Thursday, October 21, 1937 atroTAR Miss Annie Louise smith spent the week-end in Burlington, the guest of friends. Friends of W. J. Burcham will regret to know that he is quite ill at his home on Elk Spur street. Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Hlnson of Brooks Cross Roads spent Sunday in Charlotte! Qastonia and Bel mont. Miss Myrtle Motsinger of Wins ton-Salem arrived Tuesday for a visit to Miss Thorburn Lillard at her home on Gwyn avenue. Miss Pauline Gibson spent the week-end in Greensboro, the guest of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Allyn Gibson. Miss Margaret Eaton of Yad kin v ill e was the week-end guest of Miss Margaret Holcomb, at her home in Jonesville. W. M. Everette returned Sun day from a vacation trip of two weeks to Elkins and Charlottes ville, West Virginia. Mrs. M. C. Whitner left Wed nesday for an extended visit to relatives in Atalnta and other places in Georgia. Mrs. R. G. Franklin is spend ing this week in Winston-Salem, the guest of Mr. and Mrs. T. G. Trivette, the latter her daughter. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Callahan of Raleigh were the week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Snow at their home on in North Elkin. Mrs. Tom Smith and little son, Tommy, of Lenoir, spent the week end here the guests of her par ents, Dr. and Mrs. W. M. Jenkins, at their home on Market street. Herman Sale, a student at North Carolina State College, Raleigh, spent the week-end here with his mother, Mr,s. W. S. Sale, at her home on Bridge street. Mesdames L. E. Aldridge, M. C. Whitner and W. A. Johannes, Jr., spent Friday in Guilford College, the guests of the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Smith. Miss Myra Sale of Raleigh and Garner, spent the week-end here with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Sale. She had as her guest Miss Dale Gulledge of Raleigh. I Miss Margaret Galloway of Greensboro was the week-end guest of Dr. and Mrs. Wm. A. Jenkins at their home on Market street. Wilbur Carter is expected to return tomorrow from Eustis, Florida, where he has been for the past week, visiting his father, Ed R. Carter. Miss Delphine Crump of Wins ton-Salem arrived Wednesday for a visit in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Alex Chatham on East Main street. Mr. and Mrs. Steve Stephens of Statesville, were the guests Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. L. P. Walker, at their home on Church street. Mr. and Mrs. Wilson L. Stratton of Charlotte, spent the week-end here the guests of Mrs. Stratton's mother, Mrs. R. L. Kirkman, at her home on West Main street. Mrs. Edith Brown and little daughter, Nancy, of Wilkesboro, were the guests last week of Mrs. Fred Neaves, at her home on Gwyn Avenue. Mrs. Mary Laster and Edna White Dillon returned Sunday from Duncan, where they visited Mrs. James Holyfield. They also attended the State Fair at Ral eigh. Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Holcomb had as their guests Saturday, Mrs. Judson Ashby and little daughter, Bess, and Mrs. W. S. Wolfe and daughter, Miss Sadie, all of Mt. Airy. Mrs. S. L. Muse will return to her home in Junction City, Ar kansas, Saturday, following a vis it to Mr. and Mrs. R. O. Smith, the latter her daughter, at their home on Gwyn Avenue. Mrs. A. M. Smith returned to her home here Wednesday from Duke Hospital, Durham, where she has been taking treatment for the past month. The many friends of Mrs. Smith will be glad to know that she is much improv ed. " i