Thursday, July 4, 1940 ®SOC? ETY. Methodist Circle to Meet This Evening Circle number four of the Wo man's Society of Christian Ser vice of the Methodist church will meet this evening (Thursday) at 7:45 at the home of Mrs. Fred Colhard on Church street, with Miss Mayme Blackwood associate hostess. All members - are cor dially invited to attend. Mrs. Harris is Club Hostess Friday Evening Mrs. Edworth Harris entertained members of the Round Dozen Book Club at a dessert-rook Friday eve ning at her home on West Main street. Three tables were placed for the games in the living room amid a colorful setting of garden flowers. Table prizes were award ed at the conclusion of the play to Miss Mattie Mae Powell, Mrs. T. A. Leeper and Mrs. H. B. Hol comb. Mrs. Elizabeth Jordon Ab ernethy of Hamlet, guest of Mrs. L. I. Wade, who was the only guest outside of the club members, was presented a handkerchief. Mrs. Alien Is Club Hostess Thursday Mrs. Marion Allen delightfully entertained members of the Thursday Morning Contract club and several visitors at a lovely morning party and luncheon Thursday at her home on Church street. Bridge was played in the forenoon with the club award for high score going to Mrs. Paul Gwyn and the visitor's prize to Mrs. T. C. Bowie, of West Jeffer son, who was the guest of Mrs. E. W. McDaniel. Luncheon was served at the conclusion of the play. The dining room table was Women get "Build-up" A good way to relieve periodic dis comfort from junctional dysmenor rhea due to malnutrition, such as headaches, nervousness, cramp-like pain, many women find is by using CARDUI. It usually sharpens ap petite, increases flow of gastric juices, and so aids digestion, helps build resistance to periodic dis tress. Another way CARDUI may help you: Take it a few days before and during "the time." CARDUI has been popular for 50 years. WITH • • • m, ELECTRIC 2 REFRIGERATION You can't take chances with food in warm weather . . . especially when there are young children in the house. Always be sure their milk and other foods are properly refrigerated and are pure and wholesome. Fresh fruits and vegetables may be kept in abundance in a modern electric refrigerator, and delicious delicacies prepared for your family and children th?t will de light them and tempt indifferent appetites. See the 1940 electric rferigerators with their dozens of improvemnts! POWER COMPANY beautifu'iy decorated with mixed garden flowers. Guests in addition to club members were: Mesdames T. C. Bowie, E W. McDaniel, T. P. Cooley and D. G. Smith. Class Holds Organization Meeting A class of young girls of the Presbyterian Sunday school held an organization meeting Tuesday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Dan Barbour on Elk Spur street. Nine members of the class and one visitor, Miss Barbara Green, of Mt. Airy, were present. Miss Mary Gale Price was elected president of the group and Miss Rachel Caudill was named as secretary-treasurer. At the close of the business session a number of games and contests were enjoyed. Ice cream and cookies were served during the afternoon. Presbyterian Circle Meets With Mrs. W. J. Price Circle number one of the Pres byterian church met Monday eve ning at the home of Mrs. W. J. Price on Gwyn Avenue, with 18 members present. Mrs. Lathan Mills conducted the devotionals and the program, on "Christian Attitudes," was in charge of Miss Florence Eldridge, assisted by Mesdames Ted Brown, Dan Bar bour, O. D. Causey and Lathan Mills. Two new members, Mrs. Van W. Dillon, Sr., and Mrs. Bessie Pruitt, were welcomed into the circle. Refreshments were served dur ing a pleasant social hour. Mr. and Mrs. Poindexter Enter tain Fortnightly Club Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Poindexter