1 Elkin—"The Beet Little Town In North Carolina" VOL. No. XXI No. 29 Ehringhaus and Maxwell In Brief Talks Here As Primary Date Draws Near; Are Well Received By Voters IN FAVOR ECONOMY Ehringhaus States His Platform In Guber natorial Race IS GOOD SPEAKER Stating that North Carolina "must spend less, tax more, bust", and personally favoring a program of less but wiser spending. John C. B. Ehringhaus, democratic candida:e for governor, opened his campaign in Elkin at the Lyric theatre Mon day morning. Mr. Ehringhaus, who WHS intro duced to a small but riKlience by J. S. Atkinson, of Elkiu : didn't plunge into a long drawn-out political address, neither did he spend his time shouting of his own virtues or berating his opponents. His talk was brief, courteous and to the point and made a favorable im pression upon his listeners. He stated that he was in favor of re-valuation of real estate;' state support of the six months school, and wise economy. In commenting on the word economy, he made it clear that he didn't mean It in the sense that would work to the dis advantage of the state. "Our schools, our institutions for the insane, the blind, the deaf and dumb, must be kept up to a high level worthy of the name of the state," he pointed out. Many people, the speaker contin ued, had combatted his candidacy with the propaganda that what the state, and the entire country, need at this time is an expert—a govern mental expert. "They told us that four years ago when Hoover was making his bid for the White House," he said. "Put the nation in the hands of a construction engineer and watch prosperity come again! Hoover was elected, but did he turn out a construction engineer? Just the opposite. He ditched, drained and has pretty near damned the whole country." Insofar as he could see, the candi date pointed out, there are mighty few governmental experts in North Carolina. Both of his opponents, he said, have long been supported by political jobs and do not have the viewpoint of the mass. One point that he thought in his own favor is the fact that, If elected, he will be fresh from the people: will be more fully acquainted with their point of view. In firing the cause of the depres sion, Mr. Ehringhaus put it simply: "The out-go has been greater than the in-come. Lavish spending on the of the little man can quick ly result in financial trouble. It can just as quickly wreck a nation." Following his talk here, Mr. Ehringhaus went to Yadkinvllle where he was scheduled to speak In the afternoon and from there to "Winston-Salem for an address Mon day night. He spoke in Mount Airy early Monday morning. COMMENCEMENT AT PLEASANT HILL ENDS Highly Successful Year Closed Friday of Last Week Pleasant Hill elementary and junior high school closed a success ful year on Friday of last week. On Saturday evening the grades gave a series of entertainments. The first grade presented a toy orches tra; second and third grades, "The Three Beans"; fourth and fifth grades, "Having Their Pictures Took," and "Roll Dem Bones" by the higher grades concluded the ex ercises. Perfect attendance certificates were awarded eleven pupils by W. A. Hunt, principal of the school, and seventh grade diplomas were award ed the following students by Mr. Hunt: Hallie Collins, Pauline Rog ers, Irene Day and David Darnell. David Day, a member of the school board, made a brief talk on the progress and success of the term just closing. On Monday evening the school board elected the following faculty f o r the 1032-33 term: first grade, (Continued on Last Page) SiSl is THE ELKIN TRIBUNE Innocent Victim y* i I ii ~ n , One of the last photos made of Charles A. Undbergh, Jr., shortly before he was kidnapped and bru tally murdered by his heartless captors. HOAX REVEALED IN LINDBERGH TRAGEDY Contacts With Kidnap ers Declared Imaginary By J. H. Curtis As the latest "startling develop ment" in the Lindbergh case comes the confession by John Hughes Cur tis, the Norfolk, Va„* intermediary," that he had perpetrated an "enor mous deception" in the search for the slain son of Colonel Charles A. Lindbergh. The confession was made to police Tuesday afternoon. The boats and all the people to whom Curtis has been referring dur ing the gigantic manhunt now under way for the murderers of the baby, were creations of his own mind, police were told by the 44-year-old boat builder, who so captured the confidence of Colonel Lindbergh, himself, that the latter was with him the night the child's body was found. "I honestly believe that for the last seven or eight months I have not been myself due to financial