THX KUDN TUBtTKK. BLXIN. NORTH OAROHWA rHCRWAY. AFRID SS. IWt YADKIN CHURCH IS TO BE DEDICATED Com Above t8,000 Ana !• KpWaid BuUainx; b of Brick CoaMrncUoD Sandy Sprlnsa Baptist church, one of the oldest eburche* in Yad- kla county, will soon be ready to hold its dedicatory service In cele bration of tho completion of a hand some new church bulldioe costinR above 18,000 in addition to the many irffts of time, money and ma terial. The building is 7Sx8 feet, of brick coDStmctiOD. and has a valne of approximately J19.000. It is heated by a hot air fnmacc. and has 10 Sunday school rooms In addition to an auditorium with a seating capacity of 800. Rev. Stanley 8. May. now in bis 96th year, was paator of this church from 188: until his retirement from the ministry in 1918. and during his pastorate the church experienced a steady growth, the membership CARTER SOUGHT ON ri,iCHARGE OF MURDER This church was founded in ^ . . >. IK 'Ailcced to Have Killed Kmret nnd in 1869 a new church was built.; ge,, The new building lust completed re-{ UefmHc places one constructed In 1908 Thi8| building le located near the Yadkin-: Ofifeers are on tho lookout for irc-dell line, and ita firet pastor '^“•'jjohn Carter, native of Yadkin ty. who is wanted on a charge of inrder. Ho Is allied to have Rev. William (Undo Billy) Garner. In 1883 Rev. Mr. May was elected pastor, and served for 37 years, or unli' his retirement from active work. A dedicatory service la being planned, which will be held In tbc future, and at this service it Is expected to have as many as pos sible of the former pastors. Includ ing Rev. Mr. May, who gave many .years of trult-bearing service to the cause of tho Master while pastor of the church which has grown since the day. of Its establishment in 1843. THIRTEEN MILLION IS YET AVAILABLE H. a HARRIS Hanling of all Kinds Anyllme —» Anywhere Phone Day RS Night 140R Drought BeUef Pulid Dvrindles As dollars In his Po“«''‘o=; .M^y Applications Poor Into , The story of the killing Office Reeking Form R-li«rf MARTIN’S INC RENTAL AGENTS Real T'>tnle .tnd bisnranc*- Office Greenwood Bldg. Phone tP-T Elkin. N. C WANTS Tanted U> Tcnde for u MH-'n14vRnO Model •'A" Ford Coupe, a Chev rolet. Surry Hardware Co. Now Is Uj' time to build a House or repair and repaint the old one and Surry Hardware Co. is the place to buy your materials at lowest cash prices. Dr. W. B. lUwvcK, Eye Sight Spec ialist. Norfolk. Vu„ will be at Spar ta Court. May 4tb and Stb, ai office of Dr. C. A. Reeves, for the purpose of examining the cyei and fitting glasses. 4-£3i Jnet Unloadixl—.A c Wire and garden Hardware Co. of a-PoInt special Itirbed Wire g'AftO: 4-PolDt Cattle Barbed Wire 13.60: 4-Point Hog Barbed Wire 83.50: For cash only. Surry Hardware last. leavy- .TO tooth. Spike Har- $16.00. Cash while they Surry Hardware Co. killed Ernest Murphy. High Point, the affair supposedly growing out of a bootleg feud. Car ter is believed to have vislled his former home community Rock House section of Yadkin, and rumor has it that be intends render to officers and stand trial, claiming that the killing was In self defense, that Murphy was ad vancing upon him with an open knife. Carter Is reported to be In a ratber prosperous condittoii, which, it is claimed, le the result of boot leg activities. He is said to hare been seen with five or six thousand told from High Point, puts it as cold blooded murder, but friends of Car- Mr. C. G. .Armfield. who returned few days ago from Washington, states that he visited the office of drought relief organization while there, and although 45 mil-, . lion dollars was allotted to take Sheriff Charles 0 R^vis and hi of the needs of the farmers, 32.d.-puikii are on the lookout for .ar million dollars has already been "t. who escap.-d a passed out in loans, leaving 13 mll-isyih officers and is believed to be Hon dollars yet available. r. Armfield slated that the loant being bandied at present, a( rale of about five million dot- STATE NEWS Itemg in Brief Fonn For Busy Readers LumbertOB. April 18.