Thursday, May 17, 1934 ®SOCi ETY. Piano Pupils to Give Recital Tonight The piano pupils of Miss Effie Crater will give a recital this even ing (Thursday) at 8 o'clock in the school auditorium. The public is cordially invited to attend. Mason Lillard Class to Meet Monday The Mason Lillard-Bible Class of the Methodist church will meet at the home of Mrs. Joe Bivins on Gwyn Avenue, Monday evening, May 21 p.t 8 o'clock. All members are requested to attend. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Bivins Honor Junior High School Class Mr. and Mrs. Joe Bivins enter tained at an enjoyable picnic at their home on Gwyn Avenue Friday evening, honoring the members of the Junior class of the local school, of which their son, Joe Gwyn, is a member. Miss Josephine Paul, room teacher of the class, was a special guest. Weiners were roasted over an open fire on the grounds back of the home and served with a picnic sup per. Outdoor games were played fol lowing the supper. About thirty three members of the class enjoyed Mr. and Mrs. Bivins' hospitality. Seniors Honored at Supper Miss Kathleen Reece and Herbert Graham, Jr., members of the Senior OF COURSE SPAINHOUR'S is celebrating National Cotton Week .. . and with an offering of cottons that's worth coming miles to see. fl . v \ Cottons are as right as they can be this summer, whether you live in y y town or spend all your time in the country. And our cotton styles in [ \ ready-to-wear and piece goods are up to the minute. \i J Cottons! Cottons! Cottons! Jm •' • And what a glorious collection. Here are exciting values by the famous de- ' .A signer, Nelly Don, whose name signifies MT»-. smart design, superb fit and fine qual- \ iMr.. «|f" ity. Plan to bask in the cool flattery *s£&! V W Nelly Don's exquisite "sheers." Pre- P are f° r f un ahead in dashing sport to?s and . p,ay ensembles. And toss them all in the rub without a qualm. -A / rtLrw They're here in endless atQMK variety. . . but don't de lE|]k lay . . . early selections 0 ~ AoCTL are a ' ways happiest. ■ JUST TRY ONE 0N! $1.95 - - $2.95 - batiste that wiH make a darl \ Solid color and dotted organ more appropriate for summer NOVELTY! WASH SUITS SPECIAL! Novelty seersucker and sol- Boys' wash suits in a large Men's sanforized shrunk > id color Dioue It's new and variet y of color combina- shirts. Won't shrink. Guar * " tions. Solids and patterns, anteed full cut. Blue, grey popular! Yard— Fast color and white. 25 c , 98 c SI.OO Sydnor-Spainhour Co. ELKIN, N. C. - . . Class of the local high school hon ored their classmates at an informal supper at the home of the latter on Gwyn Avenue Tuesday evening prior to the graduating exercises at the local school. They were as sisted in entertaining by their moth ers, Mesdames W. F. Reece and H. P. Graham. In the living room lavender iris were used as decorations and bowls of roses were used in the dining room. A beautifully appointed buf fet supper was served. Guests were members of the class and the high school faculty. Hugh Holcomb, Jr., Honors Teachers at Supper Hugh Holcomb, Jr., entertained at a delightful buffet supper at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Holcomo on West Main street, Saturday evening, honoring the teachers of the school faculty who were his instructors during the past year. The guests were greeted at the door by the young host and his fath er and directed to the dining room where Mrs. Holcomb, mother of the host, assisted by Mrs. E. W. Fox, served a beautifully-appointed buffet supper. Lovely spring flowers and soft candlelight made a pretty set ting for the affair. Guests were: Rev. and Mrs. E. W. Fox, Mrs. Walter R. Schaff, Mr. and Mrs. Fletcher Harris, Miss Ruth THE ELKIN TRIBUNE, ELKIN, NORTH CAROLINA Eads, Miss Betty Harris, Miss Betty Allen, Miss Mary Dwight Turner, Garland Johnson and Carl Crews. Seniors and Faculty Entertained By Abernethy's Pharmacy Members of the Senior Class of the local school were entertained by Abernethy's Pharmacy following the Class Day exercises Monday evening. Banana splits, punch, candy and cakes were served the guests and they drew for prizes. Miss Mary Etta Laffoon won a box of sta tionery and Henry Woodruff won a gold pencil. Guests were limited to members of the