News of Jonesville Miss Virginia Lineberry, Editor Phone 44-M Mrs. D. R. Casstevens and chil dren, Kenneth and Elton, Misses Mildred Harris, Lorraine and Vir ginia Lineberry, and Oneal Line berry spent Tuesday in Winston- Salem. Mr. and Mrs. Dock Holleman returned to their home Monday after spending a few days in New York where they attended the World's Pair. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Casstevens and daughter, Jean, Mrs. C. O. Pinnix and daughters, Fredrica, Dorothy and Prances, visited Mr. and Mrs. Emest Hawke at Silver Pines camp, Roaring Gap. Miss Gerry Burgess was the guest of Miss Jean Teal a few days last week. Mr. Aaron Sparks, of Boonville, visited Mr. and Mrs. Albert Cass tevens Monday afternoon. The condition of Mrs. C. L. Kerley who has been ill for some time, is considerably worse, her Cool 1 _ Sailors " Soft Straw i $1.4511.95 I \ $2.95 p Lots of • 7 Summer Ties 50c and SI.OO | CROSBY SQUARE SPORT SHOES. Hand Woven ■ Pliable two-tone leather. Bill (I Leather or crepe soles *D.UU Up •The Men's Shop II Herman Guyer Phone 199 Barrett Lankford IlillßiilßlllißllllßlßFlßljßLlßl'lSlilßl.lSiilßElSl.lßliißlllßlllßriifllßlilßlilßl'JSnSnSi^ TRADE IN That Old Stove or Range For An ENTERPRISE CAST IRON RANGE For Wood or Coal A substantially made range that has proven its worth and service, presented in a new semi-enamel finish. Fair comparison will establish the Home Enterprise as a superior value in every 'instance. This range has two drop cushion doors for warming closet; full 18-inch oven with thermometer; fire box with sectional linings* and Duplex grate for wood or coal fuel. Oven door frame,! front oven shelf and towel rail nickled; large cooking top ground and polished. Can be furnished with L oast front or 3-4 inch pipe water coil. $45.00 to SBB.OO EASY TERMS One Good Second Hand Range to Go at a Real Bargain! See It! Home Furniture Co. Next to Abernethy's Elkin, N. C. many friends will regret to learn. Messrs, C. G. Mathis, C. G. Pinnix and R. E. Everidge visit ed points of interest in Virginia on Tuesday of last week and made an inspection of thorough bred saddle horses. Mr. and Mrs. Max Anthony and son, Staley, and Misses Lorene Osborne, and Icie Wilmoth spent Thursday in Hamptonville visit ing friends and relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Gilvin Royall and Miss Willie Bell Osborne spent the week-end in Charlotte visit ing friends. Mr. and Mrs. Huey Osborne and children spent Sunday in Bethel, the guests of Mrs. Yance Harris. tyr. and Mrs. Hub Combs spent Sunday in Roaring Gap visiting friends. « Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Boles and children attended the graduation THE ELKIN TRIBUNE, ELKIN, NORTH CAROLINA of their son, Gilmer, at Guilford Monday. Charlie Gilliam, Richard Os borne, Staley Anthony and Misses Lorene and Rosalie Osborne mo tored to Sparta Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Hicks and son, June, Miss Hazel Royall and Mr. Warren Joyce spent Sunday in Mount Airy. Mr. and Mrs. Harley Haynes and children, Virginia Lee and Doris, spent Sunday at Shoaly Branch. Master Bobby Browne returned to his home Monday after under going an appendicitis operation at the Hugh Chatham Memorial hospital., Miss Lorraine Lineberry spent the week-end in Winston-Salem, the guest of Miss Inez Whitener. Mr. A. L. Brown and grand son, Johnny Davis, and Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Brown spent Sunday in Taylorsville and Hickory. Mrs. W. G. Brown and daugh ter, Sandra, and Rachel Brown, of Burlington, are spending this week here with Mr. and Mrs. Tat Davis. Mr. and Mrs. Roby Casstevens and children, Kenneth and Elton, spent Sunday in Grensboro visit ing friends. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Pardue spent Sunday in Arlington with their son, Mr. Donald Pardue. Several from Arlington and this community attended the an nual Woman's Missionary Con vention held at Flat Rock Thurs day. Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Brandon re turned to their home Monday af ter spending two weeks with i their children in Chapel Hill and Raleigh. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Wall mo toned to Asheville Sunday and also visited Miss Irene Wall, of j Black Mountain Sanatorium. Miss Mathis Is Circle Hostess The W. M. S. of the Methodist 'church met at the home of Miss Mary Mathis Tuesday evening, I with 12 members and one visitor present. Mrs % O. E. Boles direct ed the program, assisted by Mrs. D. B. Mullis and Miss Mildred Ingram. The subject for study was "Widening Our National Outlook." Mrs. A. B. Scroggs taught the Bible study. Refreshments were served dur ing a pleasant social hour. Rose Marlowe Circle Meets Tuesday Evening The Rose Marlowe circle of the Baptist church held its monthly meeting Tuesday evening at the home of Miss Emma Eller with Mrs. J. C. Chappell as joint host ess. Mrs. P. A. Lineberry was in charge of the devotionals. Miss Hazel Phillips was in charge of the program, "Missionary Educa tion of Our Young People," and was assisted by Misses Bertha Adams, Mildred Harris, Mrs. Jack Brown and Mrs. Roby Casstevens. Mrs. Jack Brown, president, pre sided over a short business period. A social half hour was enjoy ed by all. A teacher asked a seven-year old girl what a bridegroom was. "Please, teacher," was the reply, "it's a thing they have at every wedding." COUNT THE EXTRA SMOKES IN By burning 25% slower than the average of the 15 other of the largest selling brands tested—slower than any of them—CAMELS give smokers the equivalent of pegcr**, ris" o *? CAMELS COSTUER TOBACCOS HMNV FOR PENNY YOUR BEST CMARETTI BUY? To Preach - ■■ * Rev. B. C. Jordan, above, will preach at Roaring River Bap tist church Sunday evening, June 11, at 8 o'clock. BOONVILLE Mrs. H. H. Simpson and chil dren, Billy Hayes and Jerry, of Tallahassee, Fla., are visiting Mrs. Simpson's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wiley Norman. Mr. and Mrs., Edd Bovender left Monday for their home in Union, lowa, after spending several days visiting Mrs. Bovender's brother, Wiley Norman. Mrs. Bovender is a former resident of this county. Miss Annette Woodhouse, of Greensboro College, returned to her home here Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Johnnie Canipe have returned from a two weeks trip to lowa and other places in the midwest. Bub by Bohannon, who is spending the summer with his grandfather, Mr. Ray, several miles south of here, spent the week-end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Cy Bohannon. Mr. Sant Vestal and family, of lowa, are visiting relatives and friends in the community. Mr. G. N. Dobbins and son, Billy, made a business trip to Charlotte Monday. James Speer attended the graduating exercises at State Col lege Sunday. Mr. S. C. Blackburn and daughter, Ruby, of Keystone, W. Va„ visited relatives here. Mr. S. P. Jones, of Statesville, was a business visitor in town Monday. Mrs. Foster Matthews has re turned from Chatham hospital where she underwent treatment. Clint Byrd visited relatives and friends at Cullowhee and Frank lin in the western part of the state the past week-end. J. W. Shore made a business trip to Raleigh recently. Mr. and Mrs. Dan C. Hemmings and family, of Dobson, visited relatives and friends in this com munity. Mrs. D. W. Hobson, Miss Velma Hobson, and Mr. and Mrs. Mack left Saturday morning for Caro lina Beach. Mrs. W. E. Brooks and daugh ter, Dorothy, left Friday for Rich mond, Va., where they will spend several weeks with Mrs. Brooks' parents, Mr. and Mrs. Knuckolls Miss Virginia Anne Craver left Monday morning for Mars Mill College where she will attend the Wake Forest-Meredith College summer session. Miss Gay Shore, of New York City, spent a few days with hei j parents, Dr. and Mrs. T. W Shore. Mr. and Mrs. Jamie Shore, ol Burlington, visited relatives here Mary and Frank Gough and Virginia and Evelyn Brock, ol Winston-Salem, visited Mrs. E. B Gough. Mr. and Mrs. Watt Deal visit ed Mr. Deal's mother in States ville. EAST BEND Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Hobson and son, Marvin Gray, of North Wilkesboro, were the guests of Mrs. Nora Ward and Mr. and Mrs. N. G. Hobson. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Burns, of Hickory, visited Mr. and Mrs. N. G. Hobson the past week-end. Miss Doris Poindexter, of Win ston-Salem, visited relatives here the past week-end. Marvin Ward, of Winston-Sa lem, visited his. mother, Mrs. Nora Ward, Sunday. Betsy Ross Williams and her sister, Julia, daughters of Mr. and Mrs. Holmes Williams, re turned home after a visit of sev eral days with their uncle, Lin don Williams, at Maryville, Tenn. Miss Hattie Poindexter has re turned from a trip of several weeks to New York and Rhode Island where she visited relatives. While in New York she attended the World's Fair. Ford Davis, tobacco salesman for Brown-Williamson in Georgia, spent a few days recently with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Davis. Lynwood Amnions and Miss Gail Williams attended the bac calaureate sermon of the Win ston-Salem high schools deliver ed in Bowman Gray stadium Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Ott Coram, of Winston-Salem, visited Mr. Cor am's parents Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Van Dee Matth ews, of Winston-Salem, were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Matthews. Mrs. H. E. Davis and son. Moody, visited Mr. and Mrs. Paul Hauser, in Winston-Salem. Mrs. R. A. Moser visited rela tives in King recently. While en route to the home of their grand parents in stokes county, her children, Vernon, Lucille and Del mer, narrowly escaped serious in jury when the Chevrolet coupe in which they were riding skidded on the wet pavement and over turned. None of the occupants was badly injured, but all re ceived minor cuts and bruises. Delmer, the youngest of the three, received two cuts about the face that necessitated the doctor taking a few stitches in the wounds. The East Bend Township Sun day School Convention was well attended last Sunday. The convention was held in the school auditorium and was direct ed by Henry Speas, local Sunday school worker. The meeting was represented by large delegations from the East Bend Baptist, Methodist, and Friends churches, Stony Knoll, Shady Grove, Union Hill and Mount Bethel. COOL SPRINGS There were 142 present at Sun day school Sunday, against 146 last year. We're getting along pretty well. Mr. and Mrs. Rock ford Wishon deserve honorable mention, the entire family of eight children and the parents being present. Mr. Eli Smith was a visitor with us Sunday. He accompan ied Rev. George Curry who filled an appointment at eleven o'clock. Taking his text from the famous words, "Behold the Man," he j preached a good sermon. Mr. and Mrs. Lauren Holbrook, of this community, had as their guests Saturday evening Mr. and Mrs. Elkanah Burcham, of near Benham, the maternal grandpar ents of Mrs. Holbrook. Several of our people here are still very ill, among them being Mrs. Jay Myers, Mr. Charlie Car ter, Mrs. Lauren Holbrook ahd the small daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Arne Holbrook. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Newman at tended the decoration service at Shoaly Branch Sunday. Several from Cool Springs at tended the Sunday School Con tention at Pleasant Hill Sunday afternoon. Mrs. John Burton and daugh ter, Barbara Jean, are guests of Mrs. Burton's parents this week, Mr. and Mrs. O. P. Holbrook. Prayer service will be held at IL_ *~~^zr^^liiiflWj^HMN that Exclustve Vacuum Gearshift atul watch i,« it Nmi im Chevrolet out-sprint the field! F-W CHEVROLET CO. Phone 255 Elkin, N„C. the home of Gordon Benge Sat urday evening. Everyone inter ested in these cottage prayer ser vices is invited to attend. YOUCANT\ STOP ME! I'M BOUND jP Penney's WHITE EVENT WEEK-END WHITE VALUE SPECIALS HANDKERCHIEFS 1,000 white handkerchiefs (Ladies') with hem- j stitched hem. Friday special, each I " CURTAIN MATERIAL 1,000 yards curtain marquisette. Don't miss LA this one. Special, yard only ■■ V TOILET SOAP 1,500 pieces extra quality toilet soap, ■■ while quantity lasts, for only, each NATION WIDE SHEETS 81x99 Nation Wide Sheets at our lowest #> price in six years! Come in a hurry for m (/ yours! Each jj| UNBLEACHED SHEETING Extra good quality unbleached sheeting at a JM price that keeps Penney's Elkin's shopping ' y* center. Yard ' PENNEY'S I. C. rtVXIT COMPANY, ELKIN, N. C. Thursday. June 8, 1939 Up the Alley Minister: "Do you know where little boys go when they smoke?" Boys: "Yep; up the alley."