Thursday, March 9, 1939 #iOC:AK Dan E. Barbour spent Thurs day and Friday of last week in Charlotte, attending to business matters. Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Cothren spent the week-end in Danville, Va., the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Jo* Savage. Mrs. D. G. Smith returned Sunday from a visit to her mother, Mrs. J. E. Jettys. in York, S. C. Mr. and Mrs. J. Coke Marion and little son, Newton Coke, vis liefi Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Marion in Siloam Sunday. Mrs. Melvin Sullivan, of North Wilkesboro, is spending this week here with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. W. Evans. Mrs. W. B. Lankford is spend ing several weeks in Detroit, Mich., with her mother, Mrs. Mae Miller, who is ill. Miss Dorothy Colhard left Tuesday for High Point, where she will spend several days with Miss Mary Alma Teague. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Rash, of Lenoir, were the Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ted Brown, at their home on Church street. D. C. Detter, of Greensboro, was the overnight guest Monday of Mr. and Mrs. L. F. Walker, at their home on Church street. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Neaves spent the week-end in Crumpler, West Jefferson and Mouth of Wilson, Va., the guests of rela tives. A. L. Brown and Ted Brown left Monday for Charlottsville, Va., where they will spend sev eral days attending to business matters. ) Mrs. Wilson L. Stratton, of Charlotte, is spending this here with her mother, Mrs. R. L. Kirkman, at her home on West Main street. Mrs. Bernard Hall returned Saturday from Dothan, Ala., where she has been for a month with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Smith Hall. Mrs. R. M. Hudgins and little daughter, Julie, of Mount Airy, were the guests Thursday of Mrs. James Booher, at her home on Gwyn avenue. Mr. and Mrs. E. C. James had as their week-end guests at their home on West Main street, Mrs. James' sister, Mrs. Scott Ellis, of Wilson, and Mrs. W. S. Ellis, also of Wilson. Mrs. W. W. McCon nell, of Statesville, was also a guest in the James home on Sun day. Mattie Mae Powell NOTARY PUBLIC Bonding A Loan Offtoe Main Street FERTILIZER for the Lawn and Garden F.A.Br en die & Son Elkin, N. C. COMING... MARCH 13 AND 14 In Time For Easter Delivery The Brighton Man jspr Mr. Joe E. Epstein New Styles fl New Patterns New Prices litis is your opportunity to visualize the season's smart styles and be measured by an expert direct from the work ■ room. Easter delivery! The Men's Shop Herman Gayer Phone 199 - Barrett Lankford Mtw Willie Guyer returned Wednesday from Petersburg, Va., where she was the guest for sev eral days of her sister, Mrs. A. M. Chambers. ' Mr. and Mrs. C. G. Ashby had as their week-end guests Mrs. Ashby's brother, Bruce Strowd. and Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Johns, all of Chapel Hill. Mrs. W. E. Bivins and children, Peggy and Mary Lucy, of Bryson City, spent the week-end here with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. W. Evans. Misses Lucy and Agness Gray and Willie Guyer and J. S. Bum garner spent Sunday in Mount Airy, the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Strickland. , Friends of H. D. Transou will be glad to know that he is able to be out again after being con fined to his home by illness for the past two months. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Poindexter, Mrs. R. L. Poindexter and Mrs. M. Q. Snow spent Wednesday in Charlotte, where they attended the Holy Land exhibit. Friends of Mrs. R. L. Hubbard, of this city, will regret to hear of her serious illness at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Raymond Harris, in Winston-Salem. Mr. and Mrs. E. Carl Boyles and little daughter. Jane, spent Sunday at Pilot Mountain, the guests of Mrs. Boyles* parents, Mr. and Mrs. P. E. Simmons. Billy Jones and Dick fihiig&rt will arrive today from Tennessee Military Institute, Sweetwater, Tenn., to spend the week-end with their respective families. W. A. Neaves and P. M. Greene will return today from Philadel phia, where they spent several days attending to business mat ters for Chatham Manufacturing company. Rev. and Mrs. Grady Burgiss, of Greensboro, spent the week end here the guests of Mr. Bur giss' parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. E. Burgiss, at their home on Elk Spur street. Mr. and Mrs. E. S. Spainhour left Sunday for New York City where they will spend this week buying spring merchandise for the Sydnor-Spainhour company of this city. Mrs. J. W. Abernethy returned to her home at Granite Falls Sunday, following a visit to Dr. and Mrs. J. G. Abernethy, the former her son, at their home on West Main street. Miss Helen Finney, a student at Greensboro Woman's College, Greensboro, spent the week-end here with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Finney, at their home on West Main street. Friends of Paul Price will be glad to know that he is recover ing nicely from the first of a series of operations at a Char lotte hospital, where he has been a patient for several weeks. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Neaves had as their guests Thursday at their home on Bridge street, George Marshall, of San Francisco, Calif., J. H. Caldwell, of Philadelphia, and Jolm Eller, of Winston-Sa lem. Dr. and Mrs. W. R Wellborn had as their guests Sunday at their home on Bridge street, Mr. and Mrs. C. N. Gillette, of Char lotte, Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Dun can and little daughter and R. A. Doughton, of Sparta, and Dicky Isley, of Lancaster, S. C. 1 ..* •r- • ... _. ,v. .~v THE ELKIN TRIBUNE, BLBIK, NORTH CAROLINA Claude McNeill, Jr., and Prank Walker, students at Wake Forest College, Wake Forest, spent the week-end here with their respec tive parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. A. McNeill and Mr. and Mrs. L. F. Walker. Miss Olivia Abernethy, a stud ent at Virginia College of Medi cine, Richmond, Va., spent the week-end here the guest of her parents. Dr. and Mrs. J. C. Ab ernethy, at their home on West Main street. Rev. and Mrs. P. W. Tucker are attending the Woman's Mis sionary Council of all of the Southern Methodist churches in Asheville this week. They will also visit in Waynesville, while they are away. Mr. and Mrs. H. Edward Wells and children and Mrs. Horace Wells, of Shelby, and Richard Wells, of Statesville, , were the Sunday guests dT Mr. and Mrs. Carl Young, at their home on Elk Spur street. Mr. and Mrs. Jce , Cockerham and children, Michael and Shelia Ruth, of Winston-Salem, were tne Sunday guests of Mr. Cock erham's sister, Mrs. Dan E. Bar bour, and Mr. Barbour, at their home on Elk Spur street. Mrs. Eph Whisenhunt, Edith Adair Whisenhunt, Mrs. Glenn Lewis, Mrs. G. L Hill, Mrs. T. L. Parnell, Mrs. C. N. Myers and Mrs. T. W. Church attended the State Baptist W. M. U. meeting in High Point this week. Mr. and Mrs. H. P. McGlothern, of Wacamaw, Wash., arrived Wednesday for a visit of a month to Mrs. McGlothern's brother, Jack Freeman, and Mrs. Free man. at their home on Elk Spur street. This is Mrs. McGlothern's first visit to her native state in SI years. Mrs. Odell Church and chil dren, Nancy and Johnny, spent last week in Winston-Salem, the guests of Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Gil bert, the latter a sister of Mrs. Church. They were accompanied home on Saturday by Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert who were their guests for the week-end. Mr. and Mrs. E. C. James left Wednesday for High Point, Ra leigh and Apex. Mrs. James will attend the State Baptist W. M. U. Convention in High Point, and visit her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Sexton Lawrence, in Apex, and Mr. James will attend to profes sional business in Raleigh. Mrs. W. R Wellborn and Mrs. E. W. McDaniel, of this city, and Mrs. Edwin Duncan, of Sparta, are attending the 39th annual conference of the state D. A. R. in StatesvU'e. Mrs. Duncan is a page to the convention and Mrs. Wellborn is on the hostess com mittee for the convention. Mrs. McDaniel is a delegate from the Jonathan Hunt chapter. Miss Mary Elizabeth Foster, of this city, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. S. Foster, and a student at Mereditli College, Raleigh, is a charter member of the Gavel Club at the college. The club, membership in which is limited to 50, is to train the young wom en in public speaking. Miss Fos ter is also on the membership committee of the club. Mr. and Mrs. D. M. Lawton, who have been attending the Baptist Bible Institute in New Orleans during the winter, will arrive here for a visit next week with Mr. Lawton's sister, Mrs. Eph Whisenhunt, before sailing on April 28 for China from Van couver, B. C. Mr. and Mrs. Lawton have been mission aries to China for a number of years. Mrs. Eph Whisenhunt received an air mail letter Tuesday from her parents, Rev. and