troubles," Curtis said in his con fession. The report that was current in Elkin Monday that Betty Gow, nursemaid in the Lindbergh home at the time of the kidnaping, had com mitted suicide, was proved false by radio dispatches Tuesday evening. The report was said to have been received here early Monday after noon by radio an( l later dispatches stated that the information was actually broadcast, it not being known, however, just where the sta tion giping the report obtained its information. Other rumors that a servant in the Lindbergh home had committed suicide were also declared as false. High Honor Is Given Local Girl At Duke Miss Emma Cooke, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Cooke, of Elkin, who is a member of the Junior class at Duke University, Durham, has received a distinguished honor In being chosen for membership in the Kappa Delta Pi, a national honor ary educational society. The honor is usually given to senior students and only then for exceptionally brilliant work. At a recent meeting of vhe Alpha Tau chapter at Duke. Miss Cooke was elected vice-presi dent of the chapter. District Office The Elkin postoffice has been designated by the postmaster general as a district office tor postal sav ings business, to be effective June 1, it has been learned here. »'* "• -: • r" ' * •* .' V ' , 4 'it-. ELKIN, N. C„ THURSDAY, MAY 19, 1932 GUEST KIWANIANS Maxwell Speaks On Benefits of the De pression, If Any SCORES BOOK COST Taking as his subject the benefits of the current depression, A. J. Max well, candidate for the democratic nomination for governor of North Carolina, made a brief but interest ing talk before the Elkin Kiwanis club at their luncheon at Hotel Elkin Friday at noon. The human race learns from ex perience, Mr. Maxwell said, and one of the benefits of the depression will be that it will drive all of us to deeper, sounder thinking, eventually developing a higher class of leader ship. We got ourselves into the depres sion, and it's up to us to get our selves out, he said, adding that we were going to have more respect for thrift and less respect for spend thrift when we did eventually re cover. Speaking of North Carolina's pub lic school system Mr. Maxwell scored the present high prices of text books, speaking of them as excessive or about 40 per cent too high. He an nounced himself in favor of the rental system instead of the pur chase system, which, he said, would take a burden oft the backs of par ents. The state is spending $150,000 per day to run the six-months school term, the speaker said, but is not getting the fullest advantage from this money because in many in stances children attending school have no books due to high prices. Mr. Maxwell, who came here from Mt. Airy where he delivered an ad dress Thursday, was introduced to the Kiwanians by J. N. Freeman. TO PICK APPLICANT FOR P. 0. SATURDAY Three Are In Race For Endorsement For Jonesville Job One of the three candidates for the Job as postmaster at Jonesville, vacant following the death of Post master Ward Swalm, several months ago, will probably be endorsed Sat urday at the meeting of the Yadkin county executive committee at Yad kinvllle which has been called by Chairman Wade Reavis. Of the large number who took the examination for the job, the three scoring highest were Miss Stella Triplett, democrat; Hubert republican, and Mrs. Non na Mayberry, republican. Miss Trip lett held the postmastership during the Wilson administration. Following the endorsement of one of these three Saturday, it will be forwarded to the state chairman at Raleigh, who will in turn send it t 0 the United States postoffice de partment at Washington for official confirmation. Woman Is Arrested Here On Check Flashi A middle-aged widow of refined appearance left a trail of woe among merchants here Monday which ended only when she was arrested by Chief of Police W. G'. Church on a warrant from Winston-Salem which charged giving a worthless check. The woman, a Mrs. A. J. Hauser. was kept in custody here practically all day Monday following her arrest and was turned over to Winston- Salem officers late in the afternoon. She is alleged to have given a check for approximately S4O to the J* C. Penney store in Winston-Salem. Mrs. Hauser, who for the past sev eral weeks has been occupying the summer home of James Hanes at Roaring Gap which sb e claimed to have rented for the season, ob tained a considerable amount of merchandise from local merchants the day. of her arrest, giving in pay- Cal Goes Fishing HHfl \® ms y' V *c: » Former President Coolidge mo- j tored