VOL.0 F.lkin.N, C, Thursday, Hoy 29, 1919 No. 18 Ml L. MONTCOMKHY RUJItDKKKO ON HIGHWAY flliarlottp. May 21. Harry L. Montgomery, 00 years of age, .manager of the parts depart ment of the Hail Overland coin pany, of Charlotte, was shot ant instantly killed last night about midnight while liding with Miss Lorine Owem along the roa connecting Myers park and Dil worm. I lie Hooting oeeurroe near Hie bridge over Sugar Cane deck. It wjw not on the main I'oai on a dil t road that leads to the main roar! into Myers park A negro named Hi net I Iutitc was arrested charged with the murder and is in jail, hut an an top ,y this afternoon re vals I hat the bullet which 'era hfd inli Montgomery's brain was ;i .", fahlxT, while the pistol fouin at the negro's home rallied a LI: bulli;t. It so happened that Word II. Wood was driving home lifter having attendee n;4,i;r in the city .and had driven through Dihvorth to take Clarence Kuesler home, which led him near the spot where tin frtider was committed. lie heard screams and a second later the headlights of his car flashed on a young woman .'landing in the middle of the road waving her arms franticallv. She was covered with Mood, ard crying wildly that a iu'lto had shot nnd killed Harry Montgomery Mr. Ward stopped his Car and aided the half-crazed young 'Anian to enter the rear seat, 'iffic eirl told Mr. Wood that Mr. Montgomery had accompanied ' her to a dance at Fox's dancing academy earlier in the evening, and that they were on their way to her home in Dilwoilh in Montgomery's runabout. When auut 1100 feet from the Sugar creek bridge a negro stepped in front of them asd shouted for them to stop. The negixi. according to the girl, came close to the side of the machine and suddenly pull ed his revolver shot Montgom ery through the head without uttering a word. The negro, the yojlf woman stated, began to seairh Montgomery's IkhIv, wdch had fallen from the ma chine to the roadside. The s-T i 1 said she screamed for h-o and the negro tinned and said. "Shut up, or I will kill .vim, too." "What have you got?" the tie- then demanded of the iriil. .'othing lut a wri-t wat.h." she said. lie demanded it. and Jmi sly I ef u "ed to iiv it up he attained her, hut with Ct ii s and fighting valiantly she fient ciutl lulu ML loiter she said ih.i the man wally-d away. Within a short time Jitter learning of the arrest a white man hov name was n.'t giv.n out. w.i" placed und.-r arn-t. This man. aUuit 2i jears of aire, came to the xlii office after midnight and said th..t lie was on Srolt avenue when he heard twnri"t(d shot- and heard a wfw scream. "You have kin, d myhushand." Miss Owen said sne luul attempted to lift Mr. Montgomei y's IhmIv into the car nid in this cffoit her clothing w;h covered with MinmI. The gnl told Mr. Wood that she Bin in gagvd to many Montgomery and that the man aire to ;ke place soon. After the finding hy the auto psy that the bu!!'t win fN nod not 22 laliiK i. the ii.ni.n jt:: y deciiled to ine, t tonioiiow in stead of this afternoon, and even later, nrrending to the condition of the younjr woman. The case seems shrouded in tnysleiy and many thooiic are advanced. There was no hloed on the ne. groe'. slows and le protested that he had not been "across the lo.ul tonight." t Miss Owen is the daughter of Mr. and Mis. U. L Owens, and lives on Scott avenue. Hdwoilh. She U 17 years old. and m had Inen going with Montgomery Jvr some time. Montgomery nas divorccel from his wife in this court a few wee ks ago. He ha a child four years old. He was n native of Wilmington, N. fi letters were, this afternoon found on the ground. The man's money was not touched. The theory this afternoon is that Motfomeiy had lettem that eomt'lKKly. want eel. KIUtCT. YORK ATTItACTS ATTENTION OF CAPITOL Washington, May 21. North Carolina members of Cemjrre.ss Un.y were among: the firs,t to show Serirt. Alvin C. Y'ork, lier uf the Arironno, the pride they fc It ever his exploits. All dijrn ty was swept asidu as thev scrambled' with