Mrs. W. W. Lawton, Sr., from Kuling, China, written on January 26, stating that the enemy dropped 30 bombs the previous day on the hilltop where they had taken refuge, but that no one was killed. Rev. and Mrs. Lawton have the privi lege of being escorted gut of the war zone to safety, but do not take advantage of the offer, since so many Chinese, who have serv ed with them for years during their long missionary service, sure dependent on them for their own safety. Among those from here who at tended the play "Tobacco Road" In Statesville the early part of the week were: Mr. and Mrs. Frank lin Folger, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Hatch, Mr. and Mrs. Earl M. Ho del, Mr. and Mrs. Richard O. Chatham, Mr. and Mrs. Bam Neaves, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Roth, Mr. and Mrs. Qavin Dortch, Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Chatham, Mr. and Mrs. La than Mills, Miss Anna Atkinson, Miss Dorothy Halsey, Miss Lucille Cox, Miss Mary Virginia Barker, Miss Bet ty Harris, Miss Lucille Young, Miss Mary Hendren, Miss Lucy Gray, Bliss Willie Ouyer, Miss Mattle Brendle, Miss Virginia Price, Robert Lank ford, Rich Chatham, Jr., H. P. Graham, Jr., Bill Harris and Raymond Chat ham. ft Wit . . , i .. j■. i ■ 'Read Tribune Advertisements! Presbyterian Notes Th» church was well filled last Sunday to welcftne Mr. Man son. His message was enjoyed by every one present. The pastor of the Elkln church Rev. O. V. Caudill preached at the Yadkin ville Presbyterian church last Sunday to a well at tended service. Every one seems to be enjoying SALE OF REGISTERED JERSEY COWS Yie have produced a surplus of County Farm. In order to give the farmers of Surry County an opportunity to purchase a registered pure-bred animal, we are offering only to the farmers and 4-ti Club Members of Surry County the following animals at cost from March 15 to April 15. All of these animals are registered Jerseys: i ' ' 1. Fox's Gay Mary - 866093, dropped October 20,1928, Oakwood D's Fox breeding. 2. Fox Bell - 1001872, dropped May 7,1932, Oakwood D's Fox breeding. 3. Maiden Buttercup of M. B. - 929977, dropped March 31, 1930, double granddaughter of Oakwood D's Fox. «v , ' » • . 4. Silverine Lady Diamond - 999155, dropped Decem ber 15, 1932, Eminent Tiddledywink's Raleigh # breeding. 5. Fox Pet Fanny - 1110907, dropped January 24,1936, Oakwood D's Fox breeding. 6. Dreaming Carolina Sybil - 1136564, dropped Jan uary 23, 1936, Dreaming Sam, Sybil and Oakwood D's Fox breeding. 7. Fairy Gold Fox Bell - 1155627, dropped May 22, 1937, Oakwood D's Fox breeding. 8. Fairy Gold Buttercup - 1200134, dropped January 15,1938, Oakwood D's Fox breeding. 9. Sovereign Son's Mary - 1200137, dropped July 22, 1938, Jersey Sovereign and Oakwood D's Fox breeding. 10. Sovereign Son's Bell -1200138, dropped October 18, 1938, Jersey Sovereign and Oakwood D's Fox breeding. 11. Sovereign Son's Ruby - 1200139, dropped Novem ber 16,1938, Jersey Sovereign and Forward breed ing. The first seven animals in this group are all bred, part of them to ArroWoodSovereign 50n5,373112, Jersey Sovereign, Glim mers You U Do's Volunteer Bull, and part of them to Fairy Gold Waif em Boy, 384862, an Oakwood D s Fox Raleigh Brampton Waif em Bull. Signed: M. Q. SNOW, CHAIRMAN BOARD COUNTY COMMISSIONERS I ' V IF INTERESTED SEE B. F. FOLGER DOBSON, N. C. ■ • ■* the Sunday School as the atten dance Is on the Increase. llie young people have been leading their own programs on Sunday evenings and they like it. Jim Hanks led February 26, and Hulda Money led March 5. We invite everyone to attend two services Sunday March 12. The morning service by the pastor on the subject, "What domes to the gifts we make to the church." The evening service will be con ducted by laymen of the church. Mr. Jack Wells and Arch B Tay lor, of Winston-Salem, will con duct this service. Come and hear what these plain spoken business men have to say for the church. It might help members of any church to hear them. We cordially welcome everyone to our services. An initialed rubber ball thrown into the ocean on .the New Jersey coast in July 1888 was found 43 years later on an ibland in Japan. TM Steady "BOBS, I'm leaving," the hired man said to the Scotch farmer. "You promised me a steady Job." "Well, aint it?" asked his em ployer. "No," replied the hired, man, "there's at least three hours in , the middle of the night when I've got nothing to do." Women talk faster than men. using five or six coords to a man's four.