«*OCi ETY. Mrs. Poindexter Hostess at Luncheon Mrs. Carl Poindexter entertained delightfully at a small informal luncheon at her home on Gwyn Ave nue Wednesday, with covers placed for eight. Following the luncheon bridge was played at two tables. Miss Arnold Entertains Members of Jr. B. Y. P. U. Miss Oleen Arnold delightfully en tertained the members of the Junior B. Y. P. U.. of the Jonesville Bap tist church at her home in Jones ville, during the holidays. Following a medley of old fash ioned games the nineteen guests were Berved delicious punch and sandwiches. Miss Cooke Host«ss to O. B. H. Club Miss Emma Cooke was a charm ing hostess on Tusday evening, when she entertained the members of the O. B. H. club at her home on Gwyn Avenue. Delightful games and contests were enjoyed, after which the host ess served fruit cake, coffee, nuts and fruits to' the thirteen members present. / ——— ,'Aiss Cox Hostess at Dance f' Miss Lucille Cox entertained at a WANTS Plows and some more plows. Surry Hardware Co. For estimates on carpentry and masonry work, see or write M. H. Helton. Elkin, N. C. l-19p. "Extra Special" this week—lo quart Blue Enamsl Water Buckets, 25c each. Surry Hardware Co. Roofing. Doors and Windows. Surry Hardware Co. MEN WANTED for Rawleigh Routes of 800 Customers in and near cities of Elkin, Jonesville, coun ties of Northeast Surry and parts of Stokes. Reliable hustler can start earning $25 weekly and in crease every month. Write im mediately. Rawleigh Co., Dept. NC-71-S., Richmond. Va. 1-19 Special prices on Heaters. Surry Hardware Co. Chattel Mortgages, Warrant Deeds, Deeds of Trust ani Land Posters for sale at Th Tribune office. tfc REAL ESTATE For Sale^—6o-acre farm, fairly good log house, tobacco barn and gran ary; 12 to 15 acres of good bot tom land; 125,000 feet of timber, one-half mile hardsurface high way and school bus. 10 to 15 minutes drive from Elkin. Would trade for small house and lot In town. For Sale—2o-arre farm, 8-room house, good condition, good feed barn and tobacco barn, 6 acres in pasture, well watered. • Some splendid tobacco, wheat and corn land. Close to consolidated school, store and mill and high way. A real place to make your living, and can still work in town when you can get work. MARTIN'S, Inc. BBS D. O. MARTIN Rrm The Hand Reliability COMPOUNDS YOUR PRESCRIPTIONS % Professional skill and unerring accruacy are PHftNF combined here to prop- PrnuilE er ] y safeguard your pre- A scriptions. And hand in Lgi/ a hand with reliability *goes instant service when the need is ur gent. 1 l sdi I* : Abernethy s A Good Drug Store Elkin, N. C. most enjoyable dance at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Cox, on Gwyn Avenue Friday even ing, having as her guests about thirty members of the college and high school set. During intermission punch and wafers were served. Mr. and Mrs. Allen Honor Neice Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Allen enter tained at a lovely Christmas party at their home near Hamptonville re cently, honoring their neice. Miss Ruth Cooke, of Winston-Salem. The home was artistically arranged with suggestions of the Yuletide season. Following several delightful games the guests were invited into the dining room where delicious re freshments were served. Lucy Han ON Chatham Club Gives > Christmas Program The Lucy Hanes Chatham club gave a beautiful Christmas program on Thursday evening, in the Ep worth League room of the Methodist church, with a large attendance. The program consisted of songs and readings and a play "Little Town of Bethlehem". Following the program a lovely gift was presented each member by Mrs. Lucy Hanes Chatham of Wins ton-Salem, for whom the club was named. Methodist. W. M. U. to >leet Friday The circles of the Woman's Mis sionary Society of the Methodist church will meet Friday afternoon at 3:30, in the following homes: Circle No. 1 will meet at the' home of Mrs. Errol Hayes, on Church street. Circle No. 2 will meet at the home of Mrs. C. C. Poindexter, on Gwyn Avenue. Circle No. 3 will meet at the home of Mrs. Harry L. Johnson. Circle No. 4 will meet at the home of Mrs. J. A. Carpenter on West Main street Thursday evening at 7:30, with Mrs. W. B. Dentz as as sociate hostess. All members are requested to at tend. Johnson-Davis Wedding Announced Interesting to friends here is the announcement of the wedding of Miss Cora Carolyn Johnson to Floyd Davis, which was solemnized in In dependence, Virginia on December 29, 1932. Rev. W. C. Evans, pastor of the Methodist church at Inde pendence, officiated, using the ring ceremony. Mrs. Davis is the daughter of A. R. Johnson of