entertained members of the Fort nightly Bridge club at a lovely dinner party Friday evening at their home on Bridge street. Din ner was served upon the arrival of the guests and during the ev ening bridge was played at three tables. Mixed garden flowers were used throughout the living room and dining room. In the games the club award for high score went to Mr. and Mrs. Mar ion Allen and the visitor's prize to Mr. and Mrs. Franklin Folger. Club members playing were': THE ELKIN TRIBUNE. ELKIN, NftRTH CAROLINA Mr. and Mrs. Marian Allen, Mr. and Mrs. E. S. Spainhcur, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Gwyn and A. B. Somers. Additional guests were Mr. and Mrs. Carl Poindexter and Mr. and Mrs. Franklin Folger. Baptist Circles to Meet Next Week The circles of the Woman's Missionary Union of the First Baptist church will meet next week in the following homes: Circles meeting Monday after noon at 3:30 will be the Neal Young Circle with Mrs. J. F. Moseley; the Naomi Shell circle with Mrs. J. H. Guyer and the Emma Leechman circle with Mrs. L. F. Walker. Circles meeting Monday evening at 8 o'clock will be the Rosalee Appleby circle with Mrs. Gaither Sprinkle and the Pearl Johnson circle with Mrs. Leslie Reinhardt. The Pauline Moore circle will meet Tuesday morning at 10:30 with Mrs. Bessie Gilliam and the Edith Adair circle will meet Tues day evening with Mrs. W. O. Hooper. All members are cordially in vited to attend. Miss Audree Shore Complimented Miss Audree Shore, who is to be married to Harold Mills, July 19th, was honored when her aunt, Mrs. Miles Shore, entertained at her home at Brooks Cross Roads. The living room was decorated with summer flowers. Hearts were played at four tables, with high score going to Mrs. Charlie Hall. In the contest Miss Carolyn Melton won the prize. After the games and contests, cakes, sandwiches, mints and punch were served. Guests were Miss Shore, Mrs. Charlie Hall, Mrs. Lon West, Mrs. Worth Burgess, Mrs. Freer Mon ey, Mrs. Spencer Bell, Mrs. Velna Weaver, Misses Beulah and Col lie Hinson, Viola Cass, Edith Steelman, Nell Whitlock, Pauline Boles, Irene Brown, Mary and Carolyn Melton and Gerry Weav er. Mrs. Spainhour Fetes Bride at Breakfast Friday Mrs. E. S. Spainhour entertain ed at a delightful breakfast Fri day morning at her home on West Main street to honor her sister-in-law, Mrs. Jack Spain hour, of Hickory, a recent bride. Miss Sara Kelly Lillard, of this city, bride-elect of this month, shared honors with Mrs. Spain hour. The dining room table, where covers were placed for twelve, was centered with a bouquet of white gladioli and baby's breath. Mrs. Spainhour and Miss Lil lard were each presented a gift. Mrs. Raymond Chatham, of Chi cago, who is a recent bride, and who is visiting here, was also presented a lovely gift. Miss Nancy Click drew the prize among the breakfast guests. Mrs. James Baldwin, of Medina, Ohio, was also an out-of-town guest. Mrs. McDaniel is Hggtcoa at Series of Parties Mrs. E. W. McDaniel entertain ed a series of lovely parties last week at her home on Bridge street. The first of the series was a coffee given for Mrs. Fred Groth and Miss Ruby Groth of Minneapolis, Minn., guests of Mrs. Earl M. Hodel, and Mrs. D. K. Cooley of Lexington, S. C., guest of Mrs. T. F. Cooley. The guest list included twelve. Each of the honorees was presented lovely remem brances. Mrs. McDaniel was hostess the following morning at a breakfast to honor her guest, Mrs. T. C. Bowie, of West Jefferson. Bridge was enoyed during the morning, with the prize going to Mrs. J. R. Poindexter. Mrs. Bowie was also presented a gift. The last of the series was a dessert-bridge when Mr. and Mrs. McDaniel entertained again to honor Mrs. Bowie. Bridge was played at two tables