others, -on irieKsinen, society women, boy ami nii ls, and the common run of folks generally, to shake the hand of the embarrassed Ten nesM-e1 Ki.'int. U'onien unhesitat iiiiily fondled the medals on hi breast, much to his evident do sire to "ilear out" through the rowd., and he looked fully abl to wade through them if lie ciie) se. When he took his seat in the private senate dining riom ac om)aiued by Ilepresentative uid Mrs. Ceirdell Hull and S na tor Shields, of Tennessee, Sena ten- Overman, who was enjoying i specially prepared meal, left hi seat and let his foixl get cold while he stood Inside the chair of Serjeant York and talked to lirn. In the irnpromtu reception tliat was jiven in a committee room near the house floor Claude Kitchin unceremoniously took the soaliers hand and announced wiiei in- was. representative Ueavei himself a nioiintainii' ookeel on in unaflectt'd pleas are. i mom i mame me derman na jor who sai.l, 'My Ixi el,' w hen le say that," commented Mr Weaver. lork is red-headed and his tair li-s straight back from his forehead. He is freckled and bony alxjut two feet across the h'.ulders, e;,sily ix fm-t one ijrh. and bulky in nr(iHii1inn. ill v illi not a sijjn of suii)lus edi. lie is bronzed and fletk--d. has a hawk nese and blue eyes as i k-ar as the eagles. His irm bu'''es mi that its size is hown through his sleeve. With it all he" looks a; timid as a rain it. lie ipialilied as sharpshnoter the fust chance he had. and said oday he had .shut evervthinjf m a pistol to a rifle lefore he nteretl the army. The only pun e had not handle was ji mnmm II. said he was not srum! when In- s,w t lu Cermans coming, s.'en in a bunch. liftiTn yards away. He simply picked up his army autotatic .4" and bl.uesl away at the major, who kickesl up his heels and sfpii'ahil for !u !p. ('lie after another he got the others. "I didn't-naste a hot. There wasn't time-." he deri.iled. Seige.mt y,,, t()!, ilH iy wj,y he u. ntr'l to ee the New Yoik subway. -h was because wantisl to compare it with the IV.its subway" he explained". "A lot 'f us went all thnaiirh that, and it was pretty jrimd. 1 just wanted to set how the ,w York ,ubw.iy retmpaied with that. I had heard ti ll a good deal aUiut it." Th man who captured ?,2 (!ei mans, kill.sl 2D more Jtnd il aie I up "f machine gun nests dee tared he never ovpevted to have a bullet touch him. "It were notl ing but a miracle that I did not gi t hit'" he declared. "If I hud moved one way or an Mb; v 1 wu;;!.! have !-ti in the way of a bullet." He said he could shout In fore he went into the army, having pr.irticed with every kind of a gun but a cannon, lie tpialified as shaipshiHitiT the fust time he tried. A major who prttmisi-d him a irMav fm lough if he would beat him s!iewting was clean tl up in tin m u.h, j.cc o il ing to stories her.' tel.iy. Yoik s.i'd he elid riot w t ,m helt in his f'gl.t. "fiiey were no n.tsl of it." he ad.led. "And then Usui to Ihi somewhat of a duck shooter, nn i know vou'xe got to be fuic k " York does not take nim when he shiHits. "That were jest a!.out busiest time of my life," he concluded, referring to his fight with the "bushes." York was lcwi!dercd at the size and the corridors of the c:ip itol building. "I reckon I could get out if I h.'d to." he said, when in the basement. FT I i 1 4 I I . 'V ?'. - v, : i 'I 'M L ; is J t-h 1 Ilalinn i4)lilli.r nTonoirurtliii; Mtiunai r lU I' k , Mini in iriwp. pmimng Ausiraiia Ii.iush -A rilK SOFWITH MACHINE - FEU. INTO SKA CLOSE TO A DANISH STEAMER Indon, May 2i. (ljy Aso dated Press.) Missing f-r six days and virtually given i:p for eist. Harry (;. Hawker and his navigator, Lie ut. Commander MacKenzie (Irieve', Ihiti-h air- neii who essayed a flight acros.. the Atlantic ocean, without pro tection against disaster save what their frail airshii) offereel ire safe tonight aUiard a Dritish warship off the Orkneys. Tomor row they will reach the niain- and and proceed to I.ndon, where they will be acclaimed n.s men returned to life. Some 