. fp|p % - ' " Vt,-: Thursday, October 12, 1933 SURRY BUS PROBLEM AT LAST SETTLED > . Contracts For the Oper ation of 22 Busses Are Let % The organization of the county BChool transportation system was completed last week when County Superintendent John W. Comer awarded dontracts to 12 bus oper ators for the operation of 22 busses. These 22 busses will cost the county a total of $1,821 a month, or about U,OOO less than the rate the buss Rntractors were paid for the term last year with two more months to run during the present term. Mr. Comer stated that the county has an excellent fleet of school busses, including those operated by the contractors. The county will operate 24 busses, last week receiv ing three new and three rebuilt ma chines from the state school com- I mission, which amply takes care of I the county's needs. Swan Creek News The revival meeting at Swan ■ Creek came to a close last Sunday. ■ IThere were 13 additions to the B&hurch, 12 by baptism and one by ■rotter. The meeting was largely at- Itended and much interest was shown ■in the preaching of Rev. R. C. ■Adams, of King, N. C. The lasting ■influence of the meeting is one of Khe many blessings of a revival and She influence of the meeting seems ■to be far-reaching. I" Rev. and Mrs. D. C. Swaim, of ■Winston-Salem visited.Mrs. Swaim's ftnother, Mrs. Vina Swaim, last Wed nesday' and attended preaching at ■this place. Mr. Lee Gray had the misfortune ■of losing a fine milk cow last week. I Mr. and Mrs. Paul Isaacs, of Al fcemarle, visited Mr. Hag Wellborn, nrho has been confined to his room Hor some time. He shows slight im provement. I Miss Bretta Morrison, of Brier Hreek spent last week-end visiting Hiiends here and attended preaching ■t S*wan Creek. Mattie and Lila Osborn, Hf Bethel, spent last Sunday with DeEtte and Florence Swaim. I Mr. John Osborne, accompanied Hy his sister of Elkin, Mrs. Guy Stin- H>n, and Mr. Stinsou, spent last Heek-end in Lynchburg, Va., visiting brother. ■ Mr. and Mrs. Mon Myers and Evelyn, attended Sunday and preaching at Union last Sunday evening. Mr. Glenn Sparks, of Winston- Salem, visited his brother, Carl Sparks, last Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Glade Sparks and children, of West Virginia, spent part of last week here visiting rela tives. f' Miss Grace Dobbins, of Oak Grove,, spent last week-end visiting Mrs. Coy Harris and Mr. Harris. Mr. and Mrs. Lytle Mcßride, of Greensboro, spent last week-ead here .visiting relatives and also attending I preaching at this place. Mr. Hujjh Hayes and Miss Maude ■ Wood surprised many of their friends when they motored last Sat urday to Virginia and were quietly married. Many friends wish £hem a Tbng and happy life. Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Swaim and Bmall son, Ray, spent last Sunday with Mrs. Vina Swaim. Mrs. Farmer Groce, of Boonville, spent a few days last week with her Kprents, Mr. and Mrs. B. E. Fergu on. Mr. Miles Swaim left last Friday for Durham to visit his brother, L. L. Swaim, and attend the State Fair at Raleigh. Misses Florence and DeEtte Swaim and Miss Gladys Cheek spent a short while last Sunday night visit ing Miss Bretta Morrison, of Brier Kreek. urry To Give Pork to Needy L According to recent announce ht by Mrs. Emma Mock, the Sur- Jr county welfare department wil. ave a quantity of salt pork for dls ribution among the neeJy citizens f the county within the next week r more. The pork, which was made avail ble through the agricultural ad lstment administration, will be in Edition to the regular quota of re ef funds for Surry county. It will b distributed, however, under luch the same rules as the other ;nef. ' y _ x MAY HOOVER An effort,to--«lraft Herbert Hoover 9 hig}i'««Jmmissioner for the League jJWdtions in charge of Jewish re ef was started in Geneva Friday, he former president's name en ured the discussion early, and ained a wide following. It was re ailed that he had had years of ex cifence ifr work during the World War anJ, later in Russia and the Near East. \ It's fairly easy f&r anybody to jitjand off and tell tnve government hJw far wrong it Js. \ - - i These Crisp Fall Mornings Warn of Colder Days to Come |ljjp Spainhour's Matches th WK' : fi4m Wonderful jFinely Tailored Coats- New Fall I Richly Furred Lovely New j I New .. . beautifully styled .. . smartly CI 9OS Fall Dresses P finished ... everyone of these beautiful, _ In the New Woolens and Silks de - richly furred dress coats. You'll like the &1JJ.75 signed to appeal through both qual - _ . new colors, the new materials and above , an( j p r j ce all the smart new lines. Come in today ° /\/v JKK • and make your selection. • SJS.UO fjf $4.95 56.95 Attractive New Coats For Sports Wear $10.95 WSr O Off urge you see new s P° coa^s we do our part 'Straight or swagger type, the new ma- NOW IS THE - to terials and colors will appeal to you IBJf w Nicely tailored of good material, yet Sfev TIME TO priced lower than you will probably see BUY! again in a long time. Mr v Printed Crepes Mill-End Woolens Silk Crepes yj Printed rayon flat crepe in These are in 1 to yards Satin crepes and Canton Wh plaids or Stripes. Beautiful pieces. Black, Brown and Fall crepes. 39 inches wide. Yard— ° r bIOUSG PatternS " |hildren's U coats e and r dresses! brown, wine, jungle 5* 79 c -98 c -*1 39 . SIL29 AR M| QufOdtUrO Children's all-wool Sweat- $149 $1.98 $0.69 y TTuuiul u ers - Pull on or coat sty,es * * X "" m /•(// SHOES FOR THE ENTIRE FAMILY 'VI jjjjl Handsome new shoes made for hard wear as well as looks— " * Children's..!... $1.29 to $1.98 LtseTwe taS lHßpß|| Ladie's $1.98 52.98 53.95 in many a day. Spanking §j|»jgij| Men's $2.25 52.98 53.95 new styles, fashion-right ~ business, and other pop- / \ Basement Store --"" V SWEATERS BERETS BLOOMERS Children's Sweaters, pull- Children's and Misses' on and coat styles. All- Berets. Newest styles— Ladies' Cotton Jersey wool and wool mixed. oq c Bloomers, rayon stripe— Warm and durable— BAGS 79? t0 $1.29 - UNDERWEAR 39c ° Beautiful Bags in all the new INKIERV Boys' and Misses' Under- imrvrnnlfr 1 n shapes. Black and Brown- , IIUMLKI . wear in all styles. Knee LADIES UNDERWEAR Ladies' Wool mixed hose and ankle length, long "O in new fall colors. Pair— and short sleeves. Suit— Ladies' Underwear in all others 5i.69 to *2.98 25 c 49° to 69° the popular styles brother AND | LADIES' COAK" BLOOMQtS |Comp| f »' under . SISTER SUITS Ladies' fur trimmed Children s Cotton Jersey wear f the enfire family) All Wool Jersey Brother and coats. Well made. Blacks Bloomers. Sizes 4to 16. Sister Suits. Sizes 3to 6. Each and Browns— Flesh only— -51.49 $6.95 \ 15 cto 29 c LADIES' KNIT DRESSES _ Knit Dresses in a variety of v 1 • • 1 i* styles. Jungle green, dydnor opainhour Co. ™ SI TO 5 I ELKIN, NORTH CAROLINA v l * o * x THE ELKIN TRIBUNE, ELKIN, NORTH CAROLINA