during the evening, with Mr. and Mrs. Marion Allen winning the high score a ward at the conclusion of the pro gressions. Methodist Mission Circles Meet Monday Afternoon The circles of the Woman's So ciety of Christian Service of the Methodist church met Monday afternoon in the following homes: Circle number one met with Mrs. M. A. Biggs, with 12 members present. Mrs. J. G. Abernthy, circle chairman, conducted the devotionals and presided over the meeting, and Mrs. J. S. Hiatt taught the Bible lesson. Each group is studying "Hymns of Zion." Mrs. T. A. Redmond was welcomed as a new member. Circle number two met with Mrs. W. W. Whitaker with 15 members present. Mrs. C. H. Leary was enrolled as a new member. Mrs. D. G. Smith pre sided over the session and Mrs. Herman F. Duncan conducted the devotionals. The Bible lesson was in charge of Mrs. H. C. Salmons. | Circle number three met with Mrs. Errol Hayes with 12 mem bers and two visitors present. Mrs. Charles G. Ashby, circle chairman, presided over the meeting and conducted the devo tionals and Mrs. J. Harold Click taught the Bible lesson. Each hostess served refresh ments during a pleasant social hour at the conclusion of the program. Mrs. Whitaker Entertains Garden Club Thursday Mrs. W. W. Whitaker entertain ed members of the Yadkin Valley Garden Club and several visitors at a charming buffet luncheon Thursday at her home on Church street. The dining room table was centered with a bowl of sweet peas and baby's breath placed on a mirror reflector. White candles in silver candelbra were used on either end of the table. At each of the small tables, where the guests were seated, were small bouquets of sweet peas and baby's breath. Covers were placed for eighteen. I Following the luncheon Mrs. W. R. Wellborn presented an in teresting program, which featured a clever display of garden flowers by the members, using shoes and galoshes for vases. In the ar rangements, which were entered for prizes, Mrs. E. G. Click won first place, Mrs. Mason Lillard second and Mrs. J. L. Hall, third. Honorable mention went to Mrs. J. S. Atkinson. Guests in addition to club mem bers were: Mrs. C. Bynum CI egg of Greensboro; Mrs. Dallas Kirby of Danbury; Mrs. Henry Wolfe of Mountain Park; Mrs. C. F. James of Mougt Airy, and Mrs. Errol Hayes. Miss Catherine Boles Is Bride of D. Phillips Wilkins Miss Catherine Pamelia Boles and D. Phillips Wilkins, both of Jonesville, were married Saturday evening at 8 o'clock in a pretty ceremony at the Jonesville Meth odist church, with Rev. Dwight B. Mullls, pastor of the church, of ficiating, using the ring ritual of the church. Only the immediate families and a few close friends were present -for the ceremony. Prior to the ceremony a pro gram of wedding music was ren dered by Mrs. Robert O. Boles, sister-in-law oX the bride, pianist, and Leon Martin, soloist. The bridal couple were unat tended. The bride wore a be coming suit of sheer navy, with touches of white, and a bouquet of sweetheart rosebuds. Mrs. Wilkins is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Edward Boles, and is a graduate of Appa lachian. State Teachers College, Boone, and since her graduation has been a member of the Acuity of the Jonesville school. Since the announcement of her engage- ment she has been accorded many social courtesies. Mr. Wilkins is the. son of Mr. and Mrs. Clinton Wilkins of Jon esville, and is associated with the Cash and Carry Stores. Following a wedding trip to New York, Mr. and Mrs. Wilkins will reside in Jonesville. Bride-Elect Honored I Miss Audree Shores, whose marriage to Harold Mills will take place July 19, was shown courtesy Monday night when Mrs. Velna Weaver and Misses Mary and Carolyn Melton entertained at a miscellaneous shower and party