Elkin "The Best Little Town In North Carolina" VOL. No. XXVII. No. 6 RODSEVET SAYS "FEAR CAMPAIGN" SLOWED RECOVERY Papers and Industry Said In stigating Campaign POWER TALKS ARE HELD President Confers With Util ity Chiefs Will Con tinue Fight CONCILIATION SCOUTED Washington, Dec. 21.—President Roosevelt today charged a major ity of the newspapers of the country, and a minority in in dustry, with instigating and fost ering a campaign of fear which has retarded recovery. As an example of the effect of this fear psychosis, he cited the inability of private utilities to ob tain "junior" money to permit of expansion, as related to him today by William H. Taylor, president, Philadelphia Electric company, and Prank R. Phillips, Duquesne Ught company. It had further de terred a Philadelphia manufactur er from expressing his views in favor of the enactment of wage hour legislation, and the head of v a New England tool plant from .Xmdorsing legislation designed to farm prices, for both of the President said he had **Hffrered to obtain radio time for that purpose. The President, following a visit of the two utility executives, ac compained by Senator Guffey, of Pennsylvania, and Judge Frank McNinch, adviser to the President on power questions, told news paper correspondents at his semi weekly press conference that all were in general accord upon the theory of "prudent investment" as the basis for rate making in the sale of power. This was comfirmed by the utilites heads, although with resverations when It came to details. 4 The discussion covered many phases of the utility business, the President indicated, but in talking with large group of correspond ents that thronged his office, he seemed more interested in attack ing those whom in turn he charg ed with the spreading of fear throughout the country. FIVE ARE INJURED IN AUTO ACCIDENT Winston-Salem and Ronda People Are Rushed to Hos pital Here After Wreck ON TRAPHILL HIGHWAY Five persons were injured in a wreck on the Traphill road near Pleasant Hill school shortly after noon Sunday when two automo biles collided. Mr. and Mrs. Delos Holbrook, of Winston-Salem were occupants of one car and three Ronda young men were riding In the other ma chine. Mrs. Holbrook sustained a fractured hand and head injur ies, while Mr. Holbrook escaped with minor lacerations. Russell Casey, 22, of Ronda, driver of one car, suffered a fracture of the spine and Willis Tucker, 32, received head injur ies. Colon Tucker, 15, suffered a fractured arm. All five Were immediately rush ed to Elkln hospital. Officers who examined the scene of the wreck were at a loss to understand the cause, the road where it took place being wide enough for three cars to pass abreast, it was said. Tribune to Close For Holidays This Afternoon In enter that the staff may t have severs] days holiday for Christmas, The Tribune office will close this afternoon and ww# closed until Monday mornin*. Merry Christmas! ■ i 7tL\k e^- 1 V\e-«/ \ * 4 ; ' T . THE ELKIN TRIBUNE Off To England ■t Joseph P. Kennedy succeeds Robert W. Bingham as Ambassa dor to the Court of St. James, America's highest diplomatic post. Washington correspondents com mented on the unusual speed with which Kennedy had been appoint ed, picked up rumors that New Deal insiders, jealous of Kennedy's popularity and influence, united in sponsoring him for the foreign post to get him away from the po litical scene here. TWO OLD SOLDIERS GET THEIR CHECKS Bryant and Jester Unable to Get to Town For Pensions BOTH ARE VERY FEEBLE Yadkinville, N. C~ December 22. —Yadkin county's two remaining soldiers of the War Between the States failed to> show up for their semi-annual pension check this week, they being too feeble and 111 to come to town. R. Prank Jester, 89, is in Elkin hospital receiving treatment and William F. Bryant, 96, was too feeble to get to town. A total of $3,219.50 was dis tributed in checks here by J. L. Crater, clerk of court, who has been handling them for upwards of 30 years. Aside from the two