—Seven glrla om Samarcand. state institution for delinquent girls, who engaged In riot in the Robeeon county jail, lero they were being held, were lalten today to the Moore county Jail in Carthage. They will be given trial at a term of Mooro court be ginning May 18 on a charge of hum- two bulldlDgK at Samarcand. .Vo demonstration was staged as they depart(-d. Accompanying them in two aulomoMIes were Sheriff C. J. McDonald. Jailer A. W, Lambert. Deputy Sheriff T. N. Slack and I>. L. Marion, all of Carthage. Nine other girls who look no part in the 1d- surrectioD will remain confined here until their trial. Those going were -Margaret Pridgen, of Wilming ton; Virginia Hayes, of l/eaksvtlle; Marlon Jlercer. of Aydcn: Josephine French, of Haw River; Dclorlse Se well, of Cove City; Rosa Mull, of Rutherford, and Wilma Owens, of Waynesville. was in evidence last Saturday Indi cates that this will prove one of the hottest political contests ever held here. The constitutionality of the recent legislative act was the basis of the argument before Judge Sink at Lexington last Friday, from wbich appeal to the state Supreme court was mnde upon agreement of counsel for both sides, with a re quest for. an early bearing. Gnstonla. April 14.—-Merger of 14 textile mills of the Carolines into a $17,500,000 corporation to be known as Textiles, incorporated, was ap proved today by directors of the mills involved. Tbo combine, when completed, will be tbe largest combed yarn manutacturing concern In the United Stales. It will control 300,000 spindles. Approval of plans for the merger which has been un der consideration for some time was given by the directors of tbe various at a meeting here today. Gas- will be the headquarters tor lew concern. satisfied that there is other side lo H. and that Carter, in Washington, April 18,—The body the event he gives bimscif up. will Charlie Harris, of I./eechvllle, produce evidence to substantiate hlsii^rn to pieces by bis own hogs, was 'found on his farm by bis daughter, according to word reaching here hiding in Yadkin county, friend of Carter's was located bj ihi- officers Just .1 few minutes nftei Carler had left him. Ilu Is n son of the late John Car ter, of the Knobs section, and has i brother. Ralph Carter, living it Yadkin. Although known as a lav violaler. It Ls said (hat he does no have the reputation of being i “killer." it is alleged that he has . ^ ,. ihfcn given assistance in eluding of- If'*"'" ‘trough the courtesy of a who own> an airplane, mak- it difficult 10 effect his capture, after was married several years lo a High Point young woman, into that office. ,,,, that city ' for s lars u week, and since tbe time limit ■xpires on May I, this amount will bo practically consumed If the same ratio nf applications continue until Thousands of loans have been made to farmers in various aectl of the I roughi of last summer, and alj office force has beeo necessary |, in order to give prompt attention t applications as they dally pour« daughter. Mrs. Nevors Simmons, passing in her car. saw- hogs gathering In the center of the pen some distance from the road, and thinking her falher must be feeding them blew her horn. Re ceiving no response, she walked to the pen to find the animals tearing ni the body. Those familiar with the habits of the animals expressed he opinion that Harris suffered ainling spell Or a heart attack be fore being attacked by the bogs. CP they never have been known attack an active man. Another Bowling Alley For Elkin j YADKIN BOY HELD ON GRAVE CHARGE ‘raent has just been madej w Gre-'DWood, of the; Greenwood Auto Co., that the room formerly used by the roecbanical de partment of that hnslness will transferred into a modern bowling alley. Three alleys of the latest style will be