Galax, Virginia, and has made her home in Elkin for the past several months. The bride groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. E. D. Davis of Piper's Gap, Virginia and holds a position with Klondike Farm. The young couple are making their home at the Walker apart ments on Church street, following a brief honeymoon. South East Public Service Employees Honored at Party The members of the North Caro lina and Virginia branches of the South East Public Service were de lightfully honored at a New Year party at South Boston, Va., on Sat urday evening. At midnight the president, Frank Milhollan of Omaha, and general manager, L. D. Densmore, of Char- THE ELKIN TRIBUNE, ELKIN, NORTH CAROLINA i lottsville, extended greetings to the employees via telephone, with a loud speaker attached. Following a dinner, dancing was j enjoyed. Local members of the company at tending were: Mrs. Helen Davis, Elkin, Mrs. Paul Spear, of Boonville, Dan Earber, Elkin, and Pete Barber, Yadkinville. Row Marlowe Circle Guest* of Miss Bertha Adamn The Rose Marlowe circle of the Woman's Missionary Society of the Jonesville Baptist church, met at the home of Miss Bertha Adams in Jonesville on Tuesday evening with ten members present. The devotlonals were in charge of Mrs. Gurney Wagoner and Mrs. M. A. Holcomb directed a most inspir ing program, using as her subject "Lord Send a Revival". She was assisted by different members of the circle. A vocal duqf., "Take Time to be Holy", by Misses Emma Eller and Lepn Martin, added greatly to the program. During the business hour the fol lowing officers were elected for the new year: president, Mrs. D. R. Castevens; vice-president, Miss Ber tha secretary and treasurer, Mrs. W. V. Holcomb: chairman pro gram committee, Mrs. M. A. Hol comb; and corresponding secretary, Mrs. Odell Holcomb. During a pleasant social hour tempting refreshments were served. Panic Party The Young Peoples Division of the ( Jonesville Methodist church celebra ; ted the passing of the old year, 1932, with a Panic Party Saturday night, Dec. 31, at the parsonage. As the guests entered they registered with the "employment agency" giv ing their fornrer positions and the positions they desired. Games which featured the depression were played during the evening. At eleven-fif teen a "bread line" was formed to ; the "relief station" where coffee and sandwiches were served in good de pression style from an oilcloth cov ered table. Following an old Methodist cus tom dating back to 174 0 a watch night devotional service was held from eleven-thirty until 1933 ap ;peared. The "unemployed" enjoying the party were: Misses Eloise Green wood, Catherine Boles, Iris Minish, Mae Triplette, Cleo Hemric, Maxine Mathis, Elizabeth Freeman, Mildred Ingram, and Mrs. W. E. Triplett; i Messrs. Baltus Holbrook, Theodore | Brown, George Emerson, A. J. Eller, i Pete Mcßride, Balinson Greenwood, 1 Ed Boles, G. R. Stafford, John Trip lett, Bill Triplett. C. A. Boles, Rus sell Minish and Elmer Spann. College Folk Honored at Party Mrs. Marvin Holcomb and Miss Bertha Adams entertained at a de lightful party at the home of Mrs. Holcomb's mother, Mrs. M. C. May berry, in Jonesville, Friday evening, honoring the college folk who wer> home for the holidays, and the mem bers of the Senior B. Y. P. U. of the Jonesville Baptist church. Holiday decorations were used in the living room and dining room. The dining room table was particu larly attractive, with its cover of real lace, centered with a silver bowl of fruit and surrounded by tall red tapers. Tempting refreshments were served buffet style during the evening. Each guest was requested to wear some garment suggestive of their natal month, these were grouped in to months to put on stunts and acts for the entertainment of the other guests. This afforded much merri ment. The honor guests were: Misses I Catherine Boles, Iris Minish and Maxine Mathis; Amel Eller, Baltus Holbrook and Bahnson Greenwood, all of A. S. T. C., Boone: Thompson Greenwood, Wake Forest; Dan Mar tin, Mars Hill; Ed Boles and John Triplett, Rutherford College, and Weynjouth Vestal, Harmony. Baptist Missionary Circles Meet The circles of the Womans' Mis sionary Society of the First Baptist church met on Monday afternoon, in the following homes: The Lou Bray Circle met at the home of Mrs. E. B. Lawrence on Gwyn Avenue, with eleven members present. The devotionals were In charge of Mrs. L. F. Walker and the program for the afternoon was dispensed with by each circle, the meeting being devoted to the elec tion of officers. Mrs. E. B. Law rence was nam«d circle chairman; vice chairman, Mrs. W. F. Reece; secretary