Thnrsday, August 19, 1937 BEAUTY, BEAUTY EVERYWHERE We don't know whether the women and girls of Elkin should be pleased or displeased over the fact that two or three more beauty shoppes are planning to locate here within the near future. If three more, as reported, should locate here, it will make a total of seven shoppes. Looking at it in one way, seven shoppes will make it easier for the ladies to get their hair twisted and their com plexion renovated but looking at it in another way makes one wonder if local ladies should be flattered by the influx of new beauty establishments. For, after all, beauty establishments always go where they think there is a good field for their wares, and the way they are coming here, it looks like they might think that con siderable beauty is needed in El kin. Which is a roundabout way of wondering if they think the majority of Elkin women are in need of beauty? When HEADACHE 1* Due To Constipation Often one of the first-felt effect! of constipation is a headache. Take a dose or two of purely vegetable Black-Draught! That's the sensible way relieve the constipation. Enjoy the refresh ing relief which thousands of people have reported from the use of Black- Draught. Sold in 25-cent packages BLACK-DRAUCHI A GOOD LAXATIVE "I Am Always Heady To Take [Your Orders" "I don't get tired or sick ond I am ALWAYS on the job. When you call me by pressing a button or throwing a switch I am right there instantly, ready to perform any size job you may desire. I nevc?r hare a vocation, Thursday afternoons off, and never late to work. I am there 24 hours of the day and every day in the year. And the most pleasant part of all is that I work so cheaply . . . and the bigger the job the less pro portionately you pay me for doing it. Let me start to work in your home today. » Your Friend and Servant, Reddy Kilowatt • POWER COMPANY •- * As far as we have been able to note in only a casual survey, the ladies and girls of Elkin are as good looking on the average as those of other towns. There are a few who are considered down right pretty, more who are at tractive, even more who are neith er pretty nor ugly and then those who are homely. Then there is another way to put it, and in this way wfe can divide all the women into two classes: those who think they are pretty and those who think they are pretty. For we have yet to see a female of the specie who, deep down underneath, doesn't consider herself about as pretty as they come when she gets her finery and war paint on. Among the many things we can't understand about women is their willingness to make them selves hideous looking in order to look pretty. There is absolutely nothing attractive about even the THE ELKIN TRIBUNE, ELKIN, NORTH CAROLINA jjiandsomest woman when she (emerges from a beauty shoppe : with her hair plastered flat to her head and alf those little rlng ! lets-to-be hooked up in bobby pins |to undergo the drying process. They all look like they had been | ducked in a rain barrel. Still, once i the finger wave or permanent has been combed out and their faces covered with.'l, a coat of grease; 2, a layer of powdered whitewash, and 3, an application of paint, preferably Fire Chief Red, they are a sight to behold. i But don't pay us any mind. We don't look so good either. i « « * BUT A JAIL IS NEEDED After writing something or oth er in this column last week con cerning Elkin's jail we got to thinking what happened to us fol lowing a Gab Bag campaign for a new fire truck. Our home burn ed up. So—provided we put on one of our guaranteed non-result campaigns for a new jail—chances are we would wind up in it! The Elkin jail has a record of many escapes. Not long ago Chief Graham lodged a prisoner there only to return to find his bird had flown. And following a personal tour of inspection of the thing last Thursday afternoon, we don't blame anyone for trying their best to break out. We'd try it our self if we were ever unfortunate enough to be placed there. Have you ever been in Elkin's jail? We mean just to look around? Suppose you were arrest ed for some petty offense that re quired you to be locked up over night or something. How would you like to be placed in a small, low ceiling wooden cage, without light or adequate ventilation, and have to sleep on a naked mattress resting on a wooden bunk with a filthy open commode within 12 inches of your sleeping place? Well, that's what would happen if you were placed in the Elkin jail, as shameful as it seems. There are only two cells for the accomodation of prisoners, these facing each other across a narrow hall. It is often, we were told, that it is necessary to place men in one cell and women in the other, which results in a complete lack of privacy for all concerned. If ever a town had anything to really be ashamed of, Elkin has it in its jail! Go down and have a look sometime. QUESTION AND ANSWER What is an instrument of tor- | ture? Alarm clock. » * « THIS AND THAT We have heard tell that the State Highway Patrol is now bus ily engaged in a campaign against speeders on the highway. The patrolmen, we are told, have or ders to impress it upon motorists that the lawful speed limit is 45 miles per hour. One local