Thursday, December 21, 1933 «»—,„—..,, „.., —fZ_ S „ ..llz^Jl MERRY CHRISTMAS! 01 course we realize that Christ mas is a few days off yet, but due to the fact that the Gab Bag, or rather its writer, always "gets it first and gets it wrong," we are up holding tradition by being the first to wish you an exceedingly merry and joyous Christmas. We hope we're not wrong. We are not saying "Merry Christ mas" in the commonplace, stereo typed way like on penny postcards, but really hope each and every one of you readers, even Will Holcomb, will have a Christmas that will be exceedingly pleasant and delightful. We hope you have a big time and no hangovers or tummy aches. We hope Santa will outdo himself in bringing you all manners of gifts and that you will look back upon this Christmas as the biggest and best of them all! "A SKATER NEEDS HEALTHY NERVES" CAMEL'S COSTLIER TOBACCOS Matter jetVw lerthre vjcrwTfaite, lippwwewwwww 2 |i|raS Here's wishing You All § |Hk A MERRY CHRISTMAS f We take this manner of expressing JJ* to our numerous friends and cus- tomers our sincere thanks for the $R| patronage they have accorded us during the past year and to wish jjj* them one and all the very best and JUST A FEW MORE DAYS LEI™ f HURRY HERE FOR PRACTICAL GIFTS! g f WE SUGGEST Jjt W LADIES' SILK HOSIERY M W MEN'S SOX CHILDREN'S HOSE W SWEATERS FOR THE ENTIRE FAMILY Stf SHIRTS FOR MEN AND BOYS & RED GOOSE SHOES i? & BEDROOM SHOES 3 SM We're Headquarters for jijJ & CHRISTMAS FRUITS, CANDIES % |* AND ALL KINDS OF NUTS If. A. Brendle & Son! sjm F. A. Brendle Elkin, N. C. J. D. Brendle Jg It wouldn't cost us a cent more to wish even greater things for you, but shucks, if all we have al ready wished should come true it would probably be more than you deserve, so there. ♦ ♦ * A-HUNTING WE WILL GO —Or rather we should say a- hunting we have been. For last Thursday morning that intrepid huntsman Coy Bates and this hum ble scribe scattered terror and con sternation among the furred and feathered tribe of Surry and Wilkes. Even though we hadn't been hunting in some score of years, we were positive at one time during the morning that we saw a bird. However, a' closer investigation dis closed that it wasn't a bird at all, but a cow. And not such a good cow, either. THE ELKIN TRIBUNE, ELKIN, NORTH CAROLINA When we jumped our first rab bit we threw down our gun and grabbed a rock. Mr. Bates killed the rabbit. The dog we had with UB would have brought joy to, any huntsman's heart. Among other things, he pointed a freight train, the Yadkin river, a dove and a rabbit trap. But that's the trouble with point ers. Pointers always point at birds and leave it up to the hunter to find them. Personally, we prefer a set ter. A setter, when he finds a bird, sits down upon it and holds it until the hunter can swing into action. We once had a setter who, through error, sat down upon a steel trap. This proved a lesson to him. But back to the hunt. Whenever a quail was flushed or a rabbit jumped and scurried, the play of firearms remined us of the Civil War. Mr. Bates, it would appear, believes in shooting when he goes hunting. Of the two coveys flushed, num bering altogether 27 birds, all were killed except 26 But who were we to denude the fields of live game. Leave some for another day is our motto. Come up some night for a quail dinner. You, er, bring the quail. • * * HOMEWARD BOUND In just a day or more now we'll load into Calamity, Jr., and head for home and Christmas. And judging from the way things have been flying off our contraption for the past month or so it bids fair to be quite an eventful trip. Still, though, to one who likes to tinker with things mechanical and who has a knack at fixing such things, it takes a car with whiskers to provide the real satisfaction of motoring. Anyone can hop into one of these new cars and make a hundred or so mile trip without bother or trouble, but when one successfully navigates 120-odd miles in a car that is just as liable to squat down in the road and go to pieces as not, that's a feat to be proud of. The only thing that causes us worry is that in some crowded city like Winston-Salem or Greensboro, a piece might fly loose and hit a traffic cop, or something. But that's a chance which must be taken. For the benefit of those of you who drive ancient cars like Calam ity, Jr., we want to advise that in stead of so many tools, a t large quantity of well chewed chewing gum, a roll of baling wire and a ball of twine are the best bets in making minor repairs, • Anyway, if about Friday night you hear that a car has gone over an embankment or ' cJlirnbed some convenient telephone post, just mark it down to Calamity, Jr. Her disposition hasn't been so darned good lately. * » * THIS AXD THAT If we had completed our Christmas shopping and then some old meanie had broken into the car and stole it all, that would mean Santa Claus would have to postpone his trip until Christmas of 1&.34. . • •* * * If they start ringing the church bells here New Year's night some body is liable to think there's an other election on. * * * We understand that Santa Claus is going to bring Mrs. Weir a bicy cle so that she can get around quicker. We have been considering putting her in charge of our Elkin division of the Assassinated Press. * * * But all kidding aside, Mrs. Weir is a very capable writer. (That's our Christmas present to you, Mrs. Weir.) * * * Kids are forever getting into mischief. But it ceases to be fun ny when one breaks a half dozen eggs on the front seat of your auto mobile. If you are not convinced, our son can furnish excellent refer ences as a convincer. * » * No matter what kind of a tale we tell on our son, our mother can al ways dig back into our own child hood history and match it—or worse. For instance, the time we cut a couple of chapters out of our fath er's pet Bible. * • . * Well, so long. GUN ACCIDENT FATAL Accidental discharge of a shot gun in the hands of a 9-year-old boy took the life of Lee Miller, 38, Winston-Salem, Friday night. The tragedy occurred at the home of Carl Charles. Charles' son, Ru dolph, was exonerated by Dr. W. N. Dalton, Forsyth county coroner, who held the death accidental. Atlanta Constitution: Litvinoff. according to the Savannah Press, was born Finkelstein. Well, he's certainly made a new name for him self. PROGRAM f"\ jjV Lyric Theatre W I io loday an * Friday— B 0T J !g° SPENCER TRACY IN jj W "Face In the Sky" f|| Universal News Admission 10c-25c Saturday— JOHN WAYNE in "SOMEWHERE IN SONORA" Also Mickey Mouse, Comedy and New Serial—"Devil Horse" Admission 10c-30c »■ SPECIAL CHRISTMAS DAY— Tuesday OnIy— "GIRL WITHOUT A Friday, Dec. 28-29 ROOM" gkoucho « V*c ■r^ilß With DktotofofFfoodonlo (\y r * t 'w ...tho only noi» to Charles Farrell \jJ§k \ / both *. idont'» and tho Charlie Ruggles do^er. Marguerite Churchill Cartoon A Saturday, Dec. 30— "FURY OF THE ; We? 1> twaor* Admiral JUNGLE v..,n., sr- BROTHERS January 1~2 harpoo» snoopy »h»Spywho shadow* "TAKE A CHANCE" A^WTeW h '» own shadow. January 4-5- *KLm M*." EDDIE CANTOR OTf%|| iQlfr "WHOOPEE" January 22-23- » F . MAE WEST in A Paramount Picture "I'M NA ANr«" b » l,t > Meco»»»I Ira nu ADuCL News Admission 10c-30c _________ v. > - -- - , - •