— : ' Elkta—"Tfct Bmt Little Town In North Carolina" VOL. No. XXI, No. 33 Surry Democrats For Franklin D. Roosevelt As Presidential Hope ANY LOYAL MEMBER OF PARTY ELIGIBLE AS STATE DELEGATE WILKES HAS MEET Elkin Recorder's Court Scorned By Border ing County YADKIN DELEGATES Surry county democrats, meeting In convention at Dobson Saturday, endorsed the candidacy of Gov. Franklin D Roosevelt, of New York, for the presidency, and thus in structed all Surry delegates who planned to attend the state demo cratic convention at Raleigh today. No official delegates and alter nates were elected to attend the Raleigh convention, any good demo crat of the county being eligible to go; North Wiikesboro.—The Wilkes county democratic convention, held in North Wiikesboro Saturday, went on record against the legislative act which places part of Wilkes county in jurisdiction of the Elkin record er's court. Yadkinville. —Meeting in conven tion at Yadkinville Saturday, Yad kin county democrats heard a 4 0 minute address by H. M. Dußose, of Winston-Salem, and then elected delegates and alternates to the democratic state convention at Ral eigh. Those named were: Dr. T. W. Shore, Albert Martin, Jasper Long, Leak Steelman, James Parks, J. T. Reece, L. F. Amburn, Paul Davis, T. H. Poindexter, L. J. Hamp ton, C. L. Gabard, T. L. Barnard, C. E. Hartman, M. V. Fleming, John Poindexter, Grover Williams, R. B. Horn, Fred Hobson and George Hob son. Yadkin county is entitled to nine votes at the state convention. PROCESS OF TAKING JUDGMENT STARTED Spradlin Takes Re course to Law in Ef fort to Thaw Bank The process of taking judgment against debtors of the Elkin Na tional Bank who have made no effort to pay their obligations, has already been started, it was learned Wednesday morning from W. H. Spradlin, receiver, wh 0 stated that other judgments would be asked im mediately. "We are using discretion in this process of seeking judgments," Mr. Spra&lin said, "and desire to work no unnecessary hardships upon those whom we are forced'to deal with in this way. However, our first duty is to look after the depositors." In commenting on the liquidation process, the receiver said that, boiled down to brass tacks, those who owe money to the bank do not really owe it to former officers or to the bank, but to their neighbors and others who are creditors of the bank. It is not the bank's money that he is attempting to collect, but ia the money of those who had de posits there, he said. Thus those who refuse to make any effort to pay are actually hurting their own friends and neighbors, it was pointed out. Economy Shoe Store Moved to Greensboro t ■ ■ ■■ The Economy Shoe Store, which has operated hers for approximately nine months under the management of Julius and Clyde Hall, has been sold to a firm in Greensboro and the entire stock moved to that city. The sale 'of the store, which han been hanging fire for a number of monthayWM completed several days ago, ant the work of packing and shipping the stock was completed Tuesday* Modern and up-to-date in even'y way, the shoe store was a credit to Elkln, and its sale is a distinct loss to trie community. *. I ¥ T I a ■ T/ T T B ii ] II T T a i 1 1 I I ■ -Jr. I * W .... J President's Son We I • ' Jfe- ja&L jg l J» Richard F. Cleveland, whose father, Grover Cleveland, was twice President of the United States, will ntake the speech in Democratic Na tional Convention nominating Gov ernor Albert C. Ritchie for the Presi dency. SNUFF THIEF SENT TO ROADS BY JUDGE Convicted Of Stealing Snuff From Local Express Office Convicted in recorder's court Tuesday morning on a charge of stealing three cases of snnff from the local express office. Eugene Gray, negro, was sentenced to serve six months on the roads by Judge Harry H. Barker. Gray was alleged to have taken the snuff, which was the property of Moseley and Reece, local whole sale house, from the depot, and to have peddled it about among his friends at the price of two bales for five cents. The theft was said to have been committed approximately a week ago. Ira Blackburn and Council Las (Continued on Last Page) LATE ITEMS OF INTEREST FROM NATIONAL NEWS BfcXilN REAL WORK (Mage, June 14.