli-li'l.V lepuUed in hard lighting Ifli"',.' niun' th in tvu liuiirs Aci onlin lo prisoners, tin' oh- rt of tin i ni'iiiy was tu talif iin'iiraii piisi.niTn. I his oil i t failed, as no American is ! i.tlt-'d lllissilig rin (Jennans. evidently tt" gered by tin failure of the at ai k. continuinl an Intermittent helling of Hi" villages in llu rear throughout Sunday. Soiim f the siints were not less than mill miles beyond the line. Tin. Amei ican troons cnunged at close iU.irU.r4 th nina'l (Jer man force that entoreil Xivray I'liere were severe ligbting with bayonets and clubbed rifles The Hermans left nine dead in the streets, mid nix prisoner were taken, two of Ilium olhecr one of whom was wounded. The prisoner came from the Thirl v sixth hndwehr. They said some troop of tin Twenty -second regiment, Fight llavuiait reserve, also partici pated in Ibe attack. VANGUARD OF AMERICAN TELEPHONE GIRLS REACHES FRANCE ' ' : t Li rKon.AMATioN or 1 1 1 1 : mayoh To lb.- A.l.ili i ' 1 1 1 .i 1 1 s ..r In aci iii .lam e v lilt llu' 1'io' la mutioii . nl Ih" I'res'ideiit of the I'nll.-d St id's lie (i'.w-riior ol Noi lh Can.lma, I, J. W. King, Mayor, do lu'i-ebv designal tin I , ,,. n,,. ,( .I.- A....r..-., IhI,.,,!,,.!... Rlrls wIm. .r K..lii lo op.r.l. 11.. iltl.lHnU lr our auMLrt .-a. I m .4.. I. In L ru.,-u In it,.- Mklni.u liurs. .l...l..4rnl.l"J "0 "'" rritBi ii '; .- LARGE MANPOWtR I0K NAVY witxtii: nh:di:u. Washmgl'in. June l l'p w ards of Jii.uhI men w ill he need ed to man the gical fleet of war ships which the Tinted States will turn out during the next Ms cal year, the house naval commit' lee was advised today by Secre tary Oanieln. Cf.RMAN CKOWN PRINCE CIVESt'Pj HIS SU'OND Ori tNSIVE IN MONTH (Uy the AssiM iatnl lb ess.) - Allied strategy and tenacity in . . . ..I I, I. ..I coiniiai nave g.un o blows by massed Wilies of Ih.T tnan troop nod tin (Serman Crown irince has given up ins lecond olTcnsive within a month w ithout cither of them havii.g af fei-ted seriously the general situ tliot) on the western f -ont Fxcept for artillery duels a lull ha come lo the ligbting s.t tor but a new enemy assault i cx iM-cted soon. In lb" offensive which began hiit Sunday the (lerman used large masses of troop on a short front. Fori three dajs they gained ground and were rapidly foicing their way soulh.vaid along the Alsne. French resistanie stilb-neil and Iheii the French to.l( the olT.'iis ive. (lerman elloits to slril.e south or the Almie and reach the 1 1.-.. konili of I'omneigne nUo failed alter a slight gain. Friday there infantry fighting of moment anywhere along the front from Ypies to Uheitn which U now the vital section of the western line. The C.crinan made, no further at- I I I... 1...,,.. I., rinfr I II nSttlllK " IIUU"- ' I , III.. . .(.,.... . I,. , i ..tempt and are probably refoi in in the senate amendment to the ' ... i i... imr the divisions shattered by the French resistance of the past week. South of the Soman and W- tween the Aisne and the Maine the artillery lire has been above normal but there are no iudica naval appropriation hill, increas ing the navy' enlisted person nel from 7((iii0 to 1:51,435 men, Mr. lanie!s transmitted letters I Mas one. :J.4-J.7:".i. class Iwo. from Admiral Hcnson, chief of clas three, IJ",H70; njival oiH-ratioiis, and Uear Ad das four. :t,ls:!,:'.2i'; class tive, !,.,. ..i,;.,! f,f h bureau l.WMV . u .,.,, lion that the (Jerinans are pre- Ueneral frow-ler sub.n.lted -' -.--... - ,mrin lo renew their offensive on tigare showing the progress f why this increase i necessary. (ibM)rv tieilrau this . unai hi in, col I esiMinueuci' reM-.ueu . .. . 