OUTSTANDiNC * NEWS EVENTS —of the— PAST WEEK I Ml —■** I, TO SUSPEND CONSTRUCTION The Senate committee on roads Tuesday ordered a subcommittee to prepare a bill dealing with the sus pension of new highway construc tion in the state tor the next two years and to ascertain if certain ex emptions should be allowed. MIX MUST PAY «66,000 A jury Tuesday awarded- Zack T. Miller, Oklahoma rancher and show man 166,000 damages against Tom Mix, movie cowpuncher. Miller al leges Mix broke a contract to appear with Miller's 101 Ranch show and sued or $342,000. DROP AGENTS Cleveland county commissioners Tuesday notified their" farm agent and home demonstration agent that these two 'offices were to be dis continued. PIG TURNS TABLE A pig that Nicholas Zapkl was attempting to slaughter at bis home in Missouri struggled so vigorously that Zankl was thrown into the pot of boiling water intended for the pig. Zankl died Monday. BODY OP PARMER POUND M. C. Henderson, 40-year-old farmer of the Brush Creek section of Madison county, was found dead early Tuesday morning on the rail road track at Marshall and it was believed he had been struck by a train. FORECLOSURE MORATORIUM Other leading Eastern life insur ance companies were reported Tues day to have joined the New York Life Insurance company in a decision to suspend foreclosure activities on mortgaged farms. ITALY WILL TALK DEBTS The Italian government accepted Tuesday the offer of the United States government for a discussion of the war debt as soon as possible after President-elect RooseveU takes office. EX-KAISER PLEASED Former Kaiser Wilhelm and his son, the former crown prince, re ceived Adolf Hitler's appointment as German chancellor with? satisfaction, Wilhelm believing that Hitler will be able to maintain law and order', it was made known Tuesday. The question of Wilhelm's return to Germany remained unsettled. RELEASED UNDER BOND John of Hamlet, was released under SI,OOO bond Monday in the death of Mrs. W. R. Simp son, who was fatally injured when struck by Brigham's automobile Sunday. FIRST DAY ROWDY Communists and Socialists called for a general strike Tuesday against the government of Adolf Hitler, Nazi leader, while Hitler began hiß first day as chancellor by seeking parliamentary support to guarantee the existence of his regime. TO WORK N. C. TIN MINES State Geologist H. J. Bryson said Monday the outlook 1b bright for the bringing into production in Lincoln county this year of fairly extensive tin ore deposits. BILL WOULD DESTROY MARKET A prospect of a 100 per cent, in crease in the price of ham and bacon if the emergency domestic allotment farm relief bill becomes a law was presented to the Senate agriculture RUPTURE E. J. MEINBARDI OP CHICAGO HERE AGAIN He will be at the Robert E. Lee Hotel, Winston-Salem, N. Car., on Tuesday, Feb. 7th, from l:0O p. m. to H:00 p. m. (One day only). He has been coming here for many years. Thousands recom mend him. Ask your neighbors. There Is no cost for consulting him privately .1 Only men are invited. CAUTION : Do not use trasses or plasters that often weaken the muscles, and do not submit to harmful injections or avoidable operations. Hundreds of raptures return after oper ation*. Rupture often causes stomach pains, backache, weafcnees, and other complaints. Rapture is dangerous regard less of how small it is, as strangulation can occur without warning. Hundreds of deaths from Rupture can be avoided. Do not neglect to see him on the above date. There Is no charge for demonstration. This visit to for wMte people only. Chicago Office, Pure Gil Hldg. | committee Monday by a spokesman for' the meat packers. I ARREST AGITATORS I Six known agitators were arrested Iby police at tbe Briggs Manufactur ing. company's Highland Park plant at Detroit Monday as they sought jto keep,a boisterous crowd of 1,000 strikers under control. 