—At the end of a lackluster day of opening formalities, the real work *f the Republican convention gathered momentum tonight in renewed at tempts to settle the difficulties over prohibition and nomination of a running-mate fo r President Hoover. VICE-PRESIDENT DAWES? Chicago, June 14.—A move ment to draft Charles ti. Dawes for the vice-presidential nomina tion gained ground today with members of several state delega tions ready to put forward their own candidates in the event the C'hlcagOMi refused to accept. A rising tide of sentiment for Itawct was appai cut. A poll of a majority of the 97 New York delegates showed a strong trend away from Charles Curtis. SECOND DAY'S BUSINESS ' Here is 'lie official order of business for the second day's ses sion of the Republican national convention: v Convention called to order by the chairman at 11 a. m., central daylight time. Prayer by the Rt. Rev. Thomas P. Bona, P, R„ St. Mary of Per petual Help rectory, Chicago. Music. Report of committee on creden tials. Report of committee on per manent organization. Address of permanent «hairman. Report of committee on rules and order of business. 8 Recess until 4 p. m. Reconvene at 4 p. m. Report of committee on resolu tions. Adjourn until 'Vnursday, June 1«. f . ELKIN, N. C., THURSDAY, JUNE 16, 1932 $153,582 ALLOTTED SURRY SCHOOLS BY STATESCHOOL BOARD Goes To Rural School System For Six- Months' Term INCREASE OF $2,079 A total of $153,582.36 has been allotted to the Surry county rural school system by the state for the operation of the six-month school term for 1932-33, this allottment having been made a number of days ago by the North Carolina Equaliza tion board at Raleigh. At the meeting of the a total of 295 teachers were allowed for the Surry schools next year, of which number 215 were allotted to the county rural schools. The re mainder of the teacher allottment was divided between the city schools, with Elkin getting 17, Mt. Airy 50 and Pilot Mountain 15 teachers. Both the allottment of money and teachers shows an increase over the 1931-32 term just completed. The money allowed last year totaled $151,502.54, or $2,079.82 less than the amount voted for the coming school year. The increase in teach ers numbers 11. The schools to receive additional teachers, earned by increased at tendance are Elkin city schools, 2; Low Gap high school, 2; Franklin high school, 2; Mount Airy city schools, 2; Dobson high school, 1, and Bannertown elementary school, 1. The financial allotment of $153,- 582.36 was divided and assigned to various purposes in the school bud get. The amount assigned for gen eral control was $5,462, which in cludes the salary of Supt. E. S. Hen dren and expenses for travel, cler cial assistance, office supplies and the county board of education. The sum for operation of the plants was $7,521.50, divided for $2,714 for janitors' salaries, $2,710 for fuel, $690 for water, lights and power, (Continued on Last Page) GILLIAM REUNION WAS HELD SUNDAY Despite Rain And Mud, Approximately 100 Were Present Despite the muddy roads, ap proximately 100 relatives and friends of the Gilliam clan gathered Sun day at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Gilliam, of Bethel, for the an nual Gilliam .".c^inion. Owing to the absence of the pas- , tor of Bethel church, no services, ex cept Sunday school were held. Fol lowing Sunday school the crowd as sembled at the Gilliam home where a picnic dinner was spread on the lawn. J. A. Gilliam, of Mountain View, spoke briefly and called upon Rev. W. F. Cooper, of Doughton, to pro nounce the invocation. Following the dinner, registra tion began and several short talks were made, following which came a short business session during which J. A. Gilliam was elected as chairman for next year's reunion. Mrs. tT. H. Jones was again elected secretary and treasurer and will ar range for next vear's reunion which will b j held t the Gilliam home the second Sunday in June, 1933. Nun ibered among those attending were f "lends and relatives from New York i Mty, Norfolk and Galax, Va., Thome avllle, Winston-Ralem, States ville, Mount Airy, Mountain View, Doughtjon and Elkin. STOLEN TRUCK IS FOUND; BURNED Shorted Wires Thought Responsible For Harne*; Tiro Also Taken Here Late Saturday Nlglit A Chevrolet truck belonging to M. C. Whitener and A. W. Lindenmoth. Elkin men, was stolen last Saturday night from its parking space in front of the Home Hotel, and