V-~ v-:?. ■ -■ - ~W Thursday, November 2, 1939 News of Jonesville Miss Virginia Lineberry, Editor Phone 44-M Mrs. p. H. Underwood and daughter, Elizabeth, Mr. Errol Berry, Mr. and Mrs. Harve Groce and family, Mr. and Mrs. Z. B. Martin and family, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Martin and family, Mr. and Mrs. P. A. Lineberry and family, Mr. and Mrs. Delos Un derwood and family, Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Eskridge and family, and Mr. and Mrs. Otis Felts and family, of Winston-Salem, motor to the Guilford Battle Ground Sunday for the Underwood re union. Mr. and Mrs. John Arnold and Mrs. Ivry» Johnson and son, Sam; my, attended the revival at Flat Rock Sunday. They also visited Mrs. Arnold's brother, Mr. Har vey Hinshaw, of Yadkinville. Mr. and Mrs. M. H. Helton and Mr. and Mrs. Dewey Helton spent the week-end in Asheville, the guests of Mr. and Mrs. EJmer Helton and family. Mrs. Tat Davis returned home last week after spending two weeks in Chapel Hill and Bur lington with relatives. Miss Ruth Mayberry had as her week-end guests Misses Ann Breath Offends? Bad breath is sometimes due to bad teeth; often caused by sluggish bowels. To neglect it may invite a host of constipation's other dis- headaches, biliousness, loss of energy or appetite. Take spicy, all - vegetable BLACK DRAUGHT tonight. This intesti nal tonic-laxative tones lazy bowel muscles; cleanses gently,promptly, thoroughly by simple directions. Try BLACK-DRAUGHT, the time-tested laxative. BUDGET PRICE FASHIONS with that elegant their modest All That's New in , H A I JBK New bustles, new woolens, new / ! * n newest styles to flatter / you. Superb values in all sizes for ! A $7.95 - COATS in the. Newest Themes New tweeds, new fleeces, new re- versible styles, tweed and gabar dine—Carefully tailored in quality MO 95 T . Lineback and Erlene and Evelyn Mayberry, of Winston-Salem. Mr. and Mrs. Odell Mayberry, Mr. and Mrs. Jimmy Heddel and Mr. Pinkey Darnell, of Pulaski, Va„ were guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Mayberry. Mrs. George Hart, of, North Wilkesboro, visited relatives here Tuesday afternoon. Mr. Dumont Eskridge, of Hills boro, spent thp week-end here in the home of Mrs. Mabel Thomp son. Mrs. Esjcridge and daugh ter, Sarah Ann, who have been spending a few days here with her mother, i,lrs. Mabel Thomp son, accompanied Mr. Eskridge home Sunday afternoon. Miss Lillian Brown, of Durham, was the guest of Miss Bertha Adams Monday. Mrs. Carl Hyden is listed among the sick this week. Mr. Jack Page spent the week end in Winston-Salem with friends. Messrs. Henry Smith and Stan ford Brown, of North Wilkesboro, were visitors here over the week end. Mr. J. R. Kelley, of Marion, visited friends here Tuesday. The W. M. U. of Arlington will meet Friday night at 7:30. Mr. alnd Mrs. T. W. Rose had as their guests Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Harold Embody, of Char lotte. Mi*, and Mrs. Foley Osborne announce the birth of a son, Richard Tony, on October 19. Miss Virginia Anthony has re sumed her duties at Max's Place after spending a week with her grandmother, Mrs. J. U. An thony, of Hamptonville. Lorene Osborne spent a week THE ELKIN TRIBUNE, EL KIN. NORTH CAROLINA More Free Tickets to Be Given By Tribune jj Six' more free tickets good for admission to the Lyric or Elk theatres, will be divided equally among: those pictured above if they will call at The Tribune. Each week this newspaper, with the co operation of Elkln's two modern theatres, gives away tickets to those lucky enough to have their pic ture printed in this space. Maybe you will get your photo printed here next week—or some week.