Thursday, April 28, 1938 News of Jonesville Mrs. Gurney Wagoner, Editor Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Mcßride and son, Billy, visited in the home of Mr. and Mrs. "Pate" Mathis of the Swan Creek community, on Sunday afternoon. While there Mr. Mcßride had the mis fortune to sprain his ankle and is having to' walk on crutches this week. We wish for him a speedy recovery. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard York, Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Phillips and Mrs. John Mayberry attended a motorcycle race out on the Thomasville road from Winston- Salem, Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Joyner and Miss Hester Jester have moved from the Messick apart ment into one of Andrew Green wood's houses in East Jonesville. The following members of the faculty of the Jonesville high school and their wives and hus bands attended the school mas ter's club held at West Yadkin high school Friday evening: Prof, and Mrs. L. S. Weaver, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Steclman, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Madison. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Key, Mr. and Mrs. Odell Hoicomb, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Pickett, Mr. and Mrs. W. V. Hoi comb, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Wells, Mrs. Ruth Roland, Mr. Harvey Madison, Mr. Kyq Rash, and Misses Hazel Phillips, Ruby Bray, Laura Joyner, Beulah Fleming, Rachel Dunnagan, Thelma Shore, Iris Minish, Catherine Boles, and one member of the school board, Mr. R. O. Boles, and Mrs. Boles. A picnic dinner was served in the gymnasium. Can you imagine a three-piece bedroom suite for $24.95? No, it's not second-hand, it's new.—The EAGLE. BELK-DOUGHTON CO. ' m> | Here at BELK-DOUGHTON CO., you will find the HBBI ideal gift for graduates. Too, you'll find clothes I Hp and accessories that will be needed at commence- Jfci H nient and all at reasonable BELK prices. Why $r ppnot drop in today? If Beautiful evening dresses in chiffon, organdy and / \ " B taffeta for the high school graduate. Dresses for the Seventh Satin Pajamas and Grade Graduate 0 ns ™ ~"f J*?® ... ..... ... , , Satin Slips 98c to $2.95 Attractive frocks of white organdy and _ _ _ . _ _ dotted Swiss. Lovely styles. PantleS 39c to 98c - 39c-48c-59c-68c-79c-97c Dress Shirts 97c to $1.48 Handkerchiefs ... 5c and 10c |g Suspenders 25c-48c f' >/ Sweaters _sl.oo Pajamas 97c-$1.48 Njfe 9 Shirts and Shorts 15c-25c-35c - „ Suits Shoes You'll find the suit here you want in vut our large shoe depar t m ent today' the very newest styles, fabrics and - .. . .. , , , . colors. Plain and sport back, single for that part,colar style or color you've and double-breasted. And we have wanted. Whites, blacks, greys and your size. combinations. Prices range from $9.95 to $22.50 1 $1.95 t0 54.95 Belk-Doughton Co. Corner Main and Bridge Streets Eikin, N. C. Phone 48-W Mr. and Mrs. Purl Burnett of Statesville, visited in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Brown on Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Mcllwee of Winston-Salem, and Mrs. Louise Mayberry of Elkin, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. John Mayberry Sunday. The friends of Mrs. Frank Roberson will be glad to learn that she was able to return to her home from Hugh Chatham Me morial hospital Wednesay. Mrs. P. H. Underwood had as her dinner guests Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. Dett Underwood of Win ston-Salem and Mrs. and Mrs. Arthur Martin, of this city. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Pegram and son, Tommy, of Statesville, visited Mrs. Pegram's parents, Mr. and Mrs. C .F. Finney, Sunday. Mr. Finney has been in very poor health for some time but show 3 some improvement this week. Mrs. Sam Ray and Mrs. Roy West "of Elkin, were guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Ray on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. L. S. Weaver and sons, Stacey, Jr., Charles and Walter, Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Chap pell and daughter, Doretha, Leo and Allen Wagoner, Mrs. M. A. Hoicomb, Mrs. Ruth Roland, Mrs. Robert Wells, Mrs. Frank Fickett, Mrs. Shore and Miss Beulah Mr. and Mrs. Odell Hoicomb and son, Perry, visited Mrs. Hol comb's parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Church, of Boonville, on Sun day afternoon. Fleming attended the speaker's contest, held at Bocnville school auditorium on Monday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Seagraves and children, Patty Lou and Ed die, and Mr. and Mrs. Gordon THE ELKIN TRIBUNE, ELKIN, NORTH CAROLINA Chambers, of Cycle, spent the week-end in Mount Airy, with Mr. Seagraves' and Mrs. Cham bers' brother, Mr. Herman Sea graves and family. Mr. and Mrs. Dow Whitaker and daughters. Marie and Mae, and Mr. and Mrs. Dwight Whit aker and daughter, Rilla, of Cen ter, visited Mrs. Dwight Whita ker's parents, Mr. and Mrs. I. Y. Jester, Sunday. Miss Ina Cooke of near Ashe ville, was the week-end guest of Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Lineberry. On Sunday afternoon they mo tored to the mountains. Mr. and Mrs. G. S. Wagoner visited the former's brother, Grady Wagoner, who is a patient at Davis hospital, of Statesville, on Sunday afternoon. ,The friends of Mrs. T. Z. Har ris will be glad to learn that she is able to be out again, after ber ing confined to her home last week with flu. Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Minick and Mr. and Mrs. R. G. Boles at tended the funeral of the former's brother, J. D. Minick, at the Cen tral Methodist church in Mount Airy, on Wednesday morning. Mrs. Wiley Seagraves entered Hugh Chatham Memorial hospital on Monday for treatment. The Rose Marlowe circle will meet on Thursday afternoon, April 28th, at the home of Miss Emma Eller. The friends of Mr. Hope Brown are glad to see him out again af ter undergoing a tonsil operation at Hugh Chatham Memorial hos pital last week. Misses Vergil Lyons, Myrtle Shore and Elizabeth Long visited the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Lyons, near Boonville, Sunday. Mr. Clay Felts spent Monday in Wilkesboro attending to busi ness matters. Mr. and Mrs .George Dodgion of Wytheville, Va., were the week-end guests of his sister, Mrs. W. B. Minick and Mr. Min ick, and were also the dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. R. O. Boles on Saturday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Van hoy and children of West Yad kin community, were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Carl Rose of Arlington, Sunday. Mrs. D. R. Casstevens attended the baptismal service at Ronda on Sunday afternoon. A large crowd attended the fu neral of Mrs. Blanche Talley Da vis at Arlington Baptist church on Monday morning. Mrs. Hugh Holcomb spent Monday afternoon in Statesville attending to business matters. Aubry, Jr., Martin, small son of Mr. and Mrs. Aubry Martin, is very ill with whooping cough this week. Mrs. Hazel Weaver, who has been at the bedside of her hus band, John Weaver, at Davis hospital, Statesville, fox 1 sometime, spent a short while here Tuesday with her son. Jack Ray Weaver, and Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Ray. MOUNTAIN PARK Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Walters and Mrs. H. C. Mooney spent last week-end visiting relatives at Mulberry. Mrs. P. B. Cockerham and children of Winston-Salem, spent last week here visiting relatives. Mr. and Mrs. P. B. Cockerham and Mrs. D. A. Swift visited rel atives at Huckleberry last Sun day. Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Cockerham and family of Winston-Salem, vis ited here last Sunday. Mrs. J, L. Lance is recovering from an illness, her many friends will be glad to know. The Home Demonstration club held a better home program Sat urday night, April 23, at the Mountain Park High school build ing. The program was enjoyed by all who attended. There are several cases of measles in this community among school children. We hope for them a speedy recovery. Mrs. Virginia Fletcher of Salem, Va„ is spending some time with her sister, Mrs. A. F. Kinzie. Miss Lillian Swift visited friends for a short while in Elkin last Thursday. Mrs. Mack Landreth of Klon dike, visited relatives here last Monday afternoon. Mrs. Gertrude Thompson of Zephyr, spent last week-end the guest of Miss Irene Hanes. Miss Pauline Dickerson of Ma rion, Va„ visited relatives here last week. Uncle Dave Macon, known as the "Dixie Dewdrop," and a reg ular entertainer each Saturday night on the Grand Ole Opry from WSM, Nashville, Tenn., will appear at Mountain Park High school Thursday evening, April 28, at 8 o'clock. Everybody has a cordial invitation to attend. A small admission will be charged. ST. PAUL Rev. M. Bumgarner filled his regular appointment at St. Paul Sunday and delivered a wonderful message. Mr. and Mrs. Thurman Nichol son and little daughter of Union Grove, visited the former's father, Walter Nicholson, and family, re cently. Mr. and Mrs. Roger Thomasson and daughter of Winston-Salem, visited his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jody Thomasson, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Houston Hender son of Union Grove, visited the former's brother, Raymond Hen derson, and Mrs. Henderson, Sun day Mr. and Mrs. Warren Macey and children spent Sunday near New Hope, visiting Mr. and Mrs. Davis Wood, the former a brother of Mrs. Macey. Mr. and Mrs. Herman Cash of Yadkinville, visited Mrs. Cash's father, E. G. Myers, on Sunday. EAST ELKIN We wish to announce that a revival will begin at East Elkin Baptist church May 1. There will be services each day at 11 o'clock, and each evening at 7:30. Rev. P. W. Prye from Landis, N. C. will be the speaker. Everyone is cord ially invited to attend. Misses Mary and Louise Daye of Winston were the Sunday guest of Mrs. Swannie Burcham Gregory. Mr. and Mrs. Olenn Cooke and Miss Emma Burcham spent the week-end In Altavista Va., visiting their brother, Mr. Mack Burcham. Mrs. Pred Day is improving after a stroke of paralysis. We wish for hfer a speedy recovery- Master Keith Burcham from Altavista Va., is spending a few weeks with his grandmother, Mrs. Ada Burcham. If you don't have electric cur rent, see our ice refrigera tors.—The EAGLE. Saturday night at 7.30 some one will get a beautiful three-piece bedroom suite absolutely free a t The EAGLE. CONGRESSMAN HANCOCK'S TEN PROMISES TO THE PEOPLE OF NORTH CAROLINA: ' MM; w f i ; ■; - : First, I shall not make my maiden speech in the United States Senate in support of bar rooms for the District of Colum bia, nor will my last speech be in advocacy of the establishment of a race track. I will devote my time and energies to the real and definitely serious questions con fronting our nation. Second, I will not have as my secretary a citizen of Virginia or of any other state except North Carolina. I am not only confi dent that I can, but I am determ ined to, employ from my native state such people as I need and am allowed. When North Caro lina falls to have among its citi zenship the brains I require it will then be time for me to come home and retire from public life. Third, I shall not sell the name and dignity of your senatorship to anybody or any concern, be it a slick "alien" trading with the War department or a brand of cigar ette which I may or may not smoke. As long as I am your rep resentative the title to that office shall be and remain vested in the people of North Carolina. I shall be your Senator, responsible to you and beyond the touch of any interest, save the interest of the people of our great state. Fourth, I shall not follow the sensationalism of William Ran dolph Hearst, arch enemy of President Roosevelt, or any other foe of progressive government. I will get my publicity on the basis of constructive accomplishments or do without publicity. Fifth, I