was found burned Sunday about three miles out on the Boonville highway. The machine was taken sometime after 10: au o'clock. It In thought the thief, )in rewiring the switch, which was locked, accidentally shorted a couple of wires, causing it to catch fire. A spare tire was also ctolon Sat urday night, thieves removing the spare tire from the car of Boris Sonaivisky, which waa parked in front of Hotel Elkin. , !,•:« .. # , ■ i Newly Formed Surry Assoc Seeking Slash of 25 Per Cent For County Officers; Would Fire Some M. P. J. Head Is Highly Rated J. Mark McAdams i 3 Boy Scout worker as well as educator and athletic instructor J. Mark McAdams, former princi pal and athletic director of the North Wiikesboro high school for the past two years, Who resigned his position there to head Mountain Park Institute as principal, to suc ceed former principal R. H. Lank ford, has been rated highly by those wh 0 are familiar with his work and is said to be especially well fitted for his new post which he will short ly assume. A scout worker as well as educa tor and athletic coach, Mr. McAdams is field commissioner of the Wins ton-Salem scout district and a mem ber of the Boy Scout committee for the district. As a mark of the es •»em and affection in which he is held by the Boy Scouts of Notth Wiikesboro, he will be honored by Troop 34, of that city, in an., open meeting there Sunday night. Before gofng to North Wiikesboro Mr. McAdams was principal of the Reidsvllle high school. Mountain Park Institute is to be congratulated upon securing his services. New Revenue Act Probably Will Hit Elkin Hardest In Form of New Postal Rate First Class Postage to Jump From Two Cents Per Ounce to Three Cents on July 6. Tire and Tube Tax Will Become Effective Here Tuesday, June 21. Many Items Subject to New Act V The revenue bill lately approved by Congress will touch Elkin in a changed postal rate, which become* effective July 6, and a tax on auto mobile tires, bank checks, etc., which is to become effective June 2i. According to information gent out by the federal bureau of inter nal revenue, the following are ex amples of the classes of persons who are required to make returns and pay taxes newly imputed under the new tax act: the manufacturers, f ) Queers or importers of the fol lowing articles* lubricating oil, brewer's wort, grape concentrate, automobiles, candy, gum, toilet preparations, flirs, Jewelry." radios, refrigerators, sporting goods, fire arms, cameras, matches, soft drinks, tires and tubes -nd gasoline. The following articles or services are also subject t 0 the tax: tele phone and telegraph messages, elec tric energy, bank checks, lease of safety deposit boxes, admissiofc fees, transprytation of oil by pipi line, and the users tf pleasure boats. The change jn the letter rate, it is said, will touclj the greatest number of The JONESVILLE WOMAN ENDORSED FOR P. O. Mrs. Nonnie Mayherry \Vill> Probably Fill Post Left Vacant By- Ward Swaim Mrs. Nonnie Mayberry has been endorsed by the Yadkin county Re publican executive committee for the appointment to the position o)T post master at Jonesville to fill the va cancy resulting from the death some months ago of Postmaster Ward Swaim. Two other applicants for the posi tion, who successfully passed the civil service examination some weeks ago and were placed on the lißt of eligibles. were Miss, Stella Triplett, Democrat, who served in that capa city throughout the Woodrow Wil son administration and Hubert Evans, Republican. Favor Prohibition Vote By a big majority, the Virginia Democratic convertion last week went on record for resubmission of the prohibition question to the states and approved the plan of Harry F. Byrd for a direct vote of the people. Byrd was formally endorsed for the presidency and will receive Virgin ia's rote in convention. J. MARK Mr A DAMS new regulations require postmasters to see that on and after July 6 post age is paid at the rate of three cents per ounce or fraction of an ounce on letters and other first class mat *. . -pt postal cards and private maifing or post cards. The automobile tire and tube tax will mean that the consumer will have to pay so much per pound for his tires and tubes over the manu facturer's price, the prices having been scheduled to take a rise im mediately the tax goes