down to Connecticut the other j day and caught a dozen brook trout like the one he's holding. TO HAVE HEARING BEFORE GOVERNOR Question of Dr. Bryant's Right to J. P. Office to Be Settled A hearing before Governor O. Max Gardner has been set for Monday, May 23, at which time the re-in statement of Dr. C. G. Bryant, of Jonesville, as a justice of the peace, will £e considered and passed upon, it was learned Wednesday. Dr. Bryant was appointed as Jus tice of the peace several weeks ago by Governor Gardner upon the recommendation of Wilson .Huds peth, of Yadkinvllle, chairman of th e Yadkin county democratic exe cutive committee, and was revoked from office four days later when Mr. Hudspeth was said to have with drawn his recommendation. Later reports have it that Huds peth has investigated the Informa tion upon which he based his action in withdrawing his recommendation, and has personally appeared before Governor Gardner and asked that Dr. Bryant be reinstated. The hearing in the governor's of fice Monday is for the purpose of clearing up a somewhat muddled situation, It appears. Yadkin Prisoner Makes Escape While Visiting A little act of kindness on the part of two Yadkin county deputy sheriffs In Winston-Salem Tuesday night resulted In temporary disgrace and a lot of worry for T. A. Chip man and Arthur Matthews, the deputies. Sent to Raleigh to bring back a prisoner, Fonnie Wright, the two deputies harkened to his plea for a short stop at th e home of a relative. Doubtlessly, all would have been well if their prisoner hadn't made his escape, handcuffed as he was, while paying the visit. As luck would have it, however, he was arrested a short time later by Winston-Salem police as the two deputies were bemoaning their fate. ment for the merchandise a promise to mail a check as soon as she reached home. Her refined and well-to-do appearance was said to have been a great aid in her shop ping. A local hardware company do nated approximately $3 in kitchen ware and a local shoe store supplied a nice new pair of spring shoes. Other stores were said to have made contributions. After her arrest it was learned that she had not rented the Roar ing Gap home, but had obtained the keys on a pretext of wanting to rent it moved in. Other reports have been circulated that Mrs. Hauser spent the Vlnter In top style at Pinehurst by posing as the bride-to-be of a wealthy mer chant who was to appear on the scene In the fall. Fullest Cooperation of Bank Debtors Needed To Hasten Liquidation "Jafsie" Says Plans Were Upset By Hoax New York, May 18. Jafsie blamed John N. Curtis today for his own failure to save the life of Charles A. Lindbergh, Jr., and return the kidnaped baby to his grieving parents. The white-haired, aged Dr. John F. Condon, the J. F. C. whose want ads signed "Jafsie" intriKued a nation, "knew all along that Curtis was a faker," he said. "He ruined my chances of maintaining contact with the kid napers, established about a week after the baby was stolen," he charged. SCHOOL FUNDS ARE DENIED IN COUNTY State Treasurer With holds $30,234 Due to Surry A total of $30,234.50, due to Sur ry county out of the state's appro priation of 11,500,000 for state aid on extended school terms, is being withheld, along with money due 28 other counties, by the state treasur er, John P. Stedman, due to indebt edness by the county on account of {loans from the special school build ! ing. When Stedman took office in January of this' year these loans to the various counties were in arrears in the aggregate amount of $704,- 000. The sums due the state have been reduced by collections t 0 $297,- 000 and there still will be $76,000 due the state after the collection by withholding of th e $221,058.74 due the various counties. Of the 29 counties denied their | appropriations, Surry was known to I owe the most. Wilkes county was | shown to owe $3,082.31 and Yad kin $1,724.95. CIVIL COURT UNDER WAY IN YADKIN Total of til Cases Were On Calendar For First Week; Judge Wal ter E. Moore Presiding Yadkin county superior court for the trial of civil cases convened in Yadkinville Monday morning fo r a two-weeks term before Judge Wal ter E. Moore. Sixty-one cases were scheduled for the first week. Jurors drawn for the first week are as follows: M. R. Davis, Walter Castevens, Ky Johnson, W. T. Hen nings, S. i 3. Shugart, J. S. Hoots, Q. W. Nicholson, W. F. Castevens, J. M. Speas, Early Dull, J. W. Athan, Gray Dinkins, M. A. Vestal, J. F. Brown, Jr., Raymond Cleary and D. G. Norman. Jurors for second week: W. A. Russell, N. B. Brown, W. T. Allen, W. B. Money, J. H. Eaton, C. R. Russell, J. S. Phillips. D. F. Bell, i