1 .II 17.M J men, uil from class one. ,(:lt warh,ip urn Wing will have been cailed by the -nd lur.,j uUl fa4l,.r th:u, th,.v can 11 .1 U l V IIOMOll ii inn-. .1-. i . . , I. . I 1. ...... .i. li.t III I II hi1 MMlll leluuaiv. ited iiersoninl and that hlmuld " T I .... II.. II..H1H.I1I llll i IV I I I I ' I'll' pul. there ben changeof naval tactics ,.".,'.,. ... . , i i. "iny again um-ni imn n r.. and the nation be forced to a de u, . , . . .. .ti . , , ......u.. rate the French and Mulish and wuwmw.WMWMW liht, ll.e navy would be seriously handicapped in hainlhng the neet against an enemy. Admiral Palmer said in hi let lows January. ::.-': 3."7,; March, l:..,.4-l; 174.-.177; Mav. W?-'": :,:,:,!; July. j.m.uh er helieviinf that th' Neyon- MonUlidier clTurt was a feint to occupy the allies expect that the AMERICAN AIRMEN DECORATED BY FRENCH Washington, 15 Mow Uientenant Alan F. W in slow and Douglas (!ambell, taking the air together, shot down the first two (lerman airplane to fall victims to American aviators wiih (Jenerul I'ershing'a expedi tionary fon es. is" vividly told ill tin personal diary of Lieutenant Wuislow, made public tonight by tie war department. For their feat the oflieer were ibv.o rated by the French government and later proiHiscil for the Americans distinguished service cross. The account disclose that the two machine wen sent down within a minute of each other and almost on top of an Ameri can airdome. Lieutenant Whislow. who was Hie patrol lender, wrote that he and Lieutenant CampWII, who since has been designated as the first American "ace," were on j emergency call duty on Sunday morning, April 14. when, at .45 o'clock, information came that two (lerman planes were lI.lM) meter above a city aWi V a mile from the airdome. "I had made a complete half turn," Lieutenant Winslow wrote "and was at about 5D meters when Htraight above and al ead of me in the mist of the early morn iiig, and not more than HX) yards away, I saw a plane coming lo ward me with huge black crosses on it wing and tail. I was so furious to see a Hun directly over our aviation field that 1 swore out loud an.! violently opened lire. At the same time, to avoid my bullets, he slipH'd into a left hand leverseinent and c a in e down, Ii ring on me. 1 climbed, DESCRIBES BATTLE AS ONE OF GREAT VIOLENCE Hume, June in.-A battle of great violence, in which large masses of infantry are being used by the Austrian in an at tempt to break through the Ilal inn lines, particularly in the east ern sector of Aslago plateau, in the Itrenta valley and or. Mont Orappa, is described in the ofll cial rcHrtfrom Italian headquar ter today. Tli enemy' at tacks were met in the advanced defensive area. The Italian force are firmly holding the Asiago front, accord ing to the war office announce ment. They have completely re occupied their original ositions on Asolone and Monte Solarola and are closely pressing the em my who crossed the 1'iave. The text of the Italian ollicial statement reads: "A great battle has been in progress on our front since yes terday. "After artillery preparation, which wa exceptionally intense on account of the violence of the tire and the number of gun em ployed the enemy ha Wgjn hi expected offensive by launching large masses of infantry to at- 800.000 MARK IS tXCEEDED. Washington, Jtii.i- 15.