LAPITALI Dobson, Oct. 18.—It is with a tinge of sadness we trace these lines in memory of "Grandma Reid" as she was familiarly called, who died last Wednesday evening. As the day deepened Into darkness, her spirit went out into the vast beyond. Mrs. Lou Reid, nee Bobbltt, was the widow of the late N. J. Reid, and mother of our townsman and successful merchant, W. E. Reid, her only son, the other children having died some years ago. She was 77 years old, and had been in feeble health for some years. Everything, was ddne for her comfort in declining years, that tender hands could do. Mrs. Brooks of Lenoir, was her most recent nurse and was with her to the end. Funeral services were held in the Methodist church on Friday, conducted by her pastor, Rev. C. W. Russell, assisted by her former pastor, Rev. Totherow of Winston-Salem. The beautiful floral tributes were tokeni of the esteem of many friends. Her body was placed in the Dobson ceme tery, beside her late husband. IREDELL COUNTY Agulcultural FAIR October 25-26-27-28-29-30 6—BIG DAYS AND NIGHTS—6 STATESVILLE, N. C. Admission Adults 25c Children 10c AGRICULTURAL, LIVESTOCK AND POULTRY EXHIBITS Children's Day TUESDAY, OCTOBER 26 All Children Free—All Shows sc—All Rides 5c to Children That Day Until 6 P. M. BIG CARNIVAL ON MIDWAY! CIRCUS ACTS—FIREWORKS DAILY Premium Book Now Ready—Apply at Office WANTED: COUPLE TO GET MARRIED AT FAIR PLENTY PRESENTS Office Headquarters: First National Bank Building, Statesville, N. C. FOR SALE: CONCESSIONS—EATING STANDS AND DRINKING STANDS C. W. Cracraft, Mgr. Phone 1074 ■ - \ The Woman's Club of the sixth district, held its annual meeting in Mount Airy last Tuesday, at the Central Methodist church. The officers of the State and many of the club presidents oi this district were In attendance. Mrs. A. D. Folger presided. Mrs. H. O. Woltz Is secretary and Mrs. Ethel Porter, general Federation contact chairman. The meeting opened with the club hymn. The welcome was given by Mrs. Archie Carter, with response "by Mrs. Charles Hiatt of Pilot Mountain. The chief addresses of the day were given by the State President, Mrs. How ard G. Etherldge and Mrs. J. N. Britt, chairman of Districts. Miss Emma Comer of, the Dobson Woman's Club, was unanimous ly elected district president. A bountiful luncheon was served by the local club in the dining room of the church. The October session of next year will be held with the King Woman's Club. The first Woman's Club meet ing of Dobson for this year was held in the club house last Thursday evening, with Mr 3. W. E. Hancock presiding. The rlub song was first on the program, with Miss Edythe Reece, pianist. The Collect was repeatel in uni son by the club. Minutes of May meeting were read and approved Treasurer's report, also corres ponding secretary's report were read, and other business trans acted. Mrs. E. L. Taylor won the THE BLKIN TRIBUNE, ELKIN, NORTH CAROLINA Owen Mayse of Mount Airy, sang two solos, "Sylvia," and the 'Old Refrain," accompanied by Mrs. Hauser of Mount Airy. Mrs. Emma Comer Introduced Mr. 'Carl Pelts, superintendent of King school, who made an inter esting and Instructive talk on "International Relations" Gifts were presented to Mr. Felts and the musicians by Mrs. A. Moore. During the social hour tea and wafers were served by the enter tainment committee of the month, Mrs. Emma Mock, chair man, Mrs. Emma Hampton, Mrs. Rosa Booker, Mrs. John Richards, Mrs. Aubrey Moore, Mrs. R. A. Freeman, Miss Edythe Reece and Miss Flora Mae Lucky. Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Moser of Zebulon, were guests for the week end of Mr. and Mrs. Ivey Rogers and other relatives of Dobson. Mrs. John Knight returned to Dobson Friday, after spending two weeks with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Shaffner, of Winston- Salem. Miss Mary Cooper, student of N. C. C. W., Greensboro, spent the week-end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Grady Cooper. Rev. O. H. Hauser of Westfield, preached In the Baptist church Sunday morning. Mr. J. T. Threatte was called back to Baltimore Saturday to the bedside of his brother-in-law, Mr. Brassington, who was very critically ill. Mrs. Lamont and Mrs. Callie Hassler spent the week-end with friends at Spruce Pine. Mrs. W. E. Hancock, Mrs. Grady Cooper, Mrs. Robinson, Mrs. W. M. Jackson, Mrs. Emma Mock, Mrs. W. L. Reece, Mrs. Emma Hampton and Miss Emma Comer attended the club meeting at Mt. Airy Tuesday. j BURCH Rev. A. B. Hayes of Mountain View filled his regular appoint ment at Little Richmond Baptist church Saturday and Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Grover Key re turned to their £ome in Galax, Virginia, Sunday, following a visit of several days to friends and rel atives here. Roger Sprinkle of Winston- Salem spent the week-end at Fairview, the guest of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. W. Sprinkle. Friends of Mrs. Alice Hampton will regret to know that she re mains seriously ill at her home at Friendship. Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Humph ries had as their Sunday guests, Mr. and Mrs. N. F. Christian and daughter. Miss Hilda, and Stan ley and Erwin Christian of West field and J. C. Kerley of Elkin. W. H. Sneed and Andrew Bar ber made a business trip to Wins ton-Salem Monday. Mrs. Tom Pruitt, who has been a patient In a Morganton hos pital for sometime, does not im prove, her friends will regret to know. Miss Irene Handy of North Wilkesboro spent the week-end here with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Handy. Mr. and Mrs. Columbus Wil liams of High Point spent the week-end here the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Ashburn. Mrs. Grace Whitaker and daughters, Misses Rachel and Margaret, of Greensboro, spent several days last week visiting friends and relatives at Friend ship. , Miss Lillie Felts of Cycle, vis ited friends here over the week end. Mrs. Santford White is spend ing several days In High Point, the guest of her daughter. Rev. T. S. Draughan of Crutchfield will preach a t Friendship Baptist church Satur day and Sunday. The public is cordially invited to attend. Mrs. S. N. Emory of Charlotte is the guest of friends and rela tives here this week. Rev. E. G. Jordon of Elkin will fill his regular appointment at Bessie's Chapel Saturday and Sunday. Miss Ola Hampton of Raleigh was called here last week on ac count of the Illness of her moth er, Mrs. Alice Hampton. • ReVi E. R. Calloway of Moun tain Park will preach at Fair view Saturday evening at 6:30 and Sunday morning at 11 o'clock. The public Is Invited. Rev. and Mrs. T. M. Chandler cpent Sunday near Hlllsvllle, Va. visiting friends. BETHEL Ronda, route 2, October 19. The quartet singing that was held at Union church last Sunday af ternoon was a success in every respect. This was the first meet ing of the Briar Creek Quartet singing, of which Rev. R. R. Cra ter is chairman. Beginning at 2 o'clock P. M., with the devotional being led by Rev. Mr. Woo ten, who read the Ist Psalm and led in prayer. Singers who participated were: The Jones family, assisted by D. S. Gilliam, from Bethel church; Pilgrim male quartet. Pilgrim Pte- male quartet. Pleasant Grove girls' • quartet, Patterson Avenue quartet, from Winston-Salem. The Laning Trio Family and a bass solo rendered by a Mr. Chambers from Winston-Salem, which was enjoyed much. We have never attended a ser vice of singing where the audience was more attentive and interest ed. It seemed to revive the peo- You Wouldn't Buy One of These OLD RADIOS , For A New 1938 Model? THIS WAS NEW IN 1916 Here's PROOF "1 Is Y£M&^SLI . 1934 ZENITH READ PROOF Zenith Radio Corporation Chicago, U. S. A. , October 12, 1937 Hinshaw Cash Hardware Co. This Was e"""' n - c - New in Attention: Leo Hinshaw, Mgr. tm m Dear Mr. Hinshaw: I Q4 JL %J %J i Attached is a print of the old slanting panel Zenith which was in the 1934 line, This j s £en t you in response to your re- Very truly yours, * ( ZENITH RADIO CORPORATION N. H. Terwilliger Sales Promotion Manager. NHT:W / WITH SLANTING PANEL ZENITH ALWAYS AHEAD s * j||^1938 193 8? * The RADIO ... JBt offers LAZY Tuning! jjfc even rising from your restful arm chair, you now tune in the ends of the earth, your favorite stations far or near—for here is no scanty hand- • " ful of stations to be selected by remote control. Here are all stations your set \\_tr: \ receives! Everywhere! All at your finger tips! ggSSfesr~ i ZENITH ARM CHAIR 5R236 —A smart arm- ZENITH ARM CHAIR 55237 —Modern arm ■ffljfflj jjjl \| I ■ chair radio that will harmonize with any chair radio, with convenient bookshelf. r s " ' room setting. 5 tubes, Tunes American American and Foreign Broadcasts; 6-in. •JU Broadcasts, 5-ln. Speaker, Kilocycle Cov- Speaker. Tone Control. Local Station Indi erage (540-1752 K. C.), 21 sOy|9s cators. (540-18,400 K. C.), 18 inches high, and Walnut finish «>4 Available in Bone White, Ebony *4A95 fi)S»ft and Walnut finish fKJ filluiH P ZENITH ARM CHAIR BAR 6S24l—Artier, tHH \ ican and Foreign Broadcasts, Police, Ama- ZENITH ARM CHAIR 75240 American • teur, Aviation, Ships, 8-in. Speaker. Con- and Foreign Broadcasts, 8-in. Speaker, " . tinuous Type Control, 21 inches high. Com- "Robot" Dial, Spinner Tuning, Tell-Tale Plete with glasses. With $Ai9 5 Controls, (540-18,400 K. C.) *QQ 95 antenna 23 inches high ...1 Jlif. Kyr ' ZENITH Your 01d Radio As n_ i. PUTS THE WORLD Down Payment... «f#!y AT YOUR ELBOW! Balance Small Weekly ||Mr Payments! Hinshaw Cash Hardware Co. NEXT TO TURNER DRUG CO. ELKIN, N. C. ple spiritually and was a happy j The chairman expressed the desire to have all the singers whoj would to join the next meeting with their Gospel quartettes, du-| ets, solos and tenors, which will, be held at Ronda school auditor-' Sum the third Sunday in /January, beginning at 1:30 P. M. Ronda fcingtr ; Coanntfam To Be Held October 31st The Ronda singing convention I will hold its fifth Sunday meet -1 ing at Swan Creek church Sun | day, October 31st. ! The meeting will open at 10 o'clock and all singers are invited to be present and have a part in I the service. Thursday, October 21. 1937 Located "Look here, what do you mean by this? 'Among the most beauti ful girls was Luclan Dingley.' Why, you crazy Idiot! Old Dingley isn't a girl—and besides he's one of our principal stockholders." "I can't help that," returned the realistic reporter. "That's where he was."