Richard Brown, C. A. Bell, D. G. Hobson, W. H. Taylor, J. A. Groce, J. F. Hemric, C. E. Pilcher, John Colbert, I. A. Todd and A. M. John son. LA YELL IMPROVING AFTER AUTO INJURY In Stepping Prom Moving Car Was Thrown to Pavement, Fractur ing His Hkull The condition of J. Wesley Layell, who was seriously Injured on last Friday evening when he at tempted to step from the run ning board of a moving automobile and was thrown to the concrete highway, is much improved. Lay ell was returning t 0 his home from Chatham Manufacturing company where he Is employed, when he came to the intersection of a side road leading to hia home just off the main highway on State Road. Lay ell attempted to step from the mov ing car before the driver had stop ped. He sustained a slight skull frac ture and other serious injuries from the Impact and bis condition was at first considered critical at the Hugh Chatham Memorial hospital where he was immediately carried for treatment. Western Carolina'! Leading Weekly Newspaper PUBLISHED WEEKLY RETURNS ARE SLOW •- ' * Fail to Fill Out Financial Statement Blanks For Receiver SLOW UP PROCESS Out of approximately 3,000 finan cial statement blanks mailed to ev eryone directly or indirectly indebt ed to the Elkin National Bank by W. H. Spradlin, receiver, when he first took charge of the affairs of the bank, only 50 or 60 have been re turned properly filled out, he an nounced Tuesday. The purpose of the statements, Mr. Spradlin said, was to get an idea of the financial condition of those who owe the bank. With a man's financial condition known, in many cases it is possible to work out a plan enabling him to meet his obligation to the bank without un due inconvenience. In a number of cases this has been done, it was pointed out. That the receiver be fully ac quainted with the finances of each and every debtor is very important both from the debtor's standpoint and the standpoint of the bank, and if each person who received the blank statement would fill it out properly and mail it to the receiver, it would aid materially in the pro cess of liquidation, in addition to helping the bank in other ways that can't yet b e made public. It will be necessary to bring pressure to bear on those who have refused or neglected to lend this cooperation, Mr. Spradlin said. It is the first duty of the receiver to reduce all notes to cash, the money to eventually be paid to the depositors and other creditors, he said, and the sooner those who owe the bank money .make an effort to meet their obligations, the sooner the dividend will be paid. If is the receiver's policy to be as helpful as possible t 0 the bank deb tors and as sympathetic as they would let him be. However, full co-operation must be accorded If the assets of the institution are liquidated in a minimum ofHime. Those who have misplaced their financial statement blanks may se cure another by either writing or calling at the bank, it was said. FIVE ELKIN CAFES ARE RATED GRADE A Eight Food Houses Are Given Inspection By Health Officer ' «. • Five Elkin hotels and cafes, re cently inspected by the Surry coun ty health officer, M. T. Foster, were rated graded; two cafes were rated grade B, and one grade C, it was learned this week. Those given the grade A rating were Hotel Elkin, 93.5 per cent. Blue Moon Tea Room, 92 per cent. Home Hotel, 90.5 per cent, Busy Bee Cafe, 91.5 per cent, and Nu- Way Cafe, 90 per cent. Class B ratings were Palace Cafe, 89 per cent and Davis Cafe, 82 per cent. The Riverside Cafe was given a class C rating of 78 per cent. t The state law governing sanitary management of hotels and cafes re quires inspectors to furnish each with a certificate of rating which must be posted in a conspicuous place where it may be easily ob served by guests. A cafe or hotel cannot operate with a rating lesß than 70 per cent. Seventy to 80 per cent gives a grade C cafe. Eighty to 90 per cent gives a grade B cafe and 90 to 100 per cent a grade A cafe. To operate a grade A hotel or cafe, grade A milk must be served. Candidate Visitor Here N. S. Mulligan, of Walnut Cove, candidate for the state senate from Surry and Stokes county, wan n visi tor in Elkin Tuesday, and is hoping to .ucceed former Senator John H. Folger, of Mt. Airy, who has de clined to again make the race. Inasmuch as Surry furnished the senator daring the last session and th© two counties take it time about. Stokes will furnish the sena tor for the forthcoming term. Mr. Mulligan is a business man and farmer.

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