1,100 mile's out from New foundland and 8M) from the ri.sh coa-t. e-n Mondav, Mav 111. the aviators making the l-est of in engine which was failing to function properly, were fi reed to iiKMi in me vuicr. ine mile Danish steamer Muv lound from New Orleans and Norfolk or Aarhuus, Denniaik, picked the wayfarers up and continued on her northward vovage. Lacking- a wireless outfit, the copta;n of the steamer was obligee! to withhold the gexd tid ings of the rescue until he was petite P.utt of iJtwis. where th; jnfoiniation wa.s signalled by means of flags, that Hawker and i iee wrie alard his shiji. Immediate ly uorel was l!.;hesl to the Piitish admiralty, which sit out destroyers to ove rtake h w.ir.i.-n vessel amj 'tain elutie onfu matioii. This w.u ana one ol the ile tun ei s Imk t) ie airmen oil, and Liter turn. fell eel theni to th" f!.ig"hip Keve nge. From this ;ife h nen ll ewk.-r sent a ni"s' ,r tnight th.it his r.iarhine hail stojiHil iwiiig to the blinking of the water emu lation system. Wl.en the aii plane sj d aw ay fitmi her starting oint Pilot Hawker let loo-p his wheele and lindel ge-ai ing theieby h;'hti-niiig the weight of the machine by a considerable amount, but mak ing a possible landing on the soil of Ireland u moie hazaielmis i-n-lure. This, however, pre'ltaUv pmved of much advantage when it lH';ame necessary to .-.light on the surface of the water. The airplane remained al'oat without difficulty ilining the hour and a half it took the 1 nr-h .!!. er to come Up and c!Tect a ies cue. All I'ngland is stinnl by the news of the safety of the two stouthearted aviators, but owing to the difficulties of communi cation some tiin must pass Ins. fore the full detail", of one lf the most lemaikab!e voyages evrr undertaken are known. The one persen in England yho had always hold hope was Mrs. Hawker. She always main tained that Providence would protect her man, and, though she receivee! condolences from all chrssevn of people, including the king, she said toelay that she had never ceased to In lieve thai sometime nnd In some way' her husband would come back. The first report of the avia torn ieince their "jump olf" last Sunday came when the Maiy, whirh wiw liound from Norfolk to Aarhuus, rounded th Putt of Lewis today and wigwagged 1 1 : 1 ? rr - : it','. iuIIwhh In tin Trcntlin . . , . - ' m i iiiiiiinii, ri-vicHiiiK ii.k iroiiji!) in viaiicr i,i,iu mi Anzac ilny. ' the fact that sin- had Hawker and (I i iv abeenel. "Saved hands of Sopwith air plane." w;s the signal. "Is it Hawker?" wa, the jiu s tiiui sent out by the flags from the Mutt, which the- most northwesterly point of the Heb rides group of Sctl:.nd. "Ye-s," hjeonic.dlv replied the Mary. The admiralty immediately sent out a fi' t toi pedo beat eh- stroycr in an e-inleaveu- to in tercept the Mary and t .!u- o:f the aviators. There v i . an an xious ail of sever.il hours v. he n the word was ladod th.-.t the estroyer had co'-.e acres., the steamer aid trani I reel 1 1 a a -ker and drieve and was taking the m te Thm , en the ioi ! !.i-ni coa l ol N'otlalnl a' nail lua miles east of the H..tt 'f Leus. I The ileM rover, th" la-, it'ge1. ! irpoited to tie- H'l ni!-;.!ty tai evening th: t Hanker and (iri i woflld .-le i p on iKi.u I toniyht. The avi. !eir," wii! leach Ix n-lon at 7 o'cimk Tuesday evening, j !' I C.ri.'.e .kre in the w..lcr ful The news of the le-rui' has I J n hour and a h.Jf I h' fore being (lectiHVd all Hut. in. Ail eh- t iken abu.irel the ste.uner Mary, stio.vei.s. after a thu. otigh i sfturh ..f th.. aii,...; - f..:- 1H,:THRn.i.iN(; i:i:scn:s of mile s fiutn the ti i h coa-l, nti.l give n up the epn-st and t he t o was piartic.iliy no hope that Htf airnen we re alive. This noining. I nwevi r. . the foilorn l.ope that the. aviators might Ih pi li.l i;p" by s(,U. craft wilhoul wireh -s was na! izeil. The Dini h ."ti'atr.er M.'.iy Crawling along at nine knots w as the lurkv esel and her I brief n e ;i':'' to the w:iclo-Vs I at t lie I el! t of L' w as "). m e- I i . . m ri i-ilrit fiii T v- :iv to S-'e-l !.