ANNUAL PLAY IS GIVEN BY CLASS "Miss Adventure" Pre sented Friday Night By Juniors The junior class of Elkin high school presented its annual, play, Charles George's "Miss Adventure", a comedy in three acts, last Friday night at the school auditorium. All students taking part exhibited dra matic ability. Miss Sara McCrack en, English and French instructor, supervised the work. Special entertainment was furnish ed between the cast in the form of vocal solos and vocal and violin music by Dorothy Chappell, sopho more, Rufus Crater, senior, and Josephine Paul, member of the fac ulty. In addition to these numbers a group of popular songs en by a mixed high school ,Chorus. Sara Atkinson, a cute / girl of eighteen, known as Jo, /e tomboy, played ths role of leading lady while Joe Transou, a young farmer, acted the part Of the young hero. Others taking part in the play were: Nancy Click, Emaline Neaves, Sara Lillard, Mary Belle Davis, Mar garet Abernethy, Jim Byrd, Louise Grier, Clyde Cothren, Louise iCoth ren, Lucille Cox and Edith Holcomb. Is Third Dividend Bank Has Declared Since Its Failure (Continued from Page One) stand in the way at the time of the next dividend. Mr. Spradlin stated that three times the Elkin National Bank has used the Reconstruction Finance Corporation's money in paying divi dends, and that the two previous times these loans have been repaid much more quickly than was anti cipated. He further stated thai at this time Congressman Frank Hancock was of invaluable assis tance in putting through the present loan on a most satisfactory basis, and that so far as the loan is con cerned the money was available eome weeks ago. Mr. Hancock wrote Mr. Spradlin promptly upon the con eumation of the transaction and at the same time expressed his great pleasure that the people of the Elk in community should have this third dividend available to them before the holidays. The receiver stated that it would be of interest to the depositors to state that the present loan being used in part payment of this divi dend has been largely repaid before the dividend checks were received, and that little more than one-half of the amount available would be used at this time. Since the Elkin National Bank cloved, all of the borrowed money from the National Credit Corpora tion has been fully repaid and tbe (Federal Reserve Bank has been al most fully paid out, there being now Owing to the Federal Reserve less than (2,000.00 of the principal. When the Federal Reserve Bank has been fully paid from the notes dis counted with them, it will leave only the depositors to share in subse quent dividends, which is very much In the depositors' favor. Mr. Spradlin expressed himself as pleased with the splendid way in vhich borrowers had been respond ing to request for payment, and he ventured the prediction that if they continue to pay as they have in the past that the depositors will fare much better than many of them had expected. He further stated that while this third dividend is being paid that liquidation is not over by any means. Mr. Spradlin requested that cordial Christmas Greetings from the per sonnel of his office be extended both to depositors and debtors to the bank, and he gave his assurance that his office would continue to put forth its best efforts in the interest of all, which would be fruitful in re sults if met with full cooperation by all those interested. A LETTER FROM LITTLE MISS NORMAN Dear Editor: I am a little crippled girl. I have been an invalid practically all of my life and am confined to ray room all of the time. I have a lit tle Christmas tree in my room and it is lots of fun to be visited by oth er children and to receive presents from all that will and can, to go on my tree, as I can not go out any. Everybody is invited to come and be with me on the night of December 23, 1933. If there is any person who would like to send me a gift to go on my tree, that can not come, It will be appreciated. If you will send it by mail with your name signed to it we will have old Santa take all the gifts off the tree and state who they are fron\. IRENE NORMAN, \ State Road, N. C. Every man feels instinctively that all the beautiful sentiments In the world weigh less than a single love ly action. 1 HOSPITAL NEWS The following patients have been admitted to Hugh Chatham Hospital during the past week: Kermit Coe, Dobson, December 13, treatment. Babnson Greenwood, Jonesville, December 14, appendectomy. Mrs. Ellen Dudley, Yadkinville, December 14, major operation. Eugene Hall, Elkin, December 14, appendectomy. Mrs. Hettie Perkins, Dobson, De cember 15, major operation. Hoke Cockerham, Elkin, Decem ber 16, tonsilectomy. Miss Ellen Hayes, Boonville; De cember 16, treatment. Mrs. Vernie Wood, Jonesville, De cember 16, treatment. Miss Gerthorine Stinson, Boon ville, December 18, tonsilectomy. Mrs. Minnie Lee Howell, Yadkin ville, December 19, major operation. Mrs. Faye Church, Ronda, Decem ber 19, minor operation. Those dismissed were: Miss Ruby Stonestreet, State Road; Mrs. Ralph Arnold and baby, State Road; Mrs. Odessa Luffman and baby, State Road; I. O. Wallace, Mountain Park; Ford R. Wood, Benham; Ker mit Coe, Dobson; Hoke Cockerham, Elkin; Mrs. Vernie Wolfe, Jones ville; Mrs. Gerthorine Stinson, Boon ville; R. C. Wood, Mountain Park; Miss Lillie Triplett, Jonesville and Miss Maggie Pardue, Roarirtg River. New Farm Pamphlet Gives NRA Program I At Prices Made Possible I fl| BY OUR $5 BfcjMgjgggfcg PRE-INVENTORY SALE just a few days left, so come I QPH GIFT HINTS FOR GIFT HINTS FOR I 8 RBSpw&S?!! I* BJ* U J able you to buy at greater sav- 11 V ]i M *35 I JL IHi K ings! JL JL 1 IVI llim j|' I Kid Gloves Tarn Sets GIFTS FOR THE Suede Jackets I Men's Pajamas L ft A sensible gift that will be Sporty hand-made tam setß. _ Here's what every man QOp / _ £ appreciated. a PP reciate one of L| |IJ y* p y«| | wants. Button and zipper ' 5 ff-i fto eo ka eBC wll • Btyies. Lounging and Bath' $1.98 to $2.50 98c t0 $1 . 