News of Jonesville / Miss Virginia Llneberry, Editor Phone 44-M Mrs. Bill Cook.sey and Dot Dar nell returned to their home in Winston-Salem Thursday after spending a few days here the guests of Miss Ruth Mayberry. Mr. and Mrs. Otto Money an nounce the birth of a daughter on Thursday. May 4. Miss Lorraine Line berry and Clay and Denney Helton spent Sunday afternoon in Roaring River, the guests of Miss Mary Lucy Pardue. Misses Virginia Lineberry, Dor othy Colhard, Magdalene Martin, Agnes Pardue and Messrs. Leon Martin and James Martin motor ed to Winston-Salem Sunday af ternoon where several of them took part on a radio program at station WAIR at 3:30. Mrs. M. H. Helton and son, Dewey, and Miss Lorraine Line berry spent Saturday afternoon in Winston-Salem. Miss Lorraine Lineberry and Mesdames M. 6. Helton. J. L. Brandon and John Arnold at tended the funeral of Mrs. I*olly Ann Miles Anderson, of Sandy Springs, Friday. Mr. J. H. Swaringen, a member of the high school faculty, left Sunday to spend the summer OPENING TODAY THURSDAY, MAY 11 J. A. ROBERTS GROCERY CO. NORTH BRIDGE STREET Complete Line of Staple and Fancy Groceries, Fresh Meats All Fresh Stock TELEPHONE 319 WE DELIVER Select A Nice Gift ' MOTHER Numerous Items Here That Will Make an Attractive, Thoughtful Gift Ladies' Bags, New Colors and Shapes 59c - 97c Attractive Compacts 59c Gloves in the Color She'll Want 68c - 97c to $1.95 Bedspreads . .SI.OO - $1.59 to $4.95 Silk Hosiery . .48c-59c-69c-78c-97e Gowns 97c to $1.95 Dresses 97c to $9.95 Hats 97c to $1.95 Goosedown Pillows, Each ... $2.99 Belk-Doughton Co. ELKIN, N. C. with his parents in Asheville. Miss Hilda Oae Renegar. dent at W. C. U. N. C.. Greens boro, spent the week-end here with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. V. L. Renegar. Misses Pat and Sarah Blakely. of High Point, spent the week end here with friends. Misses Faye Marie and Susie Mathis, Mary Holcomb and Mr. Ernest Swaim attended the grad uating exercises at Yadkinville Tuesday morning. Rev. Isom Vestal filled his reg ular appointment in the pulpit Sunday night at Arlington and preached an inspiring sermon. Mrs. Vallie Longworth and children, of Roanoke, Va., are spending a few days here, the guests of Mrs. Charity Weather man. Mrs. Ruth Hutchins and son. Joe, of Yadkinville, are spending this week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Holcomb. Master Sonny Boy Groce is listed among the sick this week. Mr. C. G. Mathis has just re turned from eastern Tennessee where he purchased a fine thor oughbred three-year-old saddle mare. He was accompanied by THE ELKIN TRIBUNE. ELKIN, NORTH CAftOLIN R. P. Rveridge and Bub Price, of Jonesville. Mrs. Marvin Mayberry and daughters, Ruth and Nancy Ann, Mrs. W. P. Reece and Mrs. Hugh Madison and daughter, Jean, at tended the graduating exercises at Yadkinville Tuesday morning. Mrs. G. E. Deal and daughter, Mildred, of Taylorsville, are spending some time here with the former's mother, Mrs. C. L. Ker ley. ' Mr. and Mrs. Z. B. Martin and children spent Sunday afternoon in Winston-Salem, the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Otis Felts. Master Robert Martin remained in Win ston-Salem to spend some time with them. Mrs. D. G. Reece and daughter. Sarah Lou, visited friends and lelatives in Boonville Sunday af noon. Mrs. J. D. Eller returned to her home Tuesday after spending some time in Atlanta. Ga„ with her daughter, Mrs. Marshall Pitt man. Mrs. P. H. Underwood. Mr. and Mrs. Delos Underwood and son. Tony, and Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Lineberry visited in the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Mock, of Boonville, Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Chappell and daughter, Dorethea, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Laffoon and Miss Em ma Sue Steele spent Sunday in Westfield, Va 1 . Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Lineberry, Mrs. D. R. Casstevens, Miss Ber tha Adams and Mrs. D. H. Crav er attended the funeral of Mr. R. A. Davis, of Bullock, on Thurs day. Mrs. M. R. Hardin, Atlanta, Ga.. is visiting Mr. Hardin's par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Hardin, here. Hobart Bowman and children, of Salisbury, visited his sister, Mrs. J. Y. Jester, Sunday. Rose Marlowe Circle Meets The Rose Marlowe circle met on Tuesday evening. May 9, at the home of Miss Cathryn Brown with ten members, one new mem ber and four visitors present. An interesting program on "Healing" was presented by sev eral members of the circle. Mrs. Jack Brown, president, presided during a short business session. A social half hour was enjoyed by all. Mrs. Greenwood and Mr. Brown Are Given Surprise Birthday Dinner Mrs. Robert Brown gave a sur prise birthday dinner for her husband, Mr. Robert Brown, and her mother, Mrs. Sallie Green wood. on Sunday. Covers were placed for sixteen. Those enjoying it were. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Groce, Mr. and Mrs. John Mayberry and son, Gail. L. E. Messick. Q. V. Messick. Miss Cora Messick, Cathryn Brown Wells and daughters. Kay and June, Bryce and Edwin Brown, Mrs. Sallie Greenwood and Mr. Robert Brown, honorees, and the hostess, Mrs. Robert Brown. Amateur Show Is Staged on Wednesday Evening Mr. Leon Martin in his new Search for Talent parade, pre sented a varied program at the Jonesville school auditorium Wednesday evening. Several from this and other communities par ticipated. Those taking part on the pro gram were: Mr. Leon Martin, master of ceremonies, Misses Dor othy Colhard, Gerry Weaver and Beatrice Burcham. guest artists, Virginia Lineberry. Helen Wall. Eloise Sparks, Madge Sparks, Mildred Wall, Kathleen Burcham. Maxine Myers, Mozelle Kimmer. June Boles, Lucile Rose and Mil dred Rose. While the judges were making their decision, a performance was given by Dusty, Bubbles and Rip ples. Those winning prizes were given the opportunity to broad cast over station WAIR on Sun day afternoon at 3:30. Prizes were awarded to Misses Virginia Lineberry, Mozelle Kimmer. June Boles and Dorothy Colhard. HERE'S ANOTHER OF THOSE KINSTON YARNS Kins ton (Special)— The "crazi est" experience John Holbert, ne gro, ever had left him shocked but practically unhurt, he said to day. He cranked a 10-year-old flivver and it ran over him. In a hurry to be oft on errand, he had failed to take proper precau tions. His legs were bruised, but slightly. The car ran 10 feet and stopped against a tree. The "blamed thing" always did make trouble, Holbert said, but he could not blame it for running over him. He cranked it again and left it for a moment, the motor running. It ran down an incline and ran over him again. He threw a wrench at it. The wrench struck a tire, rebound and struck him on the ankle. "It nearly mint me," Holbert said. It all happened within five minutes. Judge (rapping on desk): "Or der, gentlemen, order" Juryman (just awakening): "Egg sandwich and cup of cof fee." To Figfit Baer \ m HF '> V y * i ' nK NEW YORK CITY . . . Lou Nova California heavyweight who fights Max Baer here June Ist, ia pictured in a fighting pose at the Ploneei Oym, West 44th Street, where h worked out In preparation for thi battle. ROCKFORD . | Miss Edith Thomas Gambill, of Sparta, is visiting her sister for a few days, Mrs. C. B. Burrus. Mrs. W. W. Harrington and, daughter, Mayrine, of Taylors- [ ville, spent last week with her parents, Rev. and Mrs. George E. Burrus. Mrs. Burrus accompan-, ied her daughter back to Taylors- I ville last Sunday and will visit j there for several days. Miss Maude King, of New York City, is spending a two weeks va cation with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Mart King. Rev. D. G. Reece filled his reg ular appointment at the Rock ford Baptist church last Sunday. A large crowd attended both morning and night services. Mr. and Mrs. W. Y. Davenport, of Pilot Mountain, and Mr. and Mrs. Milton Davenport, of Win ston-Salem, spent the day here last Sunday visiting relatives. Everyone is glad to note the improvement in Mr. John J. Bur rus and to know that he is able to attend church again, after having been confined to his bed for several months. Mr. and Mrs. Weldon Reece, of Winston-Salem, have recently moved into this community. Ev eryone extends to them a hearty welcome. Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Coe spent last Sunday in Winston-Salem as the guests of Mr. and Mrs. John Mcßride. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Norman, of Mountain Park, and Mrs. E. L. Byrd. of El kin, were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Frith Holyfield last Sunday. RONDA Misses Lorraine Crater and Willye Mcßride have returned from A. 3. T. C., Boone, to spend the vacation time with their par ents here. Those attending the Home Demonstration club meeting in Wilkesboro Friday were Mes dames Ralph Martin, E. D. Bvrd, M. S. Pardue, J. T. Martin, R. R. Crater, H. A. Pardue, J. B. Bell, Clyde C. Dimmette, Marvin Wall, R. C. Martin, Earl Edwards and H. A. Burchette. Mr. and Mrs. Charles MathLs and children, of Winston-Salem, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Martin and Mrs. D. C. Mathis here Sunday. Mrs. Lee Wood and children are spending some time with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Drum. Rev. and Mrs. D. J. White re turned from Roanoke, Va., last week after spending some time with relatives there. Mrs. Robert Boger, of Concord, is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Mcßride, here. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Henderson had as their guests Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Thurmond Chatham and Mrs. P. H. Hanes, of Win ston-Salem. Rev. Dwight B. Mullis filled his regular appointment at the M. B. church here Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. D. W. Burchette and children visited Mr. and Mrs. Elbert Bradley Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Warren Bentley spent Sunday with Mrs. Bentley's mother. Mrs. Ella McClain, at Wilkesboro, and her brother, Rus sell McClain, accompanied them home to spend some time. Master Billy Adams and little Miss Grace Adams, of Valdese, spent Thursday here visiting friends. They formerly lived here. Mrs. Burnis Pardue spent last week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Bryant, at Boone. Mrs. B. A. Edwards and son, Gerald, spent Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Mc- Bride. Mrs. A. C. Hendrix spent the week-end with her parents in Winston-Salem. Master Jack Pardue is spend ing some time with his cousin. Avery Pardue, near Maple Springs. Mrs. R. C. Martin and sons, Mac and Richard Caswell, Jr., left Tuesday to spend some time with her sister, Mrs. Robert Bo ger, in Concord. Mr. and Mrs. Burnis Pardue and Mr. Warren Pardue attend ed the auto races at Salisbury Sunday. Mrs. Clyde C. Dimmette and children were the dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Martin Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Jones and children visited friends in Burch Sunday. • n Miss Arbie Fewell and her mother were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Friel Thorpe. MOUNTAIN PARK Mountain Park Home Demon stration Club Meets The club met Wednesday, May 3, at the club room with twenty four members and one visitor present. Mrs. Clint Saylor, pres ident, presided over the meeting. Mrs. C. C. Cockerham gave as the devotional a poem, "Prayer for Grace in Little Tilings." The roll call was answered with cur rent events. Mrs. A. F. Kinzie in a very in teresting manner described a tour of the club women of the coun ty, recently made to some of the flower gardens and places of in terest in and around Winston- Salem. The minor project for the month, "Pictures in the Home," was discussed by Mrs. C. C. Thompson. Paints in the proper selection and framing were brought out. Mrs. Paul Burch. Food Con servation leader, discussed the importance of curing, preserving and canning for future use. She also gave some good recipes. The major project for the month was salads, and this was ; brought to us by Mrs. I. O. Wal | lace in a demonstration of a veg etable and a fruit salad. Salads should be given a more important j place in our diet. The district meeting will be I held iri Mocksville May 24. All Relieve the Pain of ARTHRITIS Quickly! Safely! Tu relieve the aching paint of Rheumatism, Arthritic, Neuritis. Neuralgia. Lumbago, and Sciatica, get quick-acting MYACIN. Put up in easy-to-take tablets, containing no opiates or narcotics. Must give __ prompt relief or your money m M Cm will be refunded. Cotts only ; HEART OF EVERY CIRL GRADUATE • America's most popular gift to girl panics. The Lane Cedar Hope Cheat* graduates is the hope chest, steeped in are furnished with gorgeous veneers of traditions centuries old. When you se- rare woods that will never peel or lect this romantic gift, be sure it is a loosen because they are applied with genuine Lane, the only tested aroma- the revolutionary new waterproof tight cedar chest in the world with free Lane-welded process, moth Insurance policy written by one Come in and see our beautiful di»- of the world's largest insurance com- play of these Ideal gifts. CEDAR HOPE CHESTS No. 48 1668 (shown above) is a roomy 48-inch Hope Chest. chest of modern waterfall design with a front center ' /^\\ panel of 4-piece diagonally matched Oriental wood, f ** [. \U/ ' each end of which are panels of 2-piece matched . FV, \ American stump walnut. The border* of top and r » front are cross-grained zebra wood. The balance y r ' of the wood is American walnut. Equipped with Lane's patented automatic tray Hand-rubbed and V\- /fj al the'popuUr polished finish. f J I / Nancy Orra Returns Other Lane Cedar Hope Chats * If from $1995 Up on Easy Terms ' HAYES & SPEAS Fine Furniture' Phone 70 members are urged to attend this meeting. At the close of the meeting tempting refreshments were serv ed by the hostesses, Mrs. Joe Say lor and Mrs. Clint Saylor. Why should a person sow wild oats instead of tame ones? Elkin's T?* W Tf Superior Newest MZd M—J JESL Sound THEATREr * Thursday, May 11 (Today)— "NEXT TIME I MARRY" * , With Lucille Ball - James Ellison "Venetian Moonlight" - News Admission 10c-25c Friday-Saturday—Matinee and Night— KEN MAYNARD In FARGO EXPRESS Serial - Comedy - Disney Cartoon Admission 10c-25c Monday-Tuesday—Matinee Monday— "MADE FOR EACH OTHER" With Carole Lombard - James Stewart "Fox Hunting" in Technicolor Admission 10c-25c Wednesday—Matinee and Night— FRED SCOn In FIGHTING DEPUTY * Serial - Selected Shorts Admission 10c to All Coming Back Soon: "Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs" Thursday. May 11. 1939 Strong- Food Tired of waiting for the store j clerk to pay some attention, a lity "H tie girl called, "Hey, my father is home waiting for his breakfast." The Clerk: "What can I do for you?" "I want a bar of soap, a bottle of ammonia, and a can of lye."

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