% •* ' Thursday. Jnly 26, 1934 MRS. WOODRUFF'S RECIPE ENDORSED Certificate Awarded By Better Homes And Gardens Magazine Mrs. R. C. Woodruff, of Elkin, has just been awarded a Certificate of Recipe Endorsement by Better Homes & Gardens for her recipe. "Apple Sauce Cake." This certificate, which brings na tional recognition to Mrs. Woodruff is given by Better Homes & Gardens only for distinguished recipes which pass its kitchen's tests for dependa bility, excellence of taste, and fam ily usefulness. In awarding these certificates, it is the magazine's aim to provide proper recognition for the creative work done by women in their own kitchens, and also *o raise the standard of accuracy and dependa bility of recipes as a whole. No other magazine or institution gives this personal recognition and ser vice to its subscribers. Mrs, Woodruff's endorsed recipe follows: APPLE SAUCE CAKE 1-4 cupful of butter 1 cupful of sugar 1 teaspoonful of soda 1 tablespoonful of warm water 1 cupful of unsweetened aplesauce 2 cupfuls of cake flour 1 teaspoonful of cinnamon % teaspoonful of cloves % teaspoonful of nutmeg 1-8 teaspoonful of salt V 2 cupful of seedless raisins % cupful of chopped nutmeats Cream the butter and sugar. Dis solve the soda in the warm water and stir into the applesauce. Add to the creamed mixture then add the flour which has been sifted with the spices and salt. Beat thoroly and stir in the raisins and nutmeats. Place in a greased and floured shal low loaf pan and bake in a moder ate oven (350 degrees). Serve plain or ice as desired. Byes Examined Office: Glasees Fitted Elkin National Bank Bldg. DRS. GREEN and DEANS OPTOMETRISTS Office open daily for optical repairs and adjustments of all kinds. Examinations on Tuesdays and Fridays 1 to 5, 7 to 8:30 P. M. f NOTICE! Pay your electric light bill before the 10th of each month. 5 percent will be added after Uie 10th. SOUTHERN PUBLIC UTILITIES CO. Hours: Open 8:30 A. M., Close 5:00 P. M. PHONE 210 ' ONE GALLON could lift 1 the S. S. Leviathan 7VA inches Ask the Sine/sir Dealer for a folder which explains this—end try H-C for 30 days in your car. ItN h StmUtrtofmmi CtmPrnwy (J*.) Agenf Sinclair Refining Company (Inc.) H. P. GRAHAM TO HOLD JOINT REUNION SUNDAY Atkinson artd Reid Fam ilies to Gather at At kinson Home-Place There will be a joint reunion of th? Atkinson and Reid families Sun day, July 29, at the old Atkinson home-place, two miles south of Ararat depot. In case of excessive rain and bad roads, the meeting will be held at Mt. Zion church, which is half way between Ararat and the farm. The meeting will convene at 10 o'clock and the services will consist of talks, singing, etc. All persons attending are requested to bring a picnic lunch. The event is to honor two aged members of the family, S. J. Atkin son and Elder W. H. Atkinson of Round Peak, both of whom are past eighty years old. Swan Creek News Crops in this section are much im proved following the recent showers. Farmers report a good yield from the grain crops, which are being threshed. A number of people from this com munity attended the funeral of C. W. Gilliam at Bethel Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Couch, of Elkin, visited Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Couch, the former their son, Sunday. Mrs. D. C. Swaim, of Winston- Salem. spent a few days here last week, the guest of her mother, Mrs. Vina Swaim. Misses Belva and Mae Johnson, of Hamptonville, spent last week here the guests of their sister, Mrs. Jack Reavis. Mr. and Mrs. John Pardue, of Elkin spent a few days last week the guests of their son, Rev. R. J. Pardue, and Mrs. Pardue. A marriage of interest to friends in this community is that of Miss THE ELKIN-TRIBUNE, ELKIN, NORTH CAROLINA In Revival Meeting At Pilgrrim Mission MP 9 HL W m fe \ RfPIH "jtfy' Rev. W. A. Way, Greensboro evangelist, (upper left), who will preach at the revival to be held at the Pilgrim Mission on West Main street, be ginning Sunday. Upper right is Miss Huldah Way, daughter of the evan gelist, pianist. Lower is photo of Liberty Hill Radio Quartette, which will render special music during the revival. Maxine Marsh of Mt. Airy, to Her man Swaim of Swan Creek, which was solemnized Saturday, July 21, at Independence, Va. To Make Check Of Contracted Acreage Cotton and tobacco growers who are under reduction contracts are being cautioned by Charles