--A mm I can lumps sent lo France how number nioii than mk),(KK), (Jen cial M.crh, chief uf staff, an nounced Vod i. , The nunibei ol lumps now bo- ii'iiod beeinning Satimlay, June ing Irulispol till, lleiioral March J it ml eiuliiig Friday. Ji - said, is liinl'oil only "w tun capi tis Wur yavinj-s Week for the city of the ships available to carry town of KHiin, Nm ill Carolina. them. I lesiiectfully iniuest every "And we w ill continue to ahli miiibtcrof th. (Jespcl, Superin lliem along thb line," be added, lendant of Sunday rchool, and The hihI.IKK) ligun Include all teacher of an adult Ihble class, branches of the service ncce on Sun. lay, June -J ',, tosH:ik def h.iij lo make up a complete Mutely a in .ii L the War Savings army, both combatant and nun c iinpaigu and ill ge the necessity combatant unils, (Jcneral March of iesM.iiding liberally in ph'dg said. All war depart it Hg es tu pun base War Savings urc regarding troops si-ut across Stamps. w ill Im given on this basis. I earnestly apeal t' ill oin- (Seneral March sanl that the ployers of labor to inform their four (lerman drives so far made employei s about the special cam- were "all part of a otamon pahrn and encourage them to help scheme of offensive." l'p to this win the war by saving, econotniz- time, he added, the extension of ing, and inventing; regularly In the allied front from Uheim to War Savings Stamp. the (tea had reached to sixty alx I call attention to the fact Hint miles. To hold that added Hue, every citizen no notified I tx- he Bald, additional troop were lcetedtogo to the Hchoolhoue necessary and the inqorUnconf of hi district on Friday, June gcttiiitf American troops over alii p. in., and to the fact quickly lecamo paramount. that a record of the attendance General March naid tho ami proceeding of the meeting ou objective of tho (ierinan ml at hi i to bo made vanco Is first, the channel poris. and preserved. tho capture of which would make I urtrc all citizen of Klkin, with lit necessary for LDglaim in hinp one accord, to work together to piug troop to j.;o fui thct up th" the end that, during the period sea, slowing up and walnut? Iran- designated above, the entire U)orUtiuu more dangerous; bet quota of War Saving Stamps omi, I'aris, which i of great apiortioucd to Llktn, which is strategic importance a wen a-. D.(K) er capita, may be of Imrtance to the people of and pledges France." by Friday, June "J"t. Tho chief of HtaiT viewed the Done in the town of Klkin on present offensive more at an en Iho lUthday of June, lUl'i. deavor to htrabdiW-n out the J. W. King, Mayor. Herman line lather lh.ui advinci lly C. (J. Armtleld, with a definite object. ' lib Far- Secretary. I." The salient between the ()ie and the Atsne offensive lie J une, YANKEES' SECTOR IS PICTURESQUE. jeMCrbed a ureentiant angle. With the American Army In "Tho most deirabl" thingstbo France, June Hi. To no other Germans could have now," (Jen- American force engaged in tho era' March added, would "W a w ar ha there been assigned such straightening out of that line, a picturesque country to defend Our last information is that they as to those who crossed the old are still tttacking that lino west German frontier of UU4 and cf Soissons " u-i.nL kliiiuimr ilmvn at niirlit to -- ' r - tackourK,sitionsintl.e eastern I j,.,. n lp AjHai.e LjiropnUngjp.n.MUHaw so close stH tor near the Swiss frontier on together that the Americans May il. At daybreak tho next could shout lo l he f.erman il morning the American found they felt so inclined Along the themselves gazing out over the larger part ol llu Irnnt the wide valley to tho bluo moun- American infantiy Hrchcil upon tain ridge opposito where a thin 0no ridge ga7e across at mu dark lino revealed the enemy German infantry m " iMf trenches nearly a mile away. hosiU'. The artillery H doing At some H.lnt in this sector virtually all the l,, shell the trench line run in a zig nag humming across the valleys at . I.. I i . i lii.uu'iiitl oi luu'S course down me mouuiaoisiuv nigui musing. ..".. into a valley where tho barWd The natuiv of the warfare in - these f.sithill.s of Ibe Alps Is best shown by the fact that the Ger n mni-ti Hi' atteini'l- i.. . a maiiso" "-j - . LyulInlCSi ruaiMcnaii sector f Asiago plateau, at the end of the Hretna valley and on Monte Graiioa by attempting at several jsiints lo force the I'iave, and by carrying out heavy local demonstrative action on Ibe re maihiler of the front. "Our infantry ami that of the allied contingents fearlessly Wre the lemjM'st of destructive lire, and, supported by a birrage of enemy' preparation with a time ly and deadly counter prepara- Major Mack Slapped King George on the Shoulder reach the coast. Herhn reisu is the number of guns captured since May -7 by the crown prince as l,t).'