Installed, and tbe work is ex pected to be completed in about three weeks. When completed, this will provide two bowling alleys tor tbe city, tbe present one being located one door west of the Rasketeria Store. Iluw'urd Soutliord Jailed for .M' Uunpted Attok on Little Girl 11 Y'eors of Age Sue Tharpi' .Auxiliary Giinta of Miss AYm Day Old and Ktartcd (.thicks—Day old I2^c each, two weeks old started 18c, each delivered. Cus tom batching $3.00 per tray of 112 eggs each. We are belter prepared than ever before to give you quality and service. Please placu your order early and get jnst what you want. Mount Airy Hatchery, Mount Airy. N. C. tfc ‘•Da Ponis" and “StAK" Paints g» farther and last longer. Surry Hardware Co. rho beat auloraobtle tirea for (ho least money. 39x4.40 only $3,99, and made by the “Pennsylvania Rubber Co." Surry Hardware Co. (>ood heavy homemade covered tin buckets, Made by "Tom Eidson’ and made to last. Surry Hard- REAL ESTATE DecdK were nutde from Martin's, Inc., for property in "Arlington" to Walter L. Swalm. M. T. Cham berlain, Marvin Bryant and O. W, Martin. Mr. Swalm is now mov ing in tbe now home we have just completed. Mr. Chamber lain has contracted for a home to be built on thu lots purchased. "Watch Arlington build." For Sole or Reszt—The home va cated by Waller Swaim. neat Mahatfey'n store in Jonesvtlle. Price $600. $1.00 cash and $6.00 per month, and interest on ance. Rent $6.00 per month. Fov fialc^lO-acteiB land; 4-r bouse, well watered by good springs, on Natloiial highway 6 miles from Elkin. Price $1600. $400 cash, balance ten or twelve years time. For Salir—7a acres land, 1-8 mfle of Elkin City llmita. Some good river bottom land as well as good upland. This property Is part of "Gwyn Estate", juift West of Blit- rite Fumltnre Co. Price $2600. $500 cash, easy terms on baUuee. For anythtne In real eM«t« see os. MARTIN’S, Inc YadklnviUr, April 10. Howard .Southard. IK-yoar-old white bey, esied m-ar HnmptonvlIIe (his week upon a chorge of attempt ed rape upon a ll-year-old w^te girl, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. M. Crlsmon, and in default bond was lodged In tbe Yadkin Jail here to await tbe next term of criminal court. Southard is described as a boy of feeble mind. The attempted assault is said to have taken placi- as the little girl was returning to bet borne from school. At tbe prelimi nary bearing held before Magistrate T. F. Johnson, of nomptonvllle. Southard voluntarily related the story of the assault, apparently not ri-elixlng the serioiisnens of tbe crime with which he was charged. The investigation and arrest was made by Sheriff Charles G, Reavls. Both tbe Southard and Chrismon -nants and both High Point, April 18.-Disap pointed over a love affair. Miss Ell- ahelb Brooks. 19. daughter of Mr. and -Mrs, A. M. Brooks, 30K Cioss ilrcet. attempted suletde by swallow ing a dose of paris green in a batb- I of her home shortly after todny. She calmly walked e bathroom and told her mother she hnd done. Terrified, Mrs. Brooks summoned and nmbulanced her dsughtor to the hospital where poison was pumped from her -m. Late today she was reporl- is resting comfortably at Guilford general hospital. It learned that the girl recently had very morose by reason of her friend's ceasing Ills attentions. The Sue Tharpe Auxiliary of the First Baptist church, met at the home of Miss Maybert West, on Elk Spur street. Tuesday evening, with twelve members present. An interesting and Inspiring program was presented under tbe direction of MIhm Grace Shntley. assisted b; :aynell Phillips, Luey Gray BlendoD Byrd. Emma Cooke am Muybert West. The topic for Iht enlng's lesson was “The f’ot'duer- ing Christ". -ccmparatlvelv new residents In the the conclusion of tho program community. The magistrate the hostess served a delicious ‘‘•“ somhard's bond at 8500 nnd ho urse, with cake. :placed In Jail after unavailing ef- ■ ■ ~ -forts had been made to raise atement of the Ownership. agement, CIrcpIntlon, Etr.. Ro- - qptred by the Act of Congis- Augasi U4tli, IRIS Of The Elkin Tribune, published -ekly at Elkin, N. C... for April 1. 