Thursday, Janaary 5, 1933 Miss Ella Cockerham spent the week-end in Wlnßton-Salem, the guest of Mrs. A. C. Davis. Miss Josephine Paul returned the latter part of the week from a visit to friends at Henderson. Miss Viola Hardy, of Rural Hall, spent the week-end here, the guest of friends. I Friends of Chas. Darnell will re gret to know that he is quite ill at Hugh Chatham hospital. Herbert Stevens, Jr., left Sunday for Atlanta, Georgia, to resume his studies at Georgia Tech. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Snow attended the funeral of Mrs. Snow's sister, Mrs. F. K. Warrick, at Independ ence, Va., Friday. Mr. and Mrs. C. A. McNeill had as their guests Wednesday, Rev. and Mrs. J. M. Hayes and sons, Jimmy and Harold, of Lexington. Mrs. J. F. Moßley and children spent last week in Crutchfield, the guests of Mrs. Mosley's mother, Mrs. W. D. Mosley. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Beeson and lit tle son, John Edward, spent the week-end in Greensboro, the guests of Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Beeson. Dwight Bailey has returned to Sumter, S. C., after spending the holidays here the guest of his fath er, M. R. Bailey. \ Sam Atkinson and Sam Maguire j left Sunday for Chapel Hill to re sume their studies at the University " of North Carolina.- i Mrs. Lorene Snow Whitaker left Thursday for Roanoke, Virginia, where she will enter a business school. Mr. and Mrs. Claude Farrell of Mountain Park, visited Mr. Far rell's relatives in Dunn during the holidays. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Roberts and Miss Irene Roberts spent Sunday in Statesville, the guests of Dr. and Mrs. H. K. Boyer. Miss Anna French of Statesville, was the guest the latter part of last week of Miss Virginia Miller, at her home on Church street. Billy Newman, son of Mr. and Mrs. Sherman Newman, is resting comfortably at Hugh Chatham Me morial hospital following an appen dicitis operation on Friday. Misses Myrtle and Elizabeth Mot singer of Winston-Salem, wertt guests the latter part of last week of Miss Frances Chatham, at her home on East Main street. f Robert Sale left Sunday for Pitts burgh, Pa., after spending the, holi days here with his mother, Mrs. W. S. Sale, at her home on Bridge street. Sig Holcomb and Ben Kirkman have returned to their studies at N. C. State College, Raleigh, after spending the holidays here with their families. Miss Carolyn Lillard has returned to Queens-Chteora College, Char lotte, after spending the holidays here with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Mason Lillard. Miss Ruth Atkinson left Wednes day for a visit to friends at Wil mington, Pinebluff and Raleigh. She was accompanied by Miss Lillian Miller of Winston-Salem. Mrs. R. L. Hubbard has returned to her home on Surry Avenue, after spending the holidays in Mt. Airy, the guest of her daughter, Mrs. O. K. Merritt. Miss Evon Eldridge, of Giade Val ley, spent the holidays here, the guest of Misses Oleen and Una Nor man, at tlveir home on Gwyn Ave nue. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Sherrill, of Valdese, were the week-end guests of the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. N. Sherrill, at their home on Church street. Mr. and Mrs. Wade Gilliam, of Winston-Salem and Jim Gilliam, of Lenoir, and Clint Gilliam, of Lilling ton, were the holiday guests of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Gilliam. John Ross Kimball, of Winston- Salem, was the guest during the holidays of his aunt, Mrs. Hardin Graham, at her home on Terrace Avenue. M. R. Bailey and M. A. Biggs left Saturday for Chicago, 111., to attend the Furniture Exposition. Messrs. Biggs and Bailey are representa tives from Elkin Furniture company of this city. Miss Minnie Ruth McNeil re turned to Raleigh Monday, to re same her studies at Meredith Col lege, after spending the holidays with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. A. JtlcNeil. Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Poore of New Yo« : City are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Neaves, at their home on Bridge street. Messrs. Poore and Neaves, accompanied by u ydity of friends from Winston-Salem, spent a part o'f the week duck hunting on Currituck Soucd. Friends of W. H. Price will regret to know that his condition remains practically the same with little evi dence of improvement. Mr. Price has been ill for the past several weeks. Mrs. Paul Reich and children, Sarnh rnd Tommy, returned to their home in Greensboro Saturday, after spending the holidays here with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Van Poindexter. Mr. and Mrs. Kalph Parks and children and Mrs. C. E. Holcomb and son, Herman, all of Raleigh, were the week-end guests of Mr. l and Mrs. J. B. Parks, at their home on West Main street. Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Turner have returned to their home in Columbia, South Carolina, after spending the holidays here, with the former's parents, Dr. and Mrs. W. D. Turner, at their home on Circle Court. i Miss Catherine Hall left Wednes day for Randolph-Macon College, Lynchburg, after spending the holi days with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Hall, at their home on West | Main street. Mr. and Mrs. Errol Hayes spent Monday at Mount Pleasant, wh?re they, with Mr. and Mrs. George Wearn of Charlotte, were guests of honor at a New Year dinner at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Hoy Moose. Mrs. A. B. Harrell, Mrs. J. Matt Tuttle, Mrs. R. A. Frye and daugh ter, Miss Tommy Frye, all of Pilot Mountain, were the guests Friday of Mrs. W. W. Whitaker, at her home on Cnufch street; Miss Irene Roberts, student at Davenport College, Lenoir, returned Monday to resume her studies, after spending the holidays here, the guest of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Roberts, at their home on Church street. Miss Anna Atkinson and Mrs. Jayne Hall Robinson left Wednesday for Raleigh, where Miss Atkinson will be secretary to Leßoy Martin, principal clerk in the State Senate, and Mrs. Robinson will enter a busi- j ness school. Mrs. H. C. Salmons had as her guests at her home on Church street Wednesday, her sister, Mrs. A. T. Banks and Miss Pearle Michael, of Kernersville. Miss Georgie Moore, of Elon College, was also her gulst during the holidays. Miss-es Mamie McNeill and Annie Vanhoy, of North Wilkesboro and Ella Sue Vanhoy, of West Jefferson, were the guests Thursday of Mr. and Mrs. C. A. McNeill, at their home on Bridge street. They were accompanied to North Wilkesboro by Miss Minnie Ruth McNeill, who spent the week-end tfiere with friends. ®SOC* ETY., Junior G. A. Elects Officers The Junior Girls' Auxiliary of the Woman's Missionary Society of the First Baptist church held the De cember meeting at the home of Blanche Myers on North Bridge street, with sixteen members pres ent. The devotionals and program were in charge of Edwina Lawrence and Frances Scott Tilley. During the business hour the fol lowing officers were elected for the new year; Leader, Mrs. F. M. itfor man; president, Frances Scott Til ley; vice-president, v Frances Alex ander; pianist, Blanche Myers; 3ec-, retary, Oleen Norman; treasurer, | Edwina Lawrence; personal service i chairman, Virginia Lawrence; pro-i gram chairman, Ruth Buelin, and literature chairman, Louise Laffoon. During the social hour tempting refreshments were served and each member was given a small gift. Woman's Club in Departmental Meetings The departmental meetings of the i Elkin Woman's Club were held on Tuesday afternoon in the following homes: The Civics Department met at the home of Mrs. Cora W. Ipock on Bridge street, with twenty-one mem bers and two visitors,-Mrs. Enzo Jemma, of Rome, Italy and Miss Edith Neaves, present. Mrs. E. F. McNeer, department chairman, presided over the meeting which opened with the club hymn, followed by the collect. A report from the committees of various de partments concluded the brief busi ness meeting. I Mrs. George Royall was program chairman for the month and she pre sented Miss Emma Cooke, who gave a most interesting aid educational paper on the "Gardens of the Bi ble", closing with Christine Rosetti's beautiful poem, "Paradise". Mrs. Enzo Jemma of Italy, who is the guest of her mother, Mrs. L. I. Wade, told in a most entertaining manner of the gardens of Italy, par ticularly Uiuae ui Ruuie. A .YGCS.I duet, "In Little Bethlehem", by Peggy Royal l and Lena Sale; two TCSSI solos "L > Little Cot -3 ItHE ELKIN TRIBUNE, ELKIN, NORTH CAROLINA tage" (O'Hara) and "Miss Mary Won't You Come Into My Garden" (Bostelmann) by Miss Josephine Paul, with Miss Edith Neaves as ac companist and a piano solo "Apple Blossoms" (Ingleman), by Miss Neaves, completed a most enjoyable program. During a pleasant social hour fruit cake and coffee were served by the following hostesses: Mrs. Ipock, Mrs. George Royall, Miss Emma Cooke, Mrs. H. F. Laffoon and Mrs. Roy