1 ~ HITLER CHANCELLOR Adolf Hitler, fiery leader of the German Fascists, came into political power in Germany Monday when he assumed the chancellorship in a new German cabinet. IS 51 YEARS OLD - Surrounded by this family and in timate political advisors, President elect Roosevelt celebrated bis 51st birthday Monday night at an in formal party In the family cottage at Warm Springs, Ga. ELON STUDENT KILLED Hall Branner, 24, a student at Elon College, was killed and his companion, Miss Ether Peirson, 23, of Cheswold, Del., was injured Sun day night as their automobile ran off the road near Wilmington, Del. Motorists took the couple to a hos pital at Dover. REACH UNDERSTANDING In the seclusion of a cabin atop Pine Mountain, Ga., President-elect Roosevelt and Ambassador Lindsey, of Great Britain, reached a tentative understanding Sunday for the March meeting on war debts and plans for worldwide economic recovery. AGAINST ALLOTMENT PLAN The textile interests, at a hearing granted by the senate committee on agriculture, took their stand Monday unreservedly against the pending domestic allotment plan of farm re lief. It was in the nature of a na tional non-sectional protest against what many regard as an untried economic experiment, suggesting many elements of danger. TO PROTECT NAME An injunction against the promo ters of Carolina Beach, located near Kitty Hawk, demanding that they refrain from using that name, will be filed in Superior court at Wil mington by commissioners of the town of Carolina Beach. NEGRO ROBS BANK A masked negro robbed the bank of Pittßboro Friday and got away with sll. Covering the cashier with a pistol, the Negro grabbed all the money in sight, fled to an accomplice waiting in an automobile, and sped out of town. The sheriff was un able to find a trace of the pair after scouring the countryside. * PICKED 4 FOR CABINET Organization of the new Demo-, cratic government took shape at Warm Springs, Ga., Monday as Presi dent-elect Roosevelt went into con ference with his closest political ad- The following appeared to be certain cabinet members: Sena tor Glass, of Virginia, secretary of the'treasury; Senator Walsh, of Montana, attorney general; James A. Farley, of New York, postmaster general; Mies Frances Perkins, of New York, secretary of labor. THREE GET PAROLES Governor Ehringhaus Monday pa roled three prisoners serving short terms, two for violation of the pro hibition laws and the other for se duction. They were Claude Green, Mitchell county; Waytha Pryor, Wake county, and Hardee Presnell, Avery county. TWO ARE ARRESTED T\yo 24-year-old matrons were held in SI,OOO bond sach for the grand jury In New York City on a charge of stealing S3OO and valuable papers from Robert L. James, Ma rion textile manufacturer, Monday night in his hotel room. NETTLES SILENT Solicitor Zeb V. Nettles refused Monday to divulge the time of hiß departure for Nashville, Tenn., with extradition papers for Colonel Luke Lea, and his son, Luke, Jr. He said, however, that the time had been set and that be would be accompanied on the trip by deputies of the sheriff's department. Fall Creek News There has been much sickness in this community within the past few iweeks. Miss Sadie Shoe visited Mr. and Mrs. Pete Oroce Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Swaim spent Sunday with Mrs. Swaim's sfster. Mrs. ?ronia Benge. Miss Gladys Spann and Mae Ash ley spent Sunday with Misses Doro thy and Connie Hanes. R. M. Hanes and R. W. Groce were the guests Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. E. G. Hanes. J. J. Vestal and son, J. J., Jr., spent Sunday with his daughter, Mrs. Joe Groce. Mr. and Mrs. Bud Winners, Mr. and Mrs. Burnie Winters, and Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Vestal spent Sun day in Boone. Miss Titia Rose is suffering from a severe attack of Influenza.jt Don't overlook the fact that there is a "noc" in technocracy, Just as there is a "moc" In democracy.