Mattie Mae Powell NOTARY PUBLIC Building * Lean Office Main Street Tailoring Drew Making AU Kinds mi Sewing Mrs. C. W. Laffoon Elk Spur Street Plume 119-R Mrs. J. R. Polndexter and her sister. Miss Julia Ashburn, of Richmond, Va., returned Sunday from Hendersonville, N. C., and Johnson City, Tenn., where they spent several days. Mesdames Eph Whisenhunt, M. A. Royall, W. W. Whitaker. W. J. Thurmond, Wm. A. Jenkins and Mason Lillard attended the state W. C. T. U. meeting in North Wilkesboro Saturday. Mrs. T. W. Church had as her week-end guests at her home on Gwyn Avenue, Misses Carolyn Salmons, Ella Jordon ogburn and Viola Hutchison, all of Winston- Salem. Alex Chatham, in, a student at Duke University, Durham, spent the week-end here the guest of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Alex Chatham at their home on East Main street. Mrs. Gray Brown and little daughter, Sandra, returned to their home in Burlington last week, following a visit of three weeks to her sister, Mrs. W. F. Reece, at her home on Bridge stretet. Mrs. E. Carl Boyles and little daughter, Jane, spent the latter part of the week in Mount Airy, the guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. Coke Marion. Mr. Boyles went over for the week-end and to ac company them home. L. S. Weaver of Jonesville, L. P. Amburn of Elkin and Boon ville, and Rev. I. L. Sharpe of Yadkinville, will leave today for Asheville to attend the Western North Carolina Methodist con ference. Mrs. Fred Colhard and daugh ter and sons, Miss Dorothy and Fred and Charles, and Nick Tea gue, spent the week-end in Thax ton, Virginia, the guests of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Mar shall. I L. O. Baker, of the F-W Chev rolet Co., attended the pre-an nouncement showing of the 1938 Chevrolet at Charlotte last week. Monday Mr. Baker attended the Sales Managers training school at Greensboro. Dr. Wm. A. Jenkins and Rev. L. B. Abernethy left Wednesday for Asheville to attend the annual Western North Carolina Confer ence of the Methodist church which will be in session through Monday. Mesdames L. I. Halsey and Mrs. Cam Fields returned to their homes in Mouth-of-Wilson, Va., Saturday, following a visit to the former's mother, Mrs. Anna Gra ham, at her home on Gwyn ave nue. Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Sale, Mr. and Mrs. O. P. Walls and Frank Sale attended the wedding of their son and brother, Fred Sale to Miss Nelle Morrison at the home of the bride in Statesville Saturday afternoon. Rich Chatham, Jr., a student at North Carolina State College, Ra leigh, spent the week-end here with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Chatham, at their home on East Main street. He had as his guest, John Perkins, also a stu dent at State. Alexander Smith, a student at N. C. State College, Raleigh, and Miss Harvison Smith, a student at Montreat College, Montreat, spent the week-end here with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. G. Smith, at their home on Gwyn avenue. Mr. and Mrs. Smith al so had as their guest, Miss Car oline Harris, a student at St. Mary's, Raleigh. Dr. and Mrs. Wm. R. Wellborn, Mrs. J. Ralph Reece and Mrs. W. B. Reeves attended the wedding of Miss Ruth Reeves to Samuel Panell Wilson at the Baptist church in West Jefferson Satur day evening. Immediately after the ceremony Dr. and Mrs. B. E. Reeves, parents of the bride, en tertained at a reception. Mrs. Wilson is well known here, where she has frequently visited. Mr. and Mrs. Franklin Folger spent the week-end