class and their ad visor, Miss Sarah McCracken. On Wednesday morning the fac ulty of Elkin and North Elkin schools were paid a farewell courtesy at the close of their final teachers meet ing when they were entertained at the drug store. Refreshments were served. Mrs. Edworth Harris Entertains Thursday Club Mrs. Edworth Harris entertained the members of the Thursday After noon Book Club at a delightful meet ing at her home on West Main street Thursday afternoon. Games and contests were enjoyed. In drawing for the club prize Mrs. Fred Colhard received a lovely piece of pottery. Routine business and the exchange and discussion of club books featured the business meeting. During a pleasant social hour the hostess served a beautifully ap pointed collation in two courses. A color scheme of yellow and green was accentuated in the appointments of the plates. Members present were: Mesdames G. P. Dockery, Worth Graham, H. C. Salmons, Mason Lillard. W. R. Well born, F. W. Graham, J. L. Hall, W. W. Whitaker, George Royall and Fred Colhard. Mesdames T. A. Leeper and E. A. Harris were specialj guests. Jenesville W. M. U. Meets Wednesday The Woman's Missionary Society of the Jonesville Methodist church met at the home of Mrs. W. E. Trip lett, on Front street, Wednesday evening with Misses Mildred Ingram and Marion Stafford as associate I hostesses. Miss Ingram, president of the society, presided over the meet-! ing and conducted the devotionals i and also had charge of the program, which dealt with a study of educa tional work of the denomination on the mission fields in Brazil. She was assisted in the program by Mrs. O. ! |E. Boles, Miss Iris Minnish, Miss j ! Catherine Boles and Miss Weeta | Elliot. Special music was a feature ■ of the program. During a pleasant social hour the | hostesses served a tempting refresh- I ment course to the fifteen members j present. Mrs. R. C. Freeman Entertains Wednesday Study Club Members of the Wednesday After ! noon Study Club were entertained | in the regular monthly meeting Wed | nesday by Mrs. R. C. Freeman at her home on Church street. Mrs. C. H. Brewer was in charge of the program, presenting an interesting ! study of Queen Elizabeth. Mrs. Brewer told of the background of i the famous English queen and Mrs. j Fred Neaves continued with a fur ! ther description of her history. Mrs. Brewer concluded with a discussion of the Elizabethean era, particularly stressing the literary strides made ; during her reign. Mrs. C. G. Arm field gave current events of interest, j At the conclusion of the program] i a tempting refreshment course was served the following members: Mes dames Harry L. Johnson, Errol I Hayes, Marion Allen, R. B. Harrell, C. H. Brewer, C. G. Armfield, Fletch er Harris, W. B. Lentz, Fred Neaves and Hugh Royall. Mrs. Spainhour is Two-Four Club Hostess Thursday Mrs. Eugene Spainhour delightful ly entertained the members of the, Two-Four Bridge club and several i additional guests at a bridge-lunch- 1 eon at Hotel Elkin Thursday. AI beautifully appointed luncheon was j served in the main dining room upon j the arrival of the guests at one t o'clock. Lovely spring flowers in pastel shades were used as a center piece for the table. Following the luncheon the guests : were invited to Mrs. Spainhour's | suite, where bridge was played at: two tables. Mrs. W. J. Bason, of North Wilkesboro, won the visitors' prize and Mrs. E. C. Grier received the club prize at the conclusion of the play. Club members present were: Mrs. Harry L. Johnson, Mrs. Albert Bry an, Miss Maude Greenwood, Mrs. E. C. Grier and Mrs. Spainhour. Ad ditional guests were: Mesdames W. J. Bason and Carl Coffey of North Wilkesboro and Mrs. Thomas Roth. Mrs. James Honored at Tea by Mesdames Whitaker and Hayes Complimenting Mrs. Earl C.; James, a recent bride, Mesdames W. W. Whitaker and Errol Hayes j entertained at an informal tea at! the home of the former on Church | street Friday afternoon. A color I scheme of green and white was ef- J fected in the living rooms and hall with bowls of syringa and lillies-of- j the-valley. In the dining room the | same color note was accentuated. The tea table was covered with a ] handsome lace cloth and centered J with a mound of lily-of-the-valley, topped