— Dunbar's Weekly (Phoenix). THE EIUK TRIBUNE, ELKIN, NORTH CAROLINA Windsor Cross Roads ' News Mr. and Mrs. Th'urmon Sno* spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs Miles Vestal. Mrs. Ellen Windsor is having improvements made on her feed bare. Mrs. Charlie Copley and grandson, Neat Seagraveb, made a short visit to the home of Miles Vestal Sunday | evening. Mr. and Mrs. Neat Seagraveß are the proud parents of a. fine baby girl, Frankie Viola. Mrs. Manley Bunton and two i children, spent Sunday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Miles Vestal. Miss Velma Vestal is the guest of Mrs. Charlie Copley. Eariie Snow spent Sunday and Sunday night with his aunt, Mrs. DeWitt Sparks. There seems to be several families confined to their homes on account of the flu. Morrison Windsor made a busi ness trip to Elkln Saturday. Mrs. Pearl Windsor spent Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Gurney Johnson. Mrs. Andrew Whitaker fell a few days ago and broke her knee cap. John and family are mov- V — o ~ - _ DIRECTORS omcK. mil • siZm*,. \T * • ' t °.■.«*«.« H. F. LAFFOON, PRE8 S Um ■ ■ A M H * T> BROWN thomas v., RES . p I |2 r Iw% mIII IV IWSI ¥lll4 ¥■ - ARMFICLD, SBC. MiV■ 1 I AVI ff dl 1 idll WAUT TT J. H. BEESON, TREAI. JONES HOLCOMI VOL. 5, No. 12 ELKIN, N. C. PUBLISHED MONTHLY SING! That attained, the whole object ———————-—- T /""i Ppnnpv dn In the year seven hundred and of Kiwanis is attained and, like BANK OF ELKIN «!• rcllllcj DEPARTMENT STOKE bpanans got into tQ behind K iwan- "BUILT FOR SERVICE DEPARTMENT STORE a row with the then poWerful Jg win gQ Jnto the joyoua baUle "First Quality Always" Greeks. The Greeks waged war it is waging against the civic ills on the Spartans and defeated of our towns and win as surely as them so thoroughly that they af- dld the s P H BEEgoN ClU(hlef terwards held them in contempt. v . . A. L. Griffeth. Kiwanian Having watched the poor struggle MARKING TIME .. . .. In military drill there is an l————————————— the s Pa rta ™ P«t "P agamst the order which Jg th 6 capUon for . Greeks, another neighboring na- this particular editorial. When Elkin-Jonesville tion attacked them. Their morale men are obeying that order, they CAROLINA n ■]ji o t completely gone, the Spartans (j Q a j o t Q f walking, but as their Q- "CTTU'T fA Building & JLOan sent to the Greeks begging the feet are merely replaced, they get «*• U-Ejlj Association l° an Of a great general to lead nowhere. . BLUE GEM AND RED them in combat against the new A new lot of Kiwanis club A g H QUALITY COAL enemy. presidents and Program Com- , _ The Greeks in derision sent mittee chairmen are now iunc- Own Own Home and them Tyrtaeus, a crippled school- tioning for the year 1933. A Pay No More Rent master. Tyrtaeus, however, was certain number of the clubs un- N. Sherrill, Kiwanian ————————— a serious minded fellow who did der this new leadership will ■ not see the joke his nation was march forward and be able to _____________________ ' playing on the Spartans, and took show ground gained at the end iTurnw n , SYDNOR- I his leadership very much in of the year. A certain otheril SOUTHERN PUB cdauiuaiid earnest. group of these same offloers will tjp IJTII ITIE.S CO SrAINHOUR He went to Sparta and wrote mark time and leave the club * many songs of the past glories where it stood when they came in- LIGHT AND POWER I t he Spartans. These songs he to office, except for a few sol , a » taught the soldiers, and they diers who dropped out of the Electrical Appliances J n " nest tor ® marched into battle behind the ranks because they tired of All Kinds crippled schoolmaster singing of standing in one place and making E. S. Spainhour, Kiwanian the glory of Sparta. They de- motions which got them nowhere. Brown, Kiwanian ' feated the enemy and restored By the time this editorial is L———————— themselves to the respect of yie published, it will be possible fdr __________________ ™"""""""———| wor