and chairman of public ity, Mrs. Roy West; treasurer, Mrs. W. J. Thurman; personal service, Mrs. W. W. Byrd; enlistment, Mrs. S. O. Maguire. flowers, Mrß. L. F. Walker; social. Mrs. John Gilliam, and literature, Mrs. C. I. Boger. The Lottie Moon Circle met at the home of Mrs. W. G. Church on Elk Spur street, with the devotion als in charge of Mrs. T. V. Cocker ham and Mrs. F. M. Norman. Mrs. T. V. Cockerhftm was elect ed circle chairman; Mrs. W. G. Church, vice-chairman; secretary, Mrs. I. S. Gambill: treasurer, Mrs. Ida Cockerham; enlistment, Mrs. F. M. Norman; literature, Mrs. Eph Whiseirtiunt. personal service, Mrs. R. L. Poindexter. social, Mrs. J. M. Tilley, and flowers, Mrs. Lula Weir. The Fannie Heck Circle met with Mrs. F. A. Brendle at her home on Elk Spur street with nine members , A present. Mrs. J. P. Mosley was in charge of the devjtionals. Mrs. Mosley was elected leader of this circle and the following chairmen were also appointed: vice-chairman, Mrs. H. F. Laffoon; secretary and treasurer, Mrs. George Chatham, personal service and literature/* Miss Ella Cockerham; powers, Mfe. T. H. Eidson, enlistment, Mrs. H. G. Harris; social, Mrs. Gurney Hamp ton, and publicity, Mrs. C. A. Mc- Neil. The Pearl Johnson circle met at the home of Mrs. David Gilliam on Tuesday evening, with twelve mem bers and two visitors present. Miss Mattie Mae Powell, circle chairman, presided over the business meeting. The program and devotlonals were under the direction of Miss Effie Crater. Using the subject "Re vivals", Miss Crater, assisted by Mrs. Eph Whisenhunt, Mrs. Fred Eidson, Mrs. E. A. Harris and Miss Madge Russell, presented a most in teresting study. During the social hour at the con clusion of each meeting, refresh ments were served. Gold hoardings in India are such that no one can accurately estimate the amount. The common estimate however, sets it at more than $5,- 000,000,000. SVIPPFO/fc w ' * extra for this 70% increase in anti-knock ... the result of SIB,OOO/000 in refinery improvements : ' i Here are the facts. We have just spent in traffic, and power on hills, you'll $18,000,000 to give you —at no extra find the new Sinclair Regular meeting cost —a new Sinclair Regular Gaso- your every demand I Use this amaz line with 70% higher anti-knock. The ing gasoline for 30 days and see how new Sinclair Regular is actually superior much better your car performs— in anti-knock today to some premium how much easier it is to handle. gasolines selling at several cents more .. NOTE: For best results use either SINCLAIR per go on. OPALINE MOTOR OIL or SINCLAIR PENN- But not in anti-knock alone has this SY LVANIA MOTOR OIL Both hove been new high-test motor fuel been im- de-waxed and also freed from petroleum proved. For split-second acceleration j«||y at as low as 60° F. below zero. ✓ " V QllJltfcrflWfctlfcflK) ■ I \ I ' l i«F BL M I' .. - a new Gas •> ( • - -w-.r; Agent Sinclair Refining Company (inc.) —" &J H. P. GRAHAM M W, ? Elkin, N. C. Benham News Owing to the bad roads and weather the people of this communi ty did not have many visitors during the holidays. Luther Brown, of Detroit, Mich., spent the holidays here visiting friends and relatives. He was form erly of this community. Everyone seemed glad to see him. He re turned Monday to Detroit where he holds a position with a florist of that city.' Mr. and Mrs. Qulncy Brown, of Winston-Salem, visited Mr. Brown's parents, Mr. and Mrs. John O. A. Brown during the holidays, going from there to Ashe county to visit Mrs. Brown's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Seavers There is quite a lot of sickness throughout the community, but we are glad to note that in most cases there are signs of improvement. We are under the impression that times are picking up. We under stand that Walter Brown is install ing a large water mill and water system. Walter now thinks the only drawback will be having to climb a forty-foot pole to crank her up, but we wish him success in his work and hope that he will not have to Thursday, January 5, 1933 ! wear out his trousers climbing % pole. Lonnie Ledbetter visited Millard Browa Saturday night. Mr. and Mrs. Tyra Gentry had as their guests Sunday Mr. and Mrs. John Thomas, of Winston-Saiem, al so Ernest Myers and Lonnle Ledbet ter, of Benham. M. L. Myers, Sr., who fell Christ mas day Injuring his hip, is improv ing and hopes it will not be many days before he will be able to get out again. A device that counts grains of sand for analysis of sediments has been perfected by J. E. Appel, Uni versity of Chicago geologist. EXPERT WATCH and Clock S. E. SHUMATE Jeweler Elkin, N. C.