shall not, through con cern over the free access of liquor, offer any silly bills providing that it may be given to dumb animals; but instead will give my thought to the serious problems of state and nation and expect our intelli gent people, by referendum, to de termine the sort of liquor laws they may want. Sixth, I Shall not for months at a time leave the affairs of North Carolina to the discretion of a resident of Virginia pr anybody else, but shall myself serve the people who elect me. My office shall be open, not closed, to those who have business with me during office hours. Seventh, I shall not belittle the dignity of your Senator by bounc ing about the country advertising myself and a 96-year-old man who has become the father of a baby. His accomplishment is sufficient reward unto itself and I do not consider it the function of a Sena tor to add to his advertisement. Eighth, I shall not promise the veterans or any other group to have one of their members in my office and then repudiate that promise, but, being myself a mem ber of the American Legion, I shall help them with their af fairs sympathetically and person ally. Ninth, I shall not be the most costly Senator North Carolina ever had, and I shall have no in terest in investigating the Virgin islands. There are many islands off the coast of my state, and I feel the impulse of consistency when I say that I should like to investigate them, but those inves tigations will not cost the taxpay ers any money. Tenth, I shall not be a resident of the world for five years and a resident of North Carolina for one, but shall be available to the people of my state just as much in, years when I am not a candi date as in the years when I am. And when I makp speeches to the people of North Carolina or any other state, I shall make them un der my own auspices or that of the Democratic party. I shall not use your office to propagandize the ambitions of any league or group of self-seeking individuals. (The above were taken from his opening speech, made In Ra leigh over WPTP in the interest of his candidacy for the United States Senate.) (Political advertisement.) Eyes Examined Office: Glasses Fitted The Bank of Elkin Building DR. P. W.GREEN OPTOMETRIST Offices open dally for optical repairs and adjustments of all kinds. Examinations on Tuesdays and Fridays from 1 to 5 p. m. By Appointment Phone 14# 1 MINUTE TEST TELLS A SAFETY n I I fll ■ ST®"* YOU'LL NEVER FORGET f' I ' SMI B W, » BUl—in I flit— WlUi T\| BPfWI ■p«J«talli... kuw bum Mikigi ■Vill 1 IMMgyjkiHwjjg jd& :^ 4Fti?Saa 46«nqaa n|r nSntui "SaiTnan' 1 "uunul m *? " limimua ttSvamim thaws Ik p Mi Convince yourself of this amazing new wMm. ImM) Mt* safety all America is talking about. In •"f Ma our on©-minute test, you can see and •** *Mt prtMrt feel how De-Skidded Royal Masters ** control dangerous side skids... make quick, straight-line emergency stops on wet, slippery streets. /&US.ROTAL MASTER J F-W Chevrolet Co. llESk"!* tror «i m ««-a ur ™e «*so»«uzn) sawict o* » tww Wtcuuwl rW&SiheA imYWMWttY. mm mkumoh. me wotrowofrU.^TlW Elk Theatre" i West Main Street Elkin, N. C. Thursday, April 28 "PATIENT IN ROOM 18" (From a Novel by Mignon G. Eberhard) With Ann Sheridan Patrick Knowles Admission 10c-25c Friday, Saturday, Matinee and Night— JACK RANDALL in "WHERE THE WEST BEGINS" Serial Kennedy Comedy Charlie McCarthy Cartoon ON THE STAGE FRIDAY Matinee and Night ELKIN'S W.O.W. STRING BAND Brought Back by Popular Request Old-Fashioned String Music, Blackface Comedy and Singing Regular Admission 10c-25c Monday, Tuesday NEXT WEEK |f% | # EDWARD 6. Robinson mßm A SLIGHT CASE ,JPp OFMURDER I||C ARn! Mall Ws»nis lACOH»ffiw pUv W iwi >■!■■ • Itoy fc, DAMON MJKYOM mi HOWARD UMDSAV-MmUmJ fry M. K. UUi Added: Selected Short Subjects Admission 10c-25c Wednesday, Matinee and Night— TOM KEENE in "REBELLION" Serial "Fighting Marines" Admission 16c to AH t. TRIBUNE ADVERTISING GETS RESULTS!

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