Barker. The Department of Citizenship met at the home of Mrs. E. B. Law rence on Gwyn Avenue, with thirteen members present. Mrs. Paul Gwyn, department chairman, presided over the meeting and Mrs. Albert Bryan was program chairman. Mrs. Bryan introduced Attorney A. D. Folger, of Dobson and Elkin, who gave a splendid talk on "Government", which was the topic chosen for the month. Mrs. Walter R. Schaff sang two beautiful selections, accompanied at the piano by Mrs. Bryan. The Department of Education met at the home of Mrs. Mason Lillard on Gwyn Avenue, with fourteen members present. Mrs. C. S. Currier presided over the meeting and gave an introductory paper on "Events in Music", which was the subject for study. This was followed by a paper on Millie Strickland, i southern com- Ml I Strong and Lustrous WBTf TCM^y ~ J After 3 Years Wl w - £.* ° l Washi »s! W 6 lo * to /i Recent General Electric Te«t Wlf J? ££ / h / l^TI""""""" *"""""' |L Jfc* Nation-Wide Man-Size || ■ JRbjfaUtii' Sheets 'Kerchiefs P^lk m '• rPSH ) 17 Xl 7 inches PILLOW iflL ' ' 81x99" COTTON good.^sof^ual- CASES Soft, smoothly - v yield to that desire to lay in a 42x36" jHr finished of long- C fll supply ... such a low price can't • Bine, Pink Borden A Eft staple cot,on! %y0 last much longer I » Aaonei Md PMIWi ltfC SPECIAL SPECIAL #■% m a Friday and Saturday Men's Dress Shirts 'A OWeIS! Jl OWSISi 3 cal^ es 9, K Soap ? nA Fast Colors, FuU Cut • w two Grandmas powders BIG!- fC« *"W ' double I terry/ and proved Actually! I Frocks J Big thirsty fellows that drink-in twice . hkrttT / their own weight ir: water! Our truth- amazing fiETB W 19 seeking laboratory established this fact rVTR A Tf J%wSIL7/N^i^rS when they weighed them—first, dry— tAIRA then, wet. So—it takes just a few rubs wear with one—and vou'rr drv. drv/ rtlV f»fll "AVENUE" VAT DYED \\ / f# I DRESS PRINTS COTTON BATTS PRINTS?— another dress W/C In the new spring shades 3 P° unds - Size 72x90 - /®' WJ »" that fades! Price r" IB 10 Can M5 C 33' 1 Extra Sizes '■* JW \ JCPENNEY CO poser, by Miss Ruth Eads. Miss Bads also played one of Miss Strickland's compositions as a piano solo. Mrs. George Wilson sang her composi tion, "Linda Loa", accompanied at the plano s by Mrs. J. H. Beeson. Mrs. Wilson followed with a paper on Mrs. Beach knd the concluding num ber was a piano solo by Miss Carolyn LiUard. , Hostesses for the afternoon were Mesdames Mason Lillard, Lula Weir, J. S. Atkinson, R. L. Hubbard, W. A. Shore and Miss Elizabeth Harris. Hamptonville News Christmas has come and gone with another New Year. Some have been "gay" while others have been sad. Frank Copley and family and Mr. and Mrs. Roy Heath, of Wins ton-Salem, have "been visiting Mr. Copley's mother and sister, Mrs. C. C. Copley and Mrs. Jones Seagraves. Mr. and Mrs. Tuttle Allen had as their guest their niece, Miss Ruth Cooke, of Winston-Salem, and Mr. Hoke Wiles, of the Appalachian Col lege, Boone. Graham Vanhoy, of Oak Grove was the guest Saturday of Alvis Gray Allen. They enjoyed the day squirrel hunting. N. D. White spent the holidays with home folks. Sunday, New Year's Day, Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Allen had as their guests Cecil Smith and sister, of Clem mons. They came for Miss Ruth — . 1 1 . ■ Cooke who had been their guest ior th«? week. Ha-1 Bell is seriously | ill with pneuQionia. We hope he will BOOD recovers '.iagjSifc&.v • CARD OF THANKS We wish to thank our friends and neighbors tor the many acts of kindness shown during the sickness and after the death of our dear wife and mother. May the Lord bless each one. DAN M. HOLCOMB AND DAUGHTER Mexico produces more silver than any other country in the world, ex porting almost all of its output. It ta estimated that 2,400,000 new households will be created in Germany before 1940. spE( M Beginning today and continuing through the month of January— v Shampoo and Finger ' \ W rn V! #4 W 50° Lady Fair Beauty Shoppe Over Harris-Burgiss - Phone 275 thanks to oar friends and for their b»lp and mtnreflsion aC-| sympathy extended to us* la- onJIMMM cent bereavement. 4 "• Mr. and Mrs. J R, ; Bryant and Family. CARD OP THANKS • We desire to express onr sincere appreciation tor the many kind nesses shown us during the illness and death of our husband add fath er. MRS. T. C. BYRD AND FAMILY Dry wood, it is said, may be as much as two and a half times as strong as the same wood when it was green. SPECIAL

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