_ L H. C. CLUB STAGES CHRISTMAS PROGRAM Girls Under Direction of Miss Austin En tertain Kiwanians A brief but excellent Christmas program was presented following the Kiwanis dinner at Hotel Elkin Fri day night by members at the Lucy Hanes Chatham club, under the di rection of Miss Claudia Austin. Although illness on the part of several of the members who were scheduled to take part in the pro gram proved a last minute handi cap, the program proved very enter taining ana was snjoyed by all pres ent. Following a brief talk by Miss Austin, the following program was presented: Reading—Miss Juanita Billings. Duet —"Silent Night"; —Miss Ruth Carter and Miss Dorothy Penfield. Reading—Miss Dorothy Penfield. TIMELY FARM SUGGESTIONS By J. W. CRAWFORD County Farm Agent TO THE TOBACCO GROWERS OF SURRY COUNTY We are near the end of the to bacco sign-up campaign,■'and if you haven't igned your contract, come to my office as soon as possible and Bign up before it is too li'te. At tlilvpresent time, we have a better sign up"ihan we had with the agree ments, and it looks as if it is going to be nearly 100 per cent this time in Surry County. Prom the way the contract reads the man that has grown tobacco in any year during the last three years is making a sad mistake if he doesn't sign the contract, as the government has promised to help the man that does sign the con tract, while there is nothing prom ised to the man that does not sign. The man that has signed the agreement and has not signed the contract will have to sign the con tract as the agreement is binding, as you agreed to sign the contract •when you signed the agreement. So we, will expect this man to come on and sign the contract at once. The Contract Requirements The contract is drawn up by. the Federal Government and not by the County Agent or the County Com mitteemen, so please do not ask the County Agent or the County Com mitteemen or the office force to favor you in your contract, as none of this force is allowed to make any changes in this contract. Crutchfield Items The truck farmers in this com munity are having a difficult time planting their early cabbage this fall, owing to the continued dry weather and scarcity of plants. There is quite a crop of early vege tables grown here each spring. Mr. J. F. Mosley and family of Elkin, were visitors here Sunday, spending the afternoon with Mr. Mosleys mother and his sister, Mrs. W. A. Correll. We were sorry indeed to learn of the death of little Mattie Sue Dob bins, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Cleveland Dobbins, of Union Cross community. She was taken ill of membraneous croup early Sunday morning and only lived through the day, dying at 7 o'clock that after noon. The services were conducted Monday afternoon at Union Cross Baptist church by the pastor. Rev. T. S. Draughn, assisted by Revs. L. B. Murray and E. B. Draughn. In terment was in the cemetery there. Mattie Sue was only two years and two months old. and was the idol of the family. She was a sweet child and was loved by all who knew her. We extend our heartfelt sympa thy to the bereaved family and relatives. May God's richest bless ings be with them in this sad hour of bereavement. We are very glad to learn that the condition of Mr. J. L. Jones, who has been seriously ill for sever al weeks, shows some improvement. We hope that he may soon be out again. Once again the Christmas season lb almost upon us. The time that makes us feel young and joyful. So we sincerely wish for the official family of The Tribune and all of its readers, the best Christmas they have ever had and a Happy New Tear too. Cycle News Rev. W. G. Mitchell filled his reg ular appointment at Oak Ridge Bap tist church Saturday and Sunday. Rev. W. V. Brown is conducting a singing schcool at Cranberry, Wilkes county. Next week he is to sing at Bethel, near Lone Hickory, Yadkin county. Warren Martin, of near Siler City, ■ 1 ■■ - a former resident of Marler, is on a visit to friends in this communi ty. Forester Pinnix and Talmadge Shore, of Spray, visited Mr. Shore's grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. James Shore, over the week-end. Misses Esther Pinnix and Ruby Nicks and Olie Stokes were the Sun iay guests of Miss Grace Dobbins. Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Money were Merry Christmas! \ It is our wish for you that Christmas be most happy and that happiness and pros perity be yours throughout the new year to come. We also take this means of ex tending our sincere thanks to each and every one of our friends and patrons for their favors to us during the past year! J i Southern Public! Utilities Co. ! In Which Some Old Friends Wish You A 05^? "Happp Christmas May Yours Be A Merry Christmas Our entire personnel join in wish ing you a very Merry Christmas and bountiful Good Cheer in all the days to come. Carolina Service Station To You— We extend our compliments of the season, and may it hold a wealth of Good Cheer for you. Elkin Motors, Inc. THE ELBN TRIBUNE. ELKIN. NORTH CAROLINA Sunday evening guests in the home of Rev. W. V, Brown. Colonel and Mrs. Charles A. Lind bergh duelled in the air with a news plane to prevent the taking of pictures of them in flight as the famous flying couple Saturday af ternoon returned to the United States from an unprecedented flight around the two Atlantics. Sleep In Heavenly Peace • That you may wake to a most beautiful and joyous Christmas Morn. We take this occasion to extend Christmas Greetings. Hinshaw Cash Hdw. Co. With Compliments of the Holiday Season And may thU Christmas be the biggest and best yet for you. 1 It is our Binaere wish. Elkin Bottling Co. And the Happiest of NEW YEARS We take this opportunity to wish for each and every one of our numerous friends and customers a Joyous Christmas and the happiest of New Years. It is our sincere wish that health, happiness and prosperity be with you all during the coming year, and we extend our sincere thanks to all who have favored us with their patronage during 1933. Reich-Hayes-Boren, Inc. Complete Home Furnishers Phone 70 Merry Christmas We extend heartiest wishes for a happy Christmas season to all our customers and friends, and we cor dially invite your continued patron age. F-W Chevrolet Co. Merry Christmas To You! All of us Join voices in wishing you a very Merry Christmas and thank you for your patronage during the past. Lawrence Dry Cleaners Thur™ g;L l m b€r 21. 1988 Best Wishes It is our desire that we might per sonally wish all of you a Merry Christmas. That being impossible, we take this means to extend to you the Holiday Cheer we feel. Gulf Service Station All Is Well, All Is Bright kud, from our hearts we wish you • a Merry Christmas and Joy and Good Will in everything you do. Mary's Beauty Shoppe