— (Tribune Photos.). with Mrs. J. U. Anthony', of Hamptonville. Mary Jean Shaw honored on Twelfth Birthday Mrs. Paul Shaw entertained Miss Mary Jean Shaw on her twelfth birthday Tuesday even ing, October 24, , at her home from 6:00 until 8:30 o'clock. Games were enjoyed during the evening. Master Mack Holcomb was awarded the prize. At the end of the fun period refresh ments were served to the follow ing: Aleine Holcomb, Betty Par due, Mattie Lee Wagoner, Lorene Shaw, Billy Boles, Lindbergh Swaim, Mack Holcomb, Billy Hol comb, Hazel Wagoner, Virginia Lee Shaw, the honoree, Mary Jean Shaw, and the hostess, Mrs. Paul Shaw. Sarah Nell Mathis Honored on Ninth Birthday Honoring her little daughter, Sarah Nell, on her ninth birth day, Mrs. C. G. Mathis entertain ed a number of little folks with a party at her home on Monday afternoon from 4:00 until 5:30 o'clock. Games and contests appro priate to the Hallowe'en season were played, with Helen Black burn and Betty Jean Dorsett be ing winners in the contests. Later refreshments were served in the dining room. Hallowe'en favors were placed at each cover. Those present were Betty Jean Dorsett, Bonnie Jane Hall, Mary Bell In gool. Charlotte Brown, Jean Leadership Specials ,n °" BASEMENT STORE 36-INCH OUTINC 1(T YD. TURKISH TOWELS 5' * nd T BOYS' SWEATERS 39 1 $1 PRINT DRESSES 2 FOR SI LADIES' COATS $5.95 MEN'S DRESS SHIRTS 97' LADIES'DRESSES $1.98 LOT $1.98 UNIFORMS 97' COTTON BLANKETS 44' CHILDREN'S SHOES 98' BETTER PRINTS 10' YD. LADIES' SHOES - $1.98 Sydnor-Spainhour BASEMENT STORE Madison, Betty Pricjp, Helen Blackburn. Sarah Lou Reece, Gayle Mayberry, Charles Madi son, Charles Mathis and the hon or guest, Sarah Nell Mathis. Girls' Auxiliary Enjoys Hallowe'en Party Monday Evening The Girls' Auxiliary of the Baptist church enjoyed them selves Monday evening at the town hall where they were en tertained at a Hallowe'en party from 6:30 to 9:00 o'clock. Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Lineberry ana Mrs. Hugh Holcomb served as chaperones for the evening. Games were played and at the conclusion refreshments were served to the following: Jean and Cornelia Lineberry, Aleine Hol comb, Dorethea Chappell, June Boles, Doris Shugart, Lonny and Lorraine Martin, Leonard Line berry, Marion Groce and the chaperones, Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Lineberry and Mrs. Hugh Hol comb. P.-T. A. Sponsors Hallowe'en Carnival Tuesday Evening The P.-T. A. of the Jonesville school sponsored a Hallowe'en Carnival which was held at the Jonesville school auditorium Tues day evening. String music was furnished by the following: Lu cille and Mildred Rose, Thelma Quisenberry. Sleepy Boles and Wan-en and Ray Wagoner. The auditorium was gaily decorated with the appropriate colors. In different rooms were found the following shows: Hall of Horros; Seven Wonders of the World; Five Cents a Kiss, and Fortunes. At the end of the hall were bingo tables and regular hot dog stands were provided for the audience. During the evening a cake walk was enjoyed by the majority of the audience, with Mrs. Dewey Mayberry the winner of the cake. Mr. Mark Reece won the prize for wearing the ugliest costume. At the end of the evening. Miss Kathleen Burcham crowned Miss Alma Couch Hallowe'en Queen. Miss Camilla Burcham, runner up, was presented a box of candy. RONDA Mrs. Earl Edwards and sons, Billy and Jimmy, were Sunday guests of her mother, Mrs. W. A. Hendrix. Miss Arbie Fewell, of East Bend, spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Hendrix. The Hallowe'en Carnival held in the gym Friday night was en joyed by a large crowd. The friends of Rev. and Mrs. D. B. Mullis are glad they will be here another year. Mrs. M. S. Pardue and son. Warren, and Miss Arbie Fewell motored to Pilot Mountain Sun day afternoon. Mrs. E. C. Sparks* sister, Miss Forester, is spending some time with her. Mr. and Mrs. D. W. Burchette and Mr. and Mrs. Elbert Bradley spent Sunday visiting ih Poors Knob. Mrs. v Willie Binkley and chil dren returned home Sunday after spending some time here with relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Mathis and children, of Winston-Salem, were week-end guests of his mother, Mrs. D. C. Mathis. Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Walls and Mr. and Mrs. P. T. Moore visited in Yadkinville Sunday.. Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Carter and H. K. Burchette were din ner guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. T. McNeill, at Roaring River Sun day. . 4 Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Dimmfctte, of Green Hill, visited Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Spruill Sunday after noon Mrs. Delia Carter, of the Ronda school faculty, spent -the week end at her home in Winston-Sa lem. Miss Lillian Linney spent the week-end with her mother in Wilkesboro. MOUNTAIN PARK The many friends of W. C. Williamson will regret to know that he is very ill at Hugh Chat ham Memorial hospital suffering from influenza and complica tions. Mrs. Joe Norman and Mrs. A. P. Kinzie attended the County Federation meeting of Surry County Home Demonstration Clubs at Franklin, October 28. Several other members of the Mountain Park club from the De votiop sectiofc attended. The gavel awarded the club having the largest per cent, of members present was awarded the Siloam club. Much interest is being shown in the singing Paul B. Collins is conducting at Mountain Park Baptist church. A large crowd attended the Hallowe'en Carnival at Mountain Park school 'Saturday evening. Miss Davis, of Rockford, N. C.J a member of the school faculty! here last year, spent the week end with friends here. Miss Davis attending school at 1 Boone, where, she will graduate in the spring. Mr. and Mrs. Winfred Luffman and daughters, of State Road, spent last Sunday at Mars Hill. They also visited Mrs. Luffman's brother who is a patient in the hospital at Asheville. THURMOND We regret to note that Mrs. W. P. Bell is on the sick list now, but hope for her a speedy recovery. Raymond Simmons of Chapel Hill College, spent the week-end here with his parents. A large crowd from here at tended the fifth S raid ay singing at Shoaly Branch church last Sunday. Miss Bessie Norman returned to her work as a school teacher at Stony Ridge last Sunday. Everyone is invltde to prayer meeting next Saturday night, U the home of Mrs. J. A. Normal. Come and help make our prayf.r meeting a success, and come out LET US PREPARE YOUR CAR FOR WINTER! Dependable /h i -f g\ HOT WAVE 111 nn Auto Heaters y itlv UU WIZARD SUPER O C P ANTIFREEZE, GAL. X!lt Also Eveready Prestone Western Auto Associate Store \ O. D. Causey Elkin, N. C. lIVAVIVVIVIVII Elkin's Tf ¥ Wf Superior Newest JZji ■ jLm Sound THEATRE Thursday, Nov. 2—(Today)— "SHOULD HUSBANDS WORK?" With the Higgins Family News - Cartoon Admission 10c-2Sc Friday-Saturday, Matinee and Night— GENE AUTRY In "MOUNTAIN RHYTHM" Serial - Comedy - Cartoon Admission 10c-25c Monday-Tuesday, Matinee Monday— NeverßeforeSuchFun ontheScreen! Embarrassing moments for the shopgirl who took in a s*« * doorstep baby.. a laugh at life, a look at love, a heart- ' deep romantic thrill for you! MUjk 0^ a 1 PANDfO S BKMAN IN CHAKGt OF PRODUCTION Of clod by GAfSON KANIN Produced by B G D* SYIVA Screen Ploy by Norma n Krasna Story by feii* Jackson Special: "Sons of Liberty" in Technicolor Admission 10c-25c Wednesday, Matinee and Night— "GlßL AND THE GAMBLER" With Leo Carrillo - Tim Holt Mickey Mouse Cartoon - Serial Admission 10c to All COMING: "THEY SHALL HAVE MUSIC" ■ VATATiIVIVAvd to Sunday school, also, next Sun day. Rain is badly needed in this community. The farmers are falling to get their crops planted because the ground Is too dry and hard. COUGH iTK? YOMH H«AD Turner Dug Co. Elk Pharmacy EVERYTHING For Your LAWN Grass Seed - Lime Lawn Fertilizer F. A. Brendle & Son Elkin, N. C.