HOW TO WRITE A COLUMN Practically everybody is secretly of the opinion that they can write a newspaper column. The only difference be tween those who don't write columns and those who do is those who do have just got more gall than those who don't. Or, to put it another way, those who don't write columns are using their heads while those who do merely use a type writer. Column writing—this one, anyway—is a very simple matter. Simple for us due to the fact that we are a very sim ple person, but it would make us mad for you to say so. And to show you, in one easy lesson, how we go about gathering material for all nine of you to complain about, we'll give an il lustration: A few minutes ago we wandered out to Will Holcomb's Store in search of a pop, and while stand ing close to his stove, we heard Mr. Holcomb talking about chick ens, making the statement that ht at one time had a number of fat $34.95 RED CROSS INNER-SPRING MATTRESS With Your Old Mattress THE EAGLE PAUL GWYN I PHONE 258 All Lines of INSURANCE Representing Strong Stock Companies Only—No Mutuals THE BIG REFRIGERATOR BUY FOR 1937! NOW I Mote Ice pruCDll ' Cubes • More Cold ~ ' \ s c r£sp*r. More Conveniences ■ and LESS COST 1 9^ See for Yourself! 1 ■ if Bj NEW LOW PRICES! New O-E Models. H * Naw, Faster Freezing Speed it I ★ Naw, Eaty Out lea CubeTraytl It Naw Thrift-mometer to show at a glance that cabinet tem parcature is correct and ' „ i i.... u ' economical. ★ New Full Width Sliding Shelves to give more usa ble storage capacity, even the top shelf slides! * Automatic Interior lighting. ★ All 4 refrigeration services ■HHHHHH EASY TO BUY I ELKIN PLUMBING & HEATING CO. Phone 254 | Elkin, N. C. » J hens stolen. He also stated that he has a number of bantam hens over at his place. While we were there Mr. Hol comb noticed we had had our hair fresh cut, and Esker Royall, some times known as "the little Chink", wanted to know if we had it cut in order to save money before the scheduled rise of a nickel in bar ber prices here, or words to that effect. Now, with that conversation in mind, here's how our brilliant, though somewhat tarnished mind, transfers it to the Gab Bag: "We've had it on good author ity that Will Holcomb, head of the Holcomb Cash Grocery, and Wee Willie Fu Chong Hand-Rend ing Laundry, Inc., has had his hair cut seven times in the past two days at the old price in or der to save enough money for one TWR BLKIN TRIBUNE. BLKIN. NORTH CABOUNA ' U*Uu>4 tu. fA«4K/iA(Minir Bpw •Alii we ioixnconung price Increase. "It was also learned that Mr. Holcomb, who keeps a well-stock- | ed chicken yard at his home, has two distinct types of chickens, the big, fat Barred Rock type, and bantams. Xt was said that Mr.| Holcomb serves the bantams whenever company comes for din- j ner, and dines upon his plump hens when he Is sure no guests will drop In. However, to play safe he always locks the front door and puts an "OUT" sign in the front window before beginning his repast." By the illustration above you can readily see that Mr. Holcomb is not always as black as he is sometimes painted—and we use Mr. Holcomb merely as one exam ple of the art of exaggeration. SPECIAL BRAND RELIGION We were reading a letter in the ! People's Column of last week's I Tribune a few minutes ago which ' was headed "Deplores Modern Trend," and signed "A Reader, Cycle. N. C.," in which the writer spoke highly of the fine sermons to be heard over the radio and spoke of hard working, underpaid county preachers as "a type of preachers scattered over the coun try as well as over the working districts of cities, that do not know how to preach but think they do." The letter also pointed out the comfort of being able to sit peace fully at home and listen to a ra dio sermon without having to bother getting ready and going to church in person. This writer also mentioned' the comfort of not having a collection plate stuck inder one's nose with these words: "You know, it is mighty queer to a real Bible scholar when he goes to church and has an usher ram a collection plate under his nose. Our churches seem mighty anxious to make those collec tions." This thought he followed up a little later with " . . give us true gospel of Christ, x x x good well informed consecrated preach ers who know how to preach with out having to be paid for it . . ." After reading this far in the letter we sort of got the idea that the writer, whoever he or she