into effect. The check tax amounts to two ♦ cents i- check for each check writ ten. PENSION FUNDS FOR. SURRY ARE NOW DUE Thirty Surviving Vet erans Remain in the County The pension funds for the sur viving Confederate veterans and widows of Surry county, were ex pected to be received today, accord ing to an announcement made by Clerk of Court F. T. Lewellyn. The funds to be paid out to 115 vet erans and widows will amount to about SB,OOO and will be paid out as fast as possible. There are still about 30 surviv ing veterans of the Civil war in the county, with the remainder of the 115 pensioners being widows of the former soldiers. Two of the surviving veterans are on the total ly disabled list and draw checks for $35 each month. They are J. F. Miller, Mount Airy, Route 6; and J. S. Lundy, of Low Gap. The oldest Confederate veteran in the county is KJrby Lowe, of Low Gap. Mr. Low is about 102 years of age, and still appears bale and hearty for a man of his age. His son, Sammy Lowe, who is himselfjp74 years of age, calls for his father's ytmsiuu check each time. Polish Aviator la Safe A week after he had disappeared on a non-stop flight attempt- from New York to Europe, Felix Haue ner, Polish aviator, waa picked up Saturday, SOO miles off Portngal by a British tanker. Hausner v|i drifting on his machine which ap peared in good condition. NewspMHr . ] WOULD DISMISS THE FARM AGENT, DOCTOR AND WELFARE HEAD DEMAND ECONOMY Lower Taxes And Less Government Expense Is Cry TO MEET JUNE 25 Seeking the dismissal of the conn ty welfare officer, the county farm agent and the county health doct&-, and urging a 25 per cent reduction in the salaries of all county office holders in the naope of economy, a large number of Surry farmers gathered at the courthouse in Dob son Saturday and formed an anti anymore governmental expense or ganization to be known as the Tax- Payers' Association. The purpose of the association, aside from drastic slashes in salaries for office holders and the cutting out of the above mentioned officers, further went on record demanding rigid county and state government economy, and declared themselves ready to fight to the end for a gen eral reduction of taxes BO that homes and farms might be saved. These demands and issues were not form ally passed upon but were declared the principles upon which the asso ciation was founded, Saturday, June 25 having been set as the day for the next meeting at which time the issues will be acted upon. Urgent pleas for every borne owner and laborer in the county to be present at this meeting have been sent out. Several prominent arid conserva tive farmers were active workers and speakers in Saturday's meeting. Although the speeches were tainted with bitterness at the condition of the farming class there was no radi calism present. The farm leaders (Continued on Last Page) MEDICAL SOCIETY FOR HEALTH DEPT. Pass Resolutions At Meeting In Dobson Tuesday Night The Surry County Medical society, meeting in regular session in Dob son Tuesday night, went on record as being in favor of the county health department, and pointed out that the need of the department is now greater than ever before. As a result, the following resolutions, were drawn and adopted: FIRST: Due to the present con ditions the Health Department's need Is greater than ever before. SECOND: Therefore, the Surry County Medical Society goes on record June 14, 1932, sponsoring, and promoting the work of the Health Department. THIRD: The Medical Society recommends that sufficient funds be appropriated to maintain the health department with a personnel of not less than a Health Officer and nurse. FOURTH: The Society pledges Its service to supervise, direct, and assist the Health Department in every possible way. The resolutions were signed by Dr. Hugh Parks, president of the society, and Dr. R. E. Smith, secre tary. A highlight of the program was the reading of a paper on the treat ment of empyema by Dr. H. L. Johnson, of Hugh Chatham Memo rial hospital. Dr. Mosley to Si>eak j Jit Mountain Park Dr. Mosley, of will speak to the people of this section at the Mountain Park Baptist church on Sunday, June I®, at 1,0 o'clock. Dr. Mosley Is a spiritual doctor as well as an M, D„ and is welt known throughout this section, Itav- j lug begun his practice in this part