Thursday, November 30. 1939 -tPp WALKER'S... The Store You've Depended Upon For Years I PROUDLY PRESENTS 7y \ Tta Greatest Array Of BP* ■ j9H| a> fe raa two big floors loaded with gifts of every kind and description! This year we have Wml\ outdone ourselves in buying the largest and most complete assortment of gifts in our I v ' «hL© history. Here, and at surprisingly small cost, you may purchase gifts for every single »» /i vlllEgft soul on your gift list, regardless of how large it may be. You'll find gifts for brothers, xmwm jLfathers, grandfathers, fathers-in-Jaw; you'll find gifts for sisters, mothers, grand \lHmothers; for aunts, uncles, cousins—and they will be truly worthwhile gifts that will be —• k \ J\Wm% m received with sincere thanks. So take our tip—hurry here for your every gift need, and We Extend Greetings V for Christmas decorations and greeting cards. We've got them—and how! Without the patronage and good wishes of the hundreds of / mmmr I 1/' VV\T\V 17 Q f I fine people of this entire section, our store would be unable \ lIfXF a h /. H|j& I Ilil/I/IEuJ present such a fine array of gift merchandise this pend on us for high quality, fair price and prompt, cour- \ J flHr r .„„ —, ~ . , . . . teous service. We invite you to make our store your store, { IHI y 18 gg " 6WS and we pass on our very sincere thanks as well as the A H& \% the year for kids and grown-up kids bigger* 6eS ' f ° rm ° f a better home HHL " j|| \t alike. Located in our basement store, W lim Toy land contains everything dear to Mr. and Mrs. L. F. Walker Hr the heart of boys and girls!* Many, || TWO BIG FLOORS LOADED WITH lift" ' ' W SSHS 25 * Gifts For Everyone m/ Wl| Pull Toys Aluminum Ware You'll vtfant to shop our street floor and our big Bargain Basement store for Christmas gifts There are 1)01,8 Electrlc L ' Khts many new gift items this year that you will find here—gift items that will save you money So don't put R5 Carriages Smoking stands off shopping until the last minute, but hurry here today and make your selections white stocks are a? their Electrlc mps »n e hfMi ß f i suggestions below to make your gift buying easier. Space doesn't permit us HK N?r Toy Tool chests Chair to list near all, but you 11 find many desirable items listed. iHH Toy Pianos Sets V Wagons Children's Rockers Scooters Air R,f,es //l , CHECK THESE SUGGESTIONS B /Q.MM 3SS" 3"i'rS 1 1 I I /,/ AND MAKE shopp lNG EASIER B mmSk "* —Ladies' Silk Underwear Collar Pin Sets ~~ ~~ ' ~ Tllll 111 —Jewelry Paper, Twine, Ribbon, Seals OTHER GIFT 1 ' M 11| 111 —Candles, Box Candles —and hundreds of other de- finf\T\& \rnur —Nuts and Raisins sirable gift items! InTUI/h INUV* Plenty of Decorations for Christrtias Tree and Home I p^! Stkri sifts now | I I II 7 11 % md « rv o JE fii-MsS Walker s sc-1 Oc Store L. F. WALKER ELKIN, N. C. 1 THE ELKIN TRIBUNE, ELKIN, NORTH CAROLINA