is, is bound to be a Scotsman with his own brand of religion. For, to sum up, he favors sitting at home by the radio to hear a sermon so as to save wear and tear on his clothes, car and dis position necessary in actually go ing to church; favors no collec tion plates "rammed" under his nose; and wants fine, consecrated ministers to go about preaching for nothing. It may possibly have skipped his mind that preachers, even that type scattered over the country who "do not know how to preach, but think they do," are sometimes forced to eat a little, and must also wear clothing of a sort, and to get something to eat and something to wear usually requires that folks, even preach ers who don't know how to preach but think they do, have just a little money about somewhere. Mixed in the letter also were a fev remarks about the worthless ness of such programs as Amos 'n' Andy and Lum an' Abner "and such stuff like that." While it may be that "A Reader" doesn't care for that type program, the two programs mentioned above are two of the cleanest to be heard on the radio today, and sel dom a night passes that their characters fail to paint a moral that is a sermon in itself. As far as we're concerned we'll stick to Amos 'n' Andy, Lum an' Abner, and if we take a notion to hear a sermon we'll go to the church and not complain when the collection plate is "rammed" under our nose. We'll just look the other way. • • • THIS AND THAT And now, having delivered our self of such a blasting discourse in opposition to the honest opin ion of somebody else, we'll try and kill the next hour and a half in writing a few more paragraphs necessary to complete our allotted space for this column. At this writing Ot Laffoon, Tribune pressman and inventor, is in the local hospital, but not so ill that he has lost his hank ering for a monkeywrench. Any day now we expect to go see him and find him under the bed try ing to improve on the dinkus that makes hospital beds hump up in $39.50 RED CROSS INNER-SPRING MATTRESS Slightly *OA Soiled TflE EAGLE ILL. ». ' " the middle and elevate at the head. We shudder to think' what would happen 11 ot wan to stray Into the hospital X-ray room and -get Interested in the X-ray equip ment. We would like to say here for the benefit of hospital offi cials that it will be a swell idea to lock up all toels and wrenches while Ot is up there, because that boy just naturally can't resist finding out what makes things work—and it would be unkind to say that once he has found out they sometimes don't. If Ot's listening we're just fool ing. DOUBTFUL Clerk: "My salary is not what it should be." Employer: "But do you think you could live on it if it were?" (% (% ft COLDS V U V FEVER Liquid. Tablets „ day Salve, Nose Drops Headache, SO minutes Try "Rub-My-Tism"-World's Beet Liniment Special For Change of Program Saturday Morning EACH DAY 10 °' clock WBMMBgfI Next Week! Stan - 'OUR RELATIONS' Always the Pick Adm. Only 10c of the Pictures I TODAY AND FRIDAY— MpVT WFPK" r "^ w " i Mßß y ' r " : i 1 i u/\ a ww JLil_i jlai 1 : lIIRHRI£Y TAIKS Ar4o Monday Only— " COMING SPECIALS m. HjV ; -GLAMOROUS ROMANCE BN| "Sworn Enemy" /«Kf FAR-OFF SHANGHAI...! K March ]2 ~ W??T* DON * REV£ IS VKa "college" 8 ILm ATES T SONG H/TSf 1 ■■f ' March 12—(Midnight) W# . i PJIIIKBUU ''g "The Accusing if. #« : 1 March ■ •*: Jf usut ® WKS 1 "Boss Rider of '€tk 'UJMfGf e "*f March o ""*?** shimmt . Wmm M " lio "" Tmmmi 1 . ™ ill i[ ' x '_]r' a i|fi|fc News Cartoon March 29-30 Adm. 10c—30p "Born to Dance" Iff" - P lß[ TUESDAY ONLY— J. EDWARD BROMBERG • NSTRID ALLWYN J|k BinMIII I Directed by William A. S*H*r 4ii and HBWM WLHOW News Adm. in IpM With Selected Short Adm. 10c-30c HARRYCARY-HOOTGIBSON-TOM TYIER wednesd 4y—family show- Mickey Mouse Cartoon—Serial—Comedy KELLY TH-E SECOND Admission 10c-30c Adm. Only 10c *■■ ■■■■•- ■■^■--■•-•'■>* - -j -■ ■'■•-■ ~.--K ■-- 1 * 1 ' = . chM jw« mjSW much kofftr. Seal] k|r tiny mita* thai burn* TURNER DRUG COMPANY CASTIRON RANGE WITH RESERVOIR $35.00 THE EAGLE G, "~" DR. P. W. G^EN*" 1 BM * " -P " g OPTOMETRIST » Offices open daily for optical repairs and adjustments of all kinds. Examinations on Tuesdays and Fridays from 1 to S p. m. By Appointment ~ Phone 14t COMPLETE Foundry And Machine Shop SERVICE Electric and Acetelyne Welding CALL ON US FOR YOUR EVERY NEED DOUBLE EAGLE SERVICE CO. Phone 43 Elkin, N. C. HnonHßnnHHHMHnnißMMßxmiaHni Thnreday, Mareh 4,1937