at Mrs. Weaver's home at Brooks Cross Roads. Miss Carolyn Mel ton will be a bridesmaid in Miss Shores' wedding. The living room and music room were decorated' with sum mer flowers. The bridal motif was prevalent in the decorations, tallies and refreshments. A roll ing pin tied with a corsage of sweet peas marked the bride's place. Bridge, rook and Chinese checkers were played at five tables with high score going to Mrs. Nelson Ireland and low score to Miss Tabitha Burgiss. Other prizes were awarded to Miss Audree Shores and Mrs. Irene Shores and Mrs. Ray West. Guests showered Miss Shores with many useful gifts. The host esses presented the honoree with crystal in her pattern. After the games and contests, a salad course and punch were served to the following: Miss Shores, hon oree, Mesdames Nelson Ireland, Miles Shores, Ray Reavis, Spen cer Bell, and Misses Beulah Flem ing, Tabitha Burgiss, Pauline Bales, Caroline Bell and Gerry Weaver. Out-of-town guests were Mesdames Bob McLaughlin, Roy West, and Miss Irene Brown, of Yadkinville; Mrs. Alden Hunt, of Elkin; Miss Stella Morgan, of Woodleaf, and Mrs. Calvin Wright, of Pinnacle. DOWN COME PRICES IN CELEBRATION OF OUR Oth Anniversary! WE EXPRESS OUR APPRECIATION TO OUR CUSTOM ERS FOR THEIR PATRONAGE DURING THE PAST EIGHT YEARS IN THE FORM OF MONEY-SAVING VALUES! Here Are Just a Few of Our Many Specials for This Big Sale! PURE LARD, 2 Lb. Pkg. 16c jri ni'iD RRp SUGAR HUUK 24 LBS. Out 10 LBS. 45' LARGE LEMONS. DOZ. 20* J?'""' O.K. SOAP. 10 CAKES 25' 6 CAKK FOR 15« CHOCOLATE CANDY 1C- ood Round 2 p °» nds for STEAK, LB. 25 c LIPTONTEA, 1-4LB. 10A miTpn „ riAM , GLASS FREE! lub WATERMELONS MILK 25c cmalWes Fresh Off the Vine! DRESSING 20C I=^ EAST ELKIN GROCERY Phone 293 . Charlie Darnell, Manner Welborn-La/wTence The marriage of Miss Lois Ber nice Welborn and Roy Thomas Lawrence, both of this city, was solemnized on Friday eveaing, June 28, at eight o'clock. Rev. David W. Day, pastor of the bride, officiated. The vows were spoken in the living room of the home of Rev. and Mrs. Day, amid a beautiful arrangement of regal lilies and other summer flowers. Only a very few close friends of the couple witnessed the cere mony. Prior to the ceremony a pro gram of nuptial music was ren dered by Miss Grace Burcham, pianist. The bridal couple en tered the living room together. The Bridal Chorus from Lohen grin (Wagner) was used as a processional. The bride wore a becoming dress of white chiffon with white accessories. Her flowers were a shoulder corsage of roses and lilies of the valley. • Mrs. Lawrence is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Welborn, of this city, and is a graduate of the city schools. Mr. Lawrence is a son of Mrs. Thomas Lawrence and the late Mr. Lawrence, also of this city. He holds a position with the Chatham Manufacturing com pany. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrenc« are making their home in an apart ment at the home of the bride's •?ii?nts in West Elkin. Cabbage Once while campaigning in the home state of his opponent, Wil liam Howard Taft found his speech constantly interrupted by heckling from the gallery. Finally a cabbage landed on the stage and came to rest near his feet. Pausing in his address, Mr. Taft peered at the veegtable in tently and then remarked, "Ladies and gentlemen, I see that one of my adversaries has lost his head." Efficient "It's so good of you, doctor, to have come this far to see my hus band." VNot at all, madam, not at all. I have a patient next door, and I thought I'd kill two birds with one stone." f Sj/ »/'/« I" i' I ' I As long as tkey pass on curves you 11 need insurance PAUL GWYN INSURANCE Phone 258 West Main St. Elkin, N. C.

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