Thursday, November 9, 1939 I TIME T0 CHOOSE YOUR COAT AT SPAINHOUR'S I Magnificent I In Two Feature Price Groups 1 VMr 'Mk . i. Fitted or swagger styles tweeds hearty tones— T I Jm \ / Warm solid color fleeces in all popular colors—And \ the season— tweed coat and / A a —All tailored I a J Spainhour's fine degree of excellence—Sizes for all. ® / H I % ALarger and Finer {/ Fashi.„abi, Fir* fi™ If ' I JI Larger and Finer Values I I World Famous" Made in Elkiri' I ■ /Ik Thursday! I CHATHAM BLANKETS I s^f V\ Stvle and Oualitv at a Fair Chatham famous specification blankets tell you everything—the wool content, ' Krwk ilii/Lv. 1 \ v T r» • T\mHfimT ft lirrn the tensile strength, and how to launder—Decorator colors for all bedrooms— h: is££?se2 jF 1/}(V\ 'lllßfcJ \ LOW 1 rice IchIVIIMAIMIx Prices have advanced but while our present stock lasts we will continue to sell % Gil 1/ i"l|) ImljlllJ.lllll t J at the same low prices. fW I »L,IV "K WUUL 'fiTnvn AIRLOOMS RONDA I JR dresses J» C JL $495 Tr $795 I M ■ \ Adorable youthful silk and wool dresses in the . v . Value Value " ■ ■ '/' MM* ifl ■ \ newest styles and colors—Quality and styles you'd Values to 1»C Yd. . , at.' , > ./> " JHI \ expect to be much more—A gorgeous group to se- .. New Chatham Blanket Department—2nd rloor . 111 \ lect from in all sizes. - (Basement) ____— _—— Jl ll \ CA jC tf* TF AJC a Super Value! Our Entire Stock of A Vast Selection of ■ , II « \ 3) I M*| Thursday ' Ladies' Better Grade PHFNTT I F fewest I nrr ethers up t« si'm Turkish SATIN SLIPS RFHSPRFADS PURSES I -IL-L! TOWELS SI.OO 14 OFF SI.OO I JL .£. Pr I Four gore and bias tailored or lace Now select a colorful fine chenille A massive selection of styles and / a ft 111 r A trim slips—Lock proof seams—Lux- spread for home in all colors—For a colors Pouches, envelopes, swing ■ ■ f / r\. 1 mzMk I4ift» urious quality at this price—Tearose limited time our entire stock on sale handles—Zipper and frame tops v X \® / f i i */» ' n sizes 32 to 42. a t 14 D ff, Fine grades at this popular price. ■ V ' c Orders First Floor First Floor First Floor ■ I A Sensational Success! Our First Floor Shoe Department I I HfV \ Flattering Styled Fri - and Sat - ' FOOTWEAR , n chlc crralions _ aUlgat)rs- I Large Selection of Fine *iv T ___ _ _ SI.OO Grades Oxfords or dress styles in suedes, suedes and calf skins—Black or SWEATERS MILLINERY MIMOSA ffiEr ,% yom " I Slipover and Cardigan styles Flat Clever styles in felts, new snoods, pos- SILK HOSIERY widths " /ioMMJv Wf*W H knits, brushed wool, hand knit styles tillions, pill boxes and classics. Blacks, __ _ A —lay colors that are so popular red I s ' peens, browns, styles to flatter V IVTV (t*AO (t*Af % W" fin MjW Dozens of styles featured at— and please you. WBgky 01/ \ ,(1(1 '(M I $2.98 $1.98-$2.98 and J J ffir # I VUM/V * V ulars of SI.OO, $1.15 grades, Others SI.OO Up First Floor 2 or 3 thread. ___________________ First Fl(K,r) Expertly Fitted By Experienced Shoe Fitters |p., pj£ ' Children's Children's I cSSs M - a Greater BASEMENT STORE | Carefully tailored I : ;r W styles with lovely $1.69 and $1.98 I pir>p rRFATFR FTKTN , . B -HBil Til n «—.»'«-*■- vmnmive IOK UKTAITK TUVIJN SALE LADIES-SHOES IBr-J Vwl plain colors. Sizes &lIJ (iLUVfiO 6) Ladies' ft LVS -S? fl> lAO colors, sizes 3to 14. IWk $5 - 95 wmS 1110 $3 - 95 ttttC PR. .]|| DRESSES COATS pl*UP | I mm 3 " PIEC S E Et" EGGIN SWEATERS /H iS 70x80 PART WOOL BLANKET I BP.-' $3.95 to $10.95 // I 1 SI.OO and $1.98 (First Floor) f « r or elders " Nice styles -AU Double blankets in 1 /»A " |HH (I*l AO cok>rs sizes - W fancy plaids. Asst. % I KU Woolen Prices Have Gone Up! Thurs.-Fri.-Sat. I * $5.95 \ll c ° lors pr 0 \i) But Our Price Is the Same! One Group of 49 QC • / I IV/IPM'Q I QI TIXQ FINFNS > thers to $ 9 - 95 BOYS'sweaters IVlr.fN O OUI 1 O li nn ,/lfi Cotton Print Dresses Group $1.98 Uniforms Slipover or coat styles AH' tmmmm Hard finlsh worsteds of 411 wool. A m m*m m 1„/ Pl\ If r "Happy Home" long sleeve f\n t > Poplin uniforms. All white,/\« c 111 assorted eolors--Cold %M £M* mMMMM Superior tailored in single or dou- %Wm M f V i u 1 lllvlJ cotton print dresses in II or b,ue —Several styles. AVI / weather values at 9 SSI ble breasted styles-Plains, stripes f | |||/ J HnffT cute tubfast styles JI feature bargain at */1 _________ checks-Dress well and sue- ■■■ llvltLi T ..,„ „„. 4 Sale Printed Crepes for young or elders. ■ W Special select group-Buy Lad, ® S Fa " SkirtS Sport materials and printed 25% WOOL BLANKETS J BBsfiSVyrSlSr- $29.50 BrZ&S$l.9B 38' »rl=s29B I I Men's SHOES $2.98 ZZZ^ZZZZZZZZ^ZZZZZZZZ I tU*m S Mens HATS sl ' 9B ■Skhfl i] il I■] ff/Aw K 1 ® 18111 SALE TOWELS Mens 97c I I flfl ik' |l CV 1 I II ft II I Special group Turkish towels P7 I liPf MEN'S SWEATERS Run-of-the-mill ift Mr bargains at ■ I "Elkin's Quality Department Store" |1 L--—I B 1-MiMWiW»x.«»».TiirjiP»»«.III««W,»... . g— NN .. ■ N .. THE ELKIN TRIBUNE, ELKIN, NORTH CAROLINA