49 „ . $5.95 Robes § w —— Children s Socks y 5 Slippers or Mules Lingerie The kiddies wlll need a big eup " Gloves $3.98 jg SA pair of bedroom sl, PP en > A gift that will appeal to VY jg jg 25c Gloves make ideal gifts for Rp|fs jS or satin mules will be ideal any woman A « 7l -' , Belts fflft men. Give him a pair. *!jß 3* as a gift— - Leather belts with initialed JE S AQn in *1 QK 39c t0 $2,98 Sweaters 49c to JQ I buckles. Fine for gifts. I 'tUL IU «pi.i/ 0 A sweater will make a sensible gift 5 m suede Jackets and a-tt*n »* * Men's Bats 98t ' 5* Hosiery Sweaters KQ r f n CI Qfi 1 T .. ~„ , .. . „„„„ w AH the new styles and col- » „ , ~ , . jffc Ladies' full fashioned pure These will make practical ' Men S Oxfords Jng j thread silk hose. She can t g j ftß Children's Raincoats I A pair of new oxfords will I * have too many pairs— nn q . «« qq ' «■* 98c to $4.98 They'll be pleased with a raincoat. I 10 I make a welcome gift. j |toß| 69c to $1.35 : Sl.fiß_S2.9B JT - 1 $1.98 to $3.98 8 Quilted Robes * Me " 8 T,es TO I Dresses Finely made of good quality Leatherette Coats Some packed in attractive Men's Hose A dressy dress or an attrac- material. She'll appreciate v .,.. h . v will ljkp thls warm Bitt boxes ' Bri B ht colors, dK 1 tive sport dress will be just a gift llke thiß . Y ° ur " ke thiß ' Wam> good materials. Men 8 dreßS hoße will make *S Jv the thine' sheep-lined! a nlce jft Fa patterns. J $2.87 to $7.95 * 3 - 98 $2 ' 49 25c -48 c -SI.OO lfc to 69c | g Knickers • Jff A most^ 3 acceptable Xr™"" " UU —— gift for any woman. sensible gift. J| 25c to $2.98 49c 51.25 51.98 $2.98 M Boys' Caps «. «. «. «k tan. jSfc Nicely made and dressy. All colors. 25c - 49c - s^c Shildren's Tarns 39c - 49c Bedroom Slippers 49c - 69c | McDANIEL'S 1 | DEPARTMENT STORE . . ELKIN, N. C. | A detailed outline of a program for agricultural recovery in keeping with Governor Ehringhaus' "plan and prosper" campaign has just been prepared by Charles A. Shef field, assistant extension service di rector at N. C. State College. Mr. Sheffield has made a study of the crop acreage and livestock needs of North Carolina, and hi« findings have been set forth in a special circular, just issued by the extension service. There iB still a definite need for more wheat, corn, oats, garden truck, meat and dairy products than is now being produced withia the State, he said. North Carolinians cannot be self-sufficient until they supply their own needs with foods produced at home whenever possi ble. The AAA program of reducing the production of basic commodities year will leave 600,000 North Caro line acres free for the production of food and feed crops for home con sumption, Mr. Sheffield said, and now is the logical time for farmers to begin the production of these feed and food crops. Another important matter, he said is that of increasing the State's livestock population and of giving more thought to the efficiency of farmers so that their incomes won't all be used up in defraying the cost of farm operation. A farmer barely breaking even, or losing money, will in most cases profit from the same amount of commodities if he eliminates all waste by careful planning to meet the new situation. The pamphlet may be obtained free by citizens of North Carolina upon application to the agricultural editor at State College in Raleigh. \ THE ELKIN TRIBUNE. ELKIN. NORTH CAROLINA $11,472 Sales Tax Paid In 3 Months (Continued from Page One) state took over operation of the entire eight-months school term. In taking over the schools, the state reduced the cost of operation, which in 1932 amounted to approximately (23,000,000, to approximately $16,- 000,000 for 1933, thereby resulting in a savings to the taxpayers of the state of approximately $7,000,000 in operating cost. The property tax relief afforded for the entire state amounted to $11,476,540. Sales taxes collected in Surry county for the first three months are below the average collections for the entire year as collections are being improved from month to month, But after allowing for the reasonable increase in the sales tax collections in Surry county which are anticipated, it will be observed that the property owners of the county are relieved of property taxes in the considerable amount shown and that the sales tax collections in Surry county will be far less than the property tax relief afforded. The sales tax payments are made by all of the people in the county rather than those who happen to be owners of property. More things are wrought by pray er than this world dreams of.