.0. In f '. V . . I 4 , .'.iC t -4- v . I t. . i .i .i ..fT..iivi lltii (IrrmnilH terlhal a shortage of ollicer f Y , - higher grade hhould In made up, minting nut that American de slrovers now are oHraling in the war Mne without a designal lory and captured 15,iti prison er and 150 guns, the poorest showing in any of the four maj r VI i . . I. '! ed commander other than Ibe "" "m"":m'rv ,. , . , . I 1 1 -1 .1 W hi e the American infantry Ihilish officer, Admira! Hatley. ' has Well inactive on all seclois, The submarine chaser force In . avial()I,s (m ,h Toul foreign waters is commanded h' front have been bombing towns a captain tin admiral said, where- behind the German line. The l ... , as there should be at least one first American bombing rani was ....,.,.-..1 ,l ,ef...l,U' twoU K n I n I Domary Itaroiuourt 11 ill 4 111 t I HI MH ' " - " I or UiU force, .... .!.: r Hid two American o. visions oi by inolhl.r llK.Ursion in which 7'.l ar red cruiser also aie with h)0mi,s weic dropped on Conllans, out a Hag officer and there Is no U railway junction midway he tint i ivk mi nf Lwipii Mtnz una eraun. n .. .. i.,..i uu will both wcftsions the American re auii-i iiirii.iiuiuii.n ...I... ..... northeast of Verdun on U ednes day. This was followed Friday turned safely despite efforts of the enemy airplanes and ami air be added to the navy within a year. Admiral I'almer also I ffc pointed out that the admirals and troops have checked vice admiral In ommanit of successfully utronU enemy at I . : .1 ...l I.....L1 l.nii., rnnr liMlinlll til flllCl. If D.lSSaLM' tlll U Mul Wlllliiiii J. Mink nf nn.-liiHiitl rtmei icuii in'"" " .v... , . b,uai,t home to Khm (ieor f Kim- L.i..,iru ,.,i..f nf slaff. . H'O imvortani lonaiee I ass la ml the kin. I of ilfiimri ntn- iini umi I. .-uMoiimry i......iB An,,rl.-.o.,. a ., or e.ere.jr , Augtrlan infantry were brok- ZZZ Tiunl ...".. w,,.n por.y ana to ma.e our war organ- en up by tho Ilalian defense and prewuti'il tu u.e uiii umi ii'i ii. MiiJ""- izatioii eniclent," Admiral l'al- jyg prisoners captured. Tona- Wmk re.k,.l ih.-ir l',r mer's letter said, "we must have lee 1'as is just north of La Uus- ilHiuliires to fiii-iiunigi Aiiii'H.-nn fuil- r ' difrt in laiKiMinl n. hI.i iiii. H' Immediately 27 additional rear azzawherotho Italians recently nl'-...ii...niH.Mli.,-Ki io tin kinji ... b j , j 1919 plx gained a commanding height and with it well nii'iiiit. t til ruin 1 nIiii mi anmirai ujr juij , iwi". thenimuiilt-r. Tin inniMi-.ini (Hiiimn mre n addition to those we tho Vermigelio Valley which however, in a right baud spiral, Uuii bombardment, bravely sus and slipH'd off, coming down dt- tained the enemy' onslaught in redly behind l.itn and on his the advance defensive area. tail' I violentlv opened lire. II "tu ibe 150 kilometer front had him at a rare advantage more intensely attacked, the hiw w hich w as due tu the greater I trful storming column of the speed ami maneuver ability of ,.neiny occupied In lln-ir initial our wonderful machine. I tired rUft, forward only a few front JO lo '.JO rounds ut him and could jj, positions in the Monte di Val see my tracers entering his ma v, region, in the Asolone ure bin. Then in another moment