31. State of North Carolina. County of Surry—es: Before me. a Notary Public, in and for the State and county afore said. personally appeared H. F, LaffooD. who. having been duly sworn, according to law, deposes and says that be la the business manager of The Elkin Tribune and that tbe following Is. to the best of his knowledge and belief, a true 'Eikin Druggists Go statement of the ownership, agemeni, etc., of the aforesaid pub lication for Che date shown in tbe above caption, required by tbe Act of August 24, 1913, em^dled section 433, Postal Laws and Regu lations: That tbe names and address of the publisher, editor, managing edi- r. and business managers are: Publisher—Elk Printing Com pany. Elkin, N. C. Managing Editor—H, F. T.affoon. Elkin. N. C. Business Manager—H. P. Laf- fooD, Elkin. N. C. 2. That the owners are; Elk Printing Co„ Elkin. K. C.. H. F. Laftoon. Mrs. H. F. Latfon. C. S. Poster. Mrs. C. S. Poster, all of El kin. N. C. 3. That the know«i bondholders, mortgagees and other security hold ers owning or holding 1 per cent or more of total amount of bonds, mortgages, or other securities are: Elkin NoUonal Bank. Elkin, N. C. H. P. LAPPOON. Business Manager. Sworn to and subeeribed before me this 16th day of April. 1931. C. G. ARMPIELD, Notary Fnblle. My commission expires May £5. 1932 ilessrs. J. G, .Aberneihy end Geo. E. Koyall, accompanied by tbe sales force of the two stores, attended soda school held in Winston-Salem, Monday and Tuesday. The fol lowing clerks accompanied their manager... Messrs. Leslie Uhlne- hardt. Jack Smoot. Glenn Bailey. Moir Hall, Ralph Cook. Prod Elidson and Reece Gilliam. The purpose of tbu soda school was to acquaint those attending with the methods of maDufactnre as employed by tbe Southern Dairies, in tbe interest of Increasing sales throogh cleanliness and better drinks, both by manufacturer and retailer, and In giving utmost ser vice and quality to the public. Car Recovered The Chrysler car belonging -Mr. 8. O. Maguire, and laden with about $1,800 worth of ahoe aamptsa was stolen from the streets of Cbar- lotte last Tbursday, but has since b«ej recovered. No noticeable dam age had been done to tbe machine, and all of the samples were Intact. Tbe car and contenta were located in Salisbury, after tbe theft had been broadcast over etatlon WBT, Char lotte. but no truce of tho “gentle man borrower” has been found. In the last 18 months 37 abips were launched from Danish ship yards. There are at least 60 stars to « err man, woman and child In t world, says a European scIentUt. North Wllkesboro. .April 13.— iirs. Odessa Gardner. 23. died In the Wilkes Hospital this moi nlng at 7 o'clock. Death was caused by taking bichloride of mercury lest Tuesday night. Immediately after discovering that Mrs. Gardner had taken the polsoo In an attempt to commit suicldo, she was rushed to local hospital, where treatment proved unsuccessful In saving her Domentir affairs are said to have caused the act on the part of Gardner. Mrs. Gardner had resided In this city with her hus band for seven months. Raleigh- Lottie tnge. 14-} old school girl, told Raleigh polire yesterday two uu-n forced her into their automobile at tbp point of pistol last night, blindfolded ht rode her to a railroad box car and preparing to attack her when a train whistle frightened them away. Tbe girl, hound by a rope, was found In Ihe empty freight car this morning by train.'nen of the South- freight yards here. She said she had been threatened with death told a true story of happened. She first said she been forced out of a local theatre by two strange men and made to their automobile. Iwiter girl changed hep story and said she picked up on the Boyian Heights on Martin stre>t. forced In to the auloraobilc. taken lo the box car. bound and left. She said ber second story was the truth, police taking an attitude that the girl had not been truthful and holding bofk important details of how she happened to be In the the Kiri’s mother. Mrs. A. 1). Pace, 9 forestry employee of couvinced that telling straight tacts. daughter Statesville. April 10.