— Tennyson. Detroit Free Press: Outing pa jamas are better, thougb, when you j£»» step out for the morning paper and the door latches behind you. tf&L Los Angeles Times: In horse-and buggy days the things that shut off the view were called blinders in stead of billboards. jL* Secretary of Agriculture Henry A. Wallace told a mags meeting at Birmingham, Ala., Friday afternoon that the South's co-operation in last summer's cotton reduction program had aided the cotton belt in leading "the entire country on the way back jto prosperity." ' C **, S Tt^ We wish to take this opportunity to wish each and everyone of our many patrons and friends a very, very Merry Christmas and to thank them for their loyal sup port during the past year. Store open until O p. m. remainder of the week. BIG ROAD SHOW IN WINSTON-SALEM Company of Seventy Passing Thru Carolina* On World Tour Start ing In February The Tribune has been requested to announce a special midnight frolic at the Carolina Theatre in Winston- Salem, Thursday night, December 28th. For the first time in several years this section of the Piedmont is to witness an extravaganza sec ond to none, with possibly the ex ception of the new Ziegfield Follies which opened in New York a week or so ago. Because of the fact that this attraction is making a hurried trip through the Southland which will include Greensboro, Charlotte, Spartanburg, Birmingham, Atlanta, New Orleans, Dallas and other cities of the South and Southwest before sailing from San Francisco in Feb ruary for the Orient, Winston-Salem was fortunate in securing them for one performance at midnight. The Greater Marcus Show presenting "La Vie Paree" consists of a com pany of seventy people in two Pull man cars and three seventy-foot baggage cars. The big musical was designed and conceived by Mr. A. B. Marcus who decided to portray a glimpse of the night life of Paris including such resorts as the Follies Bergere, Moulin Route and Casino de Paris. While the production is in a sense sophisticated in character, fffa the management feels that it will *52 not offend anyone. It is however ifahL suggested that adolescents should *JS be admitted. fi&i "La Vie Paree" is confined some jQ what to a display of beauty, altho «S| there are novelty surprises, music J£ and dancing unlike any seen in •riM Thursday, December 21, 1933 years In the Carojinas. There are fail dancers, as well as the common place type of tap routine and drills, and even tho some have aald that it Is the type of entertainment child ren should not see, all agree that it is extraordinary entertainment"' in keeping with the frankness of larger communities who demand something different. The entire performance beginning at 12 Midnight consumes two and one-half hours, and all seats according to the Carolina manage ment are reserved, money orders or express orders will be honored for advanced reservations. The more one judges, the less one loves. —Balzac. TRUSTEE'S SALE By virtue of the authority confer red upon David B. Harris and Trist ram T- Hyde, Trustees, or either of Baid Trustees by a certain Deed of Trust executed October 15, 1925 by Jane Holyfield Byrd and E. t«. Byrd, her husband, which Deed of Trust is registered in the office of the Reg ister of Deeds of Surry County, in Book No. 99, Page 123, default hav ing been made in the payment of the indebtedness secured and at the request of the holder or holders thereof, the undersigned Trustee will offer for sale and sell to the highest bidder for cash at the Court House Door (west side) in Dobson, Surry County, N. C., on Friday, Jan uary 19, 1934, at 12 o'clock Noon, the following described lands and premises, to-wit: A certain tract, lot or parcel'of land, situate, lying and being in the County of Surry, State of North Carolina, and more particularly bounded and described as follows, to-wit: A certain tract or parcel of land lying and being in the Town of Elk in, Elkin Township, Surry County, North Carolina, adjoining the lands of R. L. Hubbard and N. W. Tharp, situated on the north side of Main street, bounded as follows: BEGINNING at a point 78 feet East of the intersection of the east line of Church street with the north line of Main street and from said point of beginning along the north side of Main street, runs thence with the inside of the edge of the side- walk, North 87 deg. E. 24 feet and 4 inches to N. W. Tharp's corner; thence with the line of N. W. Tharp North 3 Deg. W. 100 feet to a stake on south side of a 15 foot alley, said Tharp's northwest corner; thence with said aljey south 87 deg. West 24 feet and 4 inches to a stake at R. L>. Hubbard's northeast corner; thence with R. L. Hubbard's line South 3 deg. E. 100 feet to the edge of the sidewalk at Main street and the beginning corner, together with all buildings erected thereon and all walk rights and wall privileges owned by the grantors, said lot of land being known as lot No. 10, Block 10 of the Elkin Land Com pany as shown by plat recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds for Surry County in Book 29, page 600; also see deed from Farmers and Merchants Bank to Jane Holy field Byrd, recorded in Book 90, page 265, also deed from Robey M. Bates, Receiver of Farmers and Merchants Bank to Jane Holyfield Byrd, recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds for Surry coun ty. This December 16, 1933. DAVID B. HARRIS. Trustee Folger & Folger, Attys. 1-11