am nt t. head of tho Monte his plane went straight dow n in Solarola salient. nu uncontrolled nose drive II "Some troop succeeded In iad put hi engine out of coin-' passing to the right bank of the i . . . . . . . mission. I I'iave rmr tn me .ervesa area "1 followed in a straight drive, ani j the Fagare Musile region. lirinif nil the wuv. At about six- "During the day our troop in .... . . ..I.... .. .i" i i... i. i...i iliated along all the front at l v icev ilium- uirniuini m: ... ' ... .. linfUoil f iurL'et e counter alia tt hirli Htn-i-eeded 111 holdillll back butcould nut, and he crasli"i' io .j nuwerful pressure of the en earth. I darted down near him, and In regaining a good pnr ... x Kliarn turn hv the wreck, lion of tho positions temornnl.v lo make sure he wa out of com yif " m h"; , . . i .. ever, isoimeu oei.v Mim-nn mission, men mane a v u rionou l vUlj un.,a Vftlor continued to rc- swiMipilown over nun ami men m,jn ... cost. climbed up ngain to see if 'Doug' ' The strugule did notdimlnish W....1...I nnv helu with the other in violence during the nignt ana Hun. Tor I had caught a glimpse U continuing fiercely. Hut our ... J troop are firmly holding the or their conumioui on... cu. ner r011', B,0, lht, AHia pateau; of mv eye. lHV0 romi)letely reoccupied their "1 rose to about .UK) again, to orlL'ina positions on Asolone ana see 'Doug 'on the tail' of hi at the Monte Solarola salient, and , ,, . me very closely pressing tho cn- ltoche. Ih tracer bullet were infllIltry wnich has passed passing throughout the enemy u the right bank of tho Fiave. I climbed a little higher I UI ,,uur.u' v u"u rvii lar COUIHUU 19 uium; uiuii ii,w, ,i ., mill which was easily re- Nabbed for German Plot 2 puHed and In which only one of our men is missing, iuku - 11 n hind tho enemy hnos, some uaj the line itself being vision iy me aid of a big telescope swinging in a wide slot cut in the mountainside. Thousand of mountaineer gave tho Americans n royal wel come a they moved In toward tho line tho third week in May. They were the first Americans to appear in thi mountainous coun try and consequently tho villa pera rase pouring out to th" lino Innu-dustv roads winding in and out of tho mountains. The villagers cheered the Americans and showered flowers upon llmm as they passed. plane. and was diving down on this sec ilu.udinir b'J officers i ti., ...j .u.uniirn. wliPti "Our own and the allied airmen Willi nun, B..U nuuii. u in.! ....... - , ' , , are taking a strong part in the i saw ine ueiuiau pmuu j batllo by bombarding tho eross nnd crash to earth. 'Douir' Ine-points on tho Fiavo and by aa .l hi, l.u pic down ' minute after I had shot down Thirty ono enoiny alrplanoM have i r II 1 K - f -vi WAR-TiriE CONStRVATION Washington, Juno N'oce sity for war time conservation of wool and leather will be fnrthor rellectcd in civilian footwear and men's clothing for next sprlnfr trade. The height of women's shoes is to bo reduced to a maxi mum of eight Inchc from heel t top, with the same maximum for over-gaiters or "spats." All hnfl. both leather and fab ric will bo restricted to black, white and two color of tan. Pat ent leather will bo black only. Marked changes are prescrib ed for men's clothing. Sack coata will be shorter, with a min imum of 80 inches for 510 sizes, and one and one half Inc hes add ed for "longs."" Double breast cA ..nnta will be eliminated and Counts MHrtlewlc. one r . . .... bfl best-known of tho Slim leaUer.. 1 " V"". " , .mong tho. under rret for com. minimum of 4J inches wrJU-Blzos plicity la pro-aerman plot ui Irt- and two Inches to be added for una. .... iuun. h SUM W" . have now." - paea thru It ,nin(, 1 been brought down.

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