A. Shef field of State College to make care ful measurements of their planted and rented acres. He is also urging them to desig nate which acres have been set aside from cotton or tobacco production so that committeemen who will make a check of the acreage can do so as rapidly as possible. It will be to the farmers' advan tage, he said, to have their produc tion as nearly in line as possible. Growers who have planted more than their contracts allow will be required to reduce their acreage or cancel their contracts and refund any rent al payments they have received. After the committeemen 1 have made their check, government sur veyors will make a recheck of a few farms chosen at random to deter mine the accuracy with which the first check was made. Corrections will be made when necessary. The check will also be made to determine whether the growers have retired from production land which is of good average fertility and whether they have planted on the rented acres any crops which are prohibited under the contracts. Farmers who are not complying with their contracts in every way will be given a chance to do so. If they do not bring their farms into com pliance, their contracts will be for feited. Due to drought conditions in the middle west, the contracts have been modified so that a grower can plant forage and feed crops on all the rented acres. He may also grow for sale such crops on non-rented acres, says Sheffield. Maple Springs News The revival meeting, which has been in progress at Maple Springs for the past week will continue through this week. The services are in charge of the pastor, Rev. R. H. Kennington. The public is cordial ly invited to attend. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Freeman, of Elkin, were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Howell Sunday. Lester Howell, of Alta Vista, Va., returned to his home Monday after spending the week-end here with relatives and friends. Mrs. Richard Walker, of Brier Creek, was the week-end guest t>f Mrs. F. M. Howell. Miss Grace Bryant returned to her home Wednesday from a visit of several days to relatives In Virginia. Miss Nettie Ham returned to her home here Friday from Greensboro, where she has been spending some time with her brother, Carl Ham. Several people of this community attended the funeral of C. W. Gil liam at Bethel Sunday morning. SHOOTS SELF TO DEATH Claude Perry, of Elizabeth City, shot himself to death at the home of his father, J. Walter Perry, in the Okisko section of Pasquotank county Saturday afternoon. The death was reported as a suicide by the county coroner. gg&Ui'* '" +1 ! X SM DCALXJt XOVIimSCMEMT m| ilUflin /CHEVROLET'S famous ease it givci to back-seat and KNEE-ACTION ride— fimt-wst passengers. The safe, wEnOßfl what a difference it makes in the mrm feeling it inspires in rough- BfIfIeBBQTOSZ whole "feel" of driving! Nothing vo*d or high-speed travel. Unless else in the low-price field cornea yea try this Gliding Bide, youH even close to the sensation of it! be i iiiiwiiig the biggest treat n» 1934 The soft, gentle way it smooths motoring! out the bumps. The comfort and Chevrolet Motor Co, Detroit, Mich. • Compare Chevroiet't low deliveredpricm andea*y t GJ&-A.C-ft.tmu, A GatemiMatara Ww. F-W Chevrolet Co. I Phone 255 Elkin, N. C. MINISTER DIES Rev. J. W. Ingle, minister of the Western North Carolina Methodist conference for more than 3p years and superanuated four years ago, died in a Shelby hospital Saturday .norning at 9 o'clock. W WOULD APPRECIATE / THESE TIRES TRUCK OR"TRACTOR' Through snow —through mud— B through sand over the wont roads Jfffl imaginable. Gillette Super Traction Tires are winning, the admiration of thousands of owners, who rejoice daily in their wonderful performance, No more spinning .and sliding in snow, no more floundering in mud, jfl no more stalling in sand. The big knobs calce hold with a powerful grip —arid send you on your way Gillette jk Tires and Tnbe§ l °™ aaca , GUARANTEED 12 MONTHS for PASSENGER CAR SERVICE Guaranteed For Six Months For Commercial Service 99 MILLION FOOT POUNDS PER GALLON H-C GASOLINE OPALINE AND PENNSYLVANIA MOTOR OILS Sinclair Service Station East Main Street, Below New Bridge Elkin, N. C. FULL STRENGTH NAVY President Roosevelt, talking to the crew of the Houston in mid-Pacific Saturday, promised a United States navy up to treaty strength in three or four years.