remaining soldiers of the gray, there were 19 widows who receiv ed $150.00 each and five who re ceived SSO. each and two negro servants got SIOO each. Two widows died before receiv ing their checks, one of them dy ing the day they arrived. She was I Irs. Mary Campbell of upper Yad kin county, who was buried Sun day. The other one was Mrs. Bet ty Poindexter, who got her check here but has been living in Wins ton-Salem. LOCAL MASONS TO INDUCT OFFICERS Stacey Weaver Will Take Of fice Tuesday Night as Worshipful Master SOCIAL HOUR PLANNED New officials of the Elkln Ma sonic Lodge, elected at a meeting last Tuesday evening, will be In stalled at a meeting to be held next Tuesday evening beginning at 7:30 p. m. New officers to be installed are Stacey Weaver, worshipful master; M. C. Whitener, senior warden; Hugh Royall, junior warden; E. W. McDaniel, secretary; Abe Har ris, treasurer. Other officers, are as yet to be appointed. Following the Induction cere mony, a social hour will be held, It was said. OFFICERS INSTALLED AT YADKINVILLE LODGE In a business session the Yad kinville lodge, No. 182, A. F. and A. M. elected its officers and in stalled them for the coming year. The lodge then raised an empty stocking fund for destitute fam ilies. Officers installed were: Wor shipful Master, F. D. B. Harding; Senior Warden, W. E. Dobbins, Jr. Warden, A E. Hall; Senior Deacon, R. H. Crater; Jr. Deacon, J. H. P. Shore; Treasurer, T. R. Cleary and Secretary. D. L. Kelly. IATENEWC from the State and Nation ROAD PROJECTS BIDS ANNOUNCED Raleigh, Dec. 21. The state highway and public works com mission announced today low bids totaling $1,192,201.84 on 18 road projects. Contracts will be awarded at a meeting of the fall commission tomorrow. A total of $1,250,000 in North Carolina and federal funds had been earmarked for the work. N. C. PRISONER NABBED IN ARIZONA Phoenix, Ariz., Dec. 21 Po lice announced today they were holding Willie Evans, 32, a ne gro, for North Carolina state prison authorities. The officers said the negro admitted his identity and told them he had escaped the North Carolina prison, where he was serving a 20 to 25-year sen "tence for murder. They said he had agreed to waive extradi tion. ENGLAND CAUTIONS JAPANESE London, Dec. 21. Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain today cautioned Japan against being deceived by British pa tience and told her to prove-her "determination and ability'/ to prevent further infringement of British rights in China. He spoke in a foreign affairs debate in the house of com mons during which Liberal Leader Sir Archibald Sinclair urged that Britain move more warships within range of China. ADVISE AMERICANS TO EVACUATE CITY Shanghai, Dec. 22 (Wed nesday) United con sular authorities today advised Americans to evacuate the in dustrial city of Tsingtao as fears increased that a Japa nese attack was imminent. Unconfirmed reports gave estimates that 30,000 Japanese troops had left Shanghai since Sunday aboard transports for an uprevealed destination. Eighty more transports were reported at Woo Ming waiting for troops. These extensive secret troop movements led to the belief that some of China's great coastal cities, possibly Tsingtao Canton and Hangchow, would be the next objective of the Japanese. U. S. MAY TAKE LEADERSHIP Washington, Dec. 21. President Roosevelt hinted to day the United States might assume the "leadership" in what his 1936 opponent. Gov. Alf M. Land on, called "au ex tremely delicate foreign situa tion." Replying to a telegram from Landon pledging "co-operation and support in the difficult foreign situations confronting your administration," the Pres ident stated: "We owe some measure of cooperation and even leader ship In maintaining standards of conduct helpful to the ulti mate goal of general peace." "Standards of conduct," a state department official said, could well refer to the Japa nese departure from such stan dards In bombing the Paaay. DR. GARVEY HEADS HOSPITAL STAFF Of interest to friends of both Dr. R. R. Oarvey and Dr. Paul Johnson here is the announce ment that Dr. Garvey was elect ed president of the Baptist Hos pital staff in Winston-Salem, and Dr. Johnson .vice-president, at a meeting of the staff Monday of this week. Both doctors are well known here and Dr. Garvey was .'or many years a resident of this city. EI,KIN. N. C.. THURSDAY. DECEMBER 23, 1937 ntoOMLJr' * .