Thursday, March 1, 1934 WHl'twr VII IIMB'I " -■ - ■» *•-.•■'- •!■■■ ■-- - . _ • • ' - " m ***• * « feHq-1 1 RAYON AND PAIR || °'llr' gg c heeis i .%jM J VI v t Caps BE sure AND VISIT US -. sfei. FRIDAY and SATURDAY ' i tfJ COMBINATION ■]/ / Almost too good to be M / . full cut and fast color. One bottle of Hind's Full-fashioned *\ _ ' a /- / Two complete suits for— Honey and Almond jlBgSjL/ J . a , Cream, one jar Pond's r ' [>. J)f|P Cleansing Cream and one vXIIWUnV "" , - yVrV 1 box of Jaciel Cleansing AND SERVICE WEIGHT tf AV"jB \ Aizrn All o Tissues, all for - AfiC **«*-» \ V OVERALLS m lor T® GENUINE PEDALINE BRAID! Men's and Boys' Over Newest Spnng shades ! Gorgeous Superb, pliant, imported straw ity denim. Roomy and - PunnaiT'e Qnnno braid! (Don't judge it by the made to withstand hard _____ Co* ture! Your chance to supply your reiiney 8 Opnng price.) Made in America into wear— CREPE go Value Triumph! fast! wear so well! Smart Spring Printed or Plain Crepe _ trimmings! New 1934 colors! AO a in springes gayest colors. P "" Ei - Pic °' Top! «JoC Two yards for- ~ A «N we r A gain" Valuel M X S Fine Quality Broaddoth Qfip VJ? - ft CUTIITC DRESSES fN\s'-y-rf\ J_ if VV/ 9MMMit MW7 Ladies' House Dresses in 4 J\ Vat-dyed! $1.50 Value Fast colors — PRINTS Frocks I «\ p -;J' c :f 98 c two for Avenue Fast Color - Q&f* Prints. Attractive new |f(lW/!w A jS#l tifully tailor ed. Extraordinarily low patterns and colors. And ITj priced! ATTACHED COLLARS! are C selli f ng 'yards j: II 14 ' 3t06 ' 3 ° 7to 14 years! BOYS! I«« than a dollar for PLANT BED A lint se en yara.S I xlJlrv}^' 1 11 Fast color, vat printed, Spring percales H* tm ~ M^rTTTT Sleeveless Slipover . >gr CANVASS rf-x II / / \\ \ i^n( * new cost of cotton, we » 4N UVa A-/ I \ \ really don't s« how it can be done fiffilcFa /f I Mr. Farmer ! Protect your »OC h y y S'-HSIS 1 - »▼▼«••»*»»«»/, t \ plant beds with this high 1 1 m quality canvass! 33 1-3 Tk i7i m • f. QUALITY Knits! f\ Ajl yards for — DRESS LINEN (jSSmk Triut ultra V® 9« c WITH design»-or plain. Solid colors— Vl Beautiful new Dress Lin- X9ci§|u or combinations. Popular necklines. VT 1' en that will be fine for - * hopt-rttammgi MI TCI IM spring dresses and suits. smar/ as I'iUuLilll Good quality. 2i/ 2 yards they comeJ Wj|C Guaranteed Fast Colors! Unbleached Muslin at a for — price made especially for W added the handsome fittings- H A Vfif Af) _ celanese linings I Excellent calf OWj ® MXi• »nd grained effects. New metal l|V/t vJV' decorations I . t/OC^ TABLE DAMASK FOUR ONLY FANCY PERCALES! INFANTS' _ A surprise value for these times! Very I nDFCOrC V Q fnn/rAlniim DRESSES , X O — Some of the cutest little «••/« »•'» VVU S"**' MUI a-.ifjY P',i n... /»r ?«m«- frocks for baby vou've for- _ _ _ PfFS ever seen made T T C 2? ! "vlj 11 a Pocket the Savings! and dainty— 98c iv UO O ;1111 Covert Pants Two for ."magine! A real honest-to- J*M ■ QQ goodness Congoleum rug, ■IH nn Niffll All Men's Afifi HOC JAPPONGEE asi'SfK It I ||II ||Sll a-' °™ --*-7 r - ; ■I.UO JW cra ™ s price you probably won't terns look wefl, to>l 2Wnch botto«n»1 SHftRS see again. 5 1-4 yards 1 _____________________________ uiiviaj » QC BOYS'SUITS LUNCH'N CLOTHS PILLOWCASES VOILE UOC Boys' Suits with long and Guaranteed pure linen Eight Belle Isle Pillow Hollywood Voile in new priced higher, they are a short pants— luncheon Caseg for _ spring colors. 6i/ 2 yds. for sensational value at, pair SWEAIBS $4 98 98c 98c 98c 98c Boys' Slip-Over Sweat- rYVTTAW DATTC J.CPENNEY C@. 98C EAST MAIN STREET ELKIN, N. C. 98c '■■•■■ ■ ■ THE ELKIN TRIBUNE, ELKIN, NORTH CAROLINA