(! I ,, ,i i. , , . ' l.'tt the piiLac to p na!at' we.ii - I ., . . ,, , . ., , .. elei ;nL.v over th eh tat s of t he en Hi' ii .i ie nun e The aiin.il. lit i immediate.) disp.it(he eh "tiuxi'is fiien noitl.eiii pi.ints to ii.teii.pl Ha Co- Mary end the D uly Mail in s'nated all signal station to try to ceimnuuunu ate with I he laptain with th" ui gent icepii.! to land the auatois at some S.-oltish JsmI. The adiiiial-.y ;Tiest senre,sf. d. and a while, message crie fnun the destroy er Wm l am Lite in the evening th..t she had onrtakcn the Mai) and had transfei let! the aviators. 1111 I Nothing i cept pome oauie nas exciSe.1 ijinili.n nioii than to.i..v',s uni-xrerti-d tid ni" I ne t ui.i.c v. .is d;. - i! to tj. -lion w hell. i r the fir-l ' 1 1 pen t cuild be tin te d. ..nd the admi lity st.,'.i ;r. r.l that iL v. a . t.;', v'j me. Mite" to veiily the ii- port indicated doubt which tie'. ' , , t .-.... . i been ai counted fer. The 'iiii-iiM in.- . ry e (i I. i 'i i eii. i , I" The mexli s H iwker home ivar Smbilon was ipnekly the center of i;Uelf".t. Cnewds of pe-op'e Vwaim.d the:e. Mis. i it . Hawker, vim n.t.t i.n'v nn S..f. i u relay rcciived a telegmm of condole nce fnen L'ing C.ce -ge said: "I had a pie-e iitime nt all along that I should tee my I u . band again. I was confident all the time, although every im rondoled with m I ar,r nver joved and teni ove itohii. t" talk low." . , Rejoicing in (icneial in Si. Johns Over the News St. Je.hns, M.ty 2-i.- MoM.-;.-ige, from Ionelein tilay unn.uiiiniig the safety of Harry (J. IlaMke l - 7TL; ' yy.-T""" i I t. " . . II.. .. ' I ei .y r itiii iIim , lUiirjuL .Zt ij.-:,'-" : -rj: - 4 I -' -iui .MIIMKHI, nliiiiiMU, (iorniiiny. 3-Ausirulluo ! ai,d his navigator, Lieutenant e oi'imanoer iirieve, siireac " . i . threaigh this city as rapidly as the airmen swept over it a week a-ro. starting the transatlantic ih'ght attempt which proved a jcvn-eiay mystery. Lejoicmg was general, but '. "is : hap- gre aU-st amemg the gi-oup of I'.rilisli, aviators who had be-i'ii pn pni ing-to follow in the Sopwith's uuce ain wake. Cat., Frederick P. Ravnham wlm w;.s stepp-d in his attemt to lolienv Hawker ly the collapse of his Martin ;yde's undercar- i iage. h.'d he Id firmly to the be1 N'f that ILrvk-r and Crievc '.-'uld lie ftund somewhere i.orth if Scotland. The basis of his iiini(.M lay in weather re 'its onon which he and Haw- I ! j, i,.!!y d 'cid. d te start and ia ; uiiUi'nt riKits of storm mi :- . sli i .. ii north of the Az.euo i ii the l ot i m i which Haykej v li'-fotv "hcjiping o:r." In W-.tlvr Over an Hour '.nh.ii. Mav 2".--IIawkci l.r. PASSK.NCERS AS A VESSEL PI RNS IN RAY P dtlmore. Md. May 2l.Se V r.d of the I"!' p.issen;;ers on the OM r.a" line steamer Vir i wia. which bu';n d at 1 o'clock this morning in Ches.-.peake bay if the rsoiith of the Putennae liver, were iniuud lait none uie I "t. Many thri!!og rescue- e iv made by ru-r.bers of tin if... 1 1... i..i. ; . . .. . ..... i .. f,- , , , ', i i i s an.l la. im t i .. uf tl.i eie. iI Hie I in -,i '.isi' l.lal j,. , , f v n . i 4 ( I t dy Of No lo'k, W SH I W ."S ( 'o.e j . ,i ; - , . r !' t'n iiginia iebu the fie f the CI e-!'i III led and stmnl .- lnr until the IvA. Mrs. E. L New lory, of Pal-ti-Minc. an-l ("apt. W, (I. Ltne. i f th- Vi-gint.u viie the most eiiuu-iy injured. Mis. New. i-iiy -as hu't when a lifeUiat ' " I an.l Caniain Itiie is suffer- ii g fio: i bad bums. Other injured p-ison in 11 tla'liir.oie ho pital are: Miss Lillian Jen.1, hark in juris . Miss Mary Riney. of Ne wiNiit i New , Va., Udy bruises. Aitlair Whitney NewWrry, nine years old. seyeilv shix ke.l Mack Williams, negro I tody i'IIHiH Th Yirgini.r w -i Iwmml from Paltimine to Old Point and Nor folk. Va. She ran ied a crew of ?2. Afl rvrrpt, three of the leaniefh ii,iM'!u'er list was ! t. s Captain I-me stayed with his Is-at to ihr la I and w a so bad- 1.1 i j i) nunieii inai on in arrival lie j went at once to a hospital., j