j,j any observer to estimate pretty 19 0 0 1982 This bit of ancient, history accurately what the leaders of his SOUth ESSI xUDIIC repeated itself during the great club will do during the year. Al- Pa Reich-Haves-Boren War °' a ' ew years ago. No man ready they will have demonstra- who watched that war with an ob- ted their leadership or their ten- Funeral Directors : : : serva °t eye can fail to realize that dency to stand in one spot. "A home is not a Home Tipperary, The Long,, Long Trail, Budgeting oj the finances of a without a telephone" : : Home Furnishers We Won't Come Back Till It's club has become such a standard —— Over Over There, and a hundred practice that it is no longer a Ambulance Day or Night similar songs had ,a great in- problem. All the better clubs Barbour, K wan lan —fluence on the morale of the Eng- are doing it, and this places them ——————————- lish speaking forces of the Allies, on practically a level of equality . I ———— ———. times there, is a disposition so far as proper functioning is R. J. BARKER to derlde the singing at Kiwanis concerned. Sinclair Refining luncheons. A man who visits The wide variations of success p ivarniwrii' many Kiwanis clubs 1b almost in different clubs is almost entire- Company SURANCE AND LOANS BUre t0 rea u ze that it is no mere ly a matter of how the club's a j R -i-j r «»i oil- Insurance that protects and co,ncldence that the best clubs on time is budgeted. That club which _ . .... - outlines a definite program for The B*®"® that maK serv oe sat sties lng c i u t, s whether they sing well three, six or twelve months, and the grade" because they are good clubs, or obtains speakers to carry out the Kiwanian whether they are good clubs be- program, will succeed. The club Graham, K w n ——cause they sing well, is always which secures speakers from week i open to argument. to week, regardless of what they ———. But there is something about are to talk about, will fail to A BCDMCTUVC SURRY men's opening up their mouths make a big success. ABERNEIHY o II *njj«r anr and allowing the joy that is in The club president or Program ITAIUi them to become vocal, which adds pommittee chairman who budgets Drink at our •IMe beat little h*rdwar> to their spirit and their enthu- the time of each meeting long Fonntaln ■tore In the best little town Blasm for Kiwanis. Singing is before it is held, and conducts it in North Carolina" ' ar ' rom beln S J UBt a Kiwanis with watch in hand, giving only »a Good Drug Store" custom. It serves a real physco- the .budgeted time for each fea . „ _ . . . . logical porpose in Kiwanis work, ture Of the program, will close on _ .. .. _ J. R; Poindextar, Kiwanian and everything possible should be time and run off his meeting with J ' Ab ® rnet hy. Kiwan a i ' done to discourage the tendency the precision of a well oiled watch ■ ' ' to belittle it, to deride those who and make that meeting a success, —. FI IT r*n B,ng and to frustrate the efforts while the"" meeting conducted ruiTUAU rivin 1 lliu vU 0 f t jje song leader by supposedly without a time budget will drag, vHAI MAM Publisher* witty remarks, be uninteresting and cut down at- , _, . TDIM^i THE ELKIN TRIBUNE If the club P res,dent will watch tendance. MANUr AC 1 UKIlNv* . for one or two meetings and note These are simple things, yet in rmioiiiuv arr >ltna n who are the leaders in this them is the essence of success and COMrAINY B«*t Weekly Newspaper thoughtless defeatism, he can stop the cause of failure. The club HL F. Laffoon jt * These men should have their will mark time or advance, de- Q. C. Poindexter and W. A. Kiwanton * attention called to the effect of pending on how well Its time is their thoughtlessness, and th%ir budgeted. Neaves, Kiwanians co-operation in the singing re- K ■ —————— —— _ quested as a favor. The old problem of when civili- . TURNER DRUG CO. *!! Kiwanianß are good Ki-| za tton began is slowly becoming || I