Thursday, May 18, 1939 Another Special Lot Special Groups Ladies' Special Sale Girls' Sheer Big Selection Special Sale Boys' New White°Linen BioJseTand Turkish Cool Dresses Harvest Hats Percale Gabardine Hankies Sweaters ToWels Beautiful styles in novelty Men's, boys', children's, PTlflts SllOrtS _ ... . , . t>,h foot misses' and women's large Trtdtctl Tailored shirt blouses and . .. . P „ t 16 Mothers and small shapes—Cool off Unheard of low price on Blue and green gabardine a mm? hovn rnl ciirmvpr '•■nrrjitrrt Regular A group worth lots —Sizes 2to 16. Mothers, un( ier one of these these percale prints Buy and khaki shorts with belt vLm? LaTTI • T L sweaters Regular more _ You>ll need dozens b daughte r's dress now. one of these " several dress lengths to match-Fine quality val- See these, you 11 want doz- $l.O0 —On sale at only— f Qr hot weather. • several aress lengtns. uc M " 18c ea. , 77c 9c HSO 's cto4Sc • 7c Yd. 97c Pipyj Floor First Floor Basement Store First Floor Basement Store Basement Store Basement Store XT 04. 1 • T A t SNew Styles in Ladies Summer Millinery New whites and pastels—lovely, flattering styles that you'll go wild over and the values at these prices will astound you— ll 9 H - 7 j^So / « 'A> isisa Special Sale A special purchase makes this low price possible— M |f] t /J Clirtnin S CYITH Ne,west spring shades—lrregulars that do not mar /I M f|4 M BIT O ; I / J m urium Otrirn the beauty or W ear of these—Come buy a supply— F\\ ■ «jp-xtf j / / Plain marquisette and nov- Made by a famous mill that makes our better hose TIP JfJ VA\ You'll want to walk right out in one of these tail- 4M* q Fira,F,o " r " . V\p ored solid colors Youthful "little girl" styles, new at basque flared shirts Cool sheers Prints and /MyO k'|| . A „ __ A solids—Why not select cool, stylish comfort now— / rvZlf F k lußa 12 yds. SI.OO iMMp 7 FRIDAY AND SATURDAY ONLY, 2 DAY SALE —QUALITY PUNJAB P$C. 9 5 and $ .9 5 Boys' Fast Color colors—36 inches wide—Pi'iced to be a J First Floor \ j . IHi / i cotton goods sensation for these two days WiyjiMiMHltoMs#* —Buy for dresses, smocks, house coat and NH W 7XV |"^™™^ Regular sport collars BH^F slipcovers- *\l if m A New Finer Quality! Better Value! I' v^lF\ SATIN SUPS SI 1111 MM, ~ Lace Trimmed or Tailored Styles I 1 r ACTIMAI" Sale Boys' 69c A finer grade satin, better workmanship, finer styles. ' jf V' J J /itxlU l Ir ill i L.J 1 tailored or lace trims —A slip you'd expect to pay much ' -■ LL Lhambray buys "' mntT ™ as now - A " ■ ; , The Shoes for You! styled for Smart Comfort Union Alls Ji 1 Qg 05 They'll love to play in these cHfCa A liT fy * i> i ss\ j r i r» • , closed heels, meshes, calfs and bucks — ▼ m* ' " , ▼ A New Group! $1.69 Value-Rayon Print ** an ~ Buanent'stor DREiSS LENGTHS New Styles in WHITES for Sport or Dress Wear. jjT i "°" HL 31/2 Yards Complete Length .. . | By red cross Men's Big Yank • complete dress length of rayon printed Ladies footwear Basement Store v f '" V: crepes—New small and medium patterns— Uniform bets drS ol^^ 1 " 31 and save by making your own Complete \ Matched shirts and pants nBST FLOOR Length '» Special Sale! New 1939 Cool g=^» ■ and 1 tn—Oreen°or GARARDINF S JUT S' "W unlades saniorized. fine Cool Comfort for Men With These New - „ , Pants $1.49 EDGERTON SHOES ' o>r AA Talwedby&iffoii, Shirtß 97c You kno " the name—tamous styles, better quality, com- 'ft.llll Single and Double Breasted Styles V/H I Oiurw fortable fitting—All whites and two out in a ■■ 111 l Ig'ff §gm ■■ A>i I Basement Store new pair this week— %P MM ■■ /f\ 'fV I \ g J SIR WALTER SHOES COQQ V \|T Qry Men's Cool Good father oxfords—All whites and two tones—and M_ ■J* ■■ Cool, stylish, fine quality gabardine iTil Wfcr •*_ browns Popular new styles—A Spainhour shoe value at fIH suits, tailored by Griffon at special sale _/}\ 411 \IH VJ asfl Trousers Men's Shoe Department Basement Store Buy 6 'a^ftae 7 'suft^^ow^d 8 nearly ttl 1 rr uom $ 6 00 - or enough to buy a pair of shoes. T 7/LH ™ Novelty stripes and checks, -■», - / sanforized—Finer grades c. Summer Time Means Plenty Shirts Needed Special Sale! New Spring 1939 ri\ "fy l\\ 1 3 re ~_ B uy sever. TRUE-VAL SHIRTS KW . J|l 07 r UmIwIIhIIi ' Famous flne you know—Light, cool patterns a4| f o■, m Bpi lOf / / jfejU V P^ ll6 grades—Full cut—Fast colors—Buy summer needs K ' 0/ |IB ■ j|C \/n 11 Basement Store / now at Spainhour's— I" V V ftt.—l l?■ M Now at the FEATURE GROUP SHI«•»'• -.o™. new ««„« -u 8 .. p^„ the runs' * Lifll Ul\Lj UI\KJUI OUIIMU at a new low sale price-Tweeds and p»ain I A reason Washaoie %,* l\ . , _ _ _ worsteds—Spring colors and weights-Priced to LW e T T TT o I>l C 'i ' Fast color broadcloths in solid colors and fancy patterns and _ dress out the men of Klkin at a saving— Kf Y* ouuo I lay Jtllts whites Guaranteed not to shrink or fade-All sizes- U| 0 Men's Clothing Basement Store REDUCED Basement Store MM M Blouse and shorts made in £Ms CYHNHR QP AINHOITP ....!™'D,r --w jI UnUR-jr AliinUUßnri^oji • with several of these— M Elkin's Quality Department Store " Elkin, N. C. B»««n«it su»» THE ELKIN TRIBUNE, ELKIN, NORTH CAROLINA