Captain l-ane. Maj.C. I). Dav- idsin. of Camp Meade, who was iroing to New pen I New s, and a l iltorer. were the Lvt jH-rsons to leave the steamer. These three men stayed until the foe got so hot their hands i n I faces were blistered. The n they leajwd into the water. Major David'on was picked up by a lifelxiat and taken to the i temer Florid.L Finding that th Florida wai !Mnd for Palti moie he got into nrmther !ife lsi.it and went over to the City PKACE TKRMS AS DRAWN CANNOT HE CARRIED OUT J5' rhn, May 21. "I have nev- rr eloi.bted that the entente, in it; polity of annihilation, would impose its stern will Upon us in the event of victory. Therefore in tl p stadium of war, in which the leadership of operations was o inti urtcd to me, I never gave my.self iin to dreams of a peace of mutual understanding nnd equal rights. Now I am lcs; sin prised than are the Majority of my countrymen, who had lulled themselve.i with illusions.'" So : poke Field Marshal Lu eHidorf in an exclusive inter view with the World rorjospon elent today. He wore an unde cenated doiiblo-breasted black seek suit, with sober civilian .rimming.;, and In- gave to me fii-ely Iiis personal judgment e die terms of the pending treaty "For reasons which I will not here discuss." he went i n, "tin decision of the war fed! again.- I I . . 1 . a . ' i ran un.ier.' laiiei w nv l ies ident Wilson wa-i unable to pu through lys 14 points and th other measures which he favoi d as th.- ba-is of tlTt peace treaty. As I assume, he couh not withstand the pressure ane insistence of his more serioush voundeel comrnde.s in the battle hat h.- d been fought. Why wa his -o? It was becau.-e in the iresent situation the I'nitee States no lemger had tin? n.e es ary jxiwer over the allies. I'. S. Power not Increased. America s power lias imt K-en ineri'ased by our collapse. .he Cerman commander said Li onically. "On th contrary con lit ions have tin tied against it .nd they will so remain for ; ong time to come. The Presr lent inaintaineel jjis geniel faitl -ut he could not make efl'ectivi .lansaetioiis of the nations .'ov lib power is scorned. "The e ip of t he I'uiteel State .5 Ins not ni'ti legarde'il as essential ill the mange merit of terms, diewine hat brute feirie is not to be dis dayeel by even the noblest ideal stie a. piratiens. "Ilee.wver. the difference be wen the II Niints and tin leaee teims is so far levemel an icip.it ions that I mii-t suppose .hat your President will not Im atisfie'd with tha re-siilt of the onference. "Cond;ti"iis impeded in tin rcaty are extraordinarily hare ind they di-pl.iy shoit-sighted le's.s on I he part of the franur: if that instrumi'tit. In the main he terms appear lei me to be e'.ire in aeroid with the French f Fngli-h consmeicial opera iei. ; than with tl.e great inter if Norfolk to rontinue on hi vay to meet his friend. Within l"i minutes after the .l.tze- bin 4 forth on the Vir a the nun en the (My of "oifo'", weie doing all in theii wer to H'setie those on the mining vessel, he.it d cries fm ie!p. The ImliU of the I wo Vo ls, guideel by the dies of thoi a ho. with lifebe-lts around them Acre battling with the water. eked up all Ihey could find. I'.y 1 :"0 o'clock the Virginia wai a iii.iskiniHl anel smoking uilk. burned right down to tin Water line. j;adliest of idison IS CALLED "LEWISITE" Wellington. May 21. (iuard d niglit anel day. and far out of human l each on a pedestal at the interior department exposi tion here, i a tnv vial. It rem ains n spetime n of the deadliest poison ever known. It h "Ix'w- ite" piTvluct of an American scientist. It is what Herman v raps'd by signing the armis. tlce. Ten nirjelanes rallying "Lewi ile" would have wiped out every estige of life human .animal md vegetable in Pcriln. A single day's output would snuff out the I.ihm).0O!) lives on Man- lattan island. A single drop in the palm of the hand would pen- Irate to the Mood, rrach the a'ait and kill the victim in gn at agony. When the armistice was nign I it was In ing rnanufaclured at he rate of 10 tons a day and .1.