Washington, Oct. 10—President Roosevelt, in his address at the opening of the special session of Congress which is considering his proposal to repeal the embargo agaigst the sale of weapons and ammunition to any nation at war, appealed to the Senators and Representatives, and infer entially to the people of the na tion, to approach the subject In a non-partisan spirit. The na tion must stand as a unit, he said, in its efforts to keep the United States out of the Euro pean war. On that last part of his appeal, that the country should be of a single mind about keeping out of war, his message struck a re sponsive chord. And there is no doubt in the mind of any ex perienced observer in Washing ton that if there were general agreement that the President's program would keep the country out of war. Congress would go a long way, almost unanimously, to back him up. But there is no such agreement, either in Con gress or outside of it. There is no way of checking up on the partisan affiliations of nearly a million voters who have written letters to their represent atives in Congress urging action one way or the other on the Neu trality Act, in the past few weeks. The vast majority of the letters oppose the President's plan. But how many of them are Republi cans and how many Democrats nobody knows, and whether they are motivated by sincere belief in the matter, or by a partisan de sire to block anything which Mr. ■ AVAVIIIIVAVII Elkin's Tf T Superior Newest MUA -Li .IHI Sound THEATRE Special: Thursday, Oct. 12—(Today)— "WAY DOWN SOUTH" . With Bobby Breen - Allen Mowbray Latest News - Swinguet Adm. 10c-25c Friday-Saturday, Matinee and Night— THREE MESQUITEERS In "WYOMING OUTLAW" Serial - Kennedy Comedy - Cartoon Admission 10c-25c Monday-Tuesday, Matinee Monday— CAGNEY IS looking m tiouble and he s going to fino A RAFT OF IT! #JANE BRYAN.GEORGE BANCROFT Directed by WILLI AM KtIOHLBY • PmanMd by WARNIft BROS. !»»■■ H* Hmmm BHRy M • from (fee Newel by If— o*mm • A Vlnl HeHtpd Meter* Entertaining Short Subjects Adm. 10c-25c I Wednesday, Matinee and Night— "COWBOY QUARTERBACK" With Bert Wheeler - Marie Wilson Disney Cartoon - Serial - Adm. 10c to All % WATCH OUT FOR "WHITE ZOMBIE" ■ VIVITIBVIVAVa Roosevelt advocates, none can tell. In Washington, however, it is easier to draw conclusions. Sen ators and Representatives, with few exceptions, are paying slight heed to the President's appeal for "the adjournment of partisan ship" so long as the present Euro pean crisis lasts. Party Line-up The battle against the repeal of the arms embargo is so definite ly a battle of Republicans against Democrats that it has had the ef fect, among other things, of bringing back into support of the Administration many Democrats who have been opponents of the President in most of his recent nmgr&m. including Alfred E. Smith. Even venerable Senator Carter Glass of Virginia, whose feud with Mr. Roosevelt has been of more than six years' duration, is back again in the same fold with such New Dealers as Sena tors Pepper of Florida and Bilbo of Mississippi. Senators Pat Har rison, Harry Byrd and "Cotton Ed" Smith of South Carolina also are back. The fight therefore, is distinctly a party battle, each side believing that its victory will strengthen its party's chances of success in the 1940 Presidential election. That, and not neutrality in any real sense, is the actual issue. The wheel-horses of the battle on the Republican side are Senators Ar thur Vandenberg of Michigan. Hiram Johnson of California, Borah of Idaho and Nye of North Dakota. That the Republicans intend to take the fullest political advan tage of the neutrality debates is undisputed. The belief here is that the member of that party who will gain the greatest per sonal political advantage is Sen ator Vandenberg. Mr. Vanden berg is an avowed candidate for the Presidency, as he was in 1936. He has been sounding the slogan: "Keep America out of War" for many months, and has gained a much larger popular following than he had a year ago, THE ELKIN TRIBUNE, ELKIN. NORTH CAROLINA by his repetition of that warning. Vandenberg's chances for the Re publican nomination seem to Washington politicians to be bet ter than ever. Polls of public opinion still show District At torney Thomas E. Dewey of New York in first place, but with Van denberg gaining, and far ahead of Senator Taft. Third Term Sentiment On the other hand, the same polls show a surprising increase in public sentiment for a third term for Mr. Roosevelt. That is accounted for here by the Presi dent's oft-repeated declaration I that he intends to keep America ! out of war. On that point he has practically the whole people with him, or would if all literally be lieved in his program. The belief in important politi jeal circles in both parties that we l are not going to war, whether or jno, would appear to be back of I the efforts of both parties to be iin a position to claim credit for ! keeping the United States out of war. The most complete confirma tion of the attitude of the Re publican leaders to reject Mr. Roosevelt's request for the ad- Men! Here's Your Complete NEW FALL OUTFIT yJ SSJO DOWN m $2.00 WEEKLY ... Dress Up Now! M PAY AS YOU EARN! WEAR AS YOU PAY! wKM CIIRLEE SUIT $24.75 I LOOK m DOBBS HAT 5.00 JARMAN CUSTOM SHOES 6.85 RITZ SHIRT 1.95 Wh d , h , Why do without new fall 1 gggBSSSSS^d- WEMBERLY TIE 1.00 c othes because it's incon- ir 4 SOX 1.00 v nient to pay cash? Use 2 UNDERWEAR !!! '.! LOO k+l Gwj you need on terms that $41.55 will make it easy for you. j / \ Take advantage of this /f\\J Js&Qj3 SALES TAX 1.25 spec al credit offer today! fv 1 Hurry to McDaniel's now TOTAL $42.80 CLIP THIS AD. AND BRING IT WITH YOU AS AN INTRODUCTION McDANIEL'S Wt Department Store ELKIN, NORTH CAROLINA . 0 journment of partisanship was the address of Chairman John D. M. Hamilton of the Republican National Committee, in which he declared that the President was asking Congress to become an other rubber-stamp to give him a blanket indorsement. Members of both parties went along with the President in 1933, when the na tional emergency was apparent to everybody, but no such emer gency now exists, Mr. Hamilton said. Pros and Cons What will be the final action of Congress, it is difficult to fore cast. The bill reported by the Senate Foreign' Relations Com mittee, commonly known as the Pittman Bill, is not entirely sat isfactory to either side, and espe cially to Senator Johnson, author of the Johnson Act forbidding the United States to give credit to any nation in default on its debts to pur government. The "cash and carry" provisions of the Pitt man bill, as first drafted, give ninety days credit on the sale of munitions. That is the picture of coming events in Washington as the cur tain rises on what may well prove to be the most heated, long-drawn-out and momentous discussion since those which led to the declaration of war in 1917. MAKE FISH HAPPY Ruth—No wonder you like to fish. It makes the little dears so happy. Jack—How do you know? Ruth—They're always wagging their tails when you pull them out of the water. IT'S THE TROMBONE Neighbor—What's the mattefl, Your playing sounds like the bel lowing of a sick bull. Young Trombonist I don't know what's the matter with my instrument. I blow in sweet but it comes out rotten. MOTHER TONGUE Willie—Say, Dad, who do they call English the "mother ton gue" Dad—Just observe who uses it the most around this house, son; then you'll know. One rabbit produced 173 young in one year in Moscow and was honored with a statue. » I FOR INSTANCE... I BUY OUR SASH PULLEYS ALL BALL BEARING AT NO EXTRA COST We Try Our Best to Sell the Best Eikin Lumber & Mfg. Co. I "Everything to Build Anything" Phone 68 Elkin, N. C. TRIBUNE ADVERTISING GETS RESULTS! Thursday, October 12, 1939