wanians. Some, however, , *re the problem of when it will begin. Tfmifllp tti&Cle "The Friendly Drag Store" thoughtless Kiwanians, but they K " . need only to have their attention A 06FV1C6 (JO. called to the results of their good tlie B reat consolations . natured carelessness and it will of beln ß born a woman is that she Washing Polishing CURB SERVICE * end at ence. doesn't have one. Greasing No sensible person expects glee ~ K ■ ■ n«n IT t} in—«„ r- c'ub harmony and precision from Why worry over so many girls . _ _ _. Geo. E. Royall, Kiwanian ft? ent , re Klwan!s c , ub Thfl gettiDj? men>B wftge((? A. O. B rymn, Kiwanis 1 ■ n ■ wnich can be hoped for is volume, ways did! i i ing from the farm of J. R. Cook to the farm of Will Crater. • * A A Mr. Parker, of our settlement U moving to bis former home In Wilkes county, near Windy Gap, CARD pF THANKS We wish to express t,o our friends our deep appreciation for the kind ness and sympathy during the sick ness and death of our father, James T. Reece. THE REECE FAMILY. The farmer who needs relief the most is the one who moved to town. —Greenville Piedmont. NOTICE OF SALE Jn accordance with the power of sale prescribed by Section 4073 of the C. S. of N. C., the undersigned tfill offer* for sale for cash to the highest bidder at McNeer's Ware house in the Town of Elkln, N. C., Saturday, February 18, 1933, the following described property: One Ford Truck, motor No. 4171868, 1931 model. The foregoing proper ty is owned by B. E. DeHoff and is being sold for the purpose of satis fying a Warehouseman's lien in the sum of $64.00. This, the 2nd day of February, 1933. 2-9 FIDELITY FINANCE CO., Inc. Tokyo's about the only one still employing the earlier Notre Dame system of never playing a home game.—Detroit News. NOTICE OP SALE Default having been made in pay ment of the indebtedness secured by that certain deed Of trust to tne as Trustee for Jefferson Standard Life Insurance Company on December 27, 1929, by A. Goldsmith and wife, P. K. Goldsmith, and recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds of Surry County in Book 108 at Page 104, I will, under and by virtue of the power of Bale contained in said deed of trust, and at % the request of the cestui que trust, and for the purpose of discharging, the debt se cured by said deed of trust, proceed to sell to the highest bidder, for cash, at the Court House door in Dobson, Surry County, North Caro lina, at 12:00 o'clock M., on Tues day, February 28, 1933, the follow ing described land In Mount Airy, to-wit: t Lying and being on the East side of Main Street adjoining the lands of Jackson Bros, and other lands of A. Goldsmith; beginning at a po»nt in the sidewalk, said point being 93.7 feet South of the intersection of Main and Moore Streets; runs - • •• * _ rhareday, February 2, 1933 j " s • , '■ " ! . "" ' thence North 65 degrees 2? minutes East 119 feet,' thence South 24 de grees East 43 feet: South €5 degrees 45 minutes West 119.5 feet with J. A. Jackson'B line to the Bast edge of the sidewalk on* Main street; thence with Main Street North 24 degrees 40 minutes West 42.2 feet to the beginning, being the premises * now occupied by Kuwii Stores, Inc., together with all rights, privileges and easements in and to the party wall agreement between J. A. Jack son and R. R. Jackson and their wives and A. Goldsmith ' and his wife. Together with the right of ingress and egress over and upon that cer tain stairway and the 4 entrance thereto which is situated on other lands of A. Goldsmith and is North of the premises herein described, said stairway and entrance leading from Main Street to the second floor of the building on the lands here in described and being constructed adjoining the buildings on the lands herein, described but on other lands of A. Goldsmith. This the 23rd day of January, 1933. JULIAN PRICE, Trustee. Brooks, Parker, Smith & Wharton, Attys., Greensboro, N. C. 2-2S