- fHMl tons would have lHn ready or businesi i n the Ameiican front in France on March 1. ests of humanity. Cannot lie Carried Out "In my opinion; the praco terms as drawn cannot !o car ried out. Ah a soldier the pro vision for the army lies eleV.ert to my interest. Of course 1 am now a private citizen, but I i lay hope that competent authori ties will take care to correct what may be necessary in re spect to the terms. Without ap pealing; to experts, I think that I need to prove, even to Inlf way educated laymen, that un Jer present conditions Ceriranv cannot and does not think of .set ting up a new war army. Rut with the number of troe'ms ore- scribed by the Versailles treaty, internal order and eniiet cannot be restoreel anel maintained in Ciermany. "For this work, in mv opinion MO.OOO men will bare ly : uiricu. Reduction of that iiumb'T may he nossible Liter, and for I'm ai" :ial reasons alone a red net ion would be made as soeui as wt ould have we'll ordered condi tions again, after the .shocks ..ml lisorders o( the war. "The western power.-; ii'..i-.t have (iiito as much interest a. e in the return of orderly eon litions. They have noe "radi' lry e oni" to know how (Jerm. nv aok.i and on what waveiiiie m i ' our st.it - Mid r.oei.i! (yid. taiiels. Their own inle,, .1 .1... laiujs a (ieiniany eapuble nl' hv ng. (-.''liable 01 working, m l .akintr joy in its woik. "h ould be imtiossible with the naring down of West Pin-. dr. uid the cutting off of L'a t Vih- Slil. (."ermany Can't Feed Herself. "Without the agricultural nn.- luce of these provinces wo ean not fivd even two-thirds of 0111 cep!e which Celinanv's men grieultuial proeluction hi. cantily fed in the past. With- mt the Ipper Silesi.ni and the ;aar (oal fedels and with the lo-.; f So per cent of our oies in rrairic. whirh nude povii.le Mir large-scale steel proehi. lion, ve cannot hone for snf ticienf f. xut quantities, of stetl to p. i nit Us to bijv nressarc l..i..l tuffs. '"Siiniliuly, f mav explain the intenalidity of the condition'. (.i he peace terms in eVe-i la id I'he worst thinir alMit them i.. i word, is the? extent of the tm mplietnunt thai will (i'i'i",L..l y ineiiace Ceri'ianv. heii l.-vs need of a healthy tie-imam hirh will be safe against ive utient or industrial and soci.d iv. rtuine must not (h rot lie ii. 1 nnliy but mu t see to it that the lerman ran wink as a fiii- man n his home land and regain love fer his wink; mu t piotett Ger many from hunger and uiurn- 'loyment; nunt furnish it with enisideiable quantities if fe.,1 end t aw leateiiaN: Inti-t 1 ai -a i.de of exchange i.rd h.lp i; over the initial fuuncia ehflicub ties of je.ee tme "Comparing the irquiiinieuts have in.licateel with the con.li- ions imposed by X'rrsailles will how that I know of no one ce.n- itiem in the terms v. hiih. from my Manilpoinl, speaking in Koenl Ceinscie nce as a soldee r, I ould characterize as possil.Ie of fulfillment. League 0.,Kn If "A league of nations is per eps a h"pi'ful sign. It was ur- 'ed Ieng.ago by the Cernun hiloseipher. Kant, who uus a t'tu-sian, but who e views wire ir.gularly applicable to present ui.ditions. The achievement ol he league at this time may I- d to the di.-.tingtli: hej er ire of your President. It will vssuiislly iH'ifonn very useful woik if organised junl roiidne ted in the right spil it. I cannot be- leve the league will wish to ex hale C.crmanv or to lock out Germany permanently. Sun!) its founder would not inoculate it with the death germ the liit his idealism in great bu -iiiest our of it4 birth. "If the league of nation ran' Hid will help us, it will be w.ll. Otherwise, it seems to me, only meiica can Ih finaiiriallv trong enough to help us. I am not so soft as to l g for any. thing that cannot Ik? paid back ilh inteivst, nor ho I so naive n lo supHp any country would give us he-p with out sound security. Such se curity may ?c hud from in.

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