with a miniature bride and bridegroom. Green cfind „s in crys tal holders wsre used on either end of the table. The guests were greeted at the door by an informal receiving line composed of the hostesses and the' honoree. Mrs. Eph Whisenhunt di- j rected the guests to the dining room i where Mesdames R. B. Harrell and j Alden Hunt served sandwiches and Mrs. George Royall served tea. Mesdames Whitaker and Hayes j presented the honoree with an exqui- ! site shoulder corsage of lily-of-the- ] valley and forget-me-nots. About thirty-five guests called I during the afternoon. Doughton and Thurmond News The Roaring Gap Sunday school observed Mothers' Day Sunday. A special offering for the Baptist hos pital at Winston-Salem was received. Misses Alma and Sallie Woodruff and Mrs. J. E. DeJournette, attend ed the closing exercises of North Elkin school Monday nighti Mr. and Mrs. Bill Golden, Mrs. James Murray, and son, Paul, of Winston-Salem, visited relatives in Doughton Sunday. MF. and Mrs. S. A. Lyon and Miss Annie Lee Lyon spent the week-end near Salisbury, visiting Mrs. Lyon's parents. Rev. Grant Cothren, A. C. Gentry, R. P. Gentry and Mrs. J. N. Gentry spent Monday in North Wilkesboro. Mrs. Charlie Hanks has been right sick for several days, but is improv ing we are glad to note. I Dr. and Mrs. Shore and children, of Boonville, visited In the home of Mrs. W. H. Woodruff recently. Mr. and Mrs. H. G. Blackburn have moved to their farm two miles from Doughton. Mr. and Mrs. Mason Cooper, of Roaring Oap, visited relatives here over the week-end. Lady Says CARDUI Biased Pain In Side Cardul helped an Oklahoma lady, as described below, and many others have been benefited in a n'mUnr way.... "I had a hurting in my side every few weeks," writes Mrs. Bill Stewart, of Dewar, Okla. "I had heard of Cardui and started taking it. It stopped my hurting and built up my strength. I took 11 bottles and I sure felt better." Try Cardui for pains, cramps, nervous ness due to a run-down condition. Thou sands of women testify Cardui benefited them. If It doea oot benefit YOU, con sult a physician. tJML IS IN WONDERWEAR ... OR WHAT THE LOOKING-GLASS SHOWS AL is fed up with Mad Shirters! He's into HANES Won derwear for keeps. Look how a HANES hugs your chest . . . comfortably trim and snug, without a nagging roll or wrinkle! That's because HANBS is elastic-knit . . . with so much strength in the stretch that washing can't make it flabby! Look at the length of HANES Shirts. They go way down on your rear-bumper . . . can't ride up and bunch at your waist. No wonder this is called Wonderwear! Get into a pair of shorts. Raise your legs . . . stoop and stretch. If anything cuts or pulls, take a look at the label—and it won't say HANES! Colors guaranteed fast. Sec your HANES dealer today, and ask for Wonderwear. P. H. Hanes Knitting Company, Winston-Salem, N. C. 39" EACH for Shirts and Shorts Others, 50c and 75c each fSAMSONBAK | Union-Suits. .u f (Sanforized) ■ k~T ZX Others . . 75c t\ WONDERWEAR FOR MEN AND BOYS • FOR EVERY SEASON Hanes Underwear Sold In Elkin By F A, BRENDLE & SON EAST MAIN STREET NO ONE WHO BUYS AND PREPARES FOODS FOR EATING CAN AFFORD TO DO WITHOUT ICE REFRIGERATION! The air in your ice re „ . . . , frigerator is washed ICE refrigeration, alone six times per minute provides a safely LOW M H c ° mes coni f ct temperature, a safely HIGH humidity and flfQ 1 "breathable" air... pro- f |ij \ A tects freshness, whole- I if * t 1 someness, flavor and r | lt weight... anything less 11 T,* is a pitifully poor sub- ' -J ;\r^ A NEW, MODERN ICE REFRIGERATOR For As Little As 10c Per Day! See Them At Our Office! Carolina Ice & Fuel Co. Better Refrigeration at Less Cost Phone 83 Elkin, N. C. For Member House of Representatives TO THE VOTERS OF YADKIN COUNTY: • I hereby announce my candidacy as a member of the House of Rep resentatives, subject to the Repub lican Primary to be held on June 2. Jonesville, the largest town in Yadkin county, has not had a citi zen in public office in the past 30 years and her citizens feel that she should be represented. 5-31 JETER L. HAYNES. CHIROPRACTIC— Used by E. V. Painter, D. C., as trainer of New York Yankee Base ball Club, world's highest-paid athletes, DR. BRANSCOME, Home Hotel