man we know of can attest to he fact that they are ac tually pulling folks for speeding. If you don't believe it, ask him to show you his receipt for $9.00, representing fine and costs. It was said the highway patrol is out to c,ut down highway acci dents and is devoting its attention to speeding, after trying about everything else without much suc cess. It may be that they've got something there. | MOUNTAIN PARK Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Cockerham and small son, Jimmy, of Wins ton Salem, spent Sunday here visiting relatives. Mrs. Claud Harris and children spent last Friday in Winston-Sa lem visiting relatives. Mrs. C. M. Johnson and daugh*- ter, Annie Laurie, spent part of last week in Mt. Airy, the guests of Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Walters. Mr. M. K. Landrieth and son, Mack, attended the foot-washing at New Salem chruch near Sparta last Sunday. Mrs. J. A. Swift is spending this week with her daughter Mrs. E. C. Adams of Winston-Salem. Mr. and Mrs. B. J. Snow spent Sunday at Snow Hill. Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Walters of Mt. Airy visited relatives here Sunday. ' We are sorry to note that Mrs. John Kapp has returned home from the hospital unimproved. Mr. and Mrs. Garvin Walters and family spent part of Sunday at Thurmond. Wasn't Afraid Country Gentleman: "Here, hold my horse a minute, will you?" Senator from Kentucky; "Sir, I am a member of Congress." C. G.: "That's all right, I'll trust you." -i ri Hardly gSgiJ "Did your watch stop when it hit the floor?" "Sure, did you think it would go on through?" T NOTICE OF SALE Under and by virtue of the power contained in a certain deed cf trust executed by B. W. Dar nell, (single) to the undersigned trustee and recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds of Sufry County in Book 112, page 106, de fault having been made in the payment of the note thereby se cured and at the request of the holder of the same, the under signed trustee will offer for sale at public auction to the highest bidder for cash on Monday, Sep tember 13, 1937, at two o'clock P. M., in front of the Post Office, Elkin,'Surry County, North Caro lina, the following described real estate, to-wit: BEGINNING at an iron stake on the west side of Elkin Shoe Co., road, Charley Darnell and Mrs. Ernest Mickle's corner, and running with said road and Mrs. Mickle's line south 35 degrees east 9 6-10 poles to a stake on the east side of said road; thence south 34 1-2 degrees west crossing said road 14 4-10 poles to an iron stake, Mrs. Mickle's corner in the Elkin Shoe Co.'s line; thence with Elkin Shoe Company's line three IT'S ALWAYS COOL AT THE LYRIC TODAY ONLY—(THURSDAY)— t ' Brought B&ck By Popular Request! See "Tracier Horn" The Most Thrilling Africa Picture Ever Produced! News Adm. 10c-25c FRIDAY ONLY— On The Screen "Angel's Holiday" On The Stage TINY DODSON'S "CAROLINA BUDDIES" WITH "SHORTY" CANDLER MUSIC—COMEDY Admission 10c-25c FRIDAY—MIDNIGHT SHOW— "CHARLIE CHAN AT THE OLYMPICS" Admission 10c-25c SATURDAY— * !■ mrw troubador of the plains, - M/ gun justice to the hom m|gji bres of the Bad Lands I h " \ \ - 7 »' \ - a , ai, .fey | **«. KWtK ULj art MO statu ; Cartoon—Serial—Comedy Adm. 10c-30c I courses and distances as follows: ! South 88 1-2 degrees east 22 poles to an iron in a road, south 66 1-2 degrees east 13 7-10 poles to a stake at the fort oi the road, and south 85 degrees east 54 4-10 poles to a marked poplar and on same course about 2 poles to the right of way of the Elkin and Alleghany Railroad; thence along the west margin of said right-of-way north 29 1-2 degrees west 36 1-2 poles to a branch, Gus Shore's corner; thence westwardly up said branch as it meanders 51 poles to a rock, Shore's corner; thence north 38 degrees west 16 1-2 poles to a rock on the south side of a road, Shore's corner in John Wall's line; thence with Wall's line south 50 degrees west 6 poles, to an iron and south 50 degrees west 6 7-10 poles to the point of be ginning, containing 11 acres, more or less, the principal part of the above described land having been conveyed to said Darnell in July, 1917, by Paul Shore and wife, Princess Shore, being tract No. 2 in said deed. This the 11th day of August, 1937. 9-2 C. G. ARMFIELD, Trustee. Eyes Examined Office: Glasses Fitted Elkin National Bank Building DR. P. W. GREEN OPTOMETRIST Offices open daily for optical repairs and adjustments of all binds. Examinations on Tuesdays and Fridays from 1 to 5 p. m. My Appointment Phone 149 Radio Service BY AN EXPERT , RADIO SERVICE MAN ' i Complete Line of Tubes and Parts Hayes & Speas (Incorporated) PHONE 70 ELKIN, N. C. NEXT WEEK—MONDAY-TUESDAY— i EVERY WOMAN MUST MAKE A FOOL 7/ OF HERSELF OVER J ■ J BI l H IVIIVI : ft I ■■ H I I ■ ■ 11 ■■&•■•• iFiii IMB l ■BB WAYNE MORRIS • JANE BRYAN HARRY CAREY • WILLIAM IAAOI Mttk and Lima by M. K. Jerome and J*eb SchoO • Directed by Mich««l Cwtb A W.t...8.n. *-*'■- * J --'- J ti n- p ■- I' \ H »• " •»n«r prof. nR'/tOlptcO rrofw rf#n€« Wilbcc't S«6ird«y Evening Pwt IMM mBRWIMMBWuhB News —Cartoon Admission 10c-30c WEDNESDAY—FAMILY SHOW— Admission Only 10c To All COMING BACK For The THIRD TIME August 27 "BANJO ON MY KNEE"