«#"* V ../ • yWWpipwWiWWWW|FHC^^KlCfiSi^fe3Ei^^^^.^ "■*#. .A. ■■P*!? MRS. EH. DARNELL PASSESWEDNESDAY Stroke of Paralysis Proves Fatal To Wilkes County Woman ■ , J , ■ FUNERAL RITES FRIDAY -Mrs. Sarah Elvina Darnell, 78, wife of E. H. Darnell of near Ben ham, passed away at her home Wednesday afternoon at 1:45, from a stroke of paralysis suffered, Tuesday. The deceased was a native of Wilkes county, and a daughter of the Mr. and Mrs. Washington Tucker. Early in life she joined the Cool Springs Baptist church and at the time of the organiza tion of the Benham Baptist church she moved her membership there. She was one of the best known and beloved women of that section. She is survived by her husband, and an adopted daughter, Mrs. J. C. Newman of Benham, whom she and her husband took into their home when she was eight years old, and one sister, Rev. Mrs. Jackson Williams' of Mountain Park. Funeral services will be held Friday morning at 11 o'clock from Benham Baptist church. The rites will be in charge of Rev. Grant Cothern and Rev. Isom Vestal. Interment will be in the church cemetery. HIGH SCHOOL GLEE * CLUB IN CONCERT The Elkin High School Glee Club, composed of thirty girls, gave a concert of Christmas carols Sunday afternoon at Hugh Chat ham Memorial Hospital. The club, which is sponsored by the Wo man's Auxiliary of the George Gray Post of the American Legion, was accompanied by Mrs. George Roy all, president of the auxiliary, and Mrs. J. H. Beeson, a member of the auxiliary and director k of the club. Following the concert Mrs* Roy all entertained the girls at her home on Church street. Hot chocolate and Christmas cookies were served. JSS When orioles and some other kinds of birds migrate, the males arrive several days ahead of the females and select the nesting area. Boonville School Is To Open Next Monday Morning The Boonville school, which closed a week earlier than is customary for Christmas due to the death of a student from meningitis, will open Monday, December 27, It was learned Wednesday from Albert Mar tin, Boonville school official. Mr. Martin stated that the early opening has been schedul ed in order that no part of the school year may be lost. FRANK KELLOGG PASSES TUESDAY Co-Author of Kellogg-Briand Peace Pact Dies on Eve of 81st Birthday WAS NOTED STATESMAN St. Paul, Minn., Dec. 21.—Frank Billings Kellogg, former secretary of state and co-author of the Kel logg-Briand world peace pact, died at his home at 7:14 p. m. to day. Kellogg, 1930 winner of the No bel peace prize, would have cele brated his 81st birthday tomorrow. Dr. J. A. Lepak said that death resulted from pneumonia which "set In Saturday night, and which complicated cerebral thrombosis from which Kellogg had suffered several months. The one-time farm boy who rose to international prominence as a statesman and champion o( peace, had been in a coma almost steadily since late Saturday night. He appeared to rally briefly late today and it was hoped that he would survive through his birth day. Physicians knew, .however, that tyis ultimate recovery was impossible. At the bedside were his wife, Clara Cook Kellogg; Guy Chase, his law partner, and Dr. Lepak. Last Word. Quiggle—Why is it that you women always insist on having the last word? Mrs. Qulggle—We don't. The only reason we get It is that we always have a dozen arguments left when you stupid men are all run out. " *• BOONVILLE MAN IS INSTANTLY KILLED Connie Barber, 38, Dies In stantly When Hit By Automobile DRIVEN BY MACEMORE Connie Barber, 38, of Boonvllle, was instantly killed late Sunday afternoon when struck by a Ford coupe, driven by Eugene Mace more, 24, of Jonesville. The acci dent occurred 4 miles west of Boonville on highway 67. Barber was walking out of a side road, Macemore said, and stepped in front of his car, which he said was going 45 or 50 miles an hour. Barber was knocked to the hard road and was badly broken up. Both legs were crushed by the bumper of the car, several ribs were broken, and he received a concussion of the brain. Also other bruises and cuts. Sheriff A. L. Inscore and Pa trollman Phillips investigated the accident and placed Macemore in Jail on a technical charge of manslaughter. He was released Monday afternoon on orders of Coroner R. V. Long who investi gated the matter Monday. Macemore is a native of Jones ville and at present is operator of a lunch stand in North Elkln. Barber is survived by his widow and six children .The funeral was held Tuesday afternoon at Boon ville. Second WrecL While officers were investigat ing the scene of the accident late Sunday night a car came over the hill at a terrific rate of speed and when the driver Jammed his brakes the car cut all kinds of capers but finally stopped right side up. The driver was Glen Brown of Boonville and he was accompanied by Bill Wagoner of Jonesville. Both were said by the officers to have ,beea drunk and were placed in jail. Given a hearing Monday Wag oner paid the costs for being drunk and Brown, who was charg ed with driving drunk, waived his case to court. In Wrotag Place Mrs. Newbride—l took the re cipe for this cake out of the cook bo^k. Hubby— You did perfectly right. It never should have been put In. | 14 PAGES TWO SECTIONS PUBLISHED WEEKLY SPECIAL SESSION CONGRESS COMES TO END TUESDAY Only Minor Legislation Final ly Approved by Body EXTRA MILEAGE VOTED Housing Bill at Last Gets 66-4 Approval as Final Senate Act # QUORUMS ARE LACKING Washington, Dec. 21.—The sen ate passed the housing bill today, 66 to 4, the house sent it to con ference and, with these things done, Congress gladly concluded its special session and began thinking about Christmas. Some of the departing members, more particularly those of Repub lican persuasion, were calling it "the goose-egg session," because, it though much preparatory work was done, not one of the Roosevelt bills it was called upon to consider was finally enacted. The wage and hour bill, rejected by the house, was reposing in a labor committee pigeon-hole, the farm and housing bills, approved by both branches in different form, were in the conference stage, government reorganization and regional planning had reciev ed no more than committee con sideration. The Congress completed action only on bills to pay the traveling expenses of the membership and the wages of the pages, a bill to lend four portraits to an art gal lery, Qne to amend the credit union act and ft resolutioii the agriculture department what had been done to prevent the dis tribution of an elixir of sulfanila mide. The senate devoted the final day to debating the housing bill, a measure intended to promote a boom in home-building by reduc ing the financing cost. It would do so, among other things, by cutting the present down payment on small homes in half, and cutting interest and carrying charges on more elaborate types of construc tion. KIWANIANS TO HOLD CHRISTMAS AUCTION A musical program, consisting of Christmas songs by Mrs. Ros coe Poplin, soloist, and Miss Car olyn Llllard, accompanist, and a talk by Rev. Eph Whisenhunt of the First Baptist church, featured the weekly Kiwanis meeting Thursday evenitig at Hotel Elkin. Kiwanian Claude Parrell was in charge of the program. This evening the annual Ki wanis Christmas auction will be held, the proceeds of which will be turned over to the associated charities. , ♦ TO HOLD CRIPPLE CLINIC DEC. 31ST Dr. R. A. Moore, of Winston- Salem, will hold a cripple clinic in the health department office at Mount Airy Friday, December 31, Jt has been announced by Dr. Ralph J. Sykes, Surry health of ficer. " 5N ALL EXTREMES THERE LIES BETWEEN, THE MIDDLE WAY* THE GOLDEN MEAN. —2