—The plant of J. C. Holmes Lumber company. In west Statesville, was totally de stroyed this afternoon In a confla gration. which, fanned by a raging wind from the south, threatened that entire section of town. The roofs of several residences. 300 to 600 yards away, were set on fire by sparks that were carried by high winds. A number of small bams and outhouses near tbe fire were partly consumed. J. C. Hnlmee, i manager and principal owner of tbe| lumber plant, estimates the loss, including bnlldlng. equipment, fin ished material and lumber, at $25,• 000 to $35,000. He bad recently added several car loads of lumber. He carried no Insurance on eny of tbe property. Origin of tbe fire la unknown. Wben the alarm was turned in shortly after 1 o’clock this afternoon the south side of the plant was enveloped in flames and smoke. North Wllkesboro. April 1 Hoyle Sink having enjoined mayor and board of town oommis- slonera from proceeding to hold mnnlcipal primary and election which they had ordered for NUy 4, and epeclfylng that the registration books sbonld be turned over to tbe county board of elections, tbat body is proceeding with an entirely new regisl.atlod ordered for the primary and election set by them for May 5. Considerable feeling was developed a^ong tbe citizens of North Wilkes- bero In this eentroversy, and the nnnsnal eagerness to reg'ster that Shipment of Nitrate Arrives In New Bags A new shipment of Chilean Ni trate of Soda has been received by F. A. Brendle A Son. local fertiliser denier. Ali the stock Is in new 100- pound bags. This bandy-sixe bag ,1s uB innovation In the Industry, for up lo this year practically all of tbe nitrate from Chile was shipped In 200-pnun(l bags. Resides being easy to handle, tho new bag insure* tbo arrival of the nitrate lo better mechnnlral condition. Orders taken by Mr. Brendle show tbat local farmers are taking advantage of the new low fertiliser prices. He eaye tbat Cbllean ni trate is the lowest in price It baa been for 25 yeara. A new radio station for communi cation with tbe Sonth Seas area Is being constructed by a Jspanaee company at Koyama. NOTICE OP BI.KCnOX It bus been ordered by tbe Board of Town Commlssionera tbat an election be held to said Town of Elkin, on Monday. May 4. 1931, for the purpose of electing a Mayor and five Commleslomere. For this election J. L. Hall, Jr., was named rerlstrsr. who, with J. S. Atkinson and J. Henry Tharpe will complete the Judges. Tbo books are uow open for tbe registration of all qualified voters who have not heretofore registered. BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF TOWN OF ELKIN. 4-30 NOTICE NOTICE Pay your electric Jiglit bills before the 10th of each month and save the discount. SOUTHERN PUBLIC UTILITIES CO. PROGRAM AT THE LYRIC ELKIN, N. C. Programs of Talking, Singing, Dancing, Comics Are Among Our Daily Features. THIS WEEK — Thursday-FYiday— “BEAU IDEAL” The Mighty Sequel to ‘‘Beau Geste” ALSO NEWS Day and Night—10c-30c Saturday— ‘THE UGKTNING FLYER” A Tlirilling Drama of Railway Life AI^O SERIAI. AND COMEDY Day and Night—10c-30c NEXT WEEK— Mondav-Tuesday— WILLIAM HAINES in “A TAILOR MADE MAN” with Dorothy Jordan, Joseph Cawthorn and Marjorie Rambeau IPs made to order for laughs and romance ALSO NEWS AND COMEDY Day and Night—10c-30c Wednesday— ANOTHER BIG FAMILY SHOW ‘THE GANG BUSTER” ALSO FABLES! Day and Night—lOc-lSc COMING—By Special Request AMOS ’N ANDY in “CHECK AND DOUBLE CHECK” ONE DAY—FRIDAY, MAY Ist Special Prices Day and Night—10c-25c