in Burlington, where they attended the wedding of Miss Helen Long to George Atwell Long. The wedding was solemnized in a formal church ceremony Saturday evening at eight.o'clock. Mrs. Folger was one of the bridesmaids. Mrs. Long is well known here where she has frequently been the guest of Mrs. Folger. THE ELKIN TRIBUNE, ELKIN, NORTH CAROLINA | WITH THE SICK | The following patients have been admitted to the local'hospit al during the past week: Lola Yar boro, Elkln; Chas. Alexander, Elk in; Paul White, Dobson; Mrs. Ru by Roberts, State Road; Woodrow Cooper, Thurmond; Ruohs Pyron, A%£ *JL See Del Monte,s Chefs 90 merr y J£>W wn/wiio Piling shelves with Summer cheer. k /fK//#US Hear them cryin g « D o Not Tarry Wm&mk. PAN TRY Fill 'em up—For Winter's near." I Stock Your Pantry Now DEL MONTE DEL MONTE - v DEL MONTE Catsup FancyCaliforniaPeaches Pineapple 9 —14 Ounce Bots. 97c 9 I ARfC fANC - 9 Large Cans 42c g—l4 Ounce Bots. YJ C 112 LARGE CANS $1.99112 Large Cans $2.39 DEL MONTE DEL MONTE FancyßartlettPears Fruit CocktaO 2 LARGE CANS : 42 e 2 NO. 1 TALL CANS 29 s rl2 LARGE CANS - $2.39 12 NO. 1 TALL CANS - sl-69 O T i f ~~ "S Del Monte BROKEN Whole Peeled I fi Lg. Cans CI ft*} O .pi.VO "Mighty Good" Picnic Size ————- I \ J] yj \ Del Monte Del Monte 2 Pounds 55 c IW/ I \ 2 Cans 35 c Whole Kernel I Country Gentle- / Golden Bantam man 6 Pounds $1.59 /—J[ 12 Cans $1.98 CORN CORN —~ 2 Cans 29' i- 39° Campbell Tomato Soup g Cans - yjc 12 Cang —$1.45 4CANS 29C 12CANS 83C R jflSO »nm I f.Tirr MONTE PINEAPPLE JUICE 4 Cans 37 c . Lar K e Pacnn APPLE SAUCE D£L MONT£ pRUNES 2 Lb - 18? I LuC 4 No. 2 cans 29c QUAKER OATS -* 3 pkgs - 25 c DAlMft||tf _ 12 No. 2 Cans 79c CORN FLAKES 3 Pkgs - 19 c VAm UL,V P-NUT BUTTER 2 Lb - Jar 22 c SOAP OCTAGON SOAP OCTAGON POWDER - 10 Small pk » s -23 c 4 Cakes 23 c 10 Small Cakes OCTAGON GRANULATED SOAP 2 ]yc I Complexion Cloth I 23c LYE. RED DEVIL 2 Cans 18 c Free BEEF ROAST Native ' Rib ' Chuck or Shonlder ' Lb - 20° ICEBERG LETTUCE 2 Heads 15 c FRESH GROUND BEEF For Loaf Lb - 20 c TOMATOES Fancy California Pound 10° VEAL CHOPS " Meat y" - Lb - 25 c SQUASH Fancy Yellow Pound 10° MIXED SAUSAGE - Lb - 20 6 GRAPES Fancy Tokay 3 Lbs " 25 ° !,7™V„• tu or ORANGFS Florida, Med. Size Dozen OAc !!'g£ - MM POTATOES No - 1 F "" r —— M" I*-W* 1 *-W* Joe Bivins Foley Norman ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■Mi Elkin; Harold Hemric, Jonesville; Mrs. J. Rush Thompson, Glade Valley; Mrs. Edith Gray, Jones ville; Selma Guyer, Elkin; Mrs. Hazel Byrd. Elkin; Felix Shew, Roaring River; Versle Haynes, Jonesville; Curtis M. Dunford, Sparta; Sherrill Bryant, Boonville; Rosalee Bryant, Boonville; Doro thy Jean Vestal, Boonville; John Tate, Mount Airy; Pearl McGln nis, Lenoir; Howard Porter, jones ville; Mrs. Susie Horton, Vilas. Patients dismissed during the week were: Mrs. Bunie Royall, Jonesville; Emmaline Neaves. El kin; Chas. Alexander, Elkin; Woodrow - Cooper, Thurmond; RUohs Pyron, Elkin; Mrs. Hazel Byrd, Elkin; Mrs. Luther Cock erham, Elkin; Sherrill Bryant, j Boonville; Rosalee Bryant, Boon- ] ville. I Y. T. H. F. Organize ; The Mountain Park chapter of i the Young Tar Heel Farmers met on October 12 in the agriculture classroom of Mountain Park High Bchool and elected the fol- lowing officers: President, Tom Lewis; Vice-President, Charles Swift; Secretary, Kemp Lewis; Reporter, Clark Cofckerham; Treasurer, Kent Haynes; Watch Dos, Tom Shores; Adviser, Mr, Allan P. Kinzle. A program committee was ap pointed to work out a program fpr the year 1937-38.