Thursday, April 28, 1938 Wft) OCAIA Jr Fred Colhard spent the week end In Bryson City, the guest of friends. Mrs. D. H. Morrison spent Man day in Mount Airy, attending to business matters. Miss Ned Ball returned Tuesday from a visit of two weeks to Kan sas City and St. Louis. Mrs. George Fulton of Roanoke, Va., spent Wednesday and Thurs day here the guest of her father. W. J. Snow, at his home on Gwyn Avenue. Mrs. J. S. Worth returned Tuesday from High Point, where she has been for the past several weeks with relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Bivins spent Sunday in Wilkesboro, the guests of Mrs. Bivens' parents, Mr. and Mrs. Van Poindexter. Mrs. L. E. Cocker ham, Mrs. Glenn Hamby and Miss Roette Cockerham spent Wednesday in Greensboro, the guests of friends. Graham Reich of Winston - Salem, is spending this week here the guest of his father, W. S. Reich, at his home on Vine street. Mr. and Mrs. Baxter Moore of Winston-Salem, were the Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. r. Poin dexter, at their home on Bridge street. Miss Carrie Mae Sawyer of Mount Airy, spent the week-end here the guest of Miss Dorothy Colhard, at her home on Church street. Mrs. Jane Smith and Mrs. L. E. Aldridge and son, Dale, spent Sunday in Guilford College, the guests of Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Smith, Claude Parrell of the Graham and Click company, left Monday for New York, where he will spend this week attending to business matters. Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Masten announce the birth of a daughter. Ruby Jean, April 25, 1938. Mrs. Masten was formerly Miss Ruby Transou. Miss Jane Hopkins, a student at Sweetbriar college, Virginia, was the week-end guest of Mrs. Richard Gwyn Chatham, at .Ho tel Elkin. Mrs. Prank Stough and Mrs. Chester Proctor of Cornelius, were the guests Tuesday of Mrs. H. B. Holcomb, at her home on West Main street. Mrs. L. L. Hendrix of James town, is spending some time here the guest of her mother, Mrs. E. C. Kirkman, at her home on West Main street. Mr. and Mrs. M. C. Whitner moved Saturday to the apartment in the home of Mrs. Raymond Chatham, vacated by Mr. and Mrs. Fred Rash. Mrs. R. L. Hubbard returned last week from a visit* of eight months to her daughters, Mrs. O. K. Merritt in Mount Airy, and Mrs. Raymond Harris in Win ston-Salem, and has reopened her home on Surry Avenue. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Haynes of Mounty Airy, were the guests Sunday of Mesdames R. G. Frank lin and Fred McNeely, at their home on West Main street. ABERNETHY'S FOR t Graduation Gifts You'll want to give the graduate a nice present ... and here you will find just the thing for boy or girl. Have a look at our show window this very day for many fine gift suggestions. CONGRATULATIONS To the Graduates ... Of ... ELKIN, JONESVILLE AND ALL THE SCHOOLS OF THIS SESTION Abernethy's A GOOD DRUG STORE PHONE 42 Robert Kirkman of Winston- Salem, spent the week-end here the guest of his mother, Mrs. R. L. Kirkman, on West Main street., Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Hall of Washington, D. C., arrived Wed nesday for a visit to Mr. Hall's mother, Mrs. J. L. Hall, at her home on West Main street. Friends of Mrs. A. O. Laffoon will be glad to know that she is recovering nicely from a major operation at Hugh Chatham Me morial Hospital on Thursday of last week. Dr. and Mrs. Harry L. Johnson and children. Sonny and Phyllis, of Hickory, were the week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Lankford, at their home on Hos pital road. Mrs. Ivan Johnson of Tarpon Springs, Fla., spent Wednesday here the guest of friends. Mrs. Johnson will be pleasantly re membered here, having lived here for a number of years. Mr. and Mrs. A. N. Boyd of Dixon, 111.; Miss Emily Boyd of Kenosha, Wis., and Leonard Boyd of Earlsville, 111., were the week end guests of Mrs. J. H. Tharpe, at her home on Gwyn avenufc. Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Fitzgerald and little daughter, Becky, of Winston-Salem, and Major Jack D. Thompson of Washington, D. C„ were week-end guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Byrd. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Gwyn and little daughter, Mary Lee, of Roanoke, Va., were week-end guests of Dr. and Mrs. Hugh Parks, on Circle Court. Mrs. Gwyn and little daughter remained for a visit of a week. Mrs. Hugh Roy all, (Mrs. H. P. Graham, Mrs. I. C. Yates, Mrs. J. Mark McAdams, Mrs. Paul Gwyn and Mrs. C. L. Haywood, Jr., at tended the state meeting of the Parent-Teacher Congress in Win ston-Salem l%st week. William Roth of New York, spent the week-end here with his sister, Mrs. A. O. Bryan, and Mr. Bryan, at their home on West Main street. He was accompanied by his little daughter, Louisa, who will spend the summer in Ronda with her grandmother, Mrs. Rob ert Hickerson. Mrs. Seth Beale and little son, Johnny, and Mrs. Earl Hodel and little son, Richard Earl, left Wed nesday for Minnesota, where they will spend six or eight weeks. Mrs. Beale will visit in Rochester and Mrs. Hodel in Minneapolis. They will be accompanied to Newport, Tenn, by Dr. Beale and Mr. Hodel, who will return to Elkin. D. O. Totten and daughter and son, Catherine and David, ol Beckley, Va., spent the week-end here the guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Reece, at their home on Bridge street. On Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Reece and family and their guests visited Dr. and Mrs. J. P. Reece in Lenoir. Dr. Chas. L. Haywood, Jr., and Dr. M. A. Royall attended a meeting of the Eigthth District Medical Society at the King Cot ton Hotel in Greensboro Tuesday evening. At the meeting Dr. Haywood was elected vice-presi dent of the district. He also con tributed to the program a paper on the acute abdomen. THE ELKIN TRIBUNE, ELKIN, NORTH CAROLINA Miss Harvlson Smith, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. R. G. Smith, of this city, and a student at Mon treat college, will serve as maid of honor to the May queen at the May Day fete to be held at the college on May 7. In addition to this honor, Miss Smith is presi dent of the high school graduat ing class of the college and has been active in other collegiate ac tivities. WITH THE SICK The following patients have been admitted to the local hos pital during the past week: Del bert Caudle, Yadkinville; Rich arde Mickles, East Bend; Ray Lindsay. Yadkinville; Hope Brown, jonesvllle; Dallas Bauguss, State Road; James Hemrlc, Elkin; Mrs. Minnie Seagraves, Jonesvllle; Lee Ray Brown, Hamptonville; Lucille Dorsett, Elkin; Jack Pardue, Ron da; C. M. Royall, Thurmond; Mrs. Etta Flynn, Ronda; Will Johnson, Mount Airy; Raymond Crouse, Thurmond; Grady Day. Elkin; J. A. dough, Cycle. Patients dismissed during the week were: Lee Ray Brown. Hamptonville; Luther Garris, Jonesvllle; Mrs. Sallie Freeman, Mount Airy; Mrs. Reana Myers, Yadkinville; Mrs. Josie Bell, Couch, Elkin; Mrs. Mattie Bren dle, Boon ville; Mrs. Lelia Greer; Ball; Mrs. Dora Smith, Ennis; Mrs. Sarah Pendry, Yadkinville; Raymond Crouse, Thurmond; Grady Day, Elkin; Mrs. Vera Johnson, Boonville. PLAN PROGRAM FOR SURRY S. S. MEETING The following program has been planned for the Surry County Sunday school associational meet ing to be held with the Bean Shoals church the first Sunday in May: 2:10 p.m.: Devotional, Rev. E. C. Norman, East Bend, N. C. 2:10 p.m.: Reports of group su perintendents. 2:30 p.m.: "Getting Ready for Daily Vacation Bible School," Mrs. I. O. Wallace, Mountain Park, N. C. 2:40 p.m.: Congregational song. 2:45 p.m.: "How to Arrange for a Training Course in My Church," Mr. David T. Mashburn, Mount Airy, N. C. 2:55 pjn.: Special music, Elkin Baptist church. 3:00 p.m.: "Group Superinten dents Preparing for the Training Schools," Dr. W. L. Johnon, Mount Airy, N. C. 3:10 pjn.: "How to Use Our New Sunday School Helps," Rev. Eph Whisenhunt, Elkin, N. C. 3:20 pjn.: Business session. 3:30 p.m.: Adjournment. FASHION SHOW TO BE HELD THIS AFTERNOON The county-wide home econom ics fashion show will be held at the Elkin elementary school au ditorium this afternoon (Thurs day) at 2 o'clock. The following schools of the county will have representatives: Pilot Mountain, Dobson, Mount Airy, Mountain Park, Copeland, Franklin and El kin. Different garments made in the home conomics classes of the va rious schools will feature the show. Representing the local - school will be Misses Rosamond Neaves, Edwina Lawrence, Louise Laffoon, Helen Finney, Edna Billings, Louise Hudson. Lestine Lawrence, Margaret Daye, Geraldine Couch and Betty Lou Evans. A cordial invitation is extended the public to attend. MANY VISIT MODEL HOME ON ELK SPUR Approximately 500 people vis ited the new home of Mr. and Mrs. Siig Holcomb on Elk Spur street last Saturday and Sunday. Furnished by various stores here, the new house was convert ed into a model home, showing how a small home can be built and furnished without a large outlay of money. A highlight of the home was the electric kitchen, which in cluded electric stove, electric sink and electric hot water heater. Bedrooms were furnished by local furniture stores in a very attrac tive manner, with drapes and bedspreads by an Elkin depart ment store. ANNOUNCE OPENING OF BON - TON GRILL The Bon-Ton cafe has an nounced its opening Tuesday, May 3, in a modern new location on East Main street in the new building replacing the structure recently destroyed by fire. The name of the business will be changed to Bon-Ton Grill upon the opening date of its opening, and the public is invited to visit the new home and make a com plete Inspection. • The Bon-Ton grill will be thor oughly modern and up-to-date in every way and will provide Elkln with an excellent eating establish ment. Stores Arc to Observe New Hours Locally Beginning on Monday, May 2, 10 Elk in store* will observe new opening and closing horn*. This move is being made to comply with state labor laws . At the present time these stores are opening at l:tt am. and closing at 5:30 pjn. eaeh day exoept Saturday, when they close at 7:00 p.m. Under the new hours, they will open at 8:30 a.m. and close at 5:30 p.m. On Saturdays they will open at 8:30 a.m. and close at 7:00 p.m. Stores which will observe these hours are the following: J. C. Penney company, A. & Z. store, Belb-Doughton company, Sydnor-Spainhottr, Mc Daniels Department store, Graham and Click company, Somen? and company, United Variety store, Smithey's Department store, and the Men's shop. SHOALS COMMENCEMENT IS TO BEGIN SATURDAY The Shoals High school com mencement will get under way Saturday night, April 30, when the seniors present their annual play. The schedule for the finals is as follows: Saturday, April 30, at 8. o'clock, the senior play will be presented. Tuesday, May 3, at 8 o'clock, the program by the grades, and awarding of seventh grade diplomas. Thursday, May 5, at 8 o'clock, the class day exer cise by the graduating class. Sat urday, May 7, at 8 o'clock, the closing exercise, which includes the address by Attorney John H. Polger of Mount Airy, N. C., and the awarding of diplomas by Su perintendent John W. Comer. SWAN CREEK Mr. and Mrs. Carl Harris and family spent Sunday in High Point, the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Millikan. Mr. and Mrs. Herman Swaim and son, Delano, of Dobson, were the week-end guests of Mrs. Vina Swaim. Miss DeEtte Swaim will leave Friday for Taylorsville, where she will be the guest for several days jof Mr. and Mrs. V. K. Bentley. Miss Pansy Bell, Harold Bell and Gwyn Martin spent Sunday in High Point. Miss Anna Lee Swaim of Ronda, was the dinner guest Sim day of Miss DeEtte Swaim. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Foster, Mrs. J. M. Myers and Mrs. W. T. My ers and liittle daughter, Tommye Ann, were the dinner guests Sun day of Mrs. Olenn Swaim, at her home in Ronda. D. C. Swaim of Winston-Sa lem, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Swaim, the former his brother. Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Cook had as their guests Sunday Mrs. Car rie Swaim of Elkin, Mrs. Lizzie Stokes of Mountain Grove and Mr. and Mrs. Claude Sale of Cycle. Kicked by Mule J. A. Gough, 46, of Cycle, is in Hugh Chatham Memorial hos pital, suffering from a broken jaw sustained when he was kicked by a mule on Tuesday. He is resting as well as could be ex pected. Congratulations to the GRADUATES To all the graduates of this section we want to extend our wholehearted congrat ulations and to express the wish that your future may be as happy as the high school days you are leaving behind. THE BANK OF ELKIN R. C. Lewellyn, Pres. Garland Johnson, Vice-Prc*. Franklin Folrer, Cashier W.YADKIN FINALS TO BEGIN TODAY Music Recital Will Open Com mencement This Eve ning: at 8 o'clock FOLGER IS TO SPEAK The West Yadkin school finals will begin Thursday evening with a music recital at 8 o'clock. Saturday evening the seventh grade graduating exercises-will be held. A play entitled "Tbmmy Tomorrow," will be presented. Sunday afternoon at 3 o'clock Rev. James M. Hayes of Mere dith College, Raleigh, will deliver the baccalaureate sermon. - Monday evening the senior class day exercises will be held at 8 o'clock. A play, "Parting of the Braves," will be given. The final programs will be on Wednesday, May 4. In the morning at 11 o'clock Hon. John H. Polger of Mount Airy, will ad dress the thirty members of the graduating class and Wednesday evening at 8 o'clock the com mencement play, "Antics of An drew," will be given. Wednesday afternoon at 3 o'clock a baseball game between West Yadkin and Boonville is scheduled. A cordial invivation is extend ed, the public to attend all of the programs. NEW MEN'S SHOP TO OPEN FRIDAY A. M. The Men's Shop, owned and operated by Herman Ouyer and Dock Holleman, which was forced out of business here several months ago by fire, will open in a new location on West Main street, next to Eagle Furniture Co., Friday morning at 8:30 o'clock. The new Men's Shop will offer Elkin and this section a thor oughly modern and up-to-date store handling men's furnishings ALL STAR |l|||S COFFEE 2 lbs 31c REALLY GOOD I CHEESE WISCONSIN DAISYS __ POUND 19 C Gerbers Baby Food 4 CANS J9£ Corn Flakes khmot 3 pkg. m FLOOR WAX LB. CAN 39c Taylor's Inn. Af GRAPE JUICE, Qt - 23 c 1 1 ISSUe Waldorf U'ROLLS ZOC Household Gelfand's Amonia QT. 15c Mayonnaise^2sc Del Monte I Campbell PINEAPPLE JUICE, 46 33' TOMATO JUICE, 3 14k,z 20 c ' can I cans Grape Fruit Juice SUNSHINE 46-OZ. CAN 23c| Hams SWIFrS Tenderized, Whole or Half . POUND 28c Peaches CHOICE CALIFORNIA, Cans CI FLIT KILLS FLIES QT. CAN M No. I—ELKIN No. 2—JONESVILLE P. V ' \ V. ■ ' -■ > '** , '"'iW.J m W W Ml Joe Bivins Foley Norman exclusively. Attractive fixtures make the interior pleasing to the eye and conveneint for the best display of merchandise. The Men's Bhop will handle men's furnishings of well known and nationally advertised make. JONESVILLE REVIVAL IS STILL UNDER WAY The revlvial meeting now in progress at the town hall in Jonesvilile will continue through this week. Everyone is invited to attend each evening's service, which be gins at 7:30 o'clock. Rev.,M. H. Lamb, of Thomasville, is conduct ing the meeting. CARD OF THANKS We wish to sincerely thank each of our friends for their many acts of kindness in our tragic bereave ment. CARL DAVIS AND FAMILY. Planning to Build Something ? JUST CALL ELKIN LUMBER & MFG. CO. " "Everything to Build Anything" Phone 68 Elkin, N. C. g I l SB==S=>;===asS==| HIGH POINT MINISTER IS AT MT. HERMAN CHURCH Rev. George Cooper of High Point, well known minister and radio speaker, will preach at Mt. Hermon Baptist church the third Sunday evening in May. A cordial invitation is extended the public to hear him. CARD OF THANKS I wish to express my apprecia tion and sincere gratitude to the Kiwanis club and citizens of El kin for the splendid token of their good wis in the beautiful silver service presented me Thursday evening. L. B. ABERNETHY. Mattie Mae Powell NOTARY PUBLIC Bonding Jk Loan Office Main Street

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