w Dolmon. April 20,—Worth Gray, reKiater o( docdH, lasiucd Tlaff ilc«iso th* past u-ppk to Guy Cockorhaui, JonMyUU'. to Eib«l PaJItn, Duak. Boiti (Cl Mr. aod Mrn. Ilnymond Venabli'. a anu, named Harold Koy. April Stic. Dr. and Mrs. W. M. Sloop hod as thoir KU«n(« for the wuek-end Mr. and Mni. 'Kent Swanson and small aon. Kent, Jr., of Pilot Mountain. North Carolina's three state uni*,of four lake located one-half mile south east of Dobson on tbe lands of Freeman. The lake will be stocked with Bame fish, and also will used for boat rldlna and various other forms of amuscmoni. Cabins will bu constructed aloiiB (he bordi line by the charter members, The clam will be IB4 feet across and fuel hlKh. The lake will cover I with an averaite depth lake has been versltJos .«re now under control of namocl “The Tinker's Dam l-ako.'' one board of trustees composed of Skilled workmen ore busily enKased one hundred of the teadinc cltlxens dally in constructluB this lake with of the stale. Last week Governor W. T, Harkrader In charae of the Gardner announced the appoint ment of these ti have auperrlsion of the niiiveraity at Chapel Hill. State ColleRe at Kab eigb. and N. G. C. W., at Greens boro, which list was approved by tbe Senate. X. D. Polger, of Dob- aon, in one of the new trunteex named by the Governor. Mr. Fol- ger completed his ndurnilon at DiilverBUy and came back to Surry eonniy and entered the law prac tiee. A stock conipuny has bec'n cirgnr izrxl here composed of IS local clt zens who "le having constructed PILESnS f rotrudiDir or bleedlnr Plies you are to be amaaed at the soothing Chinese ^erb, which torllSi I?? Ntaoa'e OMna-rotd. it's the newest and fastest acllnir Ireacmnnt out. Brlaps ease snd comfort in a few mlnotrs ao that you can wc-k ond life whits It contlnt Isy healing action. Don't sd cosily'oMraTlon.’ ■ ChIns-miS under o.. . to sstisfy onmpletely ai lAe ,*.* CC cousirnctlou of the dum. The stock huldc>rs are ax follows: William Frederick Jnekson Ivewollyn. A. 1). KolBcr. R, r. I.pwpllyii. J G. Bollcli, Dr. Joe FolKer, Knuxle Marlon. John Devvellyn. W. T. Harkradc-r. \V. It, White. W. K. Hancock. Wes Ash- lAirn. It. A. Freeman and J. K. Mon day. The home of Mr. and Mrs, Rufus DC. of near Ktotiy Knoll, wn.s t ■enc of u happy event Sunday wh friends and relatives numlierlnc o hundred. Knthercd there and ga Mrs. Coe a surprise birthdnr dinin occnaslun was her SOth birth day anniversary. .M the noon h ntifiil dinner was xervecl pic Many iingored at the In until near the close of the dav. ; •ished Mi.s. Toe ra; happy returns of the day. n. FoIkct. of I hr. II I Wo; s Cluh. ('onier. utteucled the slate wide con- •ntlon of tho Womans riub, held tlrcensboro the past week. .Mr. and Mrs, .Manley I.eweilyn id family, of Concord, are Bursts r n few days with their mother, rs. I.ulii (.uwcdlyii. Mr. J. J, Kichurdson, who has ■cn a ineiither of the rouiily school laril for several yearn, retired as a FORD RELIABILITY eonnected with the lilRh school, lave B gymnasium bulldlnia which may bo used tor athletic pur poses as wall as a storage for school ’ THB ELKIN member of the board oa the IStb JCopeland made of Ibis month, sad was succeMied ; awarded a prize, by W. S. Comer, of Dobson. When The prize winners In spellinc; Mr. Richards becamo a member of i were as follows: First grade Kath- the county school board the Dobson .^''itie Shores, of Bryan: Second school district had practically noth- Kent Hanes, of Bryan: Fourth grade. Rachel Wolfe. .Rryun: Fifth itrade, Grover Sundei Ing in the -way of shool bulldini and cciulpment. Through bis ei- , o .» -j c-. .w i. .. . . u.._ K . 4.:“^ Rockford Sixth grade, Rudolph forts we now have two large hrlck a_„h buildings ail^all of them well ecinip- ' -n, ’ fy • . - , , ^ The commencement was highly ped for school purposes. \\e now ... .. . , j ; ....... .. successful lu all of its departments Bill) piiplU, and employ 19 teachers" h* * menl and an Agreu tura depart- , , , ^ ‘“o “‘s“ o.uuwi with the bteh Pod CPafR* of departments; Arthur F. Graham, of Copeland, K. B. Carroll, of Rock, Dec lamation and Recitation. • I. , . _..i . luuiuiuMi auu JircJiaiion: i. v. R school, arlth- busses. and a baseball ground for the bene- f the school children. We op •"■i .ppmMi o. m. hbu..,. , transporting children In and from ,,1,001. Tl„.,. .nd oil,,, Impro.o- . , n,™t. OP, do, l.rjoly ,o ,hc .„o„. .,1'*',.'“''', Mr Illrbord,. rod th. po.roo. ol '" ‘Je follo.liit texts In the near future: A declamallon-Recitntiop i te.st -April 24Ui, In Ixith tho after noon and night, at Mountain Park school. An athletic contest on the after noon of April 25th. at Westfield high school. A music conto-st on the night of May 1st. at Copeland high school. A Dramatic entest at Pilot Moun tain .school, on May : Friday evealng of last week. Miss Barker was the guest of honor. Many of the members of t'ue faculty and student body were present. The program for tbe evening ntatlon of a voyage and minia ture ships were given ax favors: place cards were yellow anchors, bordered and printed as green and tmnd-palntcd 'galleons framod in a gilt 'hand were used as programs. Prexeaiatlon of special prizes for various activities In the school held the Interest of Che seventy guests present. Notable among the pre sentations was (he guart bottle of ink given Miss Barker by Dr. J. I. . president of tbe college, upon 'settlog sail" in her editorial This Is a signal honor to Miss Barker and The Tribune gladly ex- :ends Us congrutulatloDs. F A.BRENDLE&SON the Dobsun school appreciate every ihliiR that he has done (nr the school. Mr. Comer, who succeeds him. Is a niun of high standing in hl-s coiumnulty. and will also make I viilimhie member of the rouni.v :cliool board. i CAFE BUILDING -il iO.- Promptly at 10 A. M.. diiy. till- program of the Surry y Klemeiitary Seliools' Com- ini consisting of nine clioruses WORK BEGUN ON lied in a contest by the foilou- ■hools: Ilaniiertowii. Franklin, Copeland. Dobson. Pilot Mountain. Rock, White Piains. Rockford, and \evt f-'r^mt- to Im' InstaJleil In 41>no(e ip The auditorium was filled and ftruu-oi- Plinnnucy flowing, not more thau half Joining Cafe Uwotic tbe people being able to get inside ______ e building. The Judges of tills ^ . iitesi were Mcsdanies Will Hoi- remodeling igsworlli. Jim I.OV1II. and Freder- c Sinllli. of Mount Airy, and l"•‘•-^a''ator}• to moving the Poln- oiigh stilling that il «as a verv *''**'' Shop and Cafe, (hei SOUND ADVICE by your Ferti/ixer Dexler No. 4 ilosc tlie> Il I i to bo iiuder ill .'ery i firs III n to a Story Telling ‘ ■Id storie.s all tli' ' ■ llie Buggy Seal" '-H Cblld''. and fin ger. of Franklin ‘ ft u’llb (lie prize ‘ s Dream", ' Adjoining mis bnlldiii : of dellv. »> n ufferiiig a prize to the pupil i soveiitb grade of each sclioi R makes Hu- best progress in tli jei-l.s of arllbnietic, • iigllsh. sjiel This prl?e Is in a Serial ippeeriai in thsi nawgpapar G I V£ first thought to nitrogen thii jear in ordering fertilizers. It’s nitrogen thet gives your crops healthy growth and healthy yield. This year, more than ever, on account of unusual dry weather, nitrogen is most lack ing in the soil. Play safe. Buy plenty of Chilean Nitrate of Soda. I’ve got a big supply. Cheaper than it has been for years. New 100-Ib. bags, too. Order now and be sure of your requirements. iiid-nii clt. was i,r.-.scn( Urc-School and Cripple ’v.m‘uir'sp....ch’! Clinic During- The Week iMng, hard use shows the value at good materials and simplieitg of design Everywhere you go yon hear reports of the good |»erfornianee and rrliahility of llip Ford. Oneowner writes—‘■Tlte Fort! Tudor Sedan I am driving has covered .>9.300 miles through all kinds of weuther. Il is still giving perfect sntisfaclion.** Another owner describes a trip of 3217 miles in 9S hours over bad roads and through heavy rain ■nd sleet in the mountains. “Throughout the en tire trip," be writes, “the Fortl pcrformetl ex- cdlenlly and no mechanical trouble of any kind was experienced. The ahnlter.proof glass un doubtedly saved us from serious injury when a prairie chicken struck the windshield while wo were traveling at 63 miles an hour.” See the nearest dealer and have him give you a demonstration ride in the Ford. Then, from your own {>erKODaI experience, you will know that it brings you everything you wont or need In a motor cor at an unusually low price. LOW FORD PRICES "^430 to ’630 (r. o. 6. Ds^oil, plni freight anJ Mfrery. Bunpcrt end 1^ tim nxtrm at tow ten. torn can fray a Ford for a •lasB down pmxmonl.on ocenomleal montUf Urmi.lhroagh *fts Amihorlsod Ford FImmnes PUni of tho VnUoriml Crodit Company.^ Hubb. odiKaliiin, mill l•l.p.■.•lally to on- IK." th.- b.i.v.i Hh.i s.'..nn-d to li.- lig a little llion- being twuiil)- I girl winn.'v.i a^ agninsl iilm- wiimers. Tho following wen- •‘TS of IliiM priz.-: ry Klirab.-th Wall, of Huiiii.t- ; Mary Gra.-.; HaiicK, of Br.vun; School. Tutsday Friday. May t. ll.-aii Kill IJaiiniTtowii. .Monday, May o 4 1‘. M. Dob.ic>n. Tue.-.day. May 5, fl t, •Hot Mminlaln- Tuesday. May 6. o 4 P. M. Hkia City Sn, ol, Thursday. May !> to 12 A. M. North Main. Monday. May 11. 9 Hicks, of Beulah; ncrllia Andci if Brim. Ida I’ratt, of Copeland: Hnllle Tucker, of Cooke: I.oni Mar- ot Dobson, Cassii- Bryant, of *' Eldora; Alice Jones, of Fratikllu. Mari.' Burge, of Grossv Knob: Ksla •ed. of Grc.'ii mil: Elbert Hunt- . of Holly Sprliigs; Arllp of Iiiiogene; l.ucil.- Welch. . Hill; lirmey Hodges, of I.ow Gap: M- Dorih Marlin, ot l.ittle Kl.-linioiid; “ochford Street. Tuesday. May 12. Arthur Forrester, of Marion-Brown- “ ** ' f*- *'’• 1.CC111 IU.-vins, ot McMIckie- With Importanee Holder, of Pine Ridge; Roxiu Cbll- Phy.slcally fit to ton. of Pilot View; Carl Harrel, of school. Very few children can Rock- Evelyn Greenwood of Salem- Pcotfca.s satisfactorily I n their Mamie Wagoner, of Slloam; pioyd ^““‘•‘capped by bad health. Blak.'v. of Shoals; Aiiale R. Illutl causes of bad ‘leallli in of Shellontown; l.rfiu Stanley, of “c, Siaiile.v; llerslicll Vaughn, of Tesli: ^•'•'se causes should bo removed or Margaret Jessup, of Westfield: Marie before your child enters Hadgett. of While Plains; Johiioy ••’“t ‘>e or she may make Money, of White Dirt; lla Wilmoth PruKre** possible, of White Rock; Mary Frances, of “ '* *o t^hild to place Zephyr and Aunabelie Puckett, of school with such physical Zion Hill. 'defects as to wake study a hardship. The rucllatlon cor' at was pant- attempt to progres.s a dis- cipatod In by aliteen girls from ,he struggle. The time to grammar grades of as many sepa- ‘*'1* Problem la now Cloth- -■ schools, speaking tor a gold *•“»**• hooks and other things medal, which was won by mmp,considered necetoarr (or n child Snow, of the Pilot Mountain school., ^‘'•'ool are usually given I The Dcclatuailon contest followed careful thought by the parent. Ith ten boys of the grammar'"’*'^ neglect tbe most impoTtant grades speaking also (or a gold medal. This was won by clay “*** reKular Cripple Clinic Hauser, of Bannertown school '*" •*'® Health Offlea A wonderful army of achoot ex-i‘''““"‘ April :4th, 9 bIbits was on display (n tbe aeveral'^* ^ clinics are held tor claas rooms of the high school build- *“•* **“ C HILEAN NITRATE now comes in new lOO-lb. bags that make it more popular than e"er. It always has been the dependable fertilizer of Southern farmers. Side dress, top dress with Chilean Nitrate...and increase your yields, quality and profits. Be sure you specify “Chilean" when you order your nitrate. "Chilean" is the one important point to remember. It is your protection and your dealer's too. When you get “Chilean,” then you’ll get the real, money-making fer tilizer— the natural nitrate. Remember the two kinds — Original Chilean (Crystalline) and Champion Brand (Granulated) both natural nitrate. ^ LOWEST PRICE ij in years I • NEW 100-lb. BAG K The bag without a backache Chilean Nitrate of Soda EDUCATIONAL BUREAU 403 ProfeMional Bldg., Raleigh. N, C. I. .M., A, ,a._„ „ ^ lag; these having been entered by the several achaola in a coDtest for prizes for first, aecond and third places. They were won by White Plains, Flat Rock and Copeland sebooU. respectively. Pour conteata in English were held for the fourth. Hfth. sixth and seventh grades. Prixes tn these con- te«B were won as follows; Fourth grade: Loraine Hodges, of Dobson school: Fifth grade; Thelma Edwards, of Dobson school; Sltth grade: Ruth Long, of Dobson school: Seventh Grade: Mary Onice Kanes, of Bryan school. Prizes in arithmetic were won as follows: Second grade; Annie Leo Fowler, of Beulab; Third grade- Estelle York, of Beulah; Fourth grade. Rachel Ruth Wolfe, ot Bryan- Seventh grade: Marie Badgett. of White Plains and Lnclle Snow, of the examination and treatment of all cripples In Surry and the surround log conoties. A trained Orthopedic Surgooo Is In charge of each clinic. Those cUnlca are made pussible by the Mount Airy Kiwaoia Club. The clinics bare proven a marked s«o-> esB and all cripples should take ad-; antoge ot this opportunity I expert advice and treatment. M. T. POSTER. M. D,. County Health Officer. Miss Barker Elected Editor of Carolinian Miss Mary Virginia Barker, daugh- r of Jutfee and Mrs. Harry R. Barker, of this city, was recently elected editor of The Carollutan. the weakly newspaper of N. C. C. W., Greensboro. At a banquet at tbe King CottOiD Hotel In Orsonsboro DlRBCfORS: W. J. Bysrly. Free. A. O. Click, V.-Pres. J. H. Beeson, Cashier R. L. Hubbard J. R. Poindexter W. E. Jonee H. F. Gray AFRICAN UONS Ruoaovult'g hobby was hunting. Ho enjoyed nothing wore than his big game hunts in the West or In Africa. Most of U8 have our bobbies, too. though We don't hunt lions. Hobbles are a happy relief for tired minds and bodies. They are genu inely worth while. They make life mora inthrestlng. We enjoy bearing about our patron's hobbles and encouraglDg